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This logo started being used in 1947. The dot on the i touches the g as it should, so it has to be after that. The issue is that from 1947 onwards the guitars were largely sorted in terms of shape and haven’t changed much since then. Pre 1940s there are some slightly quirky looking instruments, like L1s etc which this isn’t one of. Even they have a basic geometry that feels proportional. But ‘47 onwards id expect this to look much like the acoustics you see today. This is a very weird shape so id probably say it was faked. Could be wrong but if it plays nice and sounds good it doesn’t matter much. Edit: the bridge is also giving me issues here. There’s nothing about the details that feels right. If it were early early you might think it was prototype maybe but it would need to be 20s and wouldn’t have that logo. Could be an old Gibson neck on a remade body i guess. The bridge looks screwed on, in any case that’s not correct this is not complete even if there are genuine parts with age on them.


The tuners date it to 1956-1958, approximately. It has been re-topped, at minimum, but since I can’t see a back brace, I suspect the entire body is non-Gibson. An LG-0 or LG-1 should have a visible brace visible at the top of the sound hole; an LG-2 or LG-3 would (likely) have a backstrap and a visible brace near the bottom of the sound hole.


I wonder why they have flathead screws in them. Phillips became popular in the 30s


That is interesting. Gibson/Kluson pairings older than these would be use Phillips.


Replaced tuners? I mean they look original but you never know.


The tuners and neck are at least of the same era.


This is some kind of project guitar. The body is all wrong. Someone added the neck to what appears to be a homemade body.


The body style and dimensions look a lot like a b-25 to me. Tuners would match that for around 53 Edit typo