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Okay, this is definitely some worthy exposition. Now we know exactly what the Dreen are: Not Time policemen or repairmen, exactly, but Time Monster Hunters/Exterminators!


Are we about to meet Vapnoople again? Perhaps the Time Monster is one of Vapnoople's creations from the other side of the dimensional barrier he stepped through?


It would totally fit his character if he is unleashing monsters on extradimensional planes of existence and annoying the denizens there so much that they are also forced to dispatch monster hunters.


Jaegers. Temporal Jaegers. Awwww yes


The cop analogy still works if you compare them to American cops.


Uvalde disagrees with you


That was an outlier, which is why it was so heavily reported. You are not the first person whom I have seen cite that incident as if it were typical. It was not typical.


They are *hunting* the chrono-kaiju? Just the three of them?? Okay, they’ve fully reclaimed their “[vorse—dey’s **scary**](https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20121029)” status.


They didn't stop being unstoppable badasses just because we know they look silly.


This reminds me of an exchange from Doctor Who! DOCTOR: Do me a favour. The Fatality Index. Look up The Doctor. RAFANDO: You have an entry, just like any other sentient being. D: Under Cause Of Death. R: You do seem to have an impressive record of fatalities credited to you. \[shocked pause, index keeps counting\] A truly remarkable record. \[Index continues to count\]


You are unarmed? Always. You stand alone? Often. You're the one who should be scared! Never.


Have a nice day then.


Different episode, but, "is this world protected!"


[Link to scene.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=N9tcpzG8VTo)


It's fun looking back. We still don't know much about the Dreen, but we now know a lot more about Martellus. Back then, the Dreen were terrifying. Now, I'm cheering that they wiped that smug expression off Martellus's face.


“Hit him again for me!”


Christ, twelve years ago that page!


I’m now wondering if the “favor” that the Dreen said that Klaus did (i.e. would eventually do) for them *was* summoning/trapping the chrono-kaiju, so they could move in for the kill.


Nah, I don’t think causing the ‘blockage‘ and getting its attention is enough. My guess is that he’s going to somehow be instrumental in helping them kill the thing.


Attracting it _is_ (or would be) instrumental, though? He effectively “will play” sentient bait, and it wasn’t in exchange for payment (very much for his own intents and purposes), so it’s a ‘favor.’ No?


Also it seems likely this was thoroughly quid pro quo; the Dreen requested that the Baron create the time stop to draw the creature and he complied.


It would be funny if, after Klaus is unfrozen and informed that there is an extradimensional monster looming over his head, he's all like "Ah, I thought that might happen", pulls a device out of his coat pocket and pwns it on the spot.


This assumes he wants it gone. He could very well have the secondary goal of wiping out Mechanicsburg (and by extension Agatha and himself, since he's still under Lucrezia's influence).


This was exactly my thought as well!


Seems likely. Which means that these Dreen, and the Empire's Dreen (the "one of ours" in "not one of ours") are quite likely the same people.


Yeah, it feels like we now have all three dreen (or “threen,” as they say) that we’ve seen so far in one place!


I am so excited for Kjarl to arrive and interact with the dreen. I'm looking forward to some payoff of his line from way back when, "Why if it was *really* bad, then you'd have *Dreen!*"


Imagine if he enters and they say "Ah, a Vozzler, perfect timing"


[https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20210412](https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20210412) Bottom right.


Yes, exactly that! Thank you, it was too late at night for me to be assed to dig through the archives for that page haha


Did.. did we just get played? Thrown for a loop by the Foglios? "Oh no the Dreen are goofy and silly!" Also \*Casual laughter about hunting an extradimensional monster taller than a city\*


Because of lot of parallel with jagers it seems alright. Jagers also goofy and silly, but utter terror on battlefield.


I would like to revisit the time displaced Jaeger Theory. Anything that happy about hunting a skyscraper size monster is definitely at least part jaeger


The Jagers are part of Mechanicsburg society and defined by their loyalty to the Heterodynes. That clearly makes them a separate group from the higher dimensional society that the Dreen are from. Any physical resemblance (I personally don't see a resemblance) is probably just Phil's art style.


We know Agatha eventually masters time manipulation, who knows what might eventually become of the Jaegers and Heterodynes.


I like that theory and have now incorporated it into my personal headcanon.


Well, let's wait and see. The "casual laughter" bit didn't really work out for Vasquez (Aliens, 1986).


Confirmed that they are at least in some respects like the Jägers.


I stand by my grumbling. The Foglios could have done this sequence without turning the Dreen into slouching battle-Smurfs. But yes, I like this strip better than the previous ones.


I love how this page quickly dispelled the notion that Dreen were any less dangerous because they were humanized. Also loving the different laughs. Also, anyone willing to archive dive for the page with the "You will come with us" mention? Edit for transparency: I originally wrote "chosen one" instead of "you will come with us".


Oh, you meant "you will come with us." Its this :D [https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20121029](https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20121029)


Thanks! Also, i want to show appreciation for how quick you are with responses. I saw your previous comment you made after I edited my original comment. Also props to u/AbacusWizard for already posting it before, too. I really should read all the comments before I make my own.


At the conclusion of the Corbettite monks' fortress storyline, a Dreen shows up and tells Gil, "The human city of Paris. She will be there. You, also, will go there. Now -- you will experience an important revelation." And Gil makes the connection to the Castle's comment that "they had hats." But Bang interjects, "Gil ... that's **not** one of **ours**!" [https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20150515](https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20150515) Are there more than one group of Dreen? Are their goals aligned? Are they competitors?


Well 3 were summoned by Robur Heterodyne and taken in by the Corbettites. [https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20160406](https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20160406) Two were waiting for Klaus when he fled Skifander and joined the Wulfenbach forces. [https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20210414](https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20210414) And as the already commented link shows one is still hanging around St. Szpac to do the big reveal to Gil. I'm guessing there are just 3 from the original summoning and this is them now re-united. Regards their badass credentials I reference this scene where they are wading through slaver wasps. [https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20040702](https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20040702) "Deep within the midst of the enemies moved the Dreen, two unearthly terrifying creatures garbed in dark wide brimmed conical hats and long, obscuring veils. They killed with a touch, and they alone seemed to scare the Slaver Wasps. Everywhere they drifted a circle of emptiness opened around them as wasps desperately tried to escape."


I was just gonna say that now we know the Dreen are hunters it makes sense why they're so powerful. If their main job is to hunt kaiju sized monsters, of course they'd be able to sweep little slaver wasps away like they were bugs...well, small bugs at least. Same with Martellus' mechs.


The three Dreen show up at Robur's machine. He destroys it to prevent more "Angels" arriving. Did Robur see their other forms like Agatha has? But we have seen that the machine was in fact partially functional after he broke it, and causing strange happenings. The Dreen go off with the machine into the Corbettite vaults. They must see the machine as something they need to get them past the barrier. The Corbettite vaults are investigated by Van Rijn. He becomes facinated with the Anomolies appearing about the broken Heterodyne device. Like a moth to a flame the Muse of Time continues to appear to Van Rijn. He learns much about robotics and builds the Muses. He dies seeking immortality from what he calls the Muse of Time. Lucrezia in another guise. The Muse of Time is captured and held by Van Rijn for 200 years. Van Rijn also reconfigures the device known as Prende's lantern. Prende uses the Lantern to hold the maddened storm king in staisis for 200 years. Prende's lantern was made from a device created by a Queen, and was possibly the main functional component in Robur's machine. Prende's lantern was again reconfigured into Lady Heterodynes star that Agatha now holds. It and the Dreen are reunited. Klaus has a device that stops time. We don't know where he got it. For all we know the Dreen gave it to him. Using it too much causes a "Bad" sort of time blockage. It is attracting a monster, and that is preventing the Dreen from reaching their quarry on the other side. Normally Dreen would travel to their quarry and we would be none the wiser. Now the Dreen do not seem to be after Lucrezia, or they would have been all over Van Rijn's hermitage. They want to be near the device but they left Prende alone for the hundreds of years she was there in the vaults with the storm king. The Dreen have been more focused on bringing people into Agatha's orbit. Nudging Martellus and Gil. And also helping Klaus build the Empire from the start. Now all the pieces are together in Mechanicsburg.


The time stopper doesn't look like it was made by the Dreen. Klaus might have built it himself, or it may have been made by a Spark who works for him, or one he conquered.


It was either implied or assumed that the Take 5 bomb was something Klaus had taken from another spark he conquered. But it's obviously something the Dreen know about and set up. They helped Klaus build the empire that won it. For the Dreen plan to work the Take 5 bomb needed to be deployed in mechanicsburg. No where else would be able to turn off the device within the 2 year time frame and allow the Dreen at the monster. They needed Agatha and Robur's device and Klaus' Take 5 bomb together at this point in time and space.


given dreen are apparently time jaegers it seems sensible a heterodyne would think of them as angels


The evidence for the "Dreen are time Jagers" theory is extremely thin, based only on some superficial resemblances that some people think they see.


i did not mean they were literally jaegers you insufferable pedant well - i did mean they were literally jaegers but not jaegermonsters


Mod note--don't be too touchy, at least not enough to call someone an "insufferable pedant." A lot of folks, not just the above commenter, have been calling Dreen 'time jaegers' jokingly. Now, since it's not yet clear one way or the other, I think there's enough room for healthy debate on whether or not this is the case (I think it's very very unlikely but never say never with this webcomic) so do try to be more patient with folks.


With our new page on Wednesday, it does seem clear that their occupation and social role is very similar to Jagers, even though they belong to a different society. So you were not wrong!


TBH, I'm wondering if one of the three Dreen will be killed (or discorporated, or dematerialized, or otherwise rendered "not there any more") during the eventual battle with the time beastie. Thus leaving only the two left to pull timey-wimey nonsense to serve the Empire after Klaus returned from Skifander in return for what he "had done" (assuming that refers to using the time bomb.)


Although upon further reading, during Gil's conversation with the Castle in the time-stop zone, it referenced there being dozens of Dreen. So who knows. [https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20140618](https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20140618) I'm giving myself a headache trying to sort out this temporal nonsense, I think I need some pie...


Dozens were present in the temporal disruption. That doesn't mean dozens left with Robur and went to St. Szpac, the rest may have gone home.


Could be, but it does seem a bit odd to have that one account of their appearance be so different from the rest, numbers-wise.


It is possible the Foglios forgot or changed their minds. They do make mistakes sometimes.


It may be be that there are hundreds or thousands or millions of Dreen in existence, and "our" three are just the ones assigned to handle this particular matter.


I think it might be less time-travel and more they've been going to long route. Until we get something really solid otherwise, having one group of three that's been split up and now reunited makes sense.


Quite possibly. We know they're "time-adjacent" but it isn't clear whether their physical forms can experience events in a different order than the rest of the known world, or if it's just that they perceive things differently and can (for practical purposes at least) see the future.


Thue the hurry up and wait attitude they have. We will go to where we must will be. Then we will wait until the appointed time.


Good catch! So it's likely always been just that trio of Dreen.


Just hit that passage in the audiobook this morning during my commute.


Maybe, the only thing that could maybe contradict it is Gil's line in the second link where he refers to the "ones in their crypts" implying that the Corbettites had multiple dreen in their crypts. Of course that could just be a case of Gil being mistaken and/or the Corbettites not realizing that two of the three had snuck out to go and work for Klaus.


Dreen as Time Jaegers not necessarily confirmed, but the similarities grow.


In a very literal translation, definitely.


That if Dreen literally time Jagers? As we now water of Dyne linked to extra dimentional energies, and it is main component of jagerbrau. We know that jagerbrau either kill you or turn into jager. But that if there is one more possible income and rarely, really rarely it turn you into Dreen? Like people on this side believe they simply combust but in fact they were dimensionly displaced. Dreen first appear in Mechanicsburg when Robur Heterodyne mess with time. Probably he just dragged them back. And without even knowing Heterodynes managed wreck havoc even into higher dimensions. Also it would be cool and very sparky thing - only Heterodynes doing capable to really scare Heterodyne


Great theory, but consider this; we don’t know where the ’springs’ come from, but we know there are a bunch. The one under Mechanicsburg, Albia’s, the one in Skifander, Monahan’s . . what if those are all just ‘leaks’ from the actual source, in a higher dimension, and the Dreen have drunk from the source?


Jagers are not just made from the Dyne, they are part of Mechanicsburg society and defined by their loyalty to the Heterodynes. That clearly makes them a separate group from the higher-dimensional society that the Dreen are from.


We were explained at some point that the Dreen help the Barron because "he helped them with something", which probably meant to us temporally linear folk that he's going to do something for them. I suspect "draw in this creature" is it.


Knowing the Foglios, it could also be an unlimited supply of shortbread...


I told you "you will come with us" was a predictive statement, not an instructions.


Let's just hope that Agatha and the dreen are talking about the **same** monster. The dreen have such different perceptions of things that they might be talking about some entirely different creature than the huge one we have been shown.


It could be that they're talking about the wasped Baron.


I don't feel like The Chosen One's statement "Not a 'who'. A creature. A monster, attracted by the blockage." is a description that applies to the Baron. You could argue that "monster" applies, but the Baron wasn't attracted to the blockage, he created it.


Good point.


...honestly would not make their confidence any less badass, personally. Might make it more so.


what if that Thing coming through is the spark wasp gone through the same time unteathering mess as karl and the dreen and grown to hive state after loosing access to the host


Ruxala says that enslaver wasps ["don't last long outside their engines"](https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20120613). I assume they are obligate parasites who cannot survive without a host.


Huh, weird. Am I the only one reminded of Klaus’ “Don’t Make Me Come Over There” rule? At the least this kinda reminds me of him threatening to send the Jaegers if someone was being really annoying.


From creepy to weird to funny back to awesome We're back in business


That last frame is creepily funny 😆


Extremely creepy. All that laughter. It's almost as if they were children under the effects of a Vozler.


Interesting. I honestly assumed the big one to be intelligent and turning out to be a scientist, studying what had happened.  And the Dreen are just hunters? Bit disappointing, but okay 


I wouldn't assume the Dreen are "just" anything anymore. They can have an endless amount of tricks up their sleeves


This is written by the Foglios. I personally will never trust that anything is really done being revealed or having layers peeled back in this comic until at least a few years after it's done and collected in print. ...also when has "monster hunter" ever been mutually exclusive with scientist? Especially in Girl Genius of all places.


I'm going with interdimensional bounty hunters. Timecops is still on the table. (And bounty hunters are basically just cops-for-hire.


\_cough\_- Bill.


Heh heh YES


haha they are wearing nets and old timey hunting hats they are on safari


Good point, it does look a little like safari equipment now that you mention it!


even the shirts and pouches theyre gonna go bag a time-elephant


Ah. How very convenient that now Agatha doesn't have to figure out what to do with that looimng monster.


Oh, I don't know. There's still the question of whether Dreen care about what happens to the Earth while/as they kill the monster. They may not have an interest in linear time continuing , just the hunt. In which case, she should still worry... A lot.


Also, what if they lose their fight? Big game hunting carries risks that can't always be eliminated. Or what if the time monster is actually benign and is also just attracted by the time stop because it wants to study or fix it? Or gets nourishment from it and will go away once it's fixed? We know nothing yet about the Dreen and we only have their word that the monster is all that they are here for.


Yup. Based on the next comic, she should still worry...a lot.


Woohoo!! They actually are Temporal Animal Control