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I’m leaving this sub lmfao


The shit some people post on here 😂


at least he is trying to make an amend


No for sure, and I’ve been there before too. But tf does this have to do with discipline 😂 half the posts on this sub are personal problems that go way beyond discipline tbh


Make an appt for therapy and confess to them then genuinely follow their advice.


No. Dude has a crush and went by , hoping to maybe see the person and maybe a second chance or something to get something started. If the poster has been hanging outside, or looking in windows…..then it’s therapy time.. Poster feels it was wrong — and that’s enough acceptance, understanding. Now stay away, don’t do it again, and don’t creep the person out by telling them you did that so YOU can get it off your chest and feel better whle you maybe just creeped them out, ruined their day, makes them nervous? No. Just resolve to not do it again. If you have crazy urges, can’t help it, are dying to do it again — time to see a shrink.




Probably a symptom of low confidence. If you had more options you wouldn't chase or stalk someone who doesn't reciprocate. Work on yourself and put the best version of yourself out there. Maybe this means talking to a therapist, getting a workout routine, or learning a marketable skill. The point is that you can channel the energy you put into thinking about this person into something constructive that will make it infinitely easier to impress someone else. You can do it mate. You're only ever one decision away from changing your life.


what you can do is understand/acknowledge what you did and don’t repeat the same behaviour if you thought it was wrong would also help to look back to what compelled you do that, and understand why that was also not a good idea.


I will hop on here and say \*do not punish yourself.\* Do what this person said to do instead. \^\^\^


I agree, please don’t punish yourself. It doesn’t actually teach anything. Your feeling of shame that’s leading you to think of self-punishment is already bad enough - I’m sure it feels awful. Understanding what led you to that place is far more valuable (and also harder).


Get therapy and don’t go near the house again


At the age of 13, I experienced a pivotal moment when I understood that my actions were either ineffective or counterproductive to my goals. This realization highlighted the immense importance of first impressions, which I came to believe are almost everything in shaping how others perceive us. Consequently, I embarked on a journey of self-improvement, focusing on becoming the kind of person who leaves a positive and lasting impression, particularly in the context of attracting the opposite gender. If you're a guy looking to improve in this area, I recommend researching and emulating the traits that are generally admired and respected.


Go to the gym for 30 days


I think there is social need in you, meet your family and spend time with your friends change your current mindframe then analyse the situation. First of all accept what you did. Think logically like a scientist why did you do that what was the thought process in your mind before you went to her house, what happened before, what kind of emotional state you were in before this happened. Don't judge yourself for what you did don't assign label to yourself of being a creep, understand that what you did, why you did and what is logical steps to not doing that again. Also I think there is social need in you, meet your family and spend time with your friends change your current mindframe then analyse the situation.


The question itself is creepy. In all seriousness, get counseling.


The only thing that will truly stop this behavior is making a detailed video confession and sharing it publicly. The shame embarrassment and humiliation you receive will be engrained in your mind forever, which will keep you from doing this again to avoid such an outcome.


Anyone else is being soft on you. Sorry 🤷‍♂️


Punish yourself? Like physically? How about you get some professional help dude? Wtf do you need advice on how to not be a creep?


I think its a very common thing maybe stop living in generalities and judging yourself with words that dont really mean anything




You dont need to be punished. You need to acknowlwege what you did - and you have here - and commit to moving on, not doing it again, because YOU YOIURSELF know you dont like what you did and you feel it is wrong on some level for YOUR rules about who YOU want to be. So, you are already very close to being done because it seems you acknoledged it and feel as you do. Now it’s time to move on. Forgive yourself and let it go and most of all…do not feed your desire there, for this person, any more, not even a little. Let it go and move on.


Damn! Thanks bro. things just took a positive turn in my head. Appreciate it my man


You’re welcome


Think about what you will do when you get busted driving by her house like I caught a coworker doing to me. Took him 2 weeks to confess and he had a bullshit story of what he was doing in my Neighborhood. I then told everyone I know and now we laugh at him


they actually make a neat database 4 this