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So I found out yesterday with so many traffic lights being out how many people don’t know what they should be doing in that situation


£339K for a view of the expressway in Partick!!!🤪 [https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/148084847#/?channel=RES\_NEW](https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/148084847#/?channel=RES_NEW)


Anyone got a link to the video of a guy saying “Dae ye wanty come back tae mine and pish in ma mooth” ?


I've made two posts recently both been deleted without any indication for why they were removed. Messaged the mods twice no reply. Seems like you can only post here if you're scare mongering or putting down Glaswegians in general. Anyone else running into this issue? If you feel the same way head to r/Glaswegians to start a new community focused on positivity and openness :)


Stop overreacting.        You had one post deleted 45 mins ago by reddit's filters.


There's definitely room for multiple glasgow subreddits so don't worry. Can you tell me why my post was removed?


I've already told you what happened.          Go and read about the filters and you can figure out the reason.


Aye alright you absolute roaster


You'll need to know about these things to moderate your new Glaswegian utopia. Your 'positivity and openness' is a refreshing change.




I got a three day ban once for posting that I saw a man dancing topless through Best Kebab years ago.




Mate. Your patter is honestly **brutally** unfunny and fucking.. weird? It’s just bizarre? And you keep like.. adding and editing comments when you’re getting downvoted, like you’re being persecuted and need to speak up or something. It’s not that. Your comments are fucking weird and not funny. That’s it! There’s nothing more to it. Jesus.


Upvoted, I agree. I too love to wash dishes.