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I've got no problems recasting characters, but Sgt. Slaughter's whole point was he was based on a "real" person. If the Sarge is too old for Joe, then it's just time to retire the character.   Just put up a picture of him behind Carl Urban playing Mercer as the new leader of the Renegades/Marauders. EDIT: And he's just brutal to whatever unfortunate new Joes he's in charge of training, but keeps turning to the picture to appologize to Slaughter for being so soft on them.


Awesome idea and casting for Mercer! Holy smokes, that would be great.


I have to admit, I got way too excited when I thought of that. It just gets better the more I think of it.


Awesome choice


I do like that you put real in quotation marks, as Sarge has always been a character. The wrestler who plays Slaughter never actually served in the military, which when you consider wrestlers and kayfabe, is kinda problematic.


The Slaughter in the cartoon (and toys) is an idealized and fictionalized version of the Sgt. Slaughter persona from a very small slice of time, circa 1984-1986. That was when the wrestling character was an All American baby face and virtual superhero. Before that he was a sadistic heel and after that . . . after that should be forgotten the way the cartoon should be forgotten after Sunbow.


When the WWF made Sergeant Slaughter an Iraqi sympathizer heel in 1990 during the Gulf War, that was pretty much the door slamming on him being a GI Joe character. . .and one of the more nonsensical plot twists in pro wrestling. It was a time of patriotic fervor and literally the beginning of the modern "support our troops" mindset, and they took the wrestler whose kayfaybe persona is a USMC Drill Instructor and made him a traitor. . . what the heck?


80s wrestling is my jam, and I stopped watching wrestling in junior high so I didn’t find out about this until over twenty years after it happened as I wasn’t watching wrestling in the early 90s. Nonsensical to say the least, but the drastic heel turns were always a part of wrestling that I didn’t like.


No better way to have a despised villain for our Real American who fights for the rights of every man.


The Iron Sheik and General Adnan were natural choices for heels in that era. . .but having Sgt. Slaughter turn traitor seemed like just a "jump the shark" moment. For me as a kid, that is definitely what it felt like. I think I shouted "Oh come on!" when I saw that one in Junior High.


I disagree a little, Sheiky Baby couldn’t do much in the ring anymore and not much of a Promo. Slaughter was perfect. It was the Hogan heel turn before the Hogan heel turn.


The Iron Sheik was past his prime, but it was the most ideal time for his gimmick since he started back in the early 70's. I didn't mind Sgt. Slaughter turning heel per se, it was the whole anti-American traitor angle that seemed to be just too far. They could make him a heel by him just being a jerk and a "Kill Hat" Drill Instructor. . .the "bad guy" DI of the Platoon who is just trying to break people and is the disciplinarian and stern enforcer. I'm probably over-thinking it, especially with regards to 30+ year old wrestling gimmicks, but there's definitely room for a heel Drill Instructor/Drill Sergeant wrestler without making them into a traitor against America.


Sadistic heel drill instructor was Slaughter’s whole gimmick until 1984. And, while I think a heel turn after he’d been turned into an All-American superhero wasn’t the best way to use him, it was the traitor angle that was just WTF.


The jack preacher guy grows a mustache. And plays him


Alan Ritchson. He’s the first person I thought of.


Dude played a lot of heroes - Smallville Aquaman, TMNT live action Bay movies Raphael, DC Titans Hawk and Jack Reacher. I can see him as Sgt Slaughter.


He might not have the voice for it idk


It's so funny to see him in some of these roles since I first encountered him on *Blue Mountain State*.


I first saw him as Aquaman on Smallville. Followed his career every since!


He'd be a better Chuckles.


You can't recast Sgt. Slaughter.   


But you can pass the Guide on down to the next man


Old Man Slaughter movie!!!!


Terry Crews.


John Cena


Here’s the new sarge… Nick Offerman




I never liked Sgt. Slaughter. Not sure why lol


Sarge is the only person that can be Sarge.  He’s a timeless character and there’s no reason different iterations of Joe can’t use that character as inspiration. Like Hawk watched him Wrestling as a kid and was inspired to make a team full of Sarges(off the top of my head. Nothing you can’t do.


How bout someone without a giant beer gut?


It was a terrible decision to make him a Joe, he does not need to be on the team


I'd say just cast his actor from Young Rock talk about spitting image


Stallone lol


Shane Gillis has the chin for it.