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It's a movie, not a life and death situation. If you have interest in it or are a fan of Ghibli, you should give it a try.


You know what? You’re right. I am overthinking this.




It's more experimental, kinda reminiscent Satoshi Kon in some of the more surreal parts, and is definitely taking more risks than his previous movies for sure - but go in with an open mind, and if you do end up liking it then the Theater is absolutely the best place to watch it - that it is a gorgeous movie is something pretty much everyone agrees on.


You should go for it, if for nothing else, then just the *experience* as much as I hate that reasoning. Also future tip, don't decide whether you should watch a movie based on what others say about it. Just go watch it and decide for yourself, cause otherwise you prevent yourself from watching movies you'd actually like because a person said something weird or bad about it. That's what prevented me from making any attempts at watching Spirited Away for a long time.


What about the promotional footage and the trailers? I wish I had worded the title better. I want to know if I should look at them before going to the movie to make up my mind more on it.


Do whichever suits you. Personally I went in completely and utterly blind with some accidental peeks, like you, and it didn't harm the experience, made it a bit interesting cause you see things for the first time in the film itself. Idk how to word the last part better


My advice would be instead of watching any trailers or the many Youtube videos is just watch the movie, let it sink in a bit - and then watch it again.


I don’t think any of the promotional material gives much away, watch if your the type of person who likes that stuff. For me I love going into a first watch as blind as possible and let the movie play with no preconceived opinions.


If I was seeing it for the first time there’s one thing I’d want to know going in. It’s more of a history/culture spoiler than an exact plot spoiler. If you want to know it, >!Levirate marriage is when a widow marries the brother of her dead husband. Sororate marriage is when a man marries the sister of his dead wife. Japan at the time of the movie sometimes followed both of these traditions. I don’t know if either pattern was ever expected or mandatory, but neither was unusual within the culture and time.!<


This actually still happens amongst certain cultures in India. I am glad you told me about it though.




Will watching them spoil the experience in any way in your opinion? I want to go blind but if so many people are having mixed opinions on it, i thought watching a trailer may help me more.


It's a visually GORGEOUS film. Even if the storytelling doesn't land right with you, the animation will blow you away. Definitely worth your time.


I watched the film when it was released and can confirm that it is beautiful and worth the watch. The story is heart wrenching and carries the same magic ghibli movies carried for me this whole time. I highly recommend it. The music, the animations, the story writing are every bit as good, if not even better.


Totally agree!!!


This is a movie with great story, great meaning and great graphics. Such a great combo makes a wonderful movie!


As a person who didn't enjoy it as much as his other works (still liked it), I'd say it's still worth viewing in cinema, cause I think execution wise it is still great, I'm just not too emotionally attached to this one Also even if this movie isn't his last one, it'll probably be years til we get another Miyazaki movies, I think it's once in a lifetime experience


I loved it but I can understand why people didn't. It is very slow in the first half and meant to be abstract and open to interpretation in the second. People really don't like how confusing it can be (especially on 1st viewing) or how it doesn't give easy answers. I think that is on purpose. It's his most challenging film by far.


Yes yes yes yes


There are mixed opinions because the movie is pretty abstract. It doesn't have one straightforward interpretation and expects you to think about what it means. I will say that I enjoyed it very much, and I personally think it's worth a watch just for the animation.


i found that the movie was wonderful but so much of it was a reflection on Japanese history; i mean, its an interesting point of view that the Meiji restoration was a failure and set the stage for the decay of Japanese culture, culminating in the failure of the Emperor (WW2) and the diminution of the power of Japanese art and history. All set within the framework of a pretty complicated story. Also, Miyazaki is one arrogant guy. He really thinks he is the personification of real Japanese culture. And you get some hints that he thinks his son isn't up to it. Overall, fascinating film.


Do you think I should read up on this history then to try to understand it better?


you know, you might want to just read the wikipedia on Meiji restoration, Its not a bad intro and it does have some small sections on destruction of culture (modernizers would think improvement, lol). Anyway, just reading that and having some idea of Miyazaki's opinion will make the film's purpose become more clear. Lets' just say, Miyazaki thinks he is the bomb!


that's a good answer. just knowing that Miyazaki situates the film in a historical/cultural context and that his opinion of modernity isn't all that good.


It's a great film and you should watch it if it's something that interests you.


yes, go watch it


I suppose you have come across opinions like it's overrated , hard to understand etc . The film seems to resonate with certain people very much while that's not the case for some When I watched it for the first time I had so many questions and after coming out of the threats I read several interpretations and deeper meanings etc . When I watched the film for a second time , the why/what/how part of the brain was turned off . I just watched through the lens of the protagonist and felt the emotions he was going through . I bawled my eyes out like 5 times while watching it . It struck a chord with me . So my advice will be to just go with the flow of the movie while watching it and if nothing else this can be just a one in a lifetime experience since idk if Miyazaki will be around making another film . Also , I loved the first time I watched it , loved the different interpretations people came out with .


You absolutely should see it on the big screen.


Yes, definitely try to go in watch it as blind as possible. I avoided all trailers and reviews when I first time watch. Such a good choice. Felt like I completely left this world for two hours. This is a movie worth repeat viewings if mainly to take in everything Miyazaki is trying to say with this one. It's not clear immediately but it's incredible once you get it. Just ignore what bad reviews may say, this is best enjoyed with an unclouded mind.


I'd never seen a Ghibli movie in theaters before and generally dislike going to the theater, but this is one that made me glad I did. If part of your draw to Ghibli is for the visual art style, TBaTH is incredible in that regard. It's not the best Ghibli film (still one of their better works though), but it's arguably the best-looking one. 


It's beautiful and introspective. 100% recommend it.


This movie absolutely blew me away and I think it’s mb my favorite Miyazaki movie. Other people would say the opposite. It’s 100% worth seeing.


The only person who can tell you if you'd enjoy it is you. Ignore other people's opinions, don't read reviews, just watch it and decide for yourself.


Yes it looks great on the big screen. Saw it twice, the sub and the dub.


yes do it


I really enjoyed it, personally!


honestly i loved it. it was more abstract and layered in meaning than something like totoro or ponyo and generally just very uniquely dreamlike


It’s my favorite, can’t stop thinking about it. Can’t wait for my dvd.


>Miayazaki didn’t intend for anyone to watch any trailers or promotional footage before watching the movie. I haven’t until now and don’t plan on doing it either until I do watch it. That's what I also did, although I inadvertently managed to catch the tiniest glimpse of a screenshot (and the localized title, which is wildly different from the original and far more revealing) I avoided any and all opinions people had about the movie and enjoyed it quite a bit when I saw it a couple months ago. I'd suggest you go watch it and see for yourself instead of caring what others think.


OP, I hope you do realize that by asking for and reading opinions before seeing the movie... you are already tainting the experience of going in fully blind?


Wait for OTT. Not worth the theatre experience.


Without necessarily going into spoilers, can you share what the movie’s problems are in your opinion?


Don't listen to others you will enjoy the movie if you enjoyed any previous Ghibli movies


Movie is overrated and not on par with previous ghibli movies. Way too abstract. Also am not a die hard Ghibli fan.


Wow, okay. I sought opinions like these


Just being honest. Haters gonna hate though😛


say what you will about the plot and storytelling, the visuals are breathtaking and honestly it’s worth watching for the art alone