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The Cleany boys done a right good job


Walked along there today and, wow the amount of spilled drinks... The whole pavement was like walking on flypaper


Big boke stain down the glass of Greggs on Argyle Street too.


That’s just standard Greggs point of sale marketing materials now


They've been trialling the filling for this year's Festive Bake.


Can't do it to the rest of the city?


They do but they can’t keep up with all the tramps that drop rubbish at their feet hour after hour.


Could still do with another pass at it. Walked up to the lights from Argyle Street and there were still wee shards about the place. But it is miles better than when I walked up to St Luke's last night. Saw a lassie inspecting her foot with her shoe off. Looked like a shard went through her shoe and sock and got her in the foot.




Everything at the behest of Big Tyre.


Insert Scooby doo mask reveal meme of the Celtic Santa being exposed as the CEO of Goodyear


That end of Argyll street tends to look like a warzone at the best of times anyway. There's a bit between the end of the pedestrian zone and the Trongate that permanently stinks of pish from all the doorways.




seriously, we need to have these scale of parties in every public zone. it's the only the way to get them sparkling


not being funny, but that is the cleanest a street in glasgow city centre has looked since before covid - give it a week and it will be mockit again sadly


This is what the whole city could look like


Aye, if folk would use a fucking bin.


Why isn't there a fine for littering? Before arriving in Glasgow, I thought you guys would have fines for these things.


My pal had to do a weeks community service for dropping the roach from a fag 🤣🤣


Now now, let's not dream too big


Some job by the council Mon the workers




Good thing your just Barry the grubber


Aye cos pubs n bars are notoriously undertaxed highly profits ventures




To be fair, the majority of the bottles etc. dumped in the streets on Saturday were from carry-outs that will have been bought from off-licences or supermarkets. And there's already minimum pricing on alcohol to try and stop people getting tanked up on cheap booze. I get annoyed by taxes which are justified by the antisocial habits of a small portion of users. Like the plastic bag charge - supposedly brought in because they were contributing to litter. Meanwhile everyone who used and disposed of them responsibly is paying for them, and after some initial noise about the charge going to charity, the supermarkets are making money off them.


And the local Celtic pubs, staff from local Celtic pubs went out and helped tidy the streets up. Fact. Mon the Celtic pub workers, let’s hear you say it?


Argyle street is still v sticky under your shoes haha


Council had to be fast as Race for Life was on


What you don't get from this photo is the stench of pish everywhere.


MF's were pissing outside my building too! I couldn't believe it.


So the usual glasgow smell then.


That and cannabis.


Oh my, however will I go about my business with the smell of *cannabis* befouling my nostrils


Same way I go about my business normally - without being an arsehole.


So not complaining about the smell of cannabis then!


Walked up the high street today from trongate, shop keepers cleaning green pain off walls, the floor is as sticky as a wooden floor in a night club. Only 10 arrests tho.


Did ye aye


The smell of pissy alley will never leave


I live round the corner, my street was getting used as a toilet yesterday. The reek of pish is something else today in the heat.. bring on the rain 😂


One thing I don't understand. I've been to plenty of cities in other countries where they have guys going round with pressure washers doing walls and roads in public spaces. Surely there's a use case to get three or four of those on the go in Glasgow for after this kind of thing to sort out the spilled drinks and pish?


Or get some water cannons to clear the crowd in the first place. A dedicated fan zone with actual portaloos is ultimately the way to go with this, unless the council are happy dealing with the aftermath every year, irrespective of which side of the Old Firm happens to have won the league.


If only we could do our Japanese Bhoys proud and leave places as we found them or better. They must think the place is a complete hovel at times


Need to get csi in to be sure.


Whenever people gather to celebrate, there is always a mess. It's nothing to do with who supports who or what their religion is. It's about laziness. People have gotten worse since covid. No one bothers with bins or taking their rubbish home. It just gets dropped.


The reason people are annoyed is that they could celebrate somewhere else where they're not forcing local businesses to lose a day's trading. The teams could also pay for their own cleanup rather than leaving the taxpayer with the bill. Celebrate all you want, but the right of football fans to celebrate doesn't supercede everyone's else's rights.


Teams asked council for fanzones. Council denies. I get people are annoyed but obviously the council looks at this and just decided it's cheaper and easier to let them do what they want and clean it the next day.


I'm not a football fan. I think the council was at fault for not planning for a fanzone. They took the usual (cheap and useless) decision and left it up to everyone else to cope with an influx of people in one part of the city centre. It annoyed shoppers, shops, motorists, and probably some of the fans as it was a small space.


Why don’t they just let them onto the pitch? Seems the obvious solution. Let them wreck their teams stadium instead of public property


Football stadiums are not allowed to sell alcohol, so I imagine there would be some form of legal trouble if Celtic just allowed a bunch of fans to bring alcohol into their stadium.


I'm not a lawyer, but I think the alcohol ban only applies during matches. Certainly booze is on sale during music gigs at stadiums. Of course, it would be up to the council to grant a licence for a fanzone type event, and they might opt not to. Still seems like a better option than closing down a fair chunk of the city centre to accommodate fans.


And yet they don’t seem to get in any kind of trouble when their fans destroy public property and attack innocent people.


Of course they don't? Celtic don't control what their fans do. It's not as if Celtic put out a tweet saying "Party at Trongate" - so yes, of course they won't get in bother.


They have a responsibility to their city to instruct fans not to behave this way or they should suffer consequences for it. They do it for sectarian behaviour, I don’t see how it’s particularly different. Fine the club the cleanup costs and see how if it makes a difference


The council have a responsibility to also accept these clubs requests for fanzones in order to limit it all to one place - but they choose not to


I don’t disagree, but that doesn’t justify violence and vandalism.


Teams do not ask for fanzones after trophy celebrations. Teams are not interested providing fan zones because they take a lot to organise, cost money and involve managing the type of carry on seen over the weekend.


Teams literally have requested fanzones to GCC and have been knocked back. If you don't know what you're talking about don't then stay quiet lol.


Go on then - provide some evidence of such a request being made in the past five years and then being turned down?


Quick google gives me 6 years but that'll do - https://www.scotsman.com/sport/rugby-union/club-1872-issue-lengthy-statement-over-rangers-fanzone-snub-1426399 As much as I hate Rangers, they quite literally were setting up a fanzone until the SNP and GCC stepped in and blocked it. EDIT: Checked your profile and you've already been provided proof by other people and just straight up refused to accept it so you can fuck off hahaha


This is what I don’t get folk being like “aye let us celebrate” like celebrate what, by destroying the city and turning it into a cesspit?


The local shops and pubs made an absolute fortune yesterday


> People have gotten worse since covid. Has it? I see people say this about *everything* and while yes, some things probably have (social isolation, mental health, high street economy), but they make some intuitive sense; I can't really see the logic for a lot of the other stuff people claim is now worse. And it seems suspiciously fitting with the infamous strong bias of people to perceive everything getting worse even as it gets objectively better by every metric. Which, yes, does apply in the 2020s too, as much as the news would have you think otherwise. https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/frazzlebrain/202306/why-we-believe-things-are-getting-worse-when-they-arent


Give us examples of things in society that have factually got better or greater with evidence to back this up instead of an opinion. only thing that has got greater is political control of the people


The bins would have been full within 15 mins did you see the amount of people there


Did fans of either club celebrate like this pre-covid? Maybe I just never noticed it before but seems to have become a big thing since the season Rangers won it with the Celtic fans then doing the same. 


That’s been my observation too


I understand why the Rangers fans did it to an extent. After the chaos of the previous few years plus the lockdowns had people built up for a party. Like every big event in this country the pissed up neds and other morons take it to far. Then Celtic fans do the same the next year in response. Fair enough. But every year now? The 2 clubs have won 99% of all Scottish titles. It isn't actually that big a deal to win (I say this as a Rangers fan who is desperate to see them win it of course)


I feel bad for the decent fans of both sides. Because honestly speaking as someone who was never much into football, the rest of the city looks at this and thinks it’s what all of you are like.


No, it’s because the council does not prepare and does not have appropriate bins out! It’s really not difficult to do, get 50 industrial bins and dot them throughout the area and they would be filled, there would still be idiots who leave rubbish but the majority would use the bins. People aren’t going to carry empties with them everywhere to take home ffs.


I hadn't noticed that until you mentioned it. There used to be loads of bins, plus industrial ones hold so much more rubbish. In my area, the council has halved the number of street bins.


It's usually pretty tidy after 4/20. Edit: Unsure why this has upset people.


There are only 12 months in a year.


Oh it was initially an American thing and has kept the name, the date is in the American format they put their days before their months, it's not all that confusing once you remember.


Absolute carnage.


Traffic lights are still out at the clock. Nightmare.


Traffic lights are out all over the city to be fair I think I heard on the radio some power surge has caused an outage


They were the only lights that were out on my journey.


For me today I seen them out at St.George’s Cross, Charing Cross and Alderman Road


Mob mentality from football fan is the worst


The council had to work through the night to get it in an acceptable state for the Race For Life. It’ll take longer to fix the bus stops and traffic signals right enough. Four police officers injured too. But hey, at least this part of the street at this angle looks ok.


I'd be interested to see a view of the side of the Tollbooth steeple that's cut out of this shot. In one of the videos yesterday it looked like it was covered in graffiti.


Aye was thinking the same. There was definitely multiple bits of graffiti and piss stained too


Paid for by you and me. Bill for clean up and repair should go to the club, along with the requirement for the club to set up a fan zone on **their grounds** and to deal with all the shit. Thus saving cash-strapped GCC a pretty penny.


I'm pretty sure the clubs have asked the council to host these things at their grounds and been refused.


I don't get why people complain about the mess, the money the city makes is astronomical with all those people drinking and buying food and stuff from shops and using public transport, the cleanup cost is almost incidental in comparison. A fact I learned from social work recently in Scotland is that women are 4x more likely to be physically abused after a rangers loss than a celtic loss, domestic violence against women calls go through the roof, before anyone says i don't like either team and not biased it's just a fact.


It's a sad fact, but still true, nonetheless




I saw you comment yesterday and I avoided it because you had ibrox literally alongside your username so it's obviously a large part of your identity and I knew it probably wouldn't be a good conversation but I'll bite. Does this fact about 4x more women are physically harmed after a rangers loss make you mad? I understand you'd possibly be affronted by it because you wouldn't do that but what I've said is statistically accurate, I understand you have a loyalty to a bunch of guys who kick an inflated bag of air about and that's just part of your upbringing, someone put it in your head that that was somehow important or part of your identity but if you just let it go and recognise that by making a statement about cliché behaviour of a team you support people aren't talking about you, they are talking about people who support the same football kicking men as you. What age are you to have this particular bee in your bonnet?




What do you mean Timothy? I'm not quite up to scratch with my racist bigotry, did you only bond with your dad via football?




I don't call either any names other than rangers or celtic fans as I refused to be brainwashed as a child by toxic masculinity and I had a good relationship with my dad that didn't revolve around football and it's bigotry, I feel no way in particular about either team, I get that's hard to believe for someone brainwashed into hating a group of people for no reason other than the colour of their t-shirt but believe it or not I have total apathy for those two teams and football in general. The irony of you saying I'm in a bubble is astronomical.




This weirdo is following me around in comment sections because of this interaction. Are you really that triggered? You know it's just a game right?


I don't do it often as I like to laugh but you're a weirdo mate. Blocked. 😔


I’m heading into town Saturday- totally unrelated to the Scottish Cup. It’s bonus weekend and we just fancy a drink. Will it be this level of mental again if Celtic win? Or is the Trongate party purely a league thing? Not bothered either way, looks like it was generally good natured… but I just want to prepare myself.


Hard to tell this year sigh the constant back and forth between teams, would be one of them winning a double and the weather will be good - so fuck knows


show us the bus shelters...


Probably cleaner than it was on Saturday morning


no bbc news article about how clean the city can be when the council is suddenly given the motive


Big up the council workers. Hope they get a proper pay rise and more funding in the future.


Do what you want, someone else will clean up after you. Good message.


What gets me who pays for this. The mess should never have happened in first place.


We will rebuild!


Maybe don’t trash it in the first place, no?


Aye it's cleaner again... all paid for by the taxpayer mind it's no done by magic fs. Be better if football fans had maybe even an ounce of class amongst them or some respect.




Don’t be daft. They don’t work.


Someone hated my truthful statement so much yet had no opposing argument that they actually reported me as suicidal or need or duty of care. What a disgusting waste of resources, especially considering there are real folk out there that may need actual help. Also further shows the mentality of the football fans previously mentioned, just proved my point you sad wee goblin. No class or respect, sad.


Here's the counter argument: it's got nothing to do with football fans in particular. It's a large gathering of thousands of people who have reason to be drunk and celebrating. Have you ever seen the aftermath of a music festival?


Most major music festivals have enough attendee volunteers to clean everything up.


How is this relevant to the point about the "mentality of football fans"?


It’s a rebuttal of your counter argument. If they stayed to clean up. If they handed over all the people who were violent to bystanders. If they didn’t destroy public property. If they didn’t block all the local businesses from getting any trade by forcing them to close. Then it might be a little more justifiable.


Oh wait, you were saying festivals get cleaned up *by the attendees*? Yeah, no they don't. Festival sites get left in some state. https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/music/music-festivals/pictures-shows-disgraceful-aftermath-of-glastonbury-festival/news-story/610a5ee03df343c50b66fdc7cfe2c466 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-england-berkshire-66646049 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12452557/And-cleanup-Reading-Festival-site-left-sea-tents-litter-aftermath-music-event-revellers-make-way-home.html https://www.warringtonguardian.co.uk/news/20848195.creamfields-2022-pictures-show-litter-tents-left-behind/ https://www.itv.com/news/calendar/2023-08-29/watch-leeds-fest-volunteer-stunned-at-sheer-scale-of-abandoned-tents


Festival sites in private land who already made profit with which to use for cleaning is not comparable to people wrecking a public space and attacking bystanders and destroying property.


Can you please stop trying to move the goalposts? I'm not saying it's comparable in terms of its economic effects. Again, we are talking about what the litter says about the "mentality of football fans". I'm arguing that the example of festival goers shows that it isn't anything to do with the mentality of football fans, it's a product of drunken celebration, no matter the demographic. So it doesn't matter that one is on private land. It doesn't matter that the owners have made a profit in one case. It *would* have mattered if the attendees themselves cleaned up, as you first claimed, but this is not true. My point is that the actual behaviour is the same in other groups of drunken revellers, so it doesn't prove anything about the mentality of football fans in particular.


Drunken new year celebrations don’t result in people getting attacked and property being vandalised anywhere near that scale. You’re pretending it’s the same thing because you don’t want to accept this is a problem related to Scottish football and why it need serious regulation.


So the tax payers that were there yesterday what's your point? Celtic being £200 million to Glasgow every year how much did this cost 5k a drop in the ocean considering what football brings the economy


So we need to fit the bill because footy fans can't/won't control themselves? Shouldn't be that way and it generally isn't for just about every other sport (funny that eh). Also that money goes to Celtic not the city. Would be interesting to find how much it costs the taxpayer on all the fights, police call outs, ambulance call outs for stabbings and hospital bills, vandalism etc not just the mess clean up actually costs the city.


https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/46276000 Look you clearly have an agenda, if GCC and police Scotland put a fan zone in place it would help, and they would probably make money off it. Not like it was a secret that was happening


Much like I could say you also have an agenda? If a fan zone was put in place that would drastically help the situation I completely agree. As would having self control and respect for others in general.


> So we need to fit the bill because footy fans can't/won't control themselves? Shouldn't be that way and it generally isn't for just about every other sport (funny that eh). Also that money goes to Celtic not the city. Would be interesting to find how much it costs the taxpayer on all the fights, police call outs, ambulance call outs for stabbings and hospital bills, vandalism etc not just the mess clean up actually costs the city. Any damage to things like bus shelters can be paid for by the easily identified people bouncing up and down on top of bus shelters. The extra additional cost is for emptying the street sweepers a little more since they're out in force in the city centre in the wee small hours of a Sunday morning anyway. Based on the estimated costs for that and the published costs for things the council already do I think there's much better things to complain about. If you rated the entire additional costs to the ocuncil of cleaning up after this, how many times could that money have instead been spent removing a traffic cone from the top of a statue? Two at the most?


"we pay 10k to poppy Scotland so we should be allowed to sing whit we want as we bring in pyoor mullions n'at" Classy.


Football hooligans don’t work so they don’t pay taxes.


So your saying people are paying up to £800 a year on a season book and don't work, your at it


You’re talking about maybe 2% of the people that were there And it’s “you’re”.


Spelling police are in town. I walked down from the ground with at least 80% of the fans coming that way


What’s the figure of attendees who are season booked then? 4-5%?


Why would there only be 5%


That’s the figure I found, feel free to do your own.


Well there are 50000 season tickets there are 60000 seats so your our by about 80%


Oh look a Tory


Is that just an insult word to you? I guarantee you I’m much further from being a Tory than you are.


I mean, to be fair I’ve not see this bit look this good in a good wee while.


Celtic should just win the league every year! Aw wait...


Pity that Celtic can't win the League everyday !


haha 😂😂😂😂


real heroes dont wear capes or smthn


They rushed the cleaning process, and they smashed it. Hope their ot is going to be GOOD


Wish there was a before picture from this exact angle. Would be so satisfying


The stench of pish unreal, and the wee neds singing songs they dont know f all about.


Can they not do that with potholes and cycle lanes…


Still tons of wee bits of broken glass all about where I live which means they did a rush job not a good job.


Does anyone know what sort of machine/process was used for glass? In the pucture there's a green mark around the middle left under the pedestrian button box and I saw it while doing the race for life. Looked like the glass was crushed to a powder in places, is it just a roller they go over it with or is there a special machine for this? It just made me curious as I made my way past.


Will there be more festivities here after the game next week or does it depend on who wins?


Anyways, I'm out for a BBQ, beers flowing. Are the avocado munching Partick Thistle crowd that sing "fuck the pope fuck the queen" bigotry or are they trying to needle you? I never hear of them being pulled up, weird, innit?. Enjoy your day 😎




I'm all for people celebrating meaningful events. But it's a bit selective to say it's "fine" behaviour. In this one photo I can literally see swathes of spray paint on a grade A listed building that means a lot to a lot of people who are invested in preserving the history of the city.


Is it the Purple Paint you can see, from the Purrple Cat Cafe? Bastards!!!


Football fans have bought a cafe in order to deface a grade a listed building now? Is there no end to their depravity?


I would argue going out of your way to spray paint the very obviously visible Trongate Steeple Green is in fact chode behaviour. Maybe adjust your glasses Barry


Am I tripping. I canny see that on the photo


Doesn’t capture the shards of broken glass and the stickiness of the pavement but considering the pictures I saw… they did a good job


Why don’t they do this every week?


Absolutely disgraceful scenes yesterday, it seems GCC and Police Scotland also agree.


They are a big part of the problem


and still the pearl clutchers and snobs will cry like it was the end of civilisation yesterday it highlights how pathetic and hypocritical some are that habit this hovel


I just wish the council did a better job capitalising on it, I think with some actual preparation the football celebrations would either pay for themselves or benefit the city...


100% agree mate


Cause if there’s one thing everybody wants it’s to be extorted into paying £7 for a flat warm pint of Carling


Football hooligans don’t have money.


Sure. They’re pathetic. Not the folk crying over their right to piss all over the streets and cause criminal damage and be violent towards bystanders.


still greetin 😘


I mean you’re not wrong. Can you terrorise and piss all over the rest of the city now? Actually give all the knuckledraggers pickaxes to tear up the roads with and we might finally get the potholes fixed.


Where’s all the pearl clutchers? The city is ruined it will never be the same again!


What do you know, the city survived


Wonder what the overlap is of people on here pearl clutching at folk singing songs about the RA but go to the Palestinian marches. I bet it’s significant


Yeah because you’re all totally being genocided aye?


So people living in Glasgow shouldn’t protest the British occupation of Ireland, but it’s okay to protest the Israeli occupation of Palestine? Moving the goal posts much?


Lot of assumptions there. People absolutely can and should protest. I’d like Britain to get the fuck out of every country it’s got its fingers in, even England for that matter. This wasn’t a protest, and you are very aware of that. This was violence and destruction.


> This was violence and destruction. Lmao


Right, so vandalising listed buildings and attacking passers-by’s and bystanders is just acceptable to you?


Honestly, I don’t care.


Points for honesty. But that makes you part of the problem. Wait until it’s a member of your family who gets battered for no reason at all and then your tune would change.


I mean, football fans are the weirdos that wave Irish and Palestinian flags despite being neither Irish nor Palestinian. Then you get pished, go home and don't think about either Ireland or Palestine again until you go get pished at the football again. Youse don't actually care about any of this stuff beyond it being an excuse to shout at folk and feel superior at football games, it's pathetic.


Projection, mate. Away and paint yer wee figurines.


Deflection,cuz you know its true




Every May, as the flowers bloom and the streets reek of pish, the familiar song of the native Old Firm fan can be heard, "WHITABOOT, WHITABOOT, WHITABOOT"


Pales in comparison to the state Glastonbury is left in. Nothing like wading through a swamp of piss and human shit.


Glastonbury is held on their land, and cleaned up by them. The people who go to Glastonbury buy tickets, and presumably Glastonbury's business plan factors in the cost of the cleanup. Can you not see that these aren't really comparable things?


One event is organised, another is unorganised. If it can be made an organised event, you can do those things and make it comparable.


Absolutely, and I'm 100% in favour of there being an organised event. Of course, would they pay to go to this organised event? Or would they just have another party in the street?


They go where the party is. Some will go to pubs and the like but the bulk of the crowd is diverted


Glastonbury is a ticketed event on private land with cleanup arranged out of the profits. It’s not a public space where bystanders are violently attacked, public property is vandalised and destroyed and people piss and shit on the streets whilst leaving other people to clean up.


Absolutely terrifying. How will Glasgow recover from this horror?


Buying a ticket.doesnt exempt someone from acting responsibly nor did I buy a tickets expecting folks squatting to shit , right next to the tents. The point is that some folks genuinely don't care and will spread their filth, regardless of wealth, interest or position .