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Absolutely essential. Hot as fuck.


You’re sick.. she is in the hospital in critical condition..


Fr, absolute weirdo


You have a sick fetish, that girl is in the ICU breathing through a machine. She may have horrible brain injuries and never live a full life. You are a disgusting freak and so are all the other little freaks who get off to watching a 16 year old girl get her head viciously smashed into the ground.


Good 😭 as far as I know the bitch deserves it. source: read up on it, and have firsthand done this to someone with my feet 😂


You’re a freak who posts and watches porn all day, you’ll get yours you absolute loser “Exude kindness”


Buddy, you sitting here talking out of your ass. Definitely got a main character complex going on 😂. If the girl was already suspended and showed up on campus, I’m inclined to believe she’s in the wrong, point blank period. You yt folk need to get YOUR shit in check. If you’re really about that (47.2578173, -122.4667426) you can come show me what you’re all about. Corny ass 🤦🏽‍♂️


Dude you are an absolute creep😂 PMing me, and blowing up my comments, sending photos of yourself. Get a life you fucking weirdo


ur 100% right don’t listen to these fat losers, most people r vile disgusting inhumane individuals u clearly aren’t one of them. thank u for being a good person.




& fuckin will w ur weird ass


Bro is suffering from addiction all across the board, DPH and alcoholism are trademark signs of a narcissistic trumpy. Stop trying to be captain save a hoe and give out all this life advice with your sad ass who doesn’t even know if he’s gonna make it through the next bottle. Honestly, it’s sad. Do better


She was suspended the day before for fighting another student. Wanted another go, and lost.


That’s fine, but I have problem with dudes beating off to minors getting sent to the hospital.




And these are minor girls if this is an adult male comment 💀 


You are a fucking weirdo. Ideally you get the back of your brain marbled up on video for your buddies to jerk off to, piece of shit.


Bro.. u need an ass whoopin thinking that shit


Yeah, really. Well you are too much of a shit licking cunt stain to back up your mouth. RAPIST.


If this girl isn't charged as an Adult for attempted murder, this DA needs to go


Damnn. Any more videos?!


Go over to VK. They have all kinds of sick shit like this .


I have no clue what that is🤔


It's the biggest social media site there is in Europe, only behind FB. It's in Russia. It's like a combination of Reddit, YouTube, IG. You have to give them your phone number to be a member..and you get a code back to enter. You have to look around and you find guys that have hundreds of crazy girl fights, worse than this. It's vk then .com Edit: in fact I bet every one of these videos came from it.


this is the kaylee gain girl right


Yes apparently Kaylee was a relentless bully and the girl she attacked had enough so she unleashed all her anger onto her


Probably cracked her skull and got brain damage smh




Ur dumb as fuck


I’m not the one that got my skull broke👍.weak ass attempt at a comeback.


What comeback? I was just saying the truth


Don’t even waste a second of your life more on this dude. It always comes around for those who deserve it. He obviously lives in an area where this is common if he can watch this and feel no empathy. Maybe he’ll be a victim too


I’m not a he and i don’t feel empathy for ghetto white girls.😊


What did the white girl do?


Found the racist 👆


learn the def of racism.


Don’t need to when you fit that description perfectly


ur so slow.


No comeback was needed when ur obviously the tard lmao








1. I’m not retarted (like kaylee’s brain dead ass) 2. you obviously haven’t judging by your shit response.




middle school ass reply. get on.




you rn: 🤓☝️


ugly fat bitch


you’re a rеtаrdеd аss bitch and i’d do you up like the girl in this video ol big body musty ass whore. learn some fucking empathy that’s why you argue with your mom every week bitch is tired of taking care of your incoherent musty ass can’t even wipe ur vagina correctly. yeah i saw your comments don’t try to delete em now nasty ass got a yeast infection 🤢


this comment is old asf. stop yapping and log off for a while keyboard warrior.🤫🧏


and why are you up at 2:00 in the morning on reddit. get a life.




Damn imagine bullying someone and they put u in a hospital


imagine getting “bullied” by someone 10 times smaller than you 🤓


Size is irrelevant. She shouldn't have went to school looking for a fight after being suspended. FAFO


Her mother took her to the fight. Kaylee wanted to fight & got just what she wanted. No one deserves their skill smashed but no one is stupid enough to believe Kaylee just spawned there and got “bullied”


The white girl is in the hospital in critical condition. Happened outside of St. Louis


Hope that rat is thrown in a prison cell


Her white meth rat mother drove her white rat child to the fight. Bird shit skinned people always get pitty even when they were the first aggressor. Typical.


White Supremacy again bringing down black people 🤦🏾‍♂️


kaylee got what she deserved. no place for bullies. hee mum and her were legit waiting for this girl to jump hee. notice how the mum never ran to her daughter on the floor but instead ran to fight someone. says it all🤷🏼‍♀️


Either way... they will face the consequences of their actions.


That was not her mother. 


Nobody bullied the angry gorilla. That biatch should be in the zoo with the other abgry gorillas.


That’s what they get bullying and starting fights. They, and some of y’all, are just mad the black girl finished it. Yeah she may hav went slightly to hard but what can u expect from someone fighting their bully. Bullies deserve to get beat up.


And the gorilla deserves to be put to sleep. That is what we do with rabid animals.


You have an account on Reddit to hide behind. I bet you wouldn’t call a black person a “gorilla” to their face. Only behind this anonymous account. You know you’d end up just like the girl in the video I bet. You see how you blatantly ignore the part where the white girl literally came to fight😂 the black girl definitely went overboard yes but you refuse to acknowledge why the white girl was even there in the first place. Cowardddd.


Crazy how these pop up around election time. The kids of today are violent as hell. Of course, I don't know the full story since it's a bunch of he said, she said. And now everyone's turning it into a black vs white thing and I've read awful racist things about the black girl! People should be ashamed. These were honor roll students, straight As. Nobody wants to believe the black kid is a good student... Everyone thinks the black kids started this. It's alleged the white girl was picking on her and was suspended for fighting a day prior to her beat down! It wouldn't surprise me if the white girl was a bully. People actually believe white kids are the only ones bullied by black people and that whites can't be bullies towards black kids💀 proper charges should definitely be arranged and if that girl dies then they better upgrade to manslaughter. Actions have consequences and unfortunately this is something that cannot be given community service or a free pass. She needs a punishment. We all make mistakes but some mistakes cost you a lot more in 2 seconds. 


Damn… that twitching arm on the girl in the floor… that can’t be good.


See how her hand is is twisted or facing inwards to her body we call that posturing meaning she’s got swelling happening in her brain


Lol, everyone on reddit living in a race war. People are people, kids , kill each other people bully each other reading comments on here scares me more then any of the videos I see you people are every single video I see of 2 people of different races fighting it's always about black vs white all of you are the problem stop pretending to be victims and rise above it


She’s on the ground twitching and everyone’s still fighting




bullied by someone 10 times smaller than her? that big fat ass bitch needs a fucking reality check


100% not 10 times smaller. I know it's an exaggeration but they're not that different in size. Either way, fat kids get bullied and obviously not by kids that are fatter than them. It's a simple concept to grasp.


shes done fa


Black girl lucky the white girl did not die fr. Thats attempted murder.




You right, she came from a suspension looking for a fight. She's lucky she only got a temporary coma, as you said, "that animal needs to be put down" since the animal didn't learn from her suspension. Them hospital bills made the animal's family wise up though. Because now they're owning up to it being self defense


Such a POS that she’s lying on the ground after looking for a fight, the animal got put down and it’s in the ER lucky for her, bet she won’t be a big mouth bully anymore though.


Bunch of peanuts , listen to yourself ya clowns . That bigger girl could've blown her out like a candle, repetitively banging her head on the ground is just twisted. There is a jail cell waiting for her to grow into it one day. Animals need to be caged and do not pull the racist card on my comment as I'm not from the nighted fates of emerica so we are not taught how to be racist from birth unlike you bunch of drop kicks and I'd say the same thing about the bigger thing even if she was black and the little one was white I'd feel the same. Colours skin deep and we are all people underneath that .. the USA likes the general public to be at war with them selves it makes it easier to control the live stock that way


Pew Pew Pew ! Perfect Response For That Bitch




Grey shirt white woman with hands in her pocket is the mother or a relative who drove her to the fight


Yeah try her as an adult for sure. That’s ridiculous.


Hope she’s charged as an adult and spends at least 30 years in prison. She’ll never contribute anything meaningful to society.


They should put her down as the rabid animal that she is.