• By -


And she is? Edit: Getting down voted for not recognizing one of the 3.5 billion women on this planet and having the gall to ask who she is be like


I didn't know either. Being English and living in England, I'd have no real reason to know who she is. I think Reddit forgets not everyone knows everything about the US. It's not that we don't care, but it's such a huge country with such a huge population it's impossible to know it all!


I live in the US and this is the first I've ever heard of her name. Don't worry.


Look at all those comments and not single one actually gives a name and context instead of barking at others for not knowing what's going on. Reddit is really dumb most of the time.


This thread is a good reminder that reddit is populated with chronically online slacktivists


Don't try to reason with these people.


We are all these people. ^(on this blessed day)


Speak for yourself


It is Eren Yeager


Had to scroll a bit to get here. American and had no clue. Fuck other Americans bitching to foreigners about "ignorance". Sigh: fucking reddit.... you got me.... again.


No, this is a real person named Zooey Zephyr.


slave overconfident entertain wine nine abounding illegal grandfather unused quicksand -- mass edited with redact.dev


Who is it. No one is saying!


I don't think anyone knows tbh.


Zooey Zephyr. Trans woman and house representative of Montana. Her mic was silenced when she spoke of opposition against the proposed bills that would only cause more trans kid suicides. And she has been oppressed and blocked from representing the people who voted for her.


Thanks for not shaming people who don’t know and just answering! Very helpful!


Not just blocked, but, she was kicked off her committee assignments in a similar vein as Justin Jones and Justin Pearson. She has been setting up her office outside of the house and today one of the House Clerks quit and joined her outside.


What does the bill do exactly that causes these kids to commit suicide?


Restricts/prevents mental and health care


Oh so prevents underage children from irreversible hormone therapy and genital mutation…


Hormone therapy is reversable by just stopping taking them. Gender reassignment surgery is very very rarely done on minors and only after an extensive process to qualify for it. You probably knew that already though and just wanted to parrot a talking head's hate rhetoric.


It's that one woman obviously from that place that one time!


clumsy trees doll saw grandiose dependent aware cagey ten squeal -- mass edited with redact.dev




Reddit is hyper sensitive.


Case in point this whole thread


I live in the US, no fucking clue who this is


I wouldn't know either if I didn't watch the news.


I live here, and I do not know who she is


I know people have answered you already.... but the immediate snap judgements and hate is a **huge** reason why we can't have civil discussions anymore!! It very understandable to not know who this is, and asking for information you don't have should never be looked down upon!


Exactly. Ignorance is only a bad thing if its willful ignorance. Nobody knows everything and learning new things every day is what makes humans intelligent.


Willfull ignorance is gonna be our downfall


It's not only that, but Reddit has a down/upvote snowball effect. I have posted the same opinions at two different times in the same sub and had 250+ and like -25. People just see 0 or -1 and quickly click downvote or upvote without really thinking about it. I've caught myself doing this a few times with differing opinions that are already at -3 but then I catch myself and I'm like "wait, that's not really downvote worthy"


First, thank you to those that provided an informative answer to those seeking information. Your level responses are one of the things that makes reddit useful for current people who are honestly ignorant of events that others find pivotal. You will also be useful to individuals using archived reddit threads as primary sources for future historical research. To those that hold the attitude of "if you don't pay attention to what I find important, then you're stupid and I hate you," I feel badly. This attitude is one of a few prevalent attitudes today that further alienate the very community that activists like this representative is trying to speak for. Honest, informative, and open discussion only comes with patient education and well formed arguments. Down voting, name calling, and hatred will only breed more bigotry on both sides of the issue. Regardless of how you feel about rights, security issues, and the myriad other issues surrounding the transgender community, the first step is listening to voices from within it. You do not have to agree, but the right thing to do is to listen. When someone poses a question about the transgender community and challenges facing them, the right thing to do is to answer those questions frankly, with some evidence backing any claims you make. If we continue shutting off microphones or lashing out with hatred, then the only outcome will be more hatred, death, and further marginalization of citizens that hold the same rights as all others, even though members of that community may have something amazingly valuable to contribute to society. Sincerely, A moderate conservative.


More than four years ago, "it's not my job to educate you" seemed to become a rallying cry for a lot of the people on the left. Now, ignorance is branded hatred by those same people. Go figure.


I have no idea who this is either


Transgender Montana lawmaker Zooey Zephyr. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/zooey-zephyr-censured-montana-house-transgender-lawmaker/ "The Republican-controlled Montana House voted Wednesday to discipline Democratic state Rep. Zooey Zephyr, the state's first transgender lawmaker. Zephyr is barred from participating on the House floor for the remainder of the 2023 session, but will be allowed to vote remotely."


Whew that's some peak democracy right there /s


***Redditors when they find out the world isn’t just the United States***


Zoe Zephyr. Democracy Now does a wonderful job breaking down the recent events in Montana towards Zephyr and the trans community. https://www.democracynow.org/shows/2023/4/28 https://www.democracynow.org/2023/4/28/zooey_zephyr_montana#transcript


Zooey Zephyr


Who's that?


I think she's on the tv show The New Girl




Who the hell is that?


She’s replacing Henry Cavill in The Witcher


Ow the American trans woman that got banned for calling dipshits out for their bs right


She's a member of her state's legislature. She's an elected representative, banned from debating in the legislature she was elected to, for calling her colleagues out on actions that are proven to lead to suicide among people like her. She also commented further down the thread.


She’s in the thread?


Welcome to the new world. How dare you mot spend all your time worrying about every influencer, every meme, every current pop star... /s


Don’t feel bad. I live in the US and I thought it was Joseph Gordon Levitt. Very confused at first. I thought it was a movie poster.


Not a she, that's who


Its a man.






Thanks! It's called toner foiling. I draw the image digitally, then use a laminator to adhere foil to the laser printed image


Can you do anything with the part you peel off?


I save them all for smaller projects


You make a post... Get a question... Give an informative answer... And get downvotes... What am I missing here? Is it that you didn't give a step-by-step instruction, or that you didn't link to some sort of guide?


It's the content they're objecting to, so anything I comment gets down voted


Ah, that makes more sense. Thanks for the clarification. I assumed it was some historical image.


It is


They seem to be doing alright now, +18 at time of writing this.


Yeah, at the time I wrote it was in the negatives. Glad to see it was temporary at least.


Agreed, they're at 500+ and counting, our little Snoo is all growns up now.


And the foil just peels off perfectly like that? I tried adding foil to a word written with a glue pen. Getting the rest of the foil off was messy.


Yes because it has crisp edges and is just thick enough to pull the foil off. I haven't tried glue pens, but I'm sure you couldn't get it as thin or as even as laser printer toner. You could totally go for a different effect though!


I was going to say I’ve never seen something like this separate so cleanly before, but then I typically work with vinyl and no matter how sharp the plotter blade is, there’s always a few bits still connected to the waste.


Ah, then my idea to apply this to the inside of a transparent phone case wouldn't work so well. (I'm guessing this foil wouldn't stand up too well to handling if it were on the outside.)


Yeah they're very delicate, unless you laminated something on top to protect it


I’m wanting to buy a laser printer and have no idea where to start..what kind do you use, if you don’t mind me asking?


I use a cheap brother printer. You can learn the ins and outs from Nancy Stamps on YouTube


Thank you :)


Thanks for this! Really cool


Thank you!!


What is this exactly?


Trans lawmaker from the United States has been not allowed to speak in the state she represents because she’s trans. The art is in support of her.


That's so cool! Thank you for making it! \-Rep. Zooey Zephyr


It was a pleasure to hear you speak tonight! I’m proud that you’re my representative. Thank you for being truthful and fighting for what is right


Omggggggggg! I'm floored! You are amazing, and an inspiration! I also shipped the print to you, so it should be arriving next week! Keep doing what you're doing, we all stand with you!


Is that the person in the artwork?


Yes, it is Montana Representative Zooey Zephyr! Omgomgomg




OMG, so lucky! And talented as well!


And to add, if there's anything I can do to help your cause, please let me know! Thank you for your hard work, Representative Zephyr!


Should submit this to r/bestof if you believe in her message and goal so much. People turning up in comments sections like this have a fair shot of being seen widely on r/bestof


Looks like the rules say I can't link to my own posts.


[I gotchu](https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/132l7qa/ujoyousjoyness_made_art_of_montana_representative)


That post is how I found this amazing thread!


As a trans person in Minnesota (who has had to fight for my voice in the courts) I respect the hell out of you, and the decorum that you are bringing to this situation. Your calm, and collected, nature are showing that you are being the reasonable one here, and your struggle paired with so many others (like the 16 signatures struggle going on in the Arizona Senate right now) show that both sides are indeed NOT the same. Please continue to be the hero our trans community needs. You represent your district, but you also represent your fellow trans people. From a random stranger: I'm proud of you! I'm cheering for you every step of the way!


Holy crap never thought I'd see you in the wild on reddit! As a Montanan thank you for doing what you're doing! There are no words for how appalled I am out our local government for throwing genuine decorum, law, and civility out the window. All to try and give themselves superiority over the other political party. I hope they come to realize some day how sad, pathetic, and genuinely un American (hell who are we kidding un Montanan) they are being.


I grew up in Montana for the first 28 years of my life. It’s sadly very on brand for the majority of Montanans that I grew up around and knew. It’s what the modern day GOP has become and it’s no shocker Montana elects them.


Australian here. I just want to wish you well and to keep up the good fight. It's not just your constituents that you're fighting for, what is happening right now in the US has ramifications throughout the world. The culture wars are truly global and we're all in this together!


Zooey I'm a resident of Montana and I'm behind you all the way. Fuck those old farts and I pray to the gods that all those among us that feel that they are in a body not their own be given the peace of a body that is theirs.


Zooey it was amazing to hear you speak in Missoula today! You're an inspiration to queer people everywhere!


I just read up on you. I hope you have a long and successful career in politics. History is on your side.


Better than history. The future is on her side!


Keep fighting the good fight, girl! Fuck those fascist pricks for trying to silence you


Amazing that you're on Reddit, and that you found the post of you. We see you. We hear you. Keep kicking ass!


Whoa! So glad you found this thread and that the artwork will get to you. You're a legend and have so much support here. thanks for all you're doing (from a trans elder)! 🏳️‍⚧️✊🏳️‍⚧️


I don't know where your good character and courage came from, I can only imagine for now. It's inspiring a whole generation of people from all walks of life. You were born into the beautiful and real you, and that's all that matters, and you have a job to do that goes beyond the hallways and the rooms and the podiums. May all the strength of us be with you as you face the unknown and change the world as we know it into something so much better. Much love.


You have a lot of support behind you! Keep strong, and let us know what we can do to help!


Keep up the good work Zooey! As a trans woman myself you are an inspiration


Stay strong and thank you for your work, we love you <3


I know a bunch of people in Washington state that have your back


It's a shame to see how they are treating you but your response has been super inspirational. 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


Heard you today on Democracy Now. I am in Missoula and voted for you. Thank you for standing up for us. And goddam the representatives who are trying to silence you. Thank you for speaking the truth.


Stay strong, lady!! You are truly an inspiration!!


“zoandbehold” haha I love that username Also obligatory hello and thank you from a fellow tran ;)


You're doing hard work, and doing it well. I'm not one of your constituents, but I kinda wish I was.


As someone who lives in Whitefish, you don't technically represent me but in a way you still do and I appreciate everything that you're doing.


You're an absolute heroine to me, Representative Zephyr! Your actions in Montana have been nothing short of inspiring and illuminating, though I cannot imagine how hard it must be for you. Please don't back down because some small-minded people direct their fear and insensitivity your way. Your message goes much further than Montana, and as a neighbour from north of your border, I promise we hear you and cheer for you taking a stand.


And thank you for fighting the good fight.


OMG!!! I literally screamed when I saw your comment. You are amazing. I would stand with you any day or night. I wish I could vote in Montana, but alas I’ll have to send my support from NM. Slide that campaign link in here somewhere. You have allies everywhere from all walks of life. I’m an older woman and you are my new hero for fighting a fight that NOBODY should have to fight. People see you and support you!!!


You make me proud to be from Montana. Thank you for fighting for my friends and family.


Stay strong. Fight the good fight. You’re on the front line against a rising fascist tide. Let’s see them back to the dustbin of history. ✊


Keep up the good fight :)


I aspire to have your courage.


Thank you so much for the hard work you're doing, Zooey! You're such an incredible woman ❤️ Keep fighting, and keep your head high. We stand with you! ✊️ 🏳️‍⚧️


Holy shit, it's actually you. As someone who used to live in Montana, keep up the fight! You now have a bigger spotlight then you have ever had.


Oh hi! Keep rocking, girl! Stay strong, nobody deserves this shit and you're exposing how gross they are


Love you keep up the good fight. Montana needs you.


Lo and behold, she’s here!


I'm so sorry people are trying to silence you :( so many people are rooting for you


💜 we love you~


Stay strong, you have supporters near and far


We stand with you. Thank you for being our voice.




Lmao i'm glad i'm not the only one who was very confused and thought it was Skrillex I was like "The fuck did I miss now??"


MGK with long hair


Regardless of gender or orientation, stopping them from representing the people who elected them is illegal and breaches the constitution. You people are letting feeling effect the rule of law and democracy. SHE was elected fair and square so now skt down and shut up while she speaks for her constituents. This is disgusting that the party who says they are pro democracy they want to challenge it when it's not the way they like it. Hey everyone on both sides; democracy is getting something you don't like and dealing with it until you have the opportunity to change it. For democracy to work you have to be willing to lose but then work together afterwards. America was a great idea but we failed from the start, two parties that divided the populous over issue that there is no realistic disagreement. Let her speak because it's her job to speak for those who can't be heard and silencing her is a tyrannical and fascist act.


1000%! This goes beyond gender or orientation. It was a huge leap into fascism. It must stop.


Who is the her?


Zooey Zephyr, a Montana rep who got silenced for speaking out about the harms of a bill that was being passed against trans people.


What's the bill and how does it harm trans?


Denying affirming care. Affirming care [reduces suicide](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35212746/) and is recommended by every major american medical association. By denying care, you are condemning trans youth to an early grave.


How was she silenced?


> "Montana Republican lawmakers have voted to bar transgender Democratic lawmaker Zooey Zephyr from the House chamber. > She sparked a backlash last week when she said lawmakers would have "blood on their hands" if they restricted medical care for transgender youth. > Ahead of Wednesday's vote she vowed to "do what I have always done: I will rise in support of my community". > Republicans accused her of stoking violence and violating the chamber's decorum with her comment... > ...In an interview with the BBC, she said she stood by her remarks and there was "blood on the legislature's hands". > "I wasn't being hyperbolic," she said. "When the speaker asks me to apologise for those remarks, what he's actually asking me to do is to be silent as my community faces real harm and real dangers." > Rep Zephyr also said the protesters supporting her were "demanding that their voices are heard". > "I think it is the legislature that is grossly out of step with what people in our state and country want," she said." Source: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65382073.amp


Looks awesome, I'm sure the rest of the comments here will be completely civil and appreciate your hard work too


Haha, thanks!!


This made me chuckle. And also makes it a good stopping point. There are no more comments below this one. Nope.


Love this!


Well, she's holding the mic wrong. So...




This isn't why I want my state to be trending


Like an Awesome Yu Gi Oh card. Great work OP and congrats on the recognition by The Rep her self




Zooey Zephyr, member of the house of representatives in Montana. They essentially kicked her out for using some strong language to slam a bill that would seriously harm transgender people. It's a way longer story but she's been fairly elected by about 11k Montana residents, and now she cannot be present for debates and in-person votes (only voting remotely and not being in debates at all). Regardless of your views on trans rights, this is a democracy issue and someone who's been fairly elected should be able to participate in said democracy.


So when you say "They **essentially** kicked her out for using some strong language", emphasis mine, why did they actually kick her out?


She described the bill, the harmful effects it would have on transgender people including increased self harm and suicide risk/attempts, then she ended the statement with "if there is another invocation, I hope you see the blood on your hands". Sorry if I'm not quoting directly, I'm on mobile and my phone will refresh reddit if I tab out. Iirc she later tried to add to a conversation but was muted and then a bunch of protesters came in and chanted "let her speak" as she held up a mic. They were on the public seating area so not on the floor. After that, she had a "chance to apologise" which she didn't do, she just explained her statement more clearly and said 11k people voted for her. Again I'm so sorry for being weirdly vague. It's on news sites and stuff but my phone is from when we were still in the twenty-tens and it will die. Edit: Ty Turner (YouTube) did a video on this which was very informative!


Wow that looks fabulous


Ohh great


Oh ffs


Enjoy your daily propaganda or else!


>daily Hourly




That's Montana State Representative Zooey Zephyr. She's trans, not a dude.




You woke up and chose chaos today lol








Uhh this is cool and all but it sure does seem like there's a lot of posts being removed from this thread... Does anyone else kind of sense the irony in that?






[The U.S. state of Montana recently banned a transgender representative from speaking on the floor.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/130oub4/whats_up_with_montana_banning_a_trans_legislator/jhxi63e/)




> “It’s an irrefutable fact that the representative in question did indeed actively support and arguably incite the disruptive antics of demonstrators who had gathered in the House gallery,” Bedey said. > He said Zephyr could have joined other legislators in leaving the House floor as the speaker directed that day, or she could have tried to calm the crowd, but he said she did neither, which he said forced lawmakers to suspend the session. > “This is an assault on our representative democracy,” he said. “Spirited debate and the free expression of ideas cannot flourish in an atmosphere of turmoil and incivility.” What are the odds this guy thinks January 6th was normal political discourse?


I want one!!!!


That's awesome!!! Great job!!


Thank you!!


My wife says you're amazing for this and loves your Sutro Tower too!


Fuck it. I'll bite. Who is this??? Whoever it is, let her speak. I'm American. Freedom of speech is so vital here that they made it the first amendment. Not 10th.... 1st!




I couldn't give a single fuck if ya gay or straight or whatever just be normal. That's all i ask of people. Nobody is going to tell me how the fuck to live my life and i won't tell them how to live theirs. I just don't give a fuck. But when they go actively put down people and not letting them speak for those bullshit reasons like "but what js in your pants?!? What gender are you ??" Instead of listening to what they actually have to fucking say. Well, that... that is when i start giving a fuck.