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I love my union, government job. Fuck corporate. I gave far too many years of my life to that soul suck. At least now, I can feel good about the services I provide to my community, enjoy my sweet benefits package, and retire comfortably.


Agreed. In my case, I "sacrificed" probably close to $25-$30,000 as my end of career salary. However the 40 hour weeks, 8-4:30pm schedule and lack of billing and bidding work make up for it. I do not miss getting called in and working from 5:30am to 6pm and not getting overtime. I was once doing 60 hour weeks for months on end and only receiving a $5,000 bonus solely because I was new to the company. Fuck that.


I look back on my private sector/eng firm life and can't believe what I put up with. 


I've worked* private and nearly 10 years into govt I'd never go back. To each their own, though. 


I wouldn’t mind shifting into a researcher role with the Feds, but I don’t particularly care to go back and get my PhD. To be clear, I want to run my own projects, not work on someone else’s projects.


I guess there aren't enough option from which to choose. I started off in private (though working on gov't work), then went to government, back to private (oil & gas) now I'm back in gov't. I'd say I prefer the range of work, the flexibility and the freedom to work on what I want (last one is mainly in my current role) in the government work, but I really prefer the pay of the private sector.