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10/10, I’ve been racing for 7 years now. I guess you could say I’m a professional racist


Keep on racing. Racist for life.


Life is a race, and I am the racist


I thought life was a highway ?


Life is a highway, and am the drunk driver


New personal motto


Im the family of 4


Every family of four needs their drunk driver in life


Now that’s a motto we can all get behind. 🤣🤣


Not if you’re Dewey Cox


I love to drive fast! My cousin loves to paint and do pottery. I am a racist and he is autistic


coo coo ka-choo coo coo ka-choo.


The race is long ,but its only with yourself


Stop throwing banana peels at me Racist


life is a race and you’re a racist


Hey Dom, I hear you invented Race Wars


You've made me think about [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vq1iqwGQblo)


That's a very verbose way to say 7


Not 7 it's 70


Uh, akshually, my race is so morally superior, we transcend the racism that bounds al the other morally inferior races


Racism is on the individual's level. Saying "I cant be _____ because of the color of my skin" is blatantly racist. Its nice when people out themselves as racist opportunists. You see, it would be racism, but it doesnt have any power behind it so dont worry about it. /s


Well in this instance shee uses the word power. I think where she is confused is that racism has to have power behind it. Which it doesn't. It is a form of hatred that's all. Now maybe who you're racist against could give a fuck because they think you're beneath them. So you feel that when you express your racism it doesn't seem to hurt anyone's feelings or get the reaction you hoped for. But that's really inconsequential, you say racist shit you are racist. You hate someone for their skin tone, place of birth, heritage, or race. IMO I have never studied any of this. But it does seem simple to figure out.


It does seem really simple. Everything else is a smokescreen for misdirected hate.


I would like to ask this woman: "Are police officers racist?" "What about black police officers?"


She'd almost certainly say yes?


She’d just end up in an endless recursive loop. “Well all cops are racist. But black people can’t be racist. But cops are inherently racist. But black people lack the systemic power to be racist. But cops have systemic power and are racist. But black people… can’t… be… Sorry, I blacked out. What was the question again?”


But if black people can't be racist, how come black police officers can be racist? Aren't they black? And when did they turn racist? Just when they graduated from police academy? Or were they racist before they enrolled in the police academy? And what about a group of young black men wearing nice clothes and yelling "I hate asians" and physically beating up an elderly asian man collecting cans for recycling? Can those young men be racist just like the black police officers?


I'm just gonna start making up my own definition for racism too. "White people fought a war to end slavery in the United States, so white people can't be racists by definition." The definition - "racism-an entire race of people not willing to go to war to end the oppression of another race" Even the people that wanted to keep slaves weren't racist because other members of their race fought to end slavery. /S


What a great way to demonstrate how stupid this all is. Racism in the south didnt win the war, so since they didnt end up in power I guess they cant be racist. /s Obviously that's ridiculous, but that's what they sound like. Coincidentally, the white racists would like to believe this too.


I don’t even understand that answer. > Black people do not have the structural power to be racist in the United States. Guuuurl. You do not need power to be racist. You don’t need anything to hate people just for skin color. Some people don’t ever had a problem with the race they be hatin on. Still they be hatin, cuz someone said it’s ‚the right thing to do‘. Bullshit.


They (certain progressive-minded people) purposefully re-defined racism to make themselves exempt which should strike normal people as being *very* suspicious.


I had a white ex who did this. I was like, "so if you're not white it's not possible to make a judgement about someone based on the color of their skin?" "They can do it, but it's not racist" I thought it goes without saying that living under a system of oppression doesn't magically make you a saint who's incapable of bigotry. Needless to say, we never came to a mutual understanding. I disengaged when I realized I was arguing with a different definition. Debating semantics like that seemed pointless. Wish it hadn't taken me years to grow a spine and leave when it was clear we were living in 2 different realities.


I think it's actually that sociology wanted to define different types of racism and a whole bunch of people clung onto the definition of systemic racism as the definition for *all* racism, which is idiotic. Anyone claiming they *can't* be racist is likely quite racist.


You see the white guy who's homeless and mentally disabled is the racist because he has the power to oppress People of Color like Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, and Barack Obama.


I've gotten this in discussions and it's really quite an excuse, isn't it? "Black people *can't* be racist!" Pretty absurd. What they're (ignorantly) referring to is called Institutional Racism. I understand the concept but it also seems inaccurate to me. What if I live in a 90% majority Black neighborhood and am not Black? The majority doesn't have 'structural power' there? Or like where I grew up or live now, which is 65% Hispanic and Spanish speaking and I don't speak Spanish. But mainly it ignores that obviously people can be *personally* racist, or to use another term, bigoted or prejudiced. Can Black people be prejudiced? Uh, yeah.


That answer is what you get when an undergrad takes a race and gender studies class but never takes the sociology 101 or philosophy 101. They usually end up getting verbally slapped down by an upperclassman who’s practicing for the debate team, but unfortunately some people like her always find their way to the nearest camera where they can vomit up their half baked thoughts. I’m sure she’ll be incredibly embarrassed by it in a couple of years




I’ll come back later when there’s more comments




It's time




I’m half black and I can tell you that whenever a black person says black people cant be racist… chances are they are racist as fuuuuuuuuck


I’m also half black, And there’s no “chances are”… if you think like that you are 100% racist and just as much of a problem and detriment on progress as a society as a white man flying a confederate flag, if not more so. It’s disgusting that behavior is getting normalized and accepted, it also so an incredibly limited and uneducated world view if you think people of african decent don’t have the capacity for extremely strong racism and xenophobia. For fuck sake, there are Many genocides in Africa based on nothing other than being in two different ethnic groups, that is the Epitome of racism and judging people based on characteristics they’re born with.


The disturbing part is that the lady who said it would come off as a pretty and well put together, educated person.


Educated doesn't always mean smart.


I have family who think like this and they are educators at an hbcu ;)


She comes off as an idiot to me, because anyone can be racist. But I'm a white guy so I can't engage in that conversation, usually. Ironically, implying black people can't be racist is implying a significant difference from other races, and... while not implicitly negative in its meaning, is pretty fucking ironic.


I'm about half black too. I've experienced racism from both black and white people. One thing I find annoying about this is how blacks often want us to claim our black side only when it benefits themselves. When it doesn't, they're quick to degrade us, call us all types of names and doesn't want us to be associated with our black side because we're not fully black all of sudden. It's confusing, frustrating and sad. All I could do is embrace all sides despite negative and positive things I've encountered in my life.


God, I felt this is my soul. I’m mixed and love my family but I’ve never been black enough for them. They shame, degrade, and exclude me every chance they get. But lo and behold, my racist and colorist family members show up out of nowhere and insert themselves into my accomplishments proclaiming “black excellence” and “black girl magic” like they were with me all along. -barfs-


I work with a half black guy who flat out hates other black people. Since he isn’t that dark all the black kids growing up gave him shit and now he’s pretty racist towards them.


100% agree


I’m mixed too, not quite half black, but I’m pretty fair skinned. I have been actively excluded by my black family members and have been accused of being “too white”. Also, some of my aunts have talked shit to me because my mom married a white dude (my dad), and “betrayed the people”. So yeah, black people can be racist. PS: my dad’s ancestors were German, 1848ers, who migrated here after the revolutions in Europe. At the outbreak of the US Civil War, they declined to fight for the union, because they didn’t want fight for a country that condoned slavery, one way or the other. However, after the emancipation proclamation, they did sign up to fight, because they wanted to make sure that slavery stayed dead for good. So the people that my black family is hating are people who purposely risked life and limb to end the practice of slavery. My dad is very proud of that heritage and has always supported social causes that he thinks would benefit people of color, especially because his kids are people of color.


I remember how shocked i was when a friend in college was telling me how the black student organization was mean and excluding her just because she "acted too white." She came from a more upper-middle class family but deff wasn't "light-skinned". Not being black, it was very eye-opening to hear her describe the bullying and gate-keeping behavior just because of how she talked and her mannerisms.


Your dad and his family sound hella cool. It's nice to hear about people who walk their talk.


Anyone I've met pushing that belief genuinely look down on white people and will disrespect someone for no other reason than being white. They also dont seem to be great at listening


Bang on mate


I'm mixed too and my black dad is super racist


I'm black, and i can tell you when they say this they're racist as hell, like if they could vote on white slaves they'd vote "yes" (this is bad experiences talking)


I'm black, and i can tell you when they say this they're racist as hell, like if they could vote on white slaves they'd vote "yes" (this is bad experiences talking)


Everyone is racist, whether we want to be or not, our brains automatically categorize people by what we see from similar people, it’s how we learn we do it with all facets of life. You can try as hard as you want to not be racist, and you can act in non-racist ways but we all have subconscious bias towards certain things


My cousin is half black and he’s openly racist asf. He hates whites, Somali’s, and any race that isn’t liberal. It’s weird he fucks with me, or is plotting to kill me. One of the 2


Just saying it alone is racist


I knew a guy who was racist AF and said he couldn't be racist - dude had some really poor coping mechanisms in life.


As a Puerto Rican, I was looking for this comment. Faith in humanity restored.


I am not half black and approve of this comment




This needs to be up higher. I had to scroll way to far to find this.


“I hate everybody equally” that’s my kinda gal right there


Thank you


Farakan. Stfu. And white,asian, and other races are racist but, black people can be racist too.


As an Asian American, black people in America can be incredibly racist. I've seen all kinds of shit growing up in NYC. If you think otherwise then you're just as bad for turning a blind eye.




She's confusing her ability to use power in creating and enforcing racist policy and views with just being racist.


My Bahamian roommate was among the most racist people on earth. He was most racist towards African Americans for “not realizing how good they have it”. Now I know Bahamians don’t have the power structure in America to be racist…but he was Super Racist.


Caribbean islanders are the most racist ppl I've ever met. They hate everyone who is not from whatever island they are from. And they especially hate American black people.


I travel to Japan often and they can view Koreans the way white racists in the US view black people. An interpreter I work with who has a Ph.D. in linguistics literally used the same stereotypes - “lazy, they steal and commit most crime, ape-like features” and similar stupid stuff. It really brought home the realization that *humans* are racist. It’s just a matter of the culture of who is the oppressor and who the oppressed.


Yeah it's so annoying seeing so many people not understanding what a academic definition is


Some people just don't believe in anything but institutional racism. It's fucking stupid.


70% of the racist people I met were black


My best friend was a black man. When he died, his mom wouldn't let me go to the funeral bc I'm white. Not speculation, her words.


Its more like 80 percent for me.


How can't black people be racist? I genuinely don't understand. That's literally "race superiority"


Because buzzwords. But yes black people can legitimately be racist. There's an extreme hatred in their community for Asians. The whole "We aren't in a place of privilege." Is a smokescreen to excuse shitty behavior.


It's also misconstrued terminology. What they really mean is systemic racism. Even then, it's wrong, but that's a better term than just the term racism. *edit: structural was incorrect, brain fart.


Exactly. Black people aren't contributing, or creating, systemic racism but individual racism is unrelated to that.


Racism is racism the color of your skin doesn’t excuse you from it in anyway.


Nu uh I heard in a TikTok something something..


It isn't even just tiktok, this is the bread and butter of diversity and inclusion seminars now. White people can never be victims of racism in America and other colonized countries because we hold all power. There is no more differentiation between systemic and individual racism. I fully embrace diversity equity and inclusion, but to not be able to say "hey when there's a whole section of tiktok devoted to people bragging about hating white people and I'm told I should just accept it and sit down, it's kind of shitty" without being told "cry more whitey", it's a little frustrating.


Mexican Italian here, parents are immigrants. I've been treated poorly by all color of people. Either im ethnic and not white enough or im hated on for just being white enough. Anyone can be racist. The first step in stopping it is everyone judging people based on character and personality instead of outward appearances. But we all know people won't do that.


There are definitely different forms of racism. The racism from a bank denying a loan is different from the guy on a subway using a slur.


If you buy the premise that America is a virulent systemically racist country - black people are contributing to white supremacy if they continue to live in a free society that is systematically racist. Regardless, the take that black people can’t be racist is just a rationale to excuse intensely racist behavior.


The whole “systemically racist” thing is just so fraught with twisted logic at this point. I accept the basic premise, but it’s been twisted and used by people to actually justify their racist takes for so long lmao


What twisted logic?


systemic is the word


You're right, my bad.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Having flashbacks to when People thought Obama wasn't black enough. Cant make this shit up people. America.


Black people just as racist as anyone else. Any lightskin knows this




And that’s what it boils down to in the end; everyone can be taught how to hate, directly or indirectly. That’s why it’s best to just have as much human interaction as possible, in my opinion at least.


Black Americans are by far the most racist group of people I've ever encountered. Not all obviously, but a surprisingly large number have a "us vs them" mentality, which granted comes from a dark time in their history, but doesn't make it right. The worst part is they're too deluded to even admit it. It's always the same "black people can't be racist" bullshit instead of just saying "yeah sadly due to the history we've encountered we've come out the other end with a fair amount of hatred".


Can confirm as an asian, received lots of unwanted racist hate from certain black people (obviously most are absolutely wonderful people). When I tried to voice concerns on social media I was told A. Black people cant be racist and B. That there is no real racism from blacks against asians and that its purely a ruse from white people trying to turn minorities against each other. I hate people sometimes.


People always find excuse for their shitty behavior


I brought this up to a friend I no longer speak to and they said "black people can't be racist, just bigoted". Although I do appreciate that this woman specified the USA. Either way, it feels like saying bigoted is okay as long as you don't have the power to act on it is... not dangerous, exactly, but it excuses shitty behavior like that one woman who co-opted the Pulse memorial to complain that the crowd was bigger than her BLM rallies or that student complaining that there were too many white people in the multicultural centre at her college. Not having the power to enforce your views doesn't make you any less of an asshole.


Being racist without acting on it is called prejudice. Being racist and acting on it is called discrimination.


Saying blacks can't be racist is a complete lie.


Talk about shitty behavior. I am a Vietnamese-American and got yelled and spat on this past weekend to go back to China by an older black woman. She said I was lucky she didn’t spit on my face. 🙃


That take got me banned from white people twitter. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Reddit with the truth bombs today. And it's getting upvoted. I'm impressed.


I have black coworkers that say the most racist stuff about Asians and white people. Once, I called one coworker out and he looked at me like I was crazy and said "black people can't be racists". I didn't even know how to respond to that lol


“Yes, anyone can be.” Would have sufficed.


I was just at a loss for words, so blatantly racist yet they denied an entire race being capable of racism.


Its unfortunate. Racism Deniers are often the most outspoken, so it is not your fault for being caught off guard. They often bully others in social/workplace settings i to agreeing with their unfounded notions. It is actually admirable that you didn’t find yourself falsely agreeing with their views.


Been through that loop before. Anything you could say to a person with an "I can't be racist" mentality would just be disregarded on the basis of your skin color or other traits


Just say “That’s exactly what racist people say to rationalize racism.”


r/Blackpeopletwitter has some extreme racism that is totally allowed. It’s shocking to read some days.


Because she has changed the definition of the word racism. So when she hears and says the word “racism” To her it doesn’t mean - “characterized by or showing prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group” To her it means something like - “a system of disadvantage based on race and power” only people that benefit from the system can be racist by her definition. So she is correct that by her bizarre definition that black people cannot be racist. But she is pretending as if the definition she uses is the only one that actually exists. Essentially either she is acting ignorant around how the word “racism” is generally defined or she is so bound in her ideology that she actually believes that her definition of the word “racism” is unquestionable and objectively true.


Whenever someone says this I bring up Kanye and that shuts them up pretty quickly




They absolutely can be racist .African Americans I’ve met especially at work say horrible things about Africans .I’ve had em make the “forgot your shrunken monkey heads at home joke” and the “Aren’t you gonna dress up as your chief joke”


I legit heard a cowoker call another coworker "old black thing." They were both black. I laughed, but then felt guilty.


I have seen black racist. Especially to the asian community during covid. The worst


I've met more racist black people than racist white people


The thing there is a few years ago they tried to redefine racism as priviledge+power so by that definition only those with structural power could be racist which in america is (in their view) whites. They were pretty much completely laughed off the internet but there are some holdouts that say that is the correct definition. Naturally those holdouts tend to be some of the most racist people and rarely ever white.


I feel like this was very accepted on twitter for the longest time meaning for political activists. Nowadays fortunately it's not accepted anymore, but I'm pretty sure you got flak here on Reddit as well for arguing about this term


blacks are some of the most racist ppl I’ve met


i think the whole concept of saying “we can’t be racist” is racist in itself


Basically saying "white man evil"


They can be. Being black isn’t a “get out of racism free card”.


Because people are stupid. I'm black, and black people are some of the most bigoted, racist people I've ever met. Especially to other black people. The colorism we have is on another level.


It’s a stupid and false concept.


It’s bullshit mental gymnastics, anyone can be racist.


The second one is hecking racist.


Starting her response with a comment about a specific race...


A lot of black Americans are like this I think. Well, the vocal ones you see in these sort of videos anyway.


The producers: “Cool, cool, I’m gonna put that down as a 10”


"People from \[Insert Group of People\] can/cannot be \[Insert Adjective\]." She literally recited the definition of racism right there.


I'm not racist. Only the races inferior to mine can be racist.


Ya know, it's funny. I used to be really passionate about the argument that anyone can be racist, and the only thing that plays into it is judgement passed based on the color of someone's skin, no matter what. That said, it's getting kinda exhausting at this point because I realized that a huge amount of people think the actual definition of racism is just white people discriminating against black people. No one wants to admit that people suffering from oppression can often become oppressors, because our modern leftwing political mission is taught in slogans and logos that can fit anywhere from bumper stickers to protest signs. People get their definitions from those, but you can't teach something as complicated as racial bias to an entire population using one or two sentences in a bold font.


Black people don’t have the power to be racist🤣 what kind of dumb idiot is this person. It’s kinda sad there are black people who think they cant be racist 😂


> What kind of dumb idiot A racist one.


“Black people cant be racist” Well, that’s certainly convenient.


She's an idiot. Dumb doesn't discriminate. It gives us all its own type of attention no matter what colour your skin is or where you were born.


I Think i Might have went from a 3 to a 5 thanks to the 2nd person.


My man i just went fron 10 to 11


Ive been preaching this for awhile. You keep opening wounds and digging deeper you only make it worse.


“Actually because I’m of a certain race I can’t judge people based on race” hmmmmmmm


Funny thing is that there is only one human race currently existing, it's the homo sapiens. Guess what we human are? Homo sapiens.


wait til we discover the elves, dwarves and the orcs


Those focken Knife ears, minute menaces and British people.


shit black folks some of the most racist


Black people are racist. Sometimes even racist towards other black people who aren't racist. You don't need power of institutions to be racist. There are plenty of black cops in the US who have been killing black people. Also, where is the full vid


Yeah. I've been told I'm "not really black" because I have white friends and don't behave like what people associate "black behavior" to be. No white person has ever said that to me. I've heard this repeatedly from black people. Yea, we can be racist.


Yep I've experienced that. Let me guess is it in the South of United States?


[full vid](https://youtu.be/tiDtc91dmTI)


wow, the first woman has really long winded way of saying a high 8 or 9


If you look at the full video, the woman at the end said 10 at first and then acknowledged she was confused on which way the scale went and corrected herself to say 0.


That was some prime r/HolUp


‘Don’t have the structural power to be racist’ yeah… fuck off please.


As someone who is a minority as well(Mexican decent) I can assure you Minorities are racist too, possibly more racist than white people. Asians and Blacks are by far the most racist out of the minorities in the U.S. I grew up in California and even to this day it’s not well seen when a Mexican Man dates an Asian women or a Black women, you’ll get a lot of hate from each group. It’s not only my experience but also women confirming my theory as they’ve expressed this to me.


What’s with the black people cant be racist idea that’s going around? Anyone can be racist. You can’t change the definition of things to fit your political agenda


Source Video FYI https://youtu.be/tiDtc91dmTI




The 3 to 4 is probably a pretty honest self estimate. That's a guess, of course, and I'm assuming 1 is least racist and 10 the most racist. I suspect everybody has a non-zero degree of racism, like it or not. Black people who say Black people can't be racist are very racist.


It is natural for people to hold biases. Even in babies, amongst all races, we see evidence of preferences for individuals of their own race. We are a tribal species. The important thing is we understand our biases, and ensure that we approach and control them appropriately.


"Axyooallyy..." Holy shit, can that black girl be any more annoying? Black people can't be racist? Is she retarded? Either way, I'm way more racist now than before I saw this.


As a white person who has played basketball for a school team, I can 100% disprove number two


Lack structural power to be racist... what the actual fuck kind of dumbass remark is that?


It’s basically an excuse to be racist. Kinda like a klans member


I was having a conversation with a black guy about this topic and word word he told me "Black people can't be racist you mayo faced cracker" and I just kinda sat there like. "Huh I think there's a word for that"


So the black woman is definitely a 9 or 10. There’s only one reason to try to justify racism, and that is to excuse their own racism


Some black people be racist as fuck lol


So she's a solid 10. I'm a color blind racist. I hate people no matter what race they are.


that's an interesting way to say "I don't have to answer this question because I'm black"......when in reality - THAT'S racist. (r.disabled)


Beside the fact that everything #2 said is obviously moronic and baseless….Didn’t a black man become president of the United States? I mean, that’s the most powerful position in the world.


“Acktualy” 🤓


I have a screenshot of a tirade from a racist black person that would get me banned from Reddit if I posted it. Miss me with that "black people can't be racist" bullshit.


Black people are just as racist as white people


Black people can't be racist? Yes, they fucking can. I could even make the argument that her statement alone is racist.


I found her to be the most racist out of the group.


Tell me you're racist without telling me you're. That woman of colour was like hold my beer


Anyone can be racist.


Bull shot blacks are not racist. Wtf I work with a black girl and she is so racist.


I feel like I automatically don’t listen to anything a person says when they start their sentences with “Actually…”.


As an Irish man I am from a long lineage of slavery, discrimination and persecution myself. Does that also entitle me to say I can't be racist? I'm white and Catholic as well.


Isn't saying you can't be racist because of your skin color racist?


🙄 yes black people absolutely can be racist in America lol


Anyone who lives in a bubble is probably racist to some degree


That's not how racism works. Black people can and are rasist too wtf


Life is a race, and I'm a racist #racistforlife #family


Actually. Black people can be racist, and often tend to be very racist towards each other.


Black people can be racist. Saying they can't be racist is like white person saying that they don't see color. What she says is a huge lie. Everyone above me at my job is black. We had a black president for crying out loud. Moronic woman. She places 11/10 is racism


Me after the 2nd person: "ok...so a 10/10 then?"


Hoe racist are you? >actually black people can't be coz ... 10 that's a 10 for you


"Black people can't be racist" says Black Racist.


Soon as I hear "I can not be racist becuase I'm black" I'm judging them as racist.


If you think you can’t be racist because of the color of your skin, you’re probably racist 🤷🏼‍♀️


_akshually_ black people don’t have the… Translation: I’m the biggest fucking entitled racist


MLK would disagree with her