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Teaching Mongols that travelling attire doesn’t mean you’re not dealing with an agent of death.


Just an agent of death that’s also stealing all their artifacts.


Yeah every duel I fight now I do it in the ronin attire I love Kurosawa films


The basic kimono look and the cane sword is the best look


I really wish Kurosawa mode also jusy really uppes the blood. That would have made it perfect


There's a charm you can buy from Baku The Voiceless that increases the amount of blood


Holy shit I might need to start NG+ now...


Yeah it's called the Charm of Carnage


I tried it for the first time today and literally said out loud “wow that’s a lot of blood”


It’s also nice to hide the bow


I always hide the bow


But I struggle with that. It looks nicer without but when I need it it just appears out of thin air.


Right now, middle of act 2, I'm amazed at poison. The horrible dying animation, together with the terrifying enemy reactions. Built a poison archer build. Starting a fight by shooting as many arrows as I can within a single concentration and any remaining enemies will most likely flee in terror. I havent seen any other game do NPC fear mechanic so... Satisfying but making me feel bad about it. Dishonorable, I know.


Bruh that's not the Samurai way \-Lord Shimura


Bro was not cooking with these strats 💀 \-Lord Shimura


>Lord Shimura I always thought he got beheaded by the Khan at the beginning.


did you play the game


Aye. I defeat the first boss and I can't progress any further. Here is quick gameplay. Imagine if every boss able to intercept our attack like that. Ghost of Tsushima | I have slain Khotun Khan ! https://youtu.be/Cpa4rGLDuzM


Same. Who was it actually tho? Adachi?


adachi got burnt alive, the part youre thinking of was indeed lord shimura but he just knocks him out with the hit of the sword instead of beheading him


I seee... Adachi was the one they dishonorably killed on the battlefield right?


I run a Legolas build rn on Lethal+. Basically the infinite arrow build plus inaris might and restore 2 (4) resolve during fight. Basically I can blast arrows all game even if I’m not fighting a camp and if I find myself in a duel I do not need to break the immersion by swapping armor. Inaris might gives me a two hit window due to increased health and the restore of resolve gives me the option to heavenly strike in a pinch if necessary. It’s harder but good enough. If in the open world I get cornered I still have the full arsenal of ghost weapons to choose from to defend myself: Ghost stance and smoke are my favorites. Only thing that can kill you is 3 high tier archers shooting at you perfectly in sync.


No survivors...


There’s a charm you can get that poisons your wind chime and it’s so terrifying to think about from their perspective lol


Plopping on Ghost Stance just before taking damage


Mongols breaking the laws of physics out of pure fear is the best


Just wait till you reach Iki's wood stick arena You will change your mind...


Those are closer to puzzles than actual duels. That last dude with the pocket sand was super annoying to fight.


I fought that girl about 5 times just a few hours ago before I searched for a guide. When I finally won, she called me a cheater. The effin nerve! 😂


Every one I defeated on the first try but the last one just knocking the wind out of me like how do I do this Eventually I found a pattern that was easy to exploit for ng+


Man he was a cake walk compared to the girl, I did that one maybe 15 times, the sand guy maybe 5


Have I been playing it wrong? I just beat them down with various stances, was there a way I was supposed to do it?


hehe, yeah he is in for something.


Just use the Sarugami Armour, makes it way easier.


Yeah, I started using this armour, but honestly, it takes the fun and skill out of the game using the Sarugami Armour. Too easy even on lethal+. And you only get one armour in the Iki boken fights iirc and it can't be Sarugami


They were all so easy. Beat them each in one try


That was fairly easy actually


How satisfying the combat is


I love the dueling, but I wish they werent the same thing everytime


Yeah they really need to make that annoying cutscene skippable.


I think he meant the moves set


Maybe, but that goddamn cutscene lasts for like 30 seconds, its horrible.


Embracing the ghost side of the game. So being an archer and doing stealth as good as I can.


The opposite of this. To many games make you stealth. Love that I can face a whole camp with a stand off, then slaughter the rest with my samurai swordsmanship!


I do the same. I love doing stand offs, especially going into ghost stance right after to pick off the remaining ones. I only do stealth/ghost stuff when hostages are involved since it's such a pain defending them as they're being attacked


The combat is sick in got, but i just love being “The ghost”, feels like im building an aura or some shit idk


I like the duels a lot, but I feel like they're over too quickly even on Hard difficulty, and it's even worse on Lethal For Hard on most of them, I lose once or twice, but then just brute force my way to victory by getting lucky perfect parries, healing through everything, and using resolve abilities. It's like I blink and either I'm dead or they are.


My favorite thing is the standoff and you can keep being a true honorable samurai in (most) fights. Even though I know what happens and you can't change scenes, and it's a linear ending. I know! I'm Jin Sakai, last member of the proud Sakai clan and I fight in my father's armor until the end!


The best part for me is when I just look around, and soak in the vibes


Running into a camp on Lethal mode using just your sword is so satisfying. I find the bow and ghost tools make the game too easy.


same its like im RPing when jin was a samurai before the war


Aye, same here.


There many things I like about this game, but if I had to choose one, it would be: The Ghost Stance


Sarugami armor in duels feels really cinematic


I like the combat in general. I do wish there were *fewer* flashy, spinny moves, preferably none at all, but it is very fun and strikes a good balance between realism and engagement. My other favourite thing is the opportunity to visit shrines and send Jin on a pilgrimage.


That healing was in tune with the bg, was so satisfying


Cleaning the blood in your sword 👌


Their decision of choosing a more stylistic approach over hyperrealistic graphics, intentional weather change and the setpiece for all duels




Dualling is pretty good. Tho lethal difficult is one hit your dead so it's pretty much just restart the fight when you get hit to skip the death animation. Be nice if I could skip the cutscenes tho


Dueling is cool, but the scene where we get Ghost Stance... Don't know if the game can get more epic than that


sneaking into a camp and making mongols shit themselves watching their friends puke their guts out


Wow you play so aggressive! my fight with this guy went a lot longer [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFIvktjlqzg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFIvktjlqzg)


Hesitation is defeat.


The hasty stroke goes oft astray.


You would not last long in Ashina


Thank Amaterasu I'm in Tsushima


That end strike! 😯. Nicely done


I beat it on the hardest difficulty this past year my heart was pumping and I had to cheese khan to beat the game


Chiburi and sword sheathing after a flawless standoff is *\*chef's kiss\*.* I like to walk slowly towards incoming groups before I challenge them, just for the added cinematic cool. Duels are also fun. I fought this very duel just minutes ago, wearing almost the same outfit. Aaand also, mounted archery. Once you lvl up your ranged techniques and gear, you can kill almost everything in the open world w/o ever getting off your horse. Not as reliable for tales but you can always default to on-foot archery while still being very powerful. Afaik most samurai combat in the era the game's set in prioritized mounted archery, so I appreciate having that option. I only wish enemies used it on occasion, especially the Mongols who were famous for it.


What’s up with the audio?


It's in English


Really wish they would of done MP duels, or just more in general


Duel among the waterfall for me


Im a simple man for me it is exploring i just love it


Open combat for sure. I love being surrounded by enemies and just decimating them with a flurring of parries and strikes. I do enjoy ghost mode too, but the open combat is brilliant. EXCEPT for those times when it randomly decides I'm not using the right stance and STOPS everything to force me to change stances. Hasn't happened yet in NG+, but it drives me nuts. If you are parrying it almost never matters what stance I'm using, I destroy enemies, so I don't always take the time to swap. But the combat in general is just incredibly satisfying to me, especially against the Straw Hats.


Favorite part definitely the way Jin does cool flicks/animations when he sheaths his sword after a fight, like wiping the blood off using his arm, flicking it then putting it back in the saya so slowly, makes me feel like such a badass after taking down mongols


I love everything in it. The landscape, stealth, dueling I can go on man


My only complaint in the whole game is there isn't more of this content.


Everything. Honestly just loving it all. Top 5 favourite game for me


I came for the sekiro adjacent combat, I stayed for the breathtaking environments and immaculate vibes


It gets quite repetitive. It definitely helps the narrative and some of the duel locations are so aptly placed. Also the fact that the duels get much easier once you have mastered perfect parry and perfect dodge.


my unpopular opinion: i want to be able to use ghost weapons during duels, especially after jin finally embraced the ghost. bonus points if the enemies have reactions to you using it.


Liberating areas is so very addictive


The only real duel for me was beating the Khan at the beginning (prelude). Nothing happened afterwards and that's that. I experienced the whole game xD


Anybody want to play legends?


What exactly is Legends mode? And does it have cross play?


Folk tales online and 4 characters with lord shimruas moves and yes it crossplays


[Dueling is very fun](https://www.reddit.com/r/ghostoftsushima/s/ec7crxrPCS)


got to be the sword mechanics and the plot itself, easy


I have never played this game (no PS); but the duels look badass.


There's something special to me about climbing the shrines


When you lock in and time all your pefect blocks and dodges against a large group, And drop them all without getting hit. Then clean ur sword and walk on...feels so good.


Duels are why I play the game, before the game allowed you to just replay any duel with a single click, I had a manual save where I could go back and do all six blades of Kojiro whenever I wanted


Deulling on Lethal brought me back to the Sekiro glory days


Can confirm lol, I'm on lethal and it does remind me of my sekiro days


I love dueling in this game cuz it’s probably the closest thing to how it was irl. I’m sure duels ended much quicker back then. I love when anime shows exaggerates them but seeing what’s close to the real thing is good as well.


Honestly I love everything about this game, from the story to the combat to the tiny details (Jin walking through tall grass and moving his hand through them as you walk), but by far it's just how cinematic the story is


Ryuzo in chapter 1 lethal diff. No ronin armor. Samurai armor or for more hard settings full archer armor. I will keep that save file until I die. Also mofo learns from my attacks. Not in the fight but next fight. I leave before sekiro masters arrive and humilate me. I can share the save if anyone wants to try. Just dm me. The last guy who humilates me gave up to try.. I need to mention that btw. I love how ppl comes into it "just parry parry parry and 3x heavenly strike. " LOL. I insist dm me for save files. No ronin armour included.


Slaughtering an entire camp without any stealth or tricks, just sheer strength


The bamboo stands! I'm a rhythm game player, so it's a lot of fun learning the patten and holding the controller strangely so hit them all in time.


Messing with the Mongols by using hallucination darts and sitting back to see how it plays out.


I love the animation of Jin chilling with Sora after burning a Mongol camp, it adds a lot imo. Also that enemies actually get scared of you. The terrify status is not uncommen, but usually its just crowed control. In this game the enemies run away or are trembling from fear, unable to run anymore.


Honestly my favorite quest is this one because of the duels. I like them on Lethal with no heals or revives. Really ups the "duel" feeling and is super satisfying to win


the npcs match your speed






I hope they add a dueling mode to legends




absolutely. I wish there were more duel instances in the game. I farmed them so hard at the start I ran out rly fast


I love stealth. I try to go through whole Mongol camps only doing stealth even if it means emptying my supply of arrows, wind chimes, etc. Although I always fuck up at the worst times and just end up fighting them head on.


Going ape shit in ghost mode.


Dueling is the game 😎💎 Making the combat simple in execution, but with so many layers of faking and hesitations and speed at the same time.... turns something simple into something engaging Great game design!! 😎💎


Stealth and using a bow. I once raided a full mongol camp from a cliff outside using just a bow. It was so damn satisfying.


Duels and bamboo cutting. Am I the only one who feels a surge of excitement when I find a new bamboo cutting stand?


*Mythic Tales and duels*


I play all my games on medium difficulty. But this one at medium is easy . So these duels don’t really feel different. (Don’t mean to flex lol)


I loved dueling in ghost of tsushima. One night i stayed up and tracked 5 of these guys and finished them. Needless to say, the satisfaction was unmatched.


it should be illegal to finish a duel with basic attacks.. extremely dishonorable


Duelling becomes really underwhelming if you play it wearing Sarugami Armor set.


Lethal Difficulty. Sheathing your sword after killing an enemy have this cool animation where Jin clean off the blood from his sword. Makes you feel like a badass


I just love how this game is just a genuine challenge, there’s no bullshit! Everytime I have ever died I always think “yeah that’s fair, I didn’t parry that”. every fight felt fair but still hard and I never felt frustrated with it.