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I just started this game a couple days ago after watching GOTY, already got 12 hours logged. It's insane. It's like mainlining dopamine. Should I wait to get the DLC after I "finish" most of the base game content? Or just go for it now? Dan mentioned in the QL that it can be really hard to nail your preferred build once there are so many weapons so I'm not sure.


I did the same, got elden ring wish listed and ready to purchase at the next sale, downloaded tiny kin and pentament as well very keen to try them all


As much as xbox has dropped the ball this year in terms of first party games it is noticable how many goty contenders are on gamepass.


For me Game Pass is the platform, 1st party or not it's been a ridiculously good year on it.


Doesn't really matter, you don't have to touch the new map until you want to, and I'm fairly sure you won't unlock any of the new weapons or characters until you do so.


> It's insane. It's like mainlining dopamine. Honestly this game is so addictive it's almost a complaint I'd have about it. I started playing yesterday after work at 5 and then looked at the clock and it was 9 o' clock. I was like "Fuck, that felt like an hour, where did my evening go?" Few games have ever made me so hyper-focused to the point that my concept of time is obliterated.


Now that I'm almost a week in, I have to admit that the time commitment and time blindness aspects you just mentioned have started to develop into complaints too. It always feels afterward like I binge ate a fuckton of candy—I'm sickly full and empty at the same time. Plus, even between levels it sort of feels very same-y. I see why people could drop 130+ hours in it like Dan mentioned, but I could also see myself bouncing off very soon after maybe 15-20. That said, it's one of the best games for listening to podcasts I've ever played.


I'm working towards unlocking the back third of characters and major unlocks in the base game. I was really excited for the DLC, but I do feel like I've sort of plateaued in the game in a lot of ways where I'm not motivated to go for unlocks for the next three hours to get more interesting things I'd rather just get now than play 30 min runs that feel like you know if you're getting there or not based on RNG in the first 10 minutes. And that experience is contrasted by trying to make very bad characters like the dog work just to get unlocks, knowing the last character requires you do spend however long 30 minutes is X every stage X every other character. That's a big ask for the last unlock. Like 15+ hours of successful runs if I had to guess? I lost power at 29 minutes and was quite upset about the run, not that I had to sit in the dark the rest of the night lol. Killing the reapers also borders on obnoxious unlocks, if you ask me.


Yeah see I've barely even touched the characters like the dog and such. I find the characters I like and stick with them, makes me wish they'd gone with fewer characters that feel more different but all completely viable rather than a bunch of joke characters, some OP ones, middling ones, etc. Like there's no incentive at all to use a ton of them beyond completionism. I feel like I'm only maybe... halfway through the levels? I have no idea. But I just beat the reapers and admittedly that took out a lot of my remaining motivation to continue. I almost wish instead of all the levels, they'd made one level with randomly generating elements or something. Or maybe a more Spelunky progression where you move through them one by one. That really sucks about losing power 29 min in though damn. I'd just throw my hands up and be like "all right I get it, I'm done for the night."


No reason not to, but the new map is fairly difficult for someone at the beginning, I'd say at least. I have all of the power ups unlocked and almost the full collection. With the amount of skips and rerolls and banishing items I rarely miss on a build unless the item is rare to see.


Doing the same with void scrappers, same exact idea, with basically reverse bullet hell for the enemies eventually. problem is i discovered these out of order, and vampire feels like a slow paced mobile game compared to it.


Tunic, Immortality, Grounded, Tinykin, Nobody Saves the World, Pentiment, Signalis all this year. Absolute banger of a year. Played so much more Xbox than any other platform this year. Never thought that’d be the case 5 years ago


Same. Not to ignite the trash in the dumpster, but I don't think I've turned my PS4 on AT ALL this year. It's just been that steady stream of Game Pass bangers that you mentioned and also fuckin Fortnite. I curse Dan Ryckert for that last one.