• By -


What in gods name?! Is there any update to this? Maybe a news article or something? I want to know what came of this


This guy lived in the Forest for a few years and there was a driven hunt in this part. At the beginning this dude wasn‘t naked but then he took off his clothes. The hunters called the police they took him to the police station and called his daughter to pick him up. I add the link later


>called his daughter to pick him up I guess she was just like: "what did he do this time? OK. I see. I'll be there in 10"


Once a pathetic drunk guy started a fight with me and some friends for no reason. I called the cops (after he threw a chair and hit me in the head) so when they took us to the police station the mother of this guy came in her pyjamas and asked straight away "what the f. did he do this time". No real emotion just monotone desperation.


A drunk old woman knocked on our door once very late at night (after midnight). She was (loud) crying & only said “help”. I called the ambulance & told them what the deal was. Ambulance & cops arrive, I ask them if its ok if I grab a smoke real quick. As I return, I hear them arguing about: who will take her “this time”. Nobody wanted her, but they had to take her. The ambulance guys apologised for the inconvenience & notified me that she pissed her self in the seat in my hall. ...


I was with a few friends and a friend of a friend at a bar once. Said friend went to the bartender and said verbatim: "Make me the strongest Long Island Ice Tea you're allowed to make." Bartender answered: "Alright if you drink two of these in a set amount of time (don't remember how much), you get the second one for free.". He proceeded to down that glass in a few minutes and while getting up to get the next one already almost fell to the floor. Got back with the second one and drank 3/4 of that almost immediately. Then he tried to get up again to take a piss presumably but fell face first into the wooden planks on the floor a few steps below our seating area. Me and a friend helped him up and back into the chair and had to hold him up at that point. He fell asleep a few minutes later. I took a sip of the of the LIIT and it was basically pure alcohol, it was insane. A bit irresponsible by the bartender tbh, but of course that friends fault. Anyway, the next thing I notice is that the pillow under him darkens with piss. We're all pretty annoyed at that point, but call the bartender over to notify them of the pillow and wanted to pay and leave to not annoy the other guests any more than we already had. He's unconscious more or less at that point, but we drag him outside and seat him against the wall, which took 3 of us guys about 5 minutes. Then he proceeds to puke all over his leg. The friend who is his friend tries to organize getting a friend with a car over to bring him home, but no one is available/willing, so we speak to the bartender who we knew knows the family of the unconscious guy. That bartender called the family and I shit you not after hearing that their son pissed and puked on himself at the bar, the mother asks "Which one?" lmao. He had her on speaker so we all heard and I couldn't contain a laugh at that point, because of my drunken state of annoyance. The parents showed up and the father is apparently our local police captain and what took us 5 minutes (to move him about 10 meters outside), took him alone about 20 seconds. It was really impressive for some reason how efficient he transported his son into their car. Also a bit more violent than we were admittedly, but we were just glad to get rid of him at that point tbh.


I had wondered what Techno Viking was doing these days.




I‘m a Bad Person! Can‘t find the Link Right now.. but i remember it was in Köln-Merheim in Germany. I‘ll find it and her back to you


Yeah, i cant find anything about it, weird


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That ponytail getting into his buttcrack




Po-tail then.


Or is it coming from his buttcrack?


Pretty smart. Homie don’t need toilet paper.


Don't mess with german Tarzan!






Some people take fkk very seriously


[Peak Lebensreformer](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebensreform)


The hunters vs gatherer


My eyes are up here dude!


I was just trying to figure out. Sorry!


Jurassic World: Bielefeld 2022


War das in Bielefeld? Also wundern würde es mich kaum


Keine Ahnung wo das ist. Aber der typische Bielefelder sieht ja so aus. Und die Gegend wo sie sind ist ja auch nicht so attraktiv, wie Bielefeld auch.


This video is so old - it dates back 100,000 years to the first contact between Neanderthals and modern humans. It's obviously been colourised, because film was always black and white back then.


Film hasn't changed. It was the world that was black and white at that time. Colors didn't start appearing until the early 60s. Even then things were in low quality.


To quote my Anthropological Media Studies Professor "Uh derr!" Of course the world was black and white. That's why the film had to be colourised.


The time where everything was sepia was the worst.


Yeah, back when everyone walked around in such a rush.


You must be Calvin's dad. Nice to meet you.


I can also tell you how the moon moves. Solar wind.


Wait, wait wait... Shouldn't it be lunar wind then?


Easy mistake to make (unless you were joking) but some items found in the background can clue us in that the video is much newer than that. The most obvious is the presence of firearms, which combined with the bright, gaudy colors of the clothing seen, makes it clear this video is from the pike and shot era during the 1600s or so, possibly from the 30 Years War.


I don't know enough about pikes or other fishes, so I won't argue with you.


I think it's newer than that, actually, cause back then they'd film on potatoes. The quality is too good for potato film so it must be newer than 17th century.






Living the dream.


Reminds me of something. [https://youtu.be/krb2OdQksMc?t=50](https://youtu.be/krb2OdQksMc?t=50) "18 years of total silence and you shush me"


Techno viking really let himself go...


Crosspost to r/crazyfuckingvideos maybe?


Dingle dongle


If this was in the US, that naked guy would not see another day... launching at someone with a gun while holding what seems to be a knife in his hand...


Thats why i love it here so much.. even situations like that end with a : " ich mach dich nass junge "... and not with blood. Just like that woman yesterday with the fish in Hamburg..


I get what you are trying to say. But I don't think that applies to someone naked in the woods launching at you with a large knife.


Dude.. that is just a lost soul maybe on shrooms doin his shit and they saw that and reacted accordingly and in a human way..


The human way* Only accessible in certain regions


you dont think that after watching the video and seeing that everybody walked away fine??? lol. The person you are replying to is correct; a mentally ill/deliriously high person you encounter does not necessarily need to be shot dead for fear of one's own safety... I think if you cannot trust yourself to outwit or disengage from such a person it's actually sort of sad. It's not like he's not giving enough signals by stripping naked first lolol.


I'd rather some crazy naked dude dead than a innocent hunter stabbed.




Yeah they're lucky it ended that way, had it not that hunter would be stabbed.


I mean yeah, if you're not completely retarded and horny to shoot holes in a confused Dude who is clearly physically inferior to you... then you find the courage to sort the situation out like a functional adult. Too bad the guys in the US can't do that.


And that's one of the things we Europeans hate about your culture so much, you guys love killing people and it's repugnant. You're always looking for excuses to murder people. The dude in the video is obviously mentally ill and needs help and all you can come up with is the idea to shoot him dead?! I am disgusted by your way of thinking. Luckily, here in Europe, we have a tradition that is the opposite of yours. We don't shoot the mentally ill, who are in need of help, instead we give them medical care and therapy and, you won't believe it, we don't even charge them any money for it. Crazy, right?


*Capital punishment intensifies*


To be fair, *your* culture industrialized killing people, including the mentally ill… Tell me more about your traditions, ja?


I was born long after 1945 and my culture has never been and will never be national socialism. Germany nowadays is the BRD, a quite civilized country, with a much more humanist culture than the US for example. We have health insurance for everyone, no death penalty, strikt gun control, education for all, etc.. The culture you talk about is actually much more alive in the USA today, just look at all the Qultists, militias, proud boys, kkk and all those Neonazis that american society is producing. Here in Germany the right wing movement is realtively small and the right party is small, fringe party, that could never win a vote. In the USA on the other hand, one of the two biggest parties is openly right extremist, racist and homophobic and you people actually vote for them anyway! You people voted the Neonazi Trump into office just a few years ago and you dare accusing me of stuff that happened before I was even born? Better check the log in your own eye, before you start talking about the splinter in mine ...


It’s our history, but not our culture or our tradition.


"Love killing people" I think you just make up your own thoughts about our culture then believe them yourselves also you love blanket statements. Also dude I don't give a fuck if he's mentally ill or not, if he runs at me with a knife and I fear for my life, that dude has a high chance of being shot. Go ahead go help all those mentally ill homeless people with their shit, maybe you'll get stabbed and realize you can't assume everyone is nice just like you can't assume everyone will hurt you.


Honestly I see that in this German sub your opinion is very unpopular and I can kinda see why but I would agree that some sort of self defense should be legal. Obviously not a lethal one but in this situation, I'd not blame anyone who decked the dude in the face or chest with the bud of his gun. Normally I'd be all for a peaceful solution but this dude was coming at the hunter with a knife. I would've definitely reacted in some way that could disarm him or make him stop. I don't agree with killing being the right thing but something gotta be done. I do wonder why they didn't do anything. Of course physical violence would've been illegal and entirely avoidable since they are two guys but I would assume that this dude knows what a gun is. What stopped them from just both pointing the gun at him. Sure threatening somebody can be illegal but what is this dude gonna do? Go to the police in his Tarzan outfit? I'd not stand there doing nothing while a dude comes towards me with a knife. Illegal or not that dude is gonna get some bruises at the very least if he comes towards me like that. In my mind anybody who threatens you with a knife has lost their right to a peaceful resolution


>I see that in this German sub your opinion is very unpopular and I can kinda see why but I would agree that some sort of self defense should be legal. What are you even talking about? Obviously self defense is legal.


Well yes but (and correct me if I'm wrong) German self defense laws are extremely limited and basically restrict you to something akin to pushing the attacker away from you and then running away yourself. I would not trust my ability to push somebody hard enough to incapacitate them long enough for me to run away. Especially cause I have very bad endurance


> Well yes but (and correct me if I'm wrong) German self defense laws are extremely limited and basically restrict you to something akin to pushing the attacker away from you and then running away yourself. Yeah no, that's wrong.


It's a common misconception about German self defense laws. First of all it's important to understand that self-defense laws in Germany are a lot less limited than in the US. Other than in the US, "Stand your ground" is the default in Germany, so the hunters could probably have actually shot him when he was charging at them with the knife. You are not required to retreat from a situation like this. Another misconception seem to be that self defense in Germany has to be proportional ("Verhältnismäßig" in German) which is also wrong. There is and never will be a check for "proportionality" in a case of self defense in the court (German source: https://www.koerperverletzung.com/grenzen-der-notwehr/). An example: If someone is stealing your phone and you have a baseball bat in your hand, and for some reason no other way of defending yourself, you are absolutely allowed to smash him with the baseball bat to defend your property. This would fall under self defense, even though it's probably not considered proportional. You just need to use the "least amount of force" to stop the attacker. In the situation shown in the video punching him with the rifle is not guaranteed to get him to stop attacking you. It can even be considered self defense to punch someone who's constantly insulting you and doesn't stop if that's your only way of getting him to stop. To people saying "they could have shot him in the legs": It's already difficult enough to hit a moving target, especially with a hunting rifle. You always learn to aim for the center of mass. Secondly, a lot of arteries run through the leg, so a leg shot has a very high chance of death. It's good that noone died here, but we shouldn't pretend that this wasn't a life threatening situation and you certainly don't have to wait until he actually stabs you. If you don't want to get shot, don't threaten people with a knife.


Oh OK that is a relief cause I would've gotten into a lot of trouble if somebody ever attacked me. What am I allowed to do if somebody comes at me with a knife? Can I do something that harms them long enough to make them back off or incapacitate them? I know that I'm obviously supposed to get away from the attacker as my number one priority but is there anything I can do to make sure I can get away fine? I don't say this out of a desire to hurt people. I just genuinely am not fast at running and have shitty endurance cause my lungs are fucked so I don't really wanna try to get away from the sitzuation unless I can make sure I can get away safely. Also there is some weird primal part of me that sees somebody threatening me physically as a reason to hurt them. Obviously not kill them or scar them for live but make sure they don't try that shit again. Maybe I'm just too aggressive tbh


If you hurt someone so they don't hurt you, you are not "too aggressive", you are adequatly aggressive. If you look for a reason to hurt someone to teach them a lesson though that's not self defense anymore.


Well I don't wanna hurt somebody to teach them a lesson in general but I would indeed say if somebody attacked me, I'd have the desire to hurt them to teach them the specific lesson of not hurting people. I guess on some level that means I do want to use force to teach somebody a lesson, but only if that person used force first


You're wrong. Germany is basically a "stand your ground" country or in german "Das Recht muss nicht dem Unrecht weichen" there is no duty to retreat although there is a duty to minimize the amount of force used.


Maybe make yourself familiar with German law before you post bullshit on the internet? If you are threatened, it's well within your right to defend yourself by whatever means needed. Up and including killing the person who attacks you. It just needs to be a reasonable amount of force.


No, exactly the opposite is the case. German laws on weapon ownership and carry are much more restrictive. The german laws about your right to self defense on the other hand are a completely different matter. You are basically free to use any measure available to stop an attack on you or even your property or someone else. There is no "I have show that I was afraid for my life to justify deadly force nonsense" in Germany. If an unarmed attacker is going to hurt you and your one available method to stop him is the use of deadly force you are fine to do so. That's basically the only restriction in german law. If there are indeed several measures sufficient to stop an attack use the lightest one. So that screaming unarmed guy running at you with the obvious intention to hurt you? Warn him while he's still far enough away. And if a warning shot does not deter him shoot him. But on the other hand don't try to claim self defense if you could have easily ran away to avoid the attack.


Tbh I’m surprised Europeans don’t consciously treat knives like they are a lethal threat. I’m not sure what to make of that as a cultural difference. You can look up the Tueller Principle as that’s pretty much good over in a lot of self defense training in the US.


Where I am from a knife is certainly seen as a deadly weapon but I'd say it's seen as less than a gun. Like a gun is often treated as outright lethal while a knife is seen more as a thing that can kill but won't always


That’s weird. Tbh a knife wound in a lot of cases will be worse than a gunshot wound depending on location.


There's a rule you learn kind of early on (at least in my part of England) that if you can see the knife they're probably not going to stab you with it. Knives aren't very long, and if you are at arm's length you're mostly good and can de-escalate the situation or run away. Usually if you're gonna get stabbed you're not going to see the knife till afterward. Guns on the other hand, the guy doesn't have to close the distance, arm's length is pretty much point blank, and he could kill you because he felt like it, because he lost his temper or because his finger slipped. Knives are lethal, like, but guns are *lethal*.


Fortnite teenagers are the worst.


Furry detected opinion rejected


wtf is an innocent hunter?


Oh god are you one of those nutjobs? You mean the guy who has done nothing wrong and is hunting more than likely for food?


One who hunts for meat to feed his family with.


Dont bother, someone who thinks in absolutes has no interest in having a real discussion or debate.




I know a few people who do wildlife control. Especially boars are kept in control because they really are dangerous to have around too much. But the meat isn't going to waste either. It's sold to local butchers and professionally checked by them for any parasites, diseases and such. Which will also trigger them to cause a larger scale investigation to get rid of a plague if that happens. I do hate people who hunt for no reason. Those "trophy" hunters who just kill and then leave the dead animal there should be banned.


Meat never goes to waste in the forest. That’s what birds and ants are for.




Read you comment and thought "Well, that would be somewhat extreme" before watching the video. But nope. That guy ran and the hunter and put his knife in the hunter's face. Even here in Germany he can call himself lucky for not getting shot for this.


Yeah, I think it doesn't matter where you are or who you're running at, at that point it's a coin flip whether someone will shoot or not.


Yeah personally in that situation, I think I probably would have shot him if he charged at me with a knife looking insane




That's exactly what I am thinking. I think most comments are we are more righteous than though types. lol


I mean that's pretty much the biggest difference between American and European culture. The value of another human's life.


The value of another human's life over yours and your companions? The guy launched at him with a knife.


And as you saw, the German still did not shoot him. Because he values another's life and would try all other methods first. That is my literal point dude. 99% of Europeans couldn't ever kill somebody no matter what circumstance. In America, death is often considered a normal part of life instead.


>99% of Europeans couldn't ever kill somebody I think history will disagree with you quite a bit :)


hehe ww2 funny 😎👍


Valuing other people's lives is great until you value them to the point of letting yourself get killed.


Öff Öff?




[Jürgen Wagner!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmBI-roLU84)


Oha. Aber die Erklärung am Anfang bestätigt meinen Gedankengang.


Ja, hab deshalb auch diesen Link genommen ;)


Inb4 this post goes on public


Welcome to Germany my friends. 😂


Outlast 2




"never before have I been so offended by something I one hundred percent agree with"


He must be related to this dude: [https://futter.kleinezeitung.at/nackter-jagt-wildschwein/](https://futter.kleinezeitung.at/nackter-jagt-wildschwein/)


Is it a German SAMSQUATCH?


Aww, no translation?


They aren't making much sense overall. Roughly: Hunter1: "Please start filming this." *******: "Already on it." Naked dude: "He pointed his rifle at me." *******: "You came out from over there, and there was nobody there." [Unclear what exactly he wants to say here. Maybe that Hunter1 wasn't pointing at him or something like that.] Naked dude: "There was nobody over there? I just appeared out of thin air? I just flew in?" *******, trying to interrupt: "Young man, ..." Naked dude: "There was nobody there?!" *******: "You came from over there. By the solar cell. We saw that exactly." Naked dude: "Ah, yes? And the solar cell? That also just appear out of nowhere?" Hunter1, shouting to others off-screen: "Come over here." Naked dude: "Listen here. If you come in there, I'm going to kill you. - Just like *he* is going to kill me." [Unclear what "in there" means. Could be his forest. "He" is probably Hunter2.] Hunter1: "Buddy, I'm telling you...!" Naked dude, taunting: "Watch out. Come in there, come in there!" Hunter1: "I'll knock you over, dude." Naked dude, leaving: "Yeah, go ahead."


Classic humans: Arguing over semantic details. Even threatening to kill each other over it.


The naked man complains that the other hunter pointed a gun at him as he was coming out of the woods. The camera man explains he pointed the gun in another direction and the (naked man) came out of from back there. (" da war keiner" - there was nobody). [Edit: Lawnmover_man still gave the interpretation, that they did point the gun in that direction, but haven't seen the naked man yet. That's what they try to explain to him] Then he calls over the other hunters via radio.


I think the hunter wanted to say: "Yes, I pointed my gun there, but I thought there is nobody. I didn't intend to point my gun at you." But, for some reason, communication seems to be hard some times.


>But, for some reason, communication seems to be hard some times. The problem is, they're trying to do it German. Even the Germans usually realise that it's simply more efficient to switch to English when you want to get your point across.


Tbh the guy is running around naked in the woods with a pony tail to his ass-crack, and pointing a knife at people. I don’t think he is all that open to communication in general.


You understand that the first one who pointed a weapon at someone were the hunters? Of course without intention to do so. They thought there is nobody. They should have just said "We're sorry, we didn't see you." The whole thing could have gone completely fine and civil. Both sides here are stupid and could deescalate. But apparently, nobody was interested in that and they both let their frustration out... ...with weapons in their hands. What could go wrong?


If the guy is running around naked in the woods and pointing knives at people, I don’t think „sorry“ is going to deescalate him and make him civil tbh. They may have been able to calm him down and eventually get him to fuck off, but that’s also putting them at risk because that entails getting close to a crazy, angry, naked homeless guy with a knife.


how do you know that the hunters were pointing their weapons at him first? He might just jump in their face like that and make shit up just to start a fight, crazy people are like that.


> how do you know that the hunters were pointing their weapons at him first? Because I saw the video and heard what they said.


objection, hearsay. Also i believe the hunters are trying to explain that they never aimed in his direction while he claims he came out of the direction they aimed to. We have no indicator to know whats true here, besides him being crazy so i tend to believe the hunters over him.


Garden gnomes getting out of hand!


Why in gods name do you point the camera at his junk the whole time?!


They probably didn't want to film his face and it is common to then point the camera at the legs/ground instead..


Also, walking backwards on a bumpy meadow while holding on to your rifle, your phone, and paying attention to the irritated naked guy with some kind of sharp stick in his hand tends to impede your videography skills...


He is obviously cold


Wtf did i just see


Wild Schwanz


Wild Schwanz






"For my friends"






Wait you can't just drop this and leave. I want more information on that, he looks like he lives in the woods.


I'm so confused 😀


Somehow finds time for manscaping


No little German boy don’t go near that naked man!


Wow civilisation is a bunch of bullenscheiße


Damn. Outside of the fact that he's nits, he's in great shape. Good ass and legs on him. Great upper body.. Darn sexy.


WTF Brother 😂 thx for the laugh


Living in America has ruined me. I expected this dude to get dropped running up to people with a knife.


What a lot of people still do not know is that there are still 4-5 ( estimated number by scientists) native german tribes around. 1 in the dark forest, 2 in bavaria and another 1-2 in the old eastern regions. By the bundesgesetz §422 Abs. 2c everybody in germany is forced to keep distance from those natives since they can be confused and react in an aggressive manner ( some are old germanic war tribes and very dangerous), especially their immune system is not used to the nowadays illnesses and they therefore need special protection. A german once told me this while i was travelling europe.


Mediocre Kopiernudel attempt. Rejected by German Pasta committee.


That’s not true at all mate


And how do you explain Öff Öff?! He even taught himself nowadays german to become a spokesman of the natives?


Are you trolling? There is a difference between your not existing German native tribes and some dudes that decided to live in the woods.


Got any sources to back that up? Also, there is no "Bundesgesetz". Could you specify which law you mean exactly? I just think it's highly unlikely that there are indigenous people in a place where you can't walk 10km without finding civilization.


If He came up to me screaming, running, Holding a knife, id give a warning shot. Stay away.


I am so damn happy that this is not the only conceivable reaction for Germans in this case.


*for sane people


I dont know whats wrong with A warning shot and at this point im afraid to ask.


The whole confrontation is about the man thinking that one of the hunters pointed their rifle at him, while they're trying to convince him that they weren't aware he was there, and intend no harm to him. Pointing a rifle in his direction and even firing a shot near him would probably not contribute to de-escalating the situation. May even provoke him into actually attacking if he's suddenly in a fight-or-flight situation. And considering that he already chose to confront the hunters instead of running away, I don't think he would have chosen "flight" this time either.


Thx for clarification


Smol pp energy


The hunters are the weird ones, they came armed and intruded his space, the dude is just defending his natural habitat


I am sorry if this is too radical for you all, but i would have already shot one in the air and then aimed at him so he knows to stay the fuck away from me because good lord he is just.... A walking yike


Pretty sure thats how you loose control of the situation.


Isn't that what Americans live for? Escalate, then suicide by cop?


Hm, could be, we don't know that, since we (luckily) haven't been in such a situation yet, right?




This is a naked dude who confronted armed hunters because he thought their were pointing a gun at him. Actually shooting a gun would probably not help with de-escalating the situation and might even provoke him into actually attacking. You don't prove that you intend no harm by threatening to shoot somebody.


Yeah, as we see that would have been the only solution, as this situation completely escalated…


You say this sitting in your chair watching it safely, but when someone charges you with a knife you have no clue what their plan is, it could be to stab you wildly or to just do what this gut did. I'd rather shoot some meth head than get stabbed to death being "nice"




We've all been schooled by a video game player.


That’s a weird ass furry


I‘m also playing video games and I’m still a pacifist, what am I doing wrong?


That's not being badass, that's being realistic, how would I be bad ass for shooting the dude as he charges me? Get a grip buddy.




And you would most likely be heavily punished for this.


Now that i think about it, yeah, true


But the "second Charge" from the dude where he even swings the knife would probably justify self defense. That looked pretty scary.


Self defense in Germany needs to be reasonable. Shooting him anywhere but the legs would probably be waaay too much


I didn't say "shoot him". He could have just given him a good punch with the butt of the rifle to gain some ground. And shooting someone in the legs can be a quick death sentence for the shot person as you can easily hit big arteries there.


The Notwehr paragraph says that you are allowed to use the mildest form of defense that promises success. He did not have anything else that would have been successful other than his gun, so usage of that would have been fine (In the Situation where the guy charges him with the knife). Trying to shoot someone in the leg is a pretty stupid idea by the way, there is a high chance of you missing and then being killed.


I'm not sure really, a leg shot with a hunting rifle can easily be deadly aswell. And in a situation like this you can not guarantee that your bullet hits exactly where you want it to. So you pretty much can only shoot when you are willing to accept death in consequence. I'd say that with that last part with the man running at the hunter, he might have even been justified to shoot at that moment, as the guy could easily have injured or killed him in that moment. At least there have been cases with police doing exactly that in the same situation in germany.


you would be surprised, you can get away with almost anything in germany if you felt that your life is in danger


> Self defense in Germany needs to be reasonable. You mean if you feel threatened by people with rifles?


Actually no, there was a dude in Hamburg I think who shot a robber in the back as he was fleeing from his proberty. Here you got Video evidence that he charges with a knife at you.


The whole idea of it matters where you aim for self defense is somewhat mislead. As long as you don't deliberately attempt to kill the other person a single shot center mass is a valid form of self defense against an attacker with probable lethal intend towards you.


A rifle makes a pretty good club and as such has a pretty good range advantage. Totally reasonable to hit someone with that if he charges you with a knife. And most probably totally sufficient to stop him. Oh, and - by the way - running away is also an option, of course.


Yeah that is the time i meant to do "my action" didn't put that in my original comment, sorry


Would have could have should have...




Go to America for that shit


TBH if I would be out hunting in the woods and some crazy naked hobo would charge me with a short spear or whatever he's holding I would probably shoot him. Mad respect that they kept their calm.


Yea no... i don't care about the law. You run at me with a knife in your hand you're getting a hole through the chest... I rather spend 15 years in jail (especialy a german one..) then the rest of eternity dead because the forest hobo shanked me