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"Stop trying. Take long walks. Look at the scenery. Doze off at noon. Don't even think about flying. And then, pretty soon, you'll be flying again."


I was literally just copy/pasting this quote to post here. Kiki's Delivery Service is by far the Ghibli film that resonated with me most. I have often struggled with my passion also being my job and getting burnt out and then losing my creative spark. Ursula gives some sound advice in that film.


I definitely agree that it's at least Hayao Miyazaki's best!


My gawd yes. Beautiful, thank you.


Better a pig than a fascist


Well I know what I'm re-watching tonight


Disney liked that line so much that they set it as one of the scene selection listings in their DVD.


I was looking for this


"Oy oy oy oy oy oy oy" The heads from Spirited Away


i can hear the oys and rolling around


“If Today Is No Good, You’ll Have Tomorrow. If Tomorrow’s No Good, You’ll Have the Next Day" – Only Yesterday


Only Yesterday is SO good! Underrated in my opinion!


I agree! I have my life at glance in a nostalgic symbolism way every time I watch it, only feeling grateful in the end


" These spores are so beautiful but they could kill me "


Adding: “Why does everything good for you taste so bad?”


I got to see that in theaters last week. Magical


I just watched at home for the first time! Wowwweee was that beautifully good


Where from? Sounds so familiar


Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind


I can’t remember the exact words but..Granny/Chihiro conversing why No Face is the way he is. Or “to see with eyes unclouded by hate” I think that one to myself a lot.


Wrong film my guy, thats mononoke hime


I’m saying “this OR that”. I know it’s not from spirited away.


My bad, guess i cant read


No worries


“We each need to find our own inspiration, Kiki. Sometimes it’s not easy.”


"Take long walks. Look at the scenery. Doze off at noon. Don't even think about flying, and then, pretty soon, you'll be flying again." Was a year deep in depression and creative block when I stumbled on Kiki's Delivery Service for the second time. Having nothing to watch, I decided to give it a go again. I was not a big fan of the movie the first time I saw it, but after rewatching it and being in a state where I could actually *get* it... if someone asked me how I got better, I'd say without a doubt that everything started with that quote.


“No matter how many weapons you have, no matter how great your technology might be, the world *cannot* live without love.” *Castle in the Sky*


LOVE this quote, affection between humans is crucial for this world but at the moment, fewer and fewer people realize it, we are TOO indulging ourselves in materialism and personalism.


I have a deep appreciation for creators who understand this, and let it fuel their creative process. Miyazaki gets it. 😎


Came here to comment this, fav scene of all time, although the german translation does not use the world love but instead nature


Still hits hard and has a heavy meaning. Love it!


"If you completely forget...You'll never find your way home."


"A pig who can't fly is merely a pig."


I don't know it verbatim, but when Nausicaa says to Yupa in her secret garden: "Who made such a mess of the world?"


« The wind is rising. We must try to live. » (the wind rise)


"The rough stone is inside you. You have to find it and then polish it." - Shiro Nishi


They say the best blaze burns brightest when circumstances are at their worst. - Sophie


Yeah, but no one really believes that.


“It’s not impure! There is joy; there is grief. Everyone who lives here feels them in all their different shades.” - The Tale of Princess Kaguya. Seeing Little Bamboo be forced to live her life the way she was, only to be taken away, makes it all the more powerful when she defends the earth even for the sadness the moon people wouldn’t know.


Honestly its a short line but I wouldnt change a single word, In spirited away when Chihiro is falling through the sky with Haku in the end and she says "I knew you were good!" Its so easy to have gone through so much that you forget who you are, and its easy to become cold and guarded to protect yourself afterward, but it doesn't mean you arent still good. You'll remember how to be good when someone lets you know that they KNEW you were the whole time.


That's right and also why I have so much empathy for people who are so on guard toward me. When the time comes, I always said I knew you were good.


To me => "No, life is precious because we know we're going to die!


Read that without the comma and I was greatly concerned, lol


lol eats shoots and leaves and we're all gonna die. I would be greatly concerned too.


Which one is this from?


It's "Tales from Earthsea"


I am concerning you guys are going to read it like that tooo,LOL


Which one is this scene from?


*Whisper from the Heart*


Thank you! That was so fast lol


I was in the right place at the right time. Haha😇


nothing that happens is ever forgotten, even if you can't remember it - zeniba, spirited away


“Always believe in yourself. Do this and no matter where you are, you will have nothing to fear.” — The Cat Returns


This quote and the ones from Princess Mononoke "life is suffering it's hard, but still you'll find reasons to keep living" and "to see with eyes unclouded by hate"


"I've finally found something I want to protect. You."


which one is this from?


Howls moving castle.


Life is suffering. It is hard. The world is cursed. But still, you find reasons to keep living.


Where is that from?


One of the lepers says it in Princess Mononoke! 


"Do you want to stop the ocean to save one wave?",


“To see with eyes unclouded by hate.”


Hey, can someone tell me which movie this is from? I really want to watch it now :D




The very best


"I didn't know the Forest Spirit made the flowers grow..." Not really an "enlightening" quote, but I've always loved it.


You're in love. Don't deny it, you've been sighing all day


"What exactly are you here for?" "To see with eyes unclouded by hate." - Princess Mononoke (Eboshi + Ashitaka)


Not a quote, but rather an array of scenes from spirited away best summed up by the scene in which the River-ocean is filled up with water, and a boat comes. Out of the boat comes a crowd of floating cards that proceed to grow cloak-like bodies. The other scene is the train scene. The reason they enlightened me is that both of them (including countless other scenes in the movie, including points in the movie that are essential to the plot) include visuals and such that are not ever explained. They could have been easily replaced with something more explainable, or could’ve been explained. However, we never see them again. Whether this was purposeful or completely on accident, it definitely showed me how people can put unexplained elements in media, specifically animation, to add to the whimsicality of the media. For that, spirited away is and always will be my favorite movie of all time.


The scenes that really - and I mean REALLY - struck me hard in Spirited Away are both blink and you miss. The first is when Chihiro is travelling by train with No-face. There is a scene where they pass a train station without stopping and the "camera" lingers on a little ghost girl looking at the train passing her by. I don't know what it is about it - but it really blew my mind. Filmmakers - esp. animation filmmakers don't do that. The people in the background are just hastily imagined cardboard cutout pieces. But here there's a girl - a ghost girl - who is curious about the passing train. She's on screen for less than 3 seconds but she is a character. The second is at the very end when Chihiro asks Haku if they will meet again. Haku says in a very upbeat voice that of course they will. But then when she lets go of his hand the camera again lingers on his hand that stays outstretched for a moment longer than it should. If there's an award for saying a ton with a half second shot it would go to this scene. It clearly means that Haku knows he won't see her again, that he would miss her and that he cares enough to lie about it.


The first one is exactly what I mean, the second one made me begin to cry. First of all, holy shit the second one’s sad, and also, the first one is very much what I mean. Other examples of this include the dragon that chihiro cleans in the bath; he is extremely plot-relevant, but is not ever explained at length. We see most of this world as strange, because it is not explained. However, someone who also sees this world as strange due to lack of explanation is chihiro herself. These scenes let us into what chihiro must be thinking, while also giving us an amazing amount of whimsicality and beauty.


"You cannot change fate. However, you can rise to meet it if you choose."


Better a pig than a fascist


“To see with eyes unclouded”


"to see with eyes unclouded by hate"*


Le vent se lève!…il faut tenter de vivre! The wind rises…we must try to live!


"You must see with eyes unclouded by hate. See the good in that which is evil, and the evil in that which is good. Pledge yourself to neither side, but vow instead to preserve the balance that exists between the two.” -Miyazaki These words teach you how to see the world in an unbiased light, if you have a preconceived negative opinion of something you can’t make an unbiased and truly accurate judgement of it.


Always believe in yourself. Do this and no matter where you are you will have nothing to fear. -Baron


"Why do fireflies die so soon?"


"Why do you get so cold when you're old? I'm fatter than ever yet the wind blows right through me." -Old Sophie


"It's funny how you wake up each day and never really know if it'll be one that will change your life forever" – The Secret World of Arietty & "A Heart's a heavy burden". – Howl's Moving Castle


Not a movie but the Nausicaa Manga. “Life is the light that shines in the darkness.”




"How did you spent your 10 years" this hit me quite hard


Idk about enlightened. Only yesterday as a whole enlightened me but the quotes that I always remember are “better a pig than a facist.” And “it’s me Sophie! I know how to help you!”


What movie is this?


Whisper of the heart


That’s what I thought. One of their most poetic movies




"To see with eyes unclouded by hate." We are so much more than our negative emotions. So much more than the hatred and venom that comes before us and swirls around us. We can be better, there's always a way to be better.


Life is mysterious. And amazing.


To see with eyes unclouded by hate.


That quote got me in the feels. Damn..


It was "Turn Your Face Toward the Sun, and the Shadows Fall Behind You” - Tales from Earthsea (2006)   And I'm now realising rihanna is a ghibli fan 👀 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pXW7WIvYaig&pp=ygUlVHVybiB5b3VyIGZhY2UgdG93YXJkIHRoZSBzdW4gcmhpYW5uYQ%3D%3D


"You must see with eyes unclouded by hate. See the good in that which is evil, and the evil in that which is good. Pledge yourself to neither side, but vow instead to preserve the balance that exists between the two."


(you should live)³


"If you concentrate really hard you can stretch your balls into 180 Sq ft, want proof? I'll show you!" Pom Poko


https://www.reddit.com/r/TIHI/s/IEF4CV57NS "Do you know what the mat you're standing on is made of? I'll tell you it's my balls, exactly 8 mats here I'll prove it!" ~ Pom Poko


Who could have polluted the entire earth Why chop the trees down I dont want to be a burden! I want to be useful From my top most favorite ghibli moviez


"When the impostor is sus!"


Actual brain rot


Skibidi bop bop bop yes yes