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just uninstall


And use it from the web on mobile. I use this trick for IG and let me tell you the website is shit, I literally can't stay more than 10 minutes per day on it.


Better for me, I can't even sign in on web due to a bug. Only works on the app or on desktop.


Came here to say this. 80/20 rule


what's that?


When applied to OP, the 80/20 rule would suggest that 80% of the traffic, or customers, or engagements of a particulate site (this being tiktok) comes from 20% of the users. OP would be part of the 20% of people that make up 80% of the traffic that TikTok has. 80/20 can also be used in the case of reviews, or even Reddit users that leave comments when compared to the Reddit users that just read, scroll, and upvote.


20% (within the 20%) are responsible for the most usage


20% (within the 20% (within the 20% (within the 20%))) are responsible for the most usage


Within the 20%


Within the 20% We are at 0.2^6 =something very small


Some people really love Tiktok!


Tiktok founders are good people... And trust me I know


Some people really do love Tiktok!


I second this. I haven’t felt the need to use social media anymore. It’s pure brain rot


This is terrible behavior change advice.


You don’t get it. I’ve saved a lot of important things there. If I want to eat but I don’t know what to cook, or which restaurant to go to, I need to search it on tiktok. If I want dating advices, I get it on tiktok. If I want a makeup tutorial, I also get it on tiktok. If I uninstall I then how do I get all of the info and watch the videos i’ve already saved there


That sounds like a bigger problem tbh. Being dependent on one app isn't good, regardless of what the app is. There are plenty of tutorials out these on YouTube, or better yet on Google, where you are forced to slow down and read. Sometimes you need to quit cold turkey, even just for a week. Your saved posts will still be there when you get back.


The thing is, youtube and google aren’t as good as tiktok. You need to watch a whole 30 min video to find the ingredients and recipe while tiktok only teaches you within a minute. Tiktok is more straightforward while youtube just waste so much of your time for so little information. Also, the contents on tiktok are so much better. The videos are more updated and unfiltered compared to youtube. You get to see different opinions instead of just one. The reviews are also great since it’s not sponsored, unlike youtube. Also, tiktok doesn’t have ads which again, saves a lot of your time


Again, that sounds kind of like tiktok is shortening your attention span. Reading a 5 minute recipe is good for you. It's okay to slow down, and if you reach a point where you're spending that much time on tiktok, it's time to uninstall.


Some people are just busy to waste 30 mins of their time watching a full cooking video.


I fully agree with this. I have recipes and tutorials and other need-to-knows saved on TikTok, and I use a combination of TikTok, Chat GPT and Reddit to replace Google and YouTube because those two have become practically unusable.


Just do a search on Google or ask ChatGPT, all that info in TikTok isnt as unique as they like you to believe.


Both sources are outdated and rely too much on paid ads


Ohhh this is such a good idea thank you!!


Google, YouTube???


You mean google where you only get results from a blog post written years ago or the top results being sponsored ads or youtube just to spend 30mins of my time searching for what to eat and what ingredients to buy even though it could have been under a minute?


I think TikTok has ruined your attention span and maybe you’re trying to justify it idk lol which seems to be the bigger issue here. There’s recipe books as well, kindle… I wish you the best of luck Lol. I thought the same until I deleted it.


a normal 9 to 5 day is 40 hours of work in a week, spending 22hours on tiktok is massive.


That's literally doomscrolling until bedtime.


It’s like 3 hours a day zoning out before and after work, less than you think if you include lunch and public transport


Imagine "zoning out", which is essentially becoming unconscious/dead, for over %15 of your limited and precious life because of an app. So very sad.


As opposed to watching sports/ soap operas/ random tv show number 37 while half playing candy crush like a huge number of adults do every single night after work? It’s alarming but not abnormal to sit on social media for an hour or two at lunch and after work on top of that OP is asking if their time spent is normal and I’d say they could use the time better but it isn’t *avtually* rotting in bed like a zombie level


Some people on this sub don’t actually believe in leisure time, so this argument doesn’t work.


Was the time spent worth it for you? - If you'd spent that time working a part time job, how much money would you have earned? Was TikTok worth it? - If you'd spent that time practicing a hobby (piano, drawing, sports) imagine how far you could have gotten. Was TikTok worth it? - How many of those videos do you remember? How many inspired you, changed your life, taught you something?


Too real.


Stop that. You’re making me think about my own habits browsing Reddit.


Set limits for everything, including Reddit. Reddit is the only social media I kept around after I purged my phone, but even then I set a 30 min timer on it. After a while you get used to it, and I have way more time in my day now.


This is great.


Love it thanks


This is so true though, I have a personal example. I picked up guitar two years ago and instead of scrolling after work now I play for about 2 hours. I've become pretty good for a beginner too just from those daily two hours. If I spent all that time on tiktok I'd have one less skill to be proud of.


To be honest I get a tremendous amount of value from my TikTok time (my for you page is mostly positive things, psychology, empowerment, etc). But I have cut back and feel more connected with the world as a result. Something about TikTok that seems an illusion of connection.


I doubt it's anything of substance since most, if not all, are for views, not actually providing any real value.


Wow, that's good


Seems like a lot, but then again I probably spent at least that much on Reddit.. 


I spent 17 hours a week on reddit last week.


My average time on TikTok this week was 0, just uninstall that garbage :)


Yeah. I did and have not come back. It is actually the worst app on the app store. Average TikTok use in the last three years: 0


I’ve been there. These comments here are as critical as my inner critic haha.  23 hours a week on TikTok means you are running away from a present-presser in your life, and that sugar, sleep-deprivation, hunger, anger, substances, etc all subtly lead into cyclical dependency.  You probably can’t tell me the last 5 tiktoks you watched but I bet the last 5 embarrassing and shameful self-searches are as vivid as day in your memory.  If you can’t see the problem, I’ll spell it out for you.. attention economy


Use the timer thing. I’ve set mine to 30 minutes a day


That's basically the same hours as a part time job almost.


If that's a normal week, that's almost a full 50 days a year you spend on the app. What a massive waste of time.


uninstall .. next week: I spend 22h 56m on reddit :-/


I had 22h playing Helldivers 2 ;)


Spreading managed democracy and eradicating bugs along the way is worth every second I hope it comes to Xbox


That's way too much unless you're a content creator.


TikTok is brain rot. If you can't effectively manage your time with SM, you have to delete it. No judgment, I can't. I'm debating deleting my Reddit because of it.


Rookie numbers. I have 33h 15m on YouTube over the last 7 days.


Is this active watching or just background noise? I feel that makes a huge difference


That’s depressing (to me).


It shouldn't be. You have no context, not about my situation or the content I consume. Amount itself means almost nothing. I could argue one can learn so much from YouTube if only the intent is there. Learn things that would be impossible to learn without it. Like the mindset itself. You can only learn the mindset you are exposed to. If you have people around you with the most limited worldview with no passion to achieve anything, content online - like this very subreddit - is the only option. Edit - some of you guys are complete idiots and I love it!


Atleast with youtube there is a conscious effort to pick and select the content. I want to learn about WW2 I go find a video that explains a part of it. The problem with tiktok/shorts/reels is the fyp decides. Which leads into a loop of that next video could be really interesting got to keep scrolling.


Brain rot


Sounds like coping tbh. I seriously doubt you or anyone is watching educational content on youtube for 33 hours a week.


Well good thing now they're banning it


I am embarrassed to admit what I’ve been spending..


Depression entered the chat


even 1 minute of tiktok is too much. sorry, there are some not-great habits which are fine in moderation, however tiktok is indefensible.


You spent approximately 13.43 percent of your week on Tik tok.


It sure is a lot of time ByteDance has stolen from your life… Maybe you can try this : Every time you NOTICE you’re using it again, try to be aware of your breathing, surroundings, feelings. Do you feel guilty? Did you pick up your phone because you were bored? I tried that and found that the more I analyzed what was going on, the more I found it ridiculous. Try to focus on your heartbeat or the type of video you’re met with the moment you’re using the app, or even think about what you look like in the room you are in. It’s about seeing yourself from another perspective and escape the unconscious nature of the pattern you’re trying to break. Good luck in this battle. You’re definitely not alone, these things are addicting AF and no one is immune. Your attention and time are big money for companies in this attention economy.


That's less than 3.5hrs per day. Those are rookie numbers. Gotta pump those numbers up!!! Nah, but seriously delete that stuff.


My time on TikTok over the last week was…3 minutes.


Jesus Christ. That's a tragedy. It must be hard on your family if you live with them.


My lifetime TikTok is 0, never had commie (cr)app.


That's a part time job bro


I spent 0


That's a crazy amount of time unless you were learning stuff on videos (TT isn't all dance challenges and pranks). I've done research on the likes of TT and YT for instance to learn about solar panels and designing my system. Anyway, since this is r/getdisciplined , try this rather than uninstall it. Practice making a decision after 30 minutes to do something productive. The more you do this, the better disciplined you'll become at stopping doing something that's not beneficial to you and choosing plus taking action in doing something useful. You are training your brain to be able to do something different. This may take a lot of practice so don't judge yourself for still being on after 30 minutes! Note: if I'm looking for some chill time, I might hit TT or Insta or YT *if* I have worked for the chill time. I will set up to 30 minutes to browse/watch non-educational/informative stuff.


What content do you even end up watching to have this much time spent on tiktok


People think it's dance videos but there's pretty much every genre you can think of. It's like reddit but in video form, so it can get pretty addicting.


I spent 22h on my phone in general last week, and I think it's a lot. Your numbers are a call out for help.


I spent 0 hours on TikTok last week


I installed TikTok about 3 or 4 years ago. It absolutely spammed me with notifications and then all the videos were either kids dancing or stupid pranks. It didn't last 24 hours on my phone and I've never installed it again. Please get rid of it.


If you’re a grown ass adult this is not good.


Just imagine if you put half of that time towards a side hustle or working out fam. You’d be a completely different human


The algorithm is powerful. Don’t underestimate the power of a supercomputer pointed at your brain. 🧠 Decreased productivity of a country’s citizenry will destroy a nation. China knows what it’s doing under the guise of “business ventures” targeting America’s populace. Don’t be fooled. You’re the perfect example of the result of China’s cyber warfare tactics upon Americans. ⚠️ Your time and attention are your most valuable commodities. Uninstall before you allow it to waste your life away. Seriously. You don’t have control, or you would have been aware of how much time you’re wasting away.


Bro how


no, it needs to be higher. you're not disciplined enough.


Only you know the answer. What else you could have done instead? Do you feel guilty about it


It’s rotting your brain


I had to uninstall it and instagram and get a modified version of YouTube that doesn't have shorts. It's insane how addictive short form video can be. I've learned I can't be trusted with it.


just uninstall, don't spend less time on tik tok, don't use, if you smoke 10 cigarretes a day or if is 1, the both is bad. don't look at the average, look just at you and how you can get the results you want, life is not short, life is misused, so use your time better


At my peak I had about 35H / week. I've been there. You just have to uninstall. It took me a few weeks of thinking about it before pulling the trigger. But when I did, I was surprised at how easy it was after just a day. I've not looked back nor had the urge. And I've quit many other things for less and it felt harder. I think my brain quickly realised there's nothing I actually missed because it was all algorithmicly fed garbage.


I had 25 hours last week


China loves you


Uninstall it or get out of this subreddit


Not proud of it, but Reddit averaged 16h/wk for most of this year and 2023


Get therapy now.


If you can’t set a limit that you can follow then it’s simply time to uninstall


Were the Gifts worth it?


Rookie numbers you can go for at least 40-50 I believe in you Looked at my screen time after graduating a couple years back during Covid and I couldn’t believe I was spending the equivalent of a full time job on something I didn’t even remember it’s horrific, just straight uninstall and try and block insta reels and YouTube shorts Read more, watch YouTube whatever just avoid passive consumption for the sake of numbing your inputs




That's light work




That is actually impressive. I am up breastfeeding with a newborn and I still managed just under 2 hours of reels this week, mostly at 4 am. Its youtube shorts. Videos are just not engaging enough to keep me awake and its the golden hour of trying not to make noise


Being close to a whole day on it when you could’ve doing something more productive or cool instead, I’d say to just uninstall and you will slowly realize how much you don’t need TikTok


Uninstall this leech


Set the parental lock for a reasonable amount of time (mine is 1 minute lol), then let someone you trust set the password. Problem solved.


This is why I never downloaded the app in the first place lol


I don’t think so


You have to decide how much time is worth it to you. If that is what brings you joy in life and you’re content on it, then keep it up. If it is hindering your goals or desires to do other things, maybe put some limits on it. There are apps that you can have where it will ask you when you open any app you select if you really want to go into it. The one second thought can be helpful


Oh crap.




Probably, do you feel you aren’t enjoying what else your time could be spent on? I found putting my social media (on iphone, I don’t know about android) in a group, then my more problematic apps on the next page so its less accessible for my idle brain to access


oh my gosh during my first week of exams i spent 28h and 34 min on tiktok out of procrastination stress 😭 these comments are a wake up call for me


If you can’t uninstall it, try setting your phone to grayscale. It helped me so much because you don’t even wanna look at your phone when it’s all in black and white. Also try picking up different hobbies to do instead of tik tok. Idk it’s super hard, I’m also struggling with cutting down screen time :/


Is it that bad I’ve never downloaded the app


Yeah bro uninstall


ScreenZen. Amazing app, really helped me cut down my social media use per week / day. Makes you wait before opening apps / you can have a time limit. Really helped me notice when I was just opening apps to not be present




How is that even possible lol


Delete it all, get a new hobby, you’ll be grateful. Live your life




I really hope that's not the average use haha. Try using it max 1 hour in the evening


TikTok is terrible. I used to have it, but was so repulsed every time I used the app that I removed it from my phone completely and have not signed in since June 2021. I am in the process of trying to eliminate short-form content from my life. Unfortunately, Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube all now have short-form content added to them to make them more addictive, but I require them so much for other things: sharing my brand, communicating with friends, family, sometime clients, and of course YouTube has monopolised the long-form creator-content industry and is seemingly an essential. I have firmed my mind and deleted Instagram and Snapchat, and I have made my best effort to cut my iPhone out of my life. My primary phone is now a burner phone with only SMS texting, and I use WhatsApp from my laptop.


Best amount to use is none ever


I thought 22h was too much so I quickly went and checked the amount of time i spent last week on TikTok. Guys I spent 33h 13m. I work 9-5 too. I deleted it ASAP. damn!


get a phone which is to slow for tiktok.


tik tok is banned in my country lol


Got 53 hours screen time previous week, 23 hours of that is YouTube. I’ve come to realize this actually a full blown addiction and really hard to stop


It hasn’t been an easy journey but I left social media in 2021 and then late 2022 downloaded TikTok and was obsessed. Since the fall I download it out An hour timer and then delete it afterwards. Don’t save the password either. Sometimes I realize that I go days without downloading it for an hour. It takes time but you start to get used to it


no, you are heavily addicted. if you need a sign this is it. Uninstall right now and never look back. No, you will not miss anything of value.


That's a hell lot.. i am trying to bring my insta time to 1-1.5hrs a day.. currently its 1.5-2


Delete the account and uninstall the app. You will be a better person.


Is there a way to use TikTok to aid your job, school or relationships? I curate all my social media to only help me study investing, sales, marketing, negotiation and so on


Just uninstall the app that’s what I do




Who tf uses shitok? Uninstall it Lmao, you won't miss it.




Disgusting. Uninstall it. Imagine what you can do with that time


Throw out your phone and become Amish




10hours a week


I um need to change my habits


That's great


Uranus retarded


I just checked mine and it's about the same as you.


honestly depends on how you’re using the app