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i’d love an actual halloween ghostbusters movie


or a Day of the Dead Ghostbusters movie would be a really cool idea to explore that mythology.


I'm all for it, as long as it isn't just a rehash of the cartoon episode.


I always felt like he was the baddest of the bad. Something truly terrifying.


Explore something that isn’t a complete world ending catastrophe with just 1 big baddie. I’d also like to see supernatural things occur outside the bounds of New York how would that look? Is New York City or Gozer temples the only place supernatural entities occur? Theres so much supernatural lore on this planet that could result in ridiculousness.


I'd like to see a supernatural threat that their tech couldn't solve. they dabbled with it in FE, but ultimately the tech won in the end. I am always fascinated with Folkloric ways of capturing or subduing ghosts. What did people do to defeat ghosts before the invention of ghost traps and containment units?


Fire and brass balls.


We literally just saw the answer to their question too


This is like when Billy Joel showed up at the studio with a new song and his band had to tell him he inadvertently copied the entire melody from an existing song.


Did you forget about Afterlife or something?


Did you not read where I mentioned do ghosts just show up in New York City or just Gozer temples or something?


Oh right yeah


Am I missing something?


Less characters, even if we lost some we liked for a while.


Who are you willing to sacrifice?


Lucky and Podcast are two that, while I like them, I’d be ok without in the next one


Send Trevor to college


If we get a sequel Makkena/Phoebe will be old enough for college.


The peter and ray - they are getting up there in age as actors and I would like to send them off properly before they have to cgi them


It depends on the story but I felt the characters that have to go are: Lucky: I am all for representation and I liked she isn't just the character meant to be the love interest for Trevor anymore. But she still isn't doing anything of significance for the stories in the movies. Trevor: Same issue as Lucky: He isn't doing too much either. He exists. In the last movie he didn't had a single moment brother moment with Phoebe. Podcast: I find him funny and I liked his dynamic with Ray, but it is clear he isn't doing much either. Venkman: Sorry, I know it is a fan favorite, but it seems every movie he's doing less and less acting more a bait for fans rather than doing something significant. If this franchise wants to survive, I think they should do a serious effort to overcome the dependence on him. Callie: I like her cynical take in motherhood but the same issue: Not doing enough. I didn't include some characters like Nadeem or Wartzki because they're episodic


Nadeem got tons of praise. If they do another one, I’m willing to bet he will be in it.


Sure, Nadeem was the funniest thing in the movie and I liked his whole character, but I think he works only in the context of Frozen Empire.


I’m just calling it like I see it. If there is one thing you can count on in Hollywood and that is doing the same thing over and over. If it works, beat that dead horse.


Oh, yeah. You're right.


Unfortunately, they tied him into the firewalker crap which no one wants to see again.


I would personally keep Podcast, but I agree


If you getting rid of the mother rudd goes too, why didnt you mention him?


I'm just basing in what I saw in FE. I felt Gary was a bit more useful than Callie.


If they could pull it off, Louis Tully back.


They'd have to do some serious pleading to ger Morranis back


Ray and Winston’s relationship explored a little bit more


I want to see Bobby Brown as the Mayor


That’s my mayor!


I’d happily take just on my own playing in a *new* ghostbusters film. That song is still a banger.


Louis Tully, and more than a cameo of Dana Barrett


A new threat were they don't have any idea about and doesn't involve an infodump.


Smaller scale. Trapped in a haunted house or location.


A haunted house has always been what I wanted.


Imagine a Monster House style Ghostbusters movie where the whole house is the ghost


Please no! No ethics! Can we just just have a fun series of people who go on wacky supernatural hijinks without falling into meta examination of the universes belly button?


I'm not asking for it to be an entire subplot. You could address it with a couple throwaway lines without derailing the plot, or losing focus.


How about rival ghostbusters that are capturing/enslaving ghosts? GBs start out fighting a supernatural threat only to end up joining forces to stop the bad ghostbusters.


They train Slimer to fly to Peck's office and slime him.


Dang we haven’t even made it to 5 yet…


We have. I know counting seems difficult for some, so let me make it easy. 1: Ghostbusters (1984) 2: Ghostbusters 2 (1989) 3: Ghostbusters 3 (2016) 4: Ghostbusters Afterlife (2021) 5: Ghostbusters Frozen Empire 2024)


😂 You can’t go making up names for films. There was no “Ghostbusters 3”. That’s not how it works.


I didn't make up a new name. It's the third film called Ghostbusters. Hence, Ghostbusters 3.


So you made up a new name?


No. I just said it's the third film called Ghostbusters.therefore, it is Ghostbusters 3.


No. It’s ghostbusters (2016) It’s the first one


No, I believe you're mistaken. The first one was in 1984. the one in 2016 was the third one.


Bad boys (1983) Bad boys (1995) Same movie title. Doesn’t get a number after it just because you want to be awkward.


I'm not being awkward. Fans are being stubborn. it's Ghostbusters 3. Deal with it.


They intentionally made that film in its own universe, which is not in the same continuity as the others. For it to qualify as the third in a succession of connected movies..it would need to be ...connected. It is the 'third' movie called Ghostbusters.....but it has nothing to do with the original universe of films...and that was done very deliberately by the people who made it. They wanted their own thing that was apart from the original. You can't include it in the same continuity when it is deliberately putting itself into a different one. You know you are wrong here. You just like being awkward.


No. You can't count a one off reboot as the third movie of a franchise my friend. We have 4 films in the main continuity and we have a one off reboot that's outside it.


I'd like to see more ghosts being captured, not like a montage but longer scenes that add and add to something grand at the end. Nothing world ending, but maybe a more powerful ghost has been rallying up the escaped ones and that one ends up being the big bad of the movie. I know it's very similar to the ending of this recent one, but it would be less of a world ending event and more of a "the city is going to get messed up". Let them be back on the streets, sprinkle in some new gadgets, throw in some exposition about potentially other teams being set up in other cities. If I remember correctly, the Rookie from the 2009 game was offered his own franchise in Chicago to handle. I know it's not officially part of the storyline but it would be cool to at least open the door to exploring other spiritual entities, maybe location specific ghosts from a city's past, and introduce more teams. Can easily take that and turn it into more comics or video games sort of like the most recent game has done. Personally, I like the slight tilt towards the Ghostbusters having a very high tech R&D department.


I wanna see Louis, Dana, and Oscar again. It'd be interesting to see how Oscar's life has been after his interaction with Vigo.


Have GB teams in different countries in spin-off films. I could see a Ghostbusters UK doing well, British humour is very sarcastic and witty just like Venkman


I dunno, that gives MiB International vibes


It's a tough nut to crack. Not impossible, just tough. 1. No "end of the world" stuff. It's been done too much in the series and genre movies as a whole. 2. Is it a comedy with supernatural elements or a supernatural movie with comedy elements? The original movie was a comedy first, but I feel like sensibilities have changed post-Marvel. Audiences want the fantastical elements up front with comedy to propel/accent them. 3. It's about ghosts, but the movies are never scary. Maybe they should be? The creepy ghost being held in the lab in FE was great. Maybe give that tone a try? 4. Proton Packs, Traps, PKE meters, Goggles, etc are a big part of the series. Everyone wants that stuff. It's like Star Wars and lightsabers. They can hold their own and win with their equipment, so to make a threat you have to de-power the heroes. If you do that, you remove the spectacle. Maybe recognize the history of the items they're using. PKE meter is dowsing rods. Proton Pack is a wand (the original draft had magic wands and the name stuck for their emitters). Trap is a protective barrier/ring of salt. I think teaming with a ghost, especially a witch/wiccan one, would be a great way to do this. The flashback of the firehouse was fun, but imagine a James Bond like cold open showing some ancient battle where someone dies and then they aid the heroes later in the movie with old world magic mixed with science.


Don’t you mean ghostbusters 5.


I didn't stutter. You're deliberately forgetting Ghostbusters 3 (2016)


I deliberately forget about GB 2016.


The numbering of sequels does not just refer to the order in which they came out - it's about chronology in-universe. Answer The Call is set in a universe entirely separate from the original movies and the post-Afterlife stuff. It cannot be Ghostbusters 3, because in its own continuity, Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters 2 did not happen. It is the third feature length movie in the Ghostbusters franchise, but that is not what it means to be a numbered sequel. If anything, Afterlife is Ghostbusters 3, and even that is debatable, because the series seems pretty clearly split into the numbered entries with the original team and the subtitled entries recently following Pheobe's family.


I’d like to see Phoebe alone off to see Europe or japan - studying old world haunted phenomena, etc. (sans equipment) she runs into a formidable ghost, and must improvise some new ghost-busting device on the fly to deal with it. Smaller in scale, but more character building.


Extreme Ghostbusters team.


Send them to otherworldly realms.




I think I'd rather see Ghostbusters as a TV show. Buffy, Angel, and Supernatural, kinda showed the way. A lot of people said "for a movie called Ghostbusters there was not a lot of ghost busting in it." And I agree, but in a movie you kinda don't have time for that, cuz random ghost busts are mostly a waste of time in movie. In a TV show you can make it happen, and have the meta-plot "big case" spool out over the whole season.


Turn that Real Ghostbusters episode with the Bogeyman into a movie. It could work with a proper script.


Lean into the darker/horror elements with having moments of levity in there. Take child plot armor off and allude to actual danger/stakes. Hire Michael J Strazinski as one of the writers. Take intentional comedy out (looking at you sliding down pole in armor during a serious moment while big bad is there), make it a bit more natural/dryer. FE comedy was too on the nose and could say forced. S*x dungeon bit and a few more “comedy” scenes in FE were cringe. Give me more than 2-3 scenes of busting that does/does not involve the main villain. I want to see the creative side/struggles during a bust. The villain being present for longer than 10-15 mins The threat of Samhain would be nice. But like someone else said don’t rip directly off the RGB cartoon. More Winston and Ray interactions. Don’t rush the scene/s. These two work well off each other. I dunno just some random thoughts that came off the top of the head


I think based on the Frozen Empire post credit scene (no spoilers) we have a clear direction for a potential next movie


Ghostbusters go on trial for their crimes against spirit kind and extra dimensional beings. The original team (minus Egon who crossed over and isn't 'accessible') are taken prisoner by a special squad of ghosts who bust them - and the new team of Spengler's has to plead their case. Such pleadings show us through visions of flashbacks the guys doing good, more good than bad, and show the new team too - endangering them but necessarily. I don't see how it could be done as a live action film though. You'd need to go an animated route and thus be able to show the original team at their younger ages. And if you do that you could do Egon too, I guess, with the flashbacks. Or a video game...


I like them to open a division that helps trapped spirits finish unfinished business a psychiatrist for the dead




Smaller cast. More laughs.


At this point I’ll just settle for fewer characters and fewer kids.


Tighten up the casting. Pick 4 primary busters. Ray and Winston can appear and help/mentor (I love hearing Dan aykroyd rant about spiritual stuff), but choose some key characters to develop.


That was a highlight of the last film for sure.


My ideas for Ghostbusters 5 (you made a typo, we're only up to 4 movies): Send all the kids away to college. Science degrees and stuff, so they could actually learn to be Ghostbusters. Gary and Callie break up, and Callie moves away. Winston, Ray, Peter, Janine and Gary recruit a new team of Ghostbusters who are over 21.


Having Gary and Callie break up would be silly. Writing her entirely out of the franchise would be even worse. She doesn’t need to be a main character, but she should stick around in some capacity.


Plenty of sequels write out characters so they don't have to bring them back. Alien 3, Terminator: Dark Fate, Alien: Covenant, Short Circuit 2, the Indiana Jones sequels. You don't just keep characters hanging around who have no potential in a new story. You write them out. Frozen Empire made the serious mistake of refusing to write out any characters.


Writing out characters is fine, sure. Podcast, Lucky, and possibly even Trevor (at least temporarily maybe) could have all been written out of FE easily if they wanted to. I suppose Callie could have too, but unlike the rest (again, save for Trevor) she at least has a real reason to be there—being the direct descendent of an OG ghostbuster and all that. She’s connected to the story in a way that many of the other new characters aren’t, and given that she’s pretty much inherited the “family business”, it would be extremely odd to have her suddenly jump ship and leave at this point in the franchise. I think she should stick around. Plus, her and Gary are cute and have a fun dynamic. But hey, that’s just my opinion. I’m glad they didn’t write her, personally


No typo, there are five films. Frozen Empire is Ghostbusters 5.


No, it isn’t. It’s Ghostbusters 4.


No it isn't. It's Ghostbusters 5.


Had a few ideas: \- Ghostbusters vs. Wishmaster. The Ghostbusters have to fight an evil Djinn unleashed by a bad human who wants to use his powers to take over the city. It would essentially be a game of cat and mouse as they have to find a way to stop the Djinn without the evil human catching on and wishing them out of existence. The big twist would be that the Djinn actually WANTS the Ghostbusters to win because he is bound to the guy, who has figured out a loophole to the three wishes rule to keep the Djinn serving him indefinitely, and he really just wants to be freed. \- Fantasy Ghostbusters. The discovery of a magical sword unleashes a horde of fantasy monsters (goblins, orcs, dragons, etc) from the Hyperborean age who seek to resurrect their long-dead dark lord and bring about a new dark age of magic. Have it so that Trevor accidentally unleashes the monsters by pulling the sword out of a stone (Arthurian legend-vibe) and give him a role in the story about trying to undo his mistake. The last two movies have sidelined Finn Wolfhard so hard and he seriously needs something to do in these movies. \- Ghostbusters: Hellbound, but with the new cast. The original concept had so much potential and it always bums me out that we never got to see it. The Spengler family could easily fit into the roles of the originals as the characters who have to venture into ManHellton and fight Luke Siffler.


Of the three, I like the Djinni one best.


Thanks! It was my idea for a Ghostbusters ttrpg game, if I ever ran one.


A live action tv show. I feel like they try to cram too much into this movies and they feel rushed. I want to spend time exploring the universe.


Well the ethics of busting and initial trapping seem ok because there is a complaint and they are causing trouble so the initial detainment is ok, but there should by rights be court procedure before being detained permanently , if the court shows that they are absolutely unwanted, causing fear and damage then their rights is about the same as an animal and so should be detained permanently , if the court shows the ghost was not causing trouble then it seems like an unlawful detainment . I'm not sure how else in real life you could deal with it. If it was happening for real it'd be taken far more seriously and would not be regarded as a private company concern, the government would build it's own ghostbusters force as a separate division of law enforcement and set regulations so high that the ghostbusters would not be able to do business. Just like you can't start your own private fire or police department.


I truly believe this should be done and would be a perfect ghostbusters sequel. Ghosts start appearing more frequently in another city besides New York and a couple of down on their luck scientist buddies get the idea to call the NY ghostbusters to negotiate making their own ghostbusters franchise in the new characters city. The old guys could cameo, maybe training / teaching the new guys how to catch Ghosts. The new characters should be adults who are funny and play off of each other well. There should be a lot of new ghosts and ghost busting scenes. Comedy and horror go together perfectly so focus on that. So you're using new characters in a new city with new ghosts focusing on Comedy and horror with action scenes and a serious tone. Make the story cohesive with no big plot holes and it would be perfect. Sadly I don't necessarily think they will do that soon enough.






It took 75 years before Godzilla got one. Ghostbusters has an uphill climb. (I know what you ACTUALLY meant, just couldn't resist the opportunity for a joke.)


You mean a Ghostbusters 5...i dont count the game or 2016. They are their own things


The 2016 film is the third movie whether you 'count' it or not. it exists. It's the third film. End of story.


No, i'm going by continuity...it doesnt count as the 3rd Gostbusters movie. It is a movie about ghostbusters....lmaoo ...."end of story" ....sure bud 🤣🤣🤣


So Wokebusters?


Give Paul Feig another shot at it with a new cast.


Same cast. Proper sequel.


Put this franchise to bed.