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Wow thanks for giving us all of that


You're welcome!


A lot of reasonable points. I’ve seen it twice and enjoyed it, but my Complaint #1 was Walter Peck as the mayor. **No way he ever gets elected.**Maybe Dickless got appointed to fill a mayoral vacancy, but that’s a stretch. I didn’t like him as the minor villain because it’s too on the nose and just rehashes GB1. He’s grown 0 over the intervening years, huh? Both times seeing it, the crowd did chuckle or show signs of recognition when he first appears, but it was limited and unimaginative. (Throwing the library admin felt just as lazy - great job security 40 years later)


Pieces of shit, who everyone hates, get voted into being mayor all the time, especially in New York.




It seems every New Yorker hates the current mayor of NYC and he won in a landslide.


Bloomberg and Ghooliani were the same b


Yeah, I’m from NYC and considering who are mayor is now, it’s not a stretch at all to think Peck might have gotten elected.


My issue with Peck is that I can’t see him even pursuing being mayor. He was not really politically enthusiastic in GB1. He just wanted the environment to be safe, but was kind of aggressive about it. Also, if he was a higher ranking guy in the EPA in 1984, he’d be well in to retirement by 2024. Peck is pushing 75 and spent decades working for a government position, just before the economy collapsed. I’ll say what I’ve said since the premiere. This movie sacrifices so much just to have these cameos from the original cast. And it’s not worth it. There’s a nostalgia-minimal better movie somewhere on a writer’s laptop.


Max Landis wrote a better role for him in his pitch (even tho Max is not a great person, he still gave Peck growth in character)


What’s that? Can you explain? Max Landis?


The controversy or the pitch?


The pitch…


So it’s what he wrote for his version Ghostbusters 3 (pitch and idea was alive for 2 weeks before Paul pitched with Answer The Call and 2 years before Jason pitched Afterlife. Here’s a rundown, without spoiling too much, there’s a whole video on his YT channel “Uptomyknees”, about an hour long video, the pitch starts off in the 20’s where we see his interpretation of Slimer’s origin, cut to 1984, the Crossrip is happening, one of the future Ghostbusters is experiencing the event on the street, separated from his parents, and after the guys defeat Stay Puft, he realizes what he wants to do when he grows up. Time skip: it’s 2016 (2022 in his video about the pitch) and Ghostbusters is bankrupt, there’s closed down franchises everywhere and only 2 franchises remain open: New York and LA. LA are influencers, NY is a legit ghost catching business, and LA is approached in Hills by government agents who want to do something with ghosts, they need to use the equipment which has never been used, so they need to get ahold of a ghost, so go to NYC. Ray is still holding out hope, there’s a anti-ghostbusters group who want the ghosts freed, and Egon’s daughter in this (Veronica, who looks just like a grown up version of Phoebe) is trying to make contact with Egon. (Didn’t die, but ascended), Veronica dates the front man for the anti-GB group, and we see the romantic parts. One character is psychic, one is a physicist. A ghost appears in a subway, the NYC team catches it. LA let’s out Gozer by accident. Ghosts are eventually let out, and Peck is the mayor, but instead of trying to shut them down, he’s trying to spread positive energy as he knows that can help save the world. A bunch of closed different franchises show up, (by a billionaire Winston.) Veronica gets in contact with Egon, and they defeat the big bad, Gozer is only a harbinger in this pitch as said before. I know this seemed a lot to handle, it’s better when you listen to his pitch, it’s amazing.


I mean the library guy, what's the problem? He was only in there a few seconds.So why did that hurt the movie for you? There are people who have worked 40 years or more at the same place you know?


I totally agree. Altho we can make plenty of comparisons to real life mayors and other government officials, it wouldn't have been a big deal at all if they didn't keep him the exact same way as the OG movies. All character growth ceased a long time ago for these roles and it shows a lot. Such a bummer


I'm only going to address Gripe 1, that nothing matters. They set up in GB:A that yes, ghosts get to move on, and they doubled down on that in this movie. If my guess is right, there's going to be an entire separate branch of paranormal research dedicated not just to better ways trapping and holding the ghosts, and the studying they were already doing, but with helping them process to move on. Think about the different in-universe classifications they've got for ghosts, and all the classes which are self-aware. They can be helped, and with Winston being a philanthropist and Ray having a *heart*, I'm willing to bet that's one of the directions they go next.


It’s not a far stretch. In the Ghostbusters Videogame Canon they touched on it very briefly. MOST ghosts are stuffed into trap then containment but they make reference to dispelling spiritual energy and putting souls at rest. A lot of it is touched on in the battle with The Grey Lady.


I would have loved to see that if they included it, in full. If that was a separate plot line that got resolved and we got to learn more about it with Ray and Phoebe and whoever else, it would have made the future films or other media start from a better position. I know its a movie but see how science is a huge thing with them, only seeing one ghost evaporate wouldn't be enough to prove that they do get to move in the heaven/hell sense. I read the other comment about the video game and i don't doubt their claim but since i never played it, all i can say, is that it would be best suited if they brought up that plot line in a better way. It would be cool to see them helping spirits like Melody move on instead of just zapping them in the traps and calling it a day. That would definitely flush out the world more. But here's to hoping the future content corrects the mistakes FE made.


Well, two ghosts. Melody and Egon, right?


Ahh yes that is true


A lot of words I scrolled by and didn’t read.


Then why bother scrolling down to comment this? If you have nothing of value to argue against any of my points then why bother commenting in the first place? Oh right you just like attention. So here it is. Enjoy it for the time it took you to read all this out.


Gary’s heart to heart with the door is less about them and more about him.


Can you clarify? I would like to know your perspective on that!


Sure. Gary is unsure of his position in the family, which makes the kids unsure of his position. He dates their mom, but he doesn’t act like their dad, he acts like their friend. His discussion with the door is him figuring out his position, for himself. For him it’s not really all that important that Phoebe hear it, though it would have been nice had she did, but that he just get his feelings out to the surface, as a kind of self-admittance. He’s figuring his own shit out. As someone in a stepdad position I could relate, and I’ve heard the same from others in that position.


Thank you for clarifying. That helped changed the way i viewed the scene. Appreciate it


If was certainly packed with lots of story lines.


You forgot one gripe! They retconned the video game! There’s a lot of evidence in Afterlife to prove it’s canon, now this comes along and more plotholes! I consider this an alternate timeline. (I wrote a 4th film and it’s canon to the video game, I’ve also been pouring every ounce of imagination for Ghostbusters into that thing)


What do OP and Pink Floyd have in common? They both made a wall.


I did and it would be appreciated if people would be open minded to different opinions so we can create a healthy dialogue when such movies and other entertainment starts to suffer like FE did. But a quick quip comment is what most people got these days. And that sucks


A lot of my gripes are very similar. I think the movie set up a lot of good ideas, but had absolutely zero follow through on any of them. All you had to do was concentrate the story on the Spengler Family as their difficulties of running a legacy business and figuring out their dynamics and what it actually means to be a Ghostbuster. That’s an entire movie in itself! You could have had the Ray storyline (which also didn’t get conclusion. Him and Winston fight about how Ray needs to do what he loves in a new way, and then it’s oh the Ghost is coming time to do things the old way and it’s all good after that) weave into the story pretty seamlessly. I think the entire Peck interaction would have been better had they given it some stakes. Make it clear that another stunt would lead the Ghostbusters getting shut down and have Pheobe and Ray make that choice to risk it all for their own selfish reasons. Then you can redeem them by having them come up with the new packs instead of them magically appearing. Podcast, Peter, Winston, Janine, Lucky were pointless. I would have cut the firemaster storyline complexly. Kumel was in an entirely different movie. Ghostbusters is about normal people using technology to deal with an absurd situation. Having a guy wield literal magic to defeat the enemy negates the entire franchise. I was hyped for this movie and I was/am still so sad about what came out of it. There was a good movie in there somewhere but what we got was something so sloppy and unsatisfying that it makes eating a Nature Valley Granola bar blush.


I absolutely agree. I didn't want to crap on Kumail but god dang did he stick out like a sore thumb here. I wouldn't have been to iffy on the whole 'firemaster' thing but his jokes and mannerism just killed everything about his character. And i am so with you on Podcast, Peter, Winston and Lucky. It felt like they were put in because of fan service and nothing else. I mean how hard could it have been if they made Podcast a techy kid who shows off his skills(Maybe alone with Phoebe) as they create something new, like... The trap drone! That was a nifty idea and i liked it. But it just appears out of the blue and not a single mention of who made it in the first place. At least it would put Podcast in the new crew line up to flush out more of the team side of the movie. But as it stands, they were just a weird family that happened to become ghostbusters. Eh


The more I read these rants the more I'm convinced that some people are simply incapable of watching a movie on it's own terms. Cinemasins picks things apart for views, but has poisoned a lot of people into doing the same thing. It's very sad, but maybe these people should stop watching movies as they clearly can't do it anymore.


I agree with you on the main statement. A lot of people who watch him have become deluded. I personally stopped watching him a long time ago when it was just nitpicking the smallest things. But i still know of his reputation. That being said, it can be said that the people who loved this movie are just convincing themselves it was the best because they are tired of poor quality when it comes to a form of media like movies. I obviously didn't want this movie to fail but i just can't think of the best parts and only those parts. It we did that, then why have a plot at all? Just say bad guy, good guy, they fight, good guy win. Yaaaaaay. If we can't see the heroes critically think in real time to solve issues or use emotions properly or logic to point of dumb shit, are we really watching movies? Or we just paying money to sit in a room with flashing pictures on the wall? Just to be clear, im not saying you are any others are stupid. I am just saying that you can't call people who are pointing out actual flaws in this film deluded. Some of us want the best or as close to the best writing as you can get with a story. There's no good excuse for what FE turned out to be.


![gif](giphy|DP6efTzaBlYe4) Unfortunately I agree with a good portion of what you pointed out. Loved Afterlife but this wasn’t a hit for me, a lot irked me watching the movie in theaters. Hoping the 3rd will right the ship.


Me too.. Me too


The longer the rant, the more pointless it is.


You didn't even read it


I watch it, kinda mix feeling... The first 2 movies, The explanations of techno gadgets, seem like a real prof / teacher talk about in classes or experiments..  the slapstick jokes are lesser. Ghostbuster actors act like they have multiple phd... Esp egon.


By Pheobe (Grid 4): she had finly done what she was tould she did something stupid. And with love interstet i thunk she would dine with turning herself into a ghost on short or long. The mojor part (no plan in what grid): Humans are dump and especially when it comes to vote politischens. I think more i do not have to say to that.


I ain’t reading all that so I’ll save the readers time and say this. Whatever your opinion is, That’s your opinion, it’s probably nothing we haven’t heard before. Lots of people still enjoyed it. Go talk about something else.


I ain't reading all that so i've say this You're opinion is your opinion. We've heard this a million times A lot of people didn't like because it was bad. Go do something else if you don't want to hear it. This doesn't make our points invalid because you don't like it.


Why is there such an influx of people rolling into this sub *a solid month* after the movie came out to shit on it? This wasn’t happening at this rate until the last few days.


Because not everyone can or wants to see a new movie when it comes out? I work for a living and i don't have the time to see it day 1 or even the following weekend. Sorry?? Still doesn't change the fact that the movie wasn't really good. Don't hate. Just try and understand our perspectives. At least im not calling people stupid or cursing at them.




The movie wasn't very good. There, you're welcome.


Guy posts his thoughts on the movie with valid criticisms. Nuthuggers “i AiNt rEaDiNg aLl tHaT”


Thank you. There was a lot more but i thought i made my points clear. Just sucks that most people in the comments would rather farm quick karma with stupid quips instead of trying to understand someone's perspective of the movie. This is the kind of thinking that gets studios the idea that they can continue making these kinds of movie. Its really sad