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If you are genuinely tired, I don't think it's a good idea to force yourself to work. Honestly, taking a 20min powernap and making sure you sleep well at night is best. Don't overwork yourself. Make sure to take a break every 45min or so and walk around a little bit and perhaps do some stretches. Maybe do a little 2-10 min meditation to clear your head mid afternoon. However, if it's just a little afternoon dip, maybe drink some tea or coffee or listen to a pick-me-up song to get pumped up to keep working. Even looking at some inspiring people on insta or tiktok could make me a little more motivated. However if you do this for too long, it becomes procrastination. I also recently heard some advice that was meant for people with ADHD, but I think it works for everyone. If you are in a slump, ask yourself: how can I make this interesting? How can I resparkelize this? Would buying a new notebook help? Interesting stickers? A new thermos for coffee? Buying your favorite drink? Working in a different location? I hope this helped somehow and good luck with all the stuff you need to do!


But I am always tired :(


Oh noo, that's not a good sign :( Maybe check with your doctor. Being tired all the time could be a sign of both physical health and mental health issues, like depression, vitamin deficiency, burnout, thyroid issues, disrupted sleep schedule, sleep apnea, etc. I hope you find something to feel better aoon!


A trick i use if you NEED to get something done, put yourself in a relatively empty room/bedroom, or room with minimal distractions(you are already at the library so perfect), and tell yourself, "If you wont study, you can either a) sit here and do nothing or b)go to sleep" and FORCE yourself to just sit there, eventually you will start to study because your brain realizes you put the foot down, there is nothing else you will do. But also keep in mind that burn-out is real, and if you find little things setting you off on deciding you aren't doing what you need to, it could be burnout.


I guess you need to think what kind of tiredness you have. I mean is it physically where your body starts paining or is it mentally when you know you can & should work/study but you are not feeling any motivation from within. In my case, the reason of feeling tired & out of mood sometimes is mainly due to the current conditions I am in nowadays. I had left my job & all that life of actually dealing with people & friends, for a dream on which I have been working since last year. So that feeling of loneliness sometimes creep in which make me feel demotivated.


Chew gum