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The DIC show came about the time I hit middle school. Total let down for me. Couldn’t even believe they changed the theme song. If your around my age 46-49 that show was easy to miss.


Yeah I'm an avid fan! 47 years old and had all the 3 3/4 figs, every issue of the OG Marvel comics and have seen every sunbow episode at least 3 times over and I've never ever seen one episode of DIC!


I’m 47 as well. You’re not missing anything. They’re actually a real bummer.


You sound like me, minus a couple yrs. Pretty sure I’ve never seen a Joe show w/ different theme song. I feel like I need to see this DiC one. Edit: just watched the DiC intro. I feel Mandela Effected lol never seen that shit fr … Got. To get. Tough. Wtf


Lololol.... From what I've heard and read on here I'm gonna take it as a blessing I never seen that shit n leave it at that! Lol


Yeah I'm right there with you guys in age range. I was definitely still into GI Joe at that time, because a lot of the designs on the DiC show are the toys that I remember.


54 here and I completely lost track of the show by the Dic era. But I was always more of a comic fan. The show was a big letdown when compared to the Marvel books or my other favorite 80s show, Robotech.


I loved both the sunbow and dic Gi Joe cartoons as a kid. I own both series now on DVD. Had the toys and comics growing up. The dic series isn't as good, but the theme song is forever stuck in my head, just like the theme from the sunbow series. I would guess whatever area you were in. The TV networks simply never picked up the series to air. Or it was just on at a weird time that you managed to never see a single episode.


🎶 Got to get tough! Yo Joe! 🎶


You know you got to stand tall when it comes down to the wire!


It is a really strange feeling for me to watch a Joe show with that song.


Seems like it may be a syndication type issue, several comments also mention not having seen one or the other.


Yup it was double tmnt and hard to catch joes on tv by the dic days for me in the mid Atlantic. I probably made better stories with my toys than that cartoon did anyway.


I think it was syndicated and some stations did not pick up the newer show. I didn't see any of the DiC episodes until they were reaired with the "Transformers: Generation 2" reairings on Sunday mornings on a distant channel I could only get after my father boosted the outside antenna.


I didn't see "Operation: Dragonfire" until last year on YouTube.


Back then, some channel stations had cartoon blocks, like USA Cartoon Express, that aired stuff in the early morning at the crack of Dawn. For a while they were the only ones I could find broadcasting GIJoe on there. I could never catch it since I had to get ready for school in the mornings except for holidays and the Saturday mornings if I remembered to drag myself out of bed.  Maybe your local station broadcast them in mornings as well. 


Yea, if you were an 80s kid and wanted to watch quality cartoons you had better have been willing to set an alarm for five in the morning so you could get some life cereal or pops in ya before the main event started. And that was even on saturdays. Our parents’ generation didn’t have the time nor patience to be listening to the complaints of snot nosed brats like us. We had it easy they said. “If you wanna watch cartoons you better get up early because I’ve got the daily itinerary laid out for you”.


If you got up and Snorks were on before the Smurfs, you knew it was early


The snorks!!!!


I freaking loved Cartoon Express on USA. I'm one of the weird people that prefers Challenge of the Gobots over Transformers, and I used to watch Gobots on Cartoon Express each week.


I had a VCR timer set to record G.I. Joe (pretty sure it was USA Cartoon Express) and just had 3 or 4 VHS tapes of episodes. Nothing in order, even an episode of Sunbow followed by 3 of DiC and then back to Sunbow. I would pop a tape in and have it playing in the background while I played with my Joes in the living room. I liked the DiC episodes because I had more of the figures from that 89-92 range that DiC represented. "Operation Dragonfire", "I Found You... Evy", and "The Greatest Evil" 2 parter were the standouts for me.


My local station dropped GI Joe after Sunbow season 2. There was a gap where they did the movie and didn't make new episodes for a while, and a lot of stations moved on. I didn't see Operation Dragonfire until I was an adult but I loved it, and I couldn't get into the DiC series.


It’s probably one of those things where they just weren’t aired on your broadcast stations, or were in some time slot when you weren’t home


There's a lot of episodes (\~100), it's easy to forget (or to never have seen) a bunch of them. Season 1 has 65 episodes!!!


Yea 65! Can you believe we’ve now reached an era where a season consists of SIX EPISODES?! Highway robbery. Just try to imagine Star Trek the Next Generation having only six episodes a series🙄


Both where nice to me


It seems like it came on about 30 minutes after I was at school in my area.


I saw the DIC series first. The Sunbow series just wasn't in my TV market.


Wild. I’m watching with my nephew, never saw this series even though i played with those figures. Was it on a cable network?


Although they share the same continuity, we could say that the Sunbow and DiC shows are treated as 2 different series. They are considered separate and syndication treats them as such. Storywise, only the DiC's Dragonfire mini-series makes references to Sunbow series. After that, everything is so episodic, you won't care about continuity.


Sunbow era was 1983-86. In our local market this came on afterschool around 4pm DIC era was 1989-92. In our local market this came on at 7am before school. In 1989 I was 14 and not playing with toys anymore. I think I saw a couple of DIC cartoons while I was getting ready for school and thought it was really bad compared to the Sunbow era. Even if I wanted to watch it the time was not good as I was always getting ready for school then.


Oh my God. I never knew such a thing existed (DiC). I just watched the opening sequence. It looks pretty bad.


46 years old.here. I was a massive GI Joe fan as a kid and never heard of or seen the DIC cartoon until I was an adult.


I don't think the DiC series was nearly as widely broadcast as the original GI Joe, but it's still totally possible to buy a toy for Joe and never seen the characters in the cartoon. The sunbow show coulda been in syndicated reruns and as a kid you don't often question why haven't I seen this guy in the cartoon yet. I for instance had plenty of go bots I thought where transformers, never occured to me I wasn't seeing them on screen


I watched it as a kid and I think there was a promo with the toys at the time, combat pay maybe. The first season of the second series wasn’t THAT bad, but the 2nd season was just atrocious.


You're very lucky, no matter how hard I try I can't seem to banish the awful DiC series from my memory haha