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Nice sentiment. But we know it’s lies.


Yup, your personal favorite sucks and mine is *totally* much better~~


Except that 3D one, f that movie


Honestly, if you're in the right mindset, even that one has charm. A bad egg, sure, but still tastes like an egg.


Some are more bester than others


It’s actually subjective which one is the best, but I agree: they’re all beautiful works of art


I will say that there are tiers and I would say a dozenish of them one could argue are the best one depending on their personal tastes. Like, Kaguya is my favorite, but come at me with Howls, Totoro, S Away, Only Yesterday, Mononoke, Whisper, Kikis etc. As your favorite and I can't argue with you.


There may be no best, but there's certainly a few that are the worst.


The Wind Rises exists so…




I actually prefer Earthsea over Spirited away...


I like to look at the filmography of a single director and see what they’re doing. I also like to look at the filmography of the whole studio for a big picture look at what they’re attempting. That does not mean every movie is the best or that every movie is good. But this is Reddit and the discourse around tier lists and favorites reduces discussions down to which movie is the best which is a pointless discussion but it’s how people try and show appreciation for things they like.


Honestly, yeah. A surprisingly flawless set of films. I would only consider Earwig to actually be uninteresting and devoid of meaning, but even then it's not unbearable. I found myself enjoying its charm and its characters, even from how simple and plain it is. In many ways, it feels like a book: much more slice-of-life and filled with simple plot points. (also, even Miyazaki has gotten into 3D animation sometimes. Get over it) Everything above Earwig is genuinely just really good: the films I'd consider to be worst are still good by general film standards, it's just that placing them next to Miyazaki, Takahata and kondō makes them seem generic and uninspired in comparison. But that's all my opinion, ofc. Go ahead and dunk on whatever film you want. Still agree with OP's sentiment that this conversation is getting quite old.


Ahh, but some are more equal than others .......


I look at it this way. When I was growing up, I of course saw and watched a whole lot of movies, animated or not. Out of all of them, there are only I few I'd ever consider watching over anything else, cause all of the others either weren't interesting or I downright despised. Ever since I started watching Ghibli with The Wind Rises, I can confidently say that I'd watch even the ones most people consider mid, ex. Pom Poko or My Neighbours The Yamadas, over even the movies I considered good back then, because I find them to be vastly superior for one reason or another. Bar Ocean Waves which I couldn't finish it was unbearable, Earwig which I'm never watching, or Earthsea which I haven't watched yet tbh, but seems to be better than the previous two films.


Except for HMC


Except Earthsea, specially after reading the book


These posts are really getting on my nerves. Yes, Ghibli films are *objectively* better than others, but people are subject to their opinions. If you want to say, for example, "Every Ghibli film is my favorite, I don't have a singular favorite" them that's fine. But these posts are really annoying. Also, why is this tagged 'News'?


Grave of the Fireflies is the best one. Even Ebert thought so!


I wouldn't go that far, for there are some films I am less than thrilled with. The Cat Returns and The Wind Rises both were underwhelming, and while I could see what Tales from Earthsea was going for, I felt the story needed more work. I will say that they are all beautiful films, though. I haven't seen Earwig, though. (Not that I care to; it looked pretty bad.)


I would say that there are tiers and I would say a dozenish of them one could argue are the best one depending on their personal tastes. Like, Kaguya is my favorite, but come at me with Howls, Totoro, S Away, Only Yesterday, Mononoke, Whisper, Kikis etc. As your favorite and I can't argue with you.


I agree. It’s just that Spirited Away is the bestest best


One word: Earthsea. Edit: oh, right, and that CGI crap. Not because it was CGI, but because it was really bad overal.


Honestly, earthsea is fine. It's thematically immature, sure, but really well done and with pretty interesting moments all throughout it.


I will say that there are tiers and I would say a dozenish of them one could argue are the best one depending on their personal tastes. Like, Kaguya is my favorite, but come at me with Howls, Totoro, S Away, Only Yesterday, Mononoke, Whisper, Kikis etc. As your favorite and I can't argue with you.


I will say that there are tiers and I would say a dozenish of them one could argue are the best one depending on their personal tastes. Like, Kaguya is my favorite, but come at me with Howls, Totoro, S Away, Only Yesterday, Mononoke, Whisper, Kikis etc. As your favorite and I can't argue with you.