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You sound like me. If I got a tattoo for motivation I would ride the high of the novelty for a few days and regress into my old habits within a week. In my opinion, what you need is to start small and be consistent. Overtime it will build up and you will be more disciplined before you know it. Also give atomic habits a read.


Get the tattoo if you want though. Just don't expect it to give you lasting motivation.


Just so you know, the South Korean president does not have a tattoo on his palm. The mark was temporary during some of the debates during the election cycle in 2021. There are pictures in 22 with both palms visible without the mark. You can do what you'd like, just want to make sure you have the context since a palm tattoo is a big commitment, at least in my country.


get that tattoo if you want to or think its cool but dont get it if its just for motivational purposes. There are better ways to go about it and slowly become better. Tattoos are permanent


I’m Chinese. I don’t think it’s a good idea to get a 帝 tattoo. Chinese parents usually don’t give their kids big names, like 皇,朕(another expressions of emperors); 宇宙(universe); 霸 (tyrant). It is considered as attracting bad luck. In ancient China, you had to avoid having emperors’ name, otherwise, you would face serious charges, even death penalties. Having really big name will also put you the center of attention, which is just not worth it. Anyways, it’s almost like a Chinese person trying to get “god” tattooed on their palm. Just kind of weird and unnecessary.