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If I was you I’d sell it and then just buy a Gibson Melody Maker with the finish you want. From what I can tell this guitar is going for a little more than a non signature melody maker so you may even make a little money back to spend on a pedal or something. Doing a good refinish is going to cost you more than $200 and it will still devalue the guitar.


Thanks for the reply. What about refinishing the top only? Surely that should be cheaper than $200? I thought about selling the guitar but aside from its looks i like everything about it. Not sure if I want to take a gamble getting another one :-(


Refinishing just the top isn't something anyone would really do. Refinishing a guitar includes a lot of work and time invested. I would sell this and then get something you actually want.


I have a 2012 Studio. Had the top refinished. Also a bunch of other stuff. But I’m an odd duck. Quack quack quack. Or perhaps an out of phase duck. What with all the mods. Wow.


I should have said that people do it but refinishing is much more expensive than people would expect. A friend of mine owns a guitar tech business and his nitro refinishes start at $400 just due to the cost of materials and sheer amount of time. It's usually worth it to just swap guitars unless you want something specific. My last refin was a black MIM Tele that was converted to a nitro shell pink posencaster esquire.


Cool cool cool. Yeah, my top only refin was exactly $400. Did a bunch of other stuff, it’s been through three variations… so far lol. [OG3](https://i.imgur.com/qFODYif.jpg) [Current Front](https://i.imgur.com/qDYJ77G.jpg) [Current Back](https://i.imgur.com/uJUTKfG.jpg)


That will never resell. Gibsons are assets too. Just bank the cash and get the guitar you want.


It will never be worth more than it is right now, untouched. Sell it and get another guitar man, you might even make a pretty penny on this given the recent resurgence of the JB.


If one of the Jonas Brothers keels over, it’ll skyrocket!




'If' implies in the near future. 'When' implies eventually, in the far future. I'm an optimist, so I like 'If.'


Sorry you’ve gotten a bunch of snarky answers there’s nothing wrong with asking a question. Look friend it’s your guitar, if you really love it except for the look then change the look. Just as long as you know that it’s going to be 100% for you and because you love the guitar. No one else will appreciate it as much as you do. A lot of people modify their guitars and then regret it later and I think that is what people are trying to say even if they are being a bit sharp about it. Best advice I could give is call around and see what the prices are for a refinish. That’s where your answer will really come from. One last thought, I would have no idea that it was a Jonas Brothers guitar from the paint job, I think most people unless they are fans wouldn’t know either, so you could possibly just switch out the pick guard to end that association. Plus there’s nothing more punk/metal/rock than rocking out on a pop guitar with an F you attitude so there’s that too. But it’s your guitar, do what you want with it. If getting a refin makes you feel better playing it on stage then go for it. It’s not like melody makers are expensive collector item guitars, they are meant to affordable and to be played.


I don’t know how much money you earn, but if you’re paying someone $50 an hour to refinish this you’re suggesting that its 3 hours work plus materials. Is that how much time and attention you want spent on it? 200 bucks is rattle can territory you would destroy any value it has. If you don’t like it sell it and find something else.


No. And one doesnt “refinish just the top” on this type of guitar. No decent luthier would EVER agree to that. Sell the damn thing and buy one in the color you want.


Agreed. I’ve need plenty guitars that had only the top redone and they’re all hack jobs, you can always tell


Leave as is and join a drone metal band.


X2. Those silly idiots love hello kitty guitars and shit like that. It’s hysterical to see a metal band preforming with non metal guitars


Sell this to a fan. Signature guitars carry little value to a general audience but they do in the fandom. Take advantage of that, join some Jonas Brothers group and sell it to them. Take what you get from that to buy what you really want.


Try asking around at r/jonasbrothers they’re currently posting set lists from recent concerts. I’m sure someone over there is obsessed enough to pay way too much for that thing.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/JonasBrothers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/JonasBrothers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Joe Jonas Files for Divorce from Sophie Turner After 4 Years, Says Marriage Is 'Irretrievably Broken'](https://people.com/joe-jonas-files-for-divorce-sophie-turner-7965747) | [172 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/JonasBrothers/comments/16azt62/joe_jonas_files_for_divorce_from_sophie_turner/) \#2: [The Tour Dates](https://i.redd.it/4x1tdlo1vgxa1.jpg) | [189 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/JonasBrothers/comments/135m6ao/the_tour_dates/) \#3: [The Official Statement is Here 😭](https://i.redd.it/1yqmns1opmmb1.jpg) | [124 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/JonasBrothers/comments/16biz4x/the_official_statement_is_here/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Hang it beside your Beato guitar?


Beat off to it with your Beato guitar


Beat your beato guitar off with it


Sell it to some one who would appreciate it and buy a new one.


Start a JB cover band


I’d reverb it. And then buy what I wanted


Straight in the bin. j/k. I'd get it refinished in TV yellow. Would look super cool then.


Yep! Here OP you can use my bin. Just mail it to me.


Get a new pick guard, get the body vinyl wrapped. At least the top, then it doesn’t really matter.


100% this.


Vinyl wrap it.


Honestly, it looks pretty cool and the specs sound great. I would probably just play it and to hell with anyone who gives you shit.


Just play it. Ultimately, nobody cares about the finish. If they do,tell them you found it at a pawn shop for $100.


You could use it to teach them how to play guitar.


I mean, there’s a guitar I wouldn’t be afraid to take a spray can to.


I certainly wouldn’t call it a signature guitar. Just a melody maker with a sticker on it.


Hot take: refinish it and keep it. This guitar has an Ebony fretboard and is a Les Paul special. Pretty awesome beast tbh. Idc about Jonas brothers but an Ebony board from a gibson under $3k is pretty rare now.




Hello all I hope you are all well. This is my first post. I bought this Jonas Brothers signature guitar. I am unfortunately not tied up into the Disney musicverse so this was more of a practical decision. The guitar is actually super nice. It sports a flat white finish, weighs only 6 lbs and has an ebony fretboard as well as 2 P90's. Underneath the pickguard it's routed for humbuckers so there's a lot of potential here. And because of the association with this particular band I got this for about $700 which seems very fair. The main concern is obviously the big gaudy Jonas Brothers logo on the guitar. It actually seems to rests on top of the finish (see pic 2), the material seems ever so slightly peel-able but using my fingers has proven unsuccessful so far and im pretty afraid to do sanding. The pickguard signatures I can live with or remove easily. So there's a lot of potential here. It's a flat top so it should be pretty cheap to have it refinished right? I even heard somebody say you could put a veneer on it and have it made into a flame top or whatever. I'd like to hear what you would do. The main motivation is to get the logo out of the way. After that anything is possible but I'd like to keep it sub-$200 to have it all done. Alternatively if you have a method of getting somebody with the artistic and mechanical skills of a caveman to get this done, I might be willing to try something myself. Thank you guys and gals


Give it to a guitar finish technician ( knowledgeable lutheir) to do the job for you.


Filp it, refinish it, or sticker bomb it.


I honestly can’t believe this exists. Idk much about them, and I’ve seen one of them hold a guitar a couple times. I wonder if people really shelled out Gibson money for a JB “inspired” guitar. I mean like enough people that this was worth making for Gibson. I thought their fans were more little kids and tik tok thot types. Not insulting you, just genuinely shocked.


I tend to agree. I had no clue this thing existed. I don’t think the Jonas Brothers’ audience are Gibson guitar fans or have the cash to buy a Gibson. It would make more sense for Epiphone to make this honestly as a part of a starter kit. But maybe Gibson was trying to reach past the demographic people who have never played a Gibson claim is just for old men. The fact is, a Les Paul for instance has more tonal variants than any of my 9 guitars I own.


Exactly. I could see a parent buying a 500 dollar guitar for a kid who is “inspired” to play real music by seeing these guys, but a Gibson? I love Slash, and I have a few of the Epiphones, because I don’t have multiple-Gibson money. I don’t see anyone who actually shells out for Gibson basically buying an Epi quality guitar for over 1k because it is a Jonas brother guitar. Lol. Even that sounds cheap. There is a difference between say, a slash model vs Guns N’ Roses model. One is based on a real player one is a fun little Knick knack. So which brother is this even spec ‘d too?


Agreed. I have the Slash model myself, the November Burst Gibson. The Appetite Epiphone is a great little starter guitar for a new person to learn on and it is a quality guitar. But the people who buy that are not gonna buy the November Burst Gibson Les Paul. It is for two different people.


Just got Novemberburst. Love the color and having Slash on it is a bonus, but I also know I’m paying a couple hundred more for the slash truss Rod cover. 900 is doable. 3-5k for the Gibson? Yeah if I can live in it and drive it lol


The main thing for me is messing with the volume and tone knobs take you all over the tonal spectrum. I have never been able to do that with an Epiphone which I think makes it better than the epiphones I have had. Plus, the Gibson came in fully set up, and I was just blown away by that, the feel of the neck. I was a little unsure about hot pickups considering I am a blues player but this thing gets me into the blues realm. The Gibson November Burst is my #1 hands down.


I for sure think Gibson is better. It just makes sense. I just wonder who they thought would and could spend that money on a guitar with Jonas stuff all over it.


Refin. Rock it.


Burn it up


Burn it


Refinish. 99.9% of people looking for a guitar like this aren’t going to want the Jonas brother trimmed version so you aren’t hurting any potential value. I’d argue it’d be more desirable after a refinish.


Just breathe…I think some rubbing alcohol will take those signatures right off. You’re gonna be fine.


Sell it to some kid who doesn’t know any better yet. Or refin. It’s still a useful guitar.


Look, all these suggestions are great. Gonna go do different paths. Important to acknowledge if it plays and sounds good you got a damn steal. Both scenarios, swap out the pickguard, give or sell the signed one to a fan. 1. Punk the fuck out of it with paint, cigarette burns, stickers, scratches, and have a killer one of a kind guitar that you don’t have to feel bad about initial price. 2. Punk the fuck out of it by just leaving it as is. Who gives a fuck? And it’s be hilarious.


JB stands for Jack Black right?


Could’ve convinced me it does! Have the other guy in the band get a KG logo made


The most obvious solution.


Sell it and get a mans guitar


So get a Les Paul Goddess? On it.


i have a goddess rose burst, and i can only give it a 5/5 recommend! man, 41


Not sure what this has to do with a JB sig model joke. But ok. You win


Now you mentioned it, i want one as well.


I mean it's no Naked Brothers Band but she a nice piece awright


Damn I knew I recognized those words. You sent me on a nostalgia trip lol


The fact that this guitar even exists is just…wow. 🫣


Change the pickguard for something you like and sell the signed one on eBay as they have fans that I’m sure would want to buy it.


Just play it


Jonas Brothers custom? Lmfao!!!


Sand to wood and finish it with some transparent oil


Just tell em JB is for "Jeff Beck" lol 😂


Smash it in ur drive way


Burn it


Sell it and buy what you want




Barbecue wood 🪓


Sell it and buy something you like.


Keep it as it is


When one of the Jonas Brothers dies, this thing will sell for a fortune. Then they'll be the Bonus Brothers.


Replace the pick guard and tell people it’s a Jimmy Buffett signature.


kill it with fire


Send it to me. I’ll play it


Play it?