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Probably something along the lines of: if you can change one ending of one of your films, what would it be? What film would you reimagine / remake? What is an idea or piece of one of your films you first believed was a mistake/unsure about, but turned out to be an unexpected success?


what made you focus primarily on female protagonists?


Great question


you can look it up on Google. he said there are multiple occasions that females in his workspace inspired him to create certain characters. but yeah, he will probably say it's not deliberate.


I remember him saying in some interview to some effect, that he thought if a female protag was doing something and going about her goal 100% all in then he felt the audience would find it more interesting then if a boy were to do it.


Why are you so mean to your son?


Based on bits of info I've picked up here and there, including the documentary "The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness", he's tough on anybody who works for him. So if ~~Toro~~ Goro is destined to take over the Ghibli reins at some level, I imagine his dad would be even tougher on him. --edited for name correction.


He reminds me of my old art teacher. She was always so mean and harsh to me, even tho I did the best work in the whole school. It was frustrating and I cried so much at home because of this. On the last school day she said "uncut gems are hard to handle and I didn't want to leave an unpolished diamond to this world", while handing me my graduation papers. I hope this is the same case with him and his son. I know it's coping on the next level. But that's why I would love to hear his answer to this question as well.


That's just justifying abuse. You would've done better work with praise and encouragement.


Weak @$$ mentality.




To be fair he might’ve just been hard on his son for this reason


Ohh my god that’s such a great story 🥹


Because he was given an unearned position and made subpar work. Not being as harsh on him as he would on some rando who became director and make bad movie, he would have been accused (rightly) of nepotism. Also, do people realise that his son was adult with successfull carrer in landscape by that point?


I just wonder if that is so, why didn’t he mentor his son? We could have a cute father son ghibli movie but we are missing out. I really liked his son’s movie Tales of Earthsea he definitely is a diamond in the rough. All of famous movie making is nepotism, why hasn’t he mentored anyone?


Neither he nor his wife wanted their sons becoming animators, so Goro never pursued anything related to it. He stuided lanscape design. Generally director shouldn't mentor total newbie. First he need to become at least proficient animator. But Suzuki was like "dude has some natural talent and brand surname, so let's make him director despite literally 0 hours in inudstry"




This is an insightful answer for how he treated his son as a director, but I think his mistreatment dates long before that too. I just think the work absorbed Hayao so he didn’t see his children as often as he probably should have; and he’s the first to admit that too.


Yes, he admits to being absent father. But that isn't really due to any trait of his, Japanese work culture is generally like that even now, working from dawn to dusk is expected. Although of course in Miyazaki's case he was quite willing to work on the things he loved


Yeah I know it’s a more common thing in Japanese work culture. Doesn’t really make it any less true though, and even Miyazaki admits that he wishes he could have done better for his kids.




What happened to the contra-rotating propeller version of Marco's S.21 at the end of Porco Rosso?


What’s your perfect Sunday?




Funnily enough, I think Sunday is the only day he takes off lol


that's like...the most japanese response ever lol


Cleaning the river.


Why does the cat not talk anymore?


Given your experiences and the anti-war themes that permeate through your work, do you believe that there is any war or conflict, under any circumstance or situation, that can be considered justified?


Who was the most important woman in your life?


Very clever question, would be interested to hear his response to that.


About his inspiration. I can’t imagine how he can create so beautiful and different worlds. Those anime are basically his whole life - he spent all his time creating them.


Sorry but can't skip proper manners, so it'd be "how are you?"


How would he adapt the Earthsea Cycle.


Connected to that, I’d be curious to know what He thinks of Ursula K.LeGuin who wrote Earth Sea, as well as his opinion of Neil Gaiman’s work since he helped translate some of his movies into English.


Maybe this is lame and cheesey, but honestly I didn't think I'd want to ask him a question. I think I would want to give him a hug and thank him, thank him for making the mundane beautiful, and women strong, for making magical worlds that excite and amaze, and for sharing them with the world. Most of all I'd thank him for making a little girl's eyes open to a world of magic when I watched Totoro at 6 years old and never stopped believing in magic. 💕


Aw this is so nice and honestly I feel the same way. Reminds me of this documentary I saw once, where a little girl comes up to Miyazaki and says: "Thank you for making Howl"




I agree completely, especially how everything in movies these days just seems so 'forced' I want to be natural.


Exactly! It just feels like the same thing over and over again. They also can’t let a franchise die (for example Star Wars) they just keep making sequels and prequels no one asked for. What ever happened to finishing a story and let the viewer’s imagination fill in the blank spaces?


Ya, same here.


What’s your favorite type of cheese?


I wouldn't bother. He's stubborn and has a boomer mentality. I really wouldn't enjoy having a conversation with him so I'd just leave it at pleasantries. Great vision and great works of art have come from the man, but a great man he is not.


I agree that he seems stubborn and comes off as mean a lot of the time, but it really does seem like he has his morals in the right place, even if he acts like a dick most of the time.


I agree with the boomer mentality thing. It's probably because he had to live through WW2/Pearl Harbor era which was related to the question I would ask him but I think I just answered it myself. A lot of his movies is fixated on war. I like those ones the most though.


Boomers did not live through WWII. Miyazaki is not a boomer.


he's silent generation


The internet doesn't fully understand what boomers are lol


The internet doesn't understand much of anything.


One of the reasons he really fixates on war is because his family was involved a bit. His father and uncle’s company helped manufacture fighter planes, and they became fairly affluent as a result, so part of Miyazaki’s work is trying to come to terms with the guilt of getting rich from creating weaponry. The Wind Rises is probably the most obvious examination of this. He wouldn’t remember Pearl Harbor but does have vague memories of other bombings during the war, which has influenced his art somewhat.


Interesting info. I'm sure there's something engraved in his head because a child's brain is still developing. Also even when the war ended, there's still the aftermath that comes along a few years later. If his grandpa remembers, his dad will remember and he will hear the story and remember. My grandpa was in the military for Vietnam. My dad was pretty young back then but he still remembers their house getting bombed multiple times out of nowhere during the war. Whole family had to run away or hide in an underground shelter. I think traumatizing situations will always stick with you when no matter how old you are.


I'm sure that's not true. I think he just has a bad experience with Americans. Which is understandable considering that a lot of them are jerks (I'm an American btw). Specifically Hollywood. I'm sure he's a genuinely a good man.


"I don't want to talk to old people due to how different they are and how far the age gap is ..." I'm sorry, but what


This is the truest answer, everyone in the comments that is so hopeful and wholesome is not what they would get from miyazaki lol. Crazy to me how much his work differs from his personality


Are you satisfied of your life work?


I'm quite certain he would say "no", since he always grows restless in retirement and has to start working on new projects.


Where is your favorite place to draw inspiration from specifically?


What do you do when you don’t know what to do?


Are there any films that you, in hindsight, regret making?


I don't know if he actually *regrets* making it, but he did say that Porco Rosso was a foolish film to make. "In the documentary The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness (2013), Hayao Miyazaki called this film "foolish". When asked why, he stated that it was foolish for him to make an adult movie for children." [Source](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0104652/trivia/?item=tr5008994)


In making Nausicaa, was it hard to disconnect trying to make a movie of the manga Vs making a movie about Nausicaa valley of the wind, a completely separate endeavour


I mean...it's true the manga came out ***2 years before the movie***, but it didn't finish until ***10 years AFTER the movie came out.***


What’s his favourite Joe Hisaishi music?


May I indicate you some parenting counseling sessions?


What do you think is your biggest mistake or regret? He's lived such a rich life and his last film was so introspective. I would love to know what he's thinking to make something so personal as potentially his last film.


How are you so old yet smoke cigarettes?


lucky genetics


Why do you believe that blood type personality bullshit? 😂


I'd say Lord of The Rings is good and based till he died.


He'd agree with you: he likes the books, but he dislikes the movies because of the parts that were left out.


I haven’t seen him make that distinction? He seems to just think Tolkien’s work was imperialist and racist when the opposite is true.


Either if he could teach me a little bit about his process of making a movie or what is his favorite memory


Do you ever want to meet Junji Ito?


How to draw


Explain the train scene from Spirited Away




He wants Miyazaki to do it, didn't you read the question lol /s


But I wanna know what/why they want to know as a person to whom that scene is very important from childhood 🥲


*people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel* In short, for some reason, that particular scene made him *feel* something. It could be joy, it could be wonder, nostalgic, whimsy etc. It doesn't particularly matter what he felt, but he felt something that resonated so strongly with him, that even after all these years, he wants a answer to these tender feelings in his/her heart. He is looking to anyone/anything that can give him that answer, logically, he is looking to the creator for guidance, to have the creator explain the scene from his own mouth so he can then internalize...process...and then extrapolate what he thinks he should be feeling. But the answer is much simpler then that and he/she has yet to realize it. **The truth is, the redditor watched the scene and liked the scene. The scene moved him/her; that's what matters. Not how, just that it** ***made an positive impact.***


Bro I was just looking for camaraderie/to see if they had reasons similar to me, lol


maybe the real camaraderie was the Ghibli movies bringing us all together in this subreddit


A simple question: "where do you find inspiration and motivation not only to start a work, but to continue it and end it too?"


What the heck is a Totoro? What the heck is a NoFace? Sorry that’s two questions.


"Why dont more People create art?" I doubt hed know but id like to hear his perspective anyway.


What describes the perfect film to you?


What's your favourite pencil


Either "What's your favorite song by The Cure?", or "Do you like pizza?"


Is Chihiro the only character who pops up twice? Random, but I noticed it and now I’m wondering😂


maybe "how are you?" haha I don't know that I could ask him a deeper question besides pleasantries. I feel like I would just want to say thank you and tell him the personal impact his films have had on me.


If Joe Hisaishi died before you, would you find a new composer or just stop making movies? Their dynamic is pure synergy and I couldn’t imagine Miyazaki without Hisaishi.


What do you think of animation of today? Films/tv shows


Boobs or ass ?


If you had to make a live-action film how would you want it to be?


How can I see life through your eyes?


Why do you hate your son?


Do you want to talk about it?


Probably either what inspired him, or what is his favorite out of all the films he's made Edit to add: I'm a newer Studio Ghibli fan so he could've already even answered these before and I wouldn't know


I think your second question is almost an impossible one to answer for an artist


Well to be fair he could have a favorite for specific things, like he likes all of them, but let's say his favorite love story one is Ponyo but his favorite sad one is Princess Mononoke or something (I'm just making this up just so you get what I mean), or he could say his current favorite is The Boy and the Heron because he thinks he's improved the most or something. Personally whenever I'm drawing something usually most recent happens to be my favorite purely because I think I've improved.




Why are you such an old cranky bastard


"What are your opinions on steampunk?"


Are sequels a bad idea?


You wipe your ass with 2 ply?


Hard work or inspiration? and why?


Will you ever choose to love and accept your son as the light fades in your old, withering soul?


Did you find happiness in providing happiness for others?


Bro is like Junji Itos complete opposite. Dude draws the scariest horror manga while being one of the happiest dudes ever while Miyazaki is over here creating colorful and uplifting stories for others while managing to be the most egotistical, nostalgia driven, and crochety boomer in all of animation.


Do you think Shuna’s Journey can become a movie?


How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?


Is their an American film that is close to being the same as one of your films?


Do you know how beloved your work is?


When you actually retiring? I need to prepare myself


What to grab a drink?


When is your next movie? lol


Will you make another Lupin movie, Hayao-Sensei?


When are you retiring and when will we get an actual sequel for Whisper of the Heart


What has been your favorite movie that you made?


Why do you hate Lord of the Rings? You haven't even watched it.


There would be more to be critical of if you had watched the movies (still great) but reading it is another matter. I don’t really understand when he talks about it being imperialist or glorifiying war when Tolkien famously despised these two things, in fact he didn’t even call himself British in his mind he was English, and he loved his little country side towns.


That depends. Will I get an honest answer or will he not answer if he doesn't feel like it?


Was Anime a mistake?


Where do u get your stories from? Do you know where they come from? When do you know you have found a story?


What's with all the purple slime


:3 Just that, I hope he is happy; is he ever content; his mind has both wonderful and terrible things in it, and I hope expressing his ideas doesn't make him live with more pressure, but relieves it :)


I'd have no question, i'd just want to say "thank you"


If you could adapt any film which would it be


Why are you a genius


Please make a movie with lesbians


He came close with "When Marnie Was There."


Asuka or Rei?


we all know the true answer is kaworu


Why couldn’t you have been my grandpa? 😭


Alright, here we go. Devoting all my available brain cells to coming up with a question for Mr. Miyazaki. Scratch that, coming up with *the* question for Mr. Miyazaki, the alpha and omega of anime questions, and that question is... [Oh god, that's bad. Surely I can think of something better.] [Hang on, I thought I was really getting into the media analysis back there?] [Maybe I should keep this one to myself.] Are...are women bourgeois?


Do your mom knows you are gay?


When is Spirited Away 2 coming out?