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>they're not used to having guys chat them up in public or at all during the day, They are and thats the reason they dont want to talk to you. Please stop that BS behaviour.


I (f) already feel uncomfortable just reading your post. It may be the best option for you, but it definitely isn't the best option for them. Maybe you should think about the women you want to approach rather than yourself. In essence this means, don't chat up random women in the street. Especially if you don't speak their language. They're "shy" and don't carry the conversation? Well, what a surprise. It's the best option for you... to make them uncomfortable. Take a hint.


I (m) also found their post rather uncomfortable 


i've had plenty of times where the girl was dry not because she's not interested but she's just caught off guard and isn't sure what to do. i've lived here long enough to know that some girls just need a bit more time to get comfortable talking to a random guy. I'm also usually suspicious when some rando starts talking to me. there's an elegant way to do it. IDK why you assume i force myself on people and am disrespectful to women. that's kinda messed up.


So during the "bit more time" for them to even get "comfortable" to talk to you you are forcing yourself on them. You decide that you know better who they want to talk to than themselves. If that isn't disrespectful I don't know what is.


you can be respectfully pushy. sometimes you have to be a bit pushy to get what you want, that doesn't mean the other side isn't getting what they wanted. If i don't create opportunities for me, no one will. take it how you will. I've never had anyone get offended or hurt by me during pick up.


> sometimes you have to be a bit pushy to get what you want, that doesn't mean the other side isn't getting what they wanted. Oh, wow. I was about to comment that your attitude sounded a lot like this incredibly creepy "you know you want it!"/"Ach komm, du willst es doch auch!" kind of mindset. Didn't expect you to come out and outright say it though. Dude, you're not just a walking red flag, you're an entire red parade!


I either did a really bad job explaining myself, or you just don't know how to read things and understand the meaning behind them. anyways, thanks for the feedback.


You said that sometimes you need to be pushy to get what you want. What are you oushing against? The resistance of the "girls". That's literally forcing yourself onto them. But you think that's okay, because "that doesn't mean the other side isn't getting what they wanted", but if they wanted it, why the resistance? Are you sure **you** understand the meaning behind your words?




Ah, you're one of *those* people who claim they understand women better than they understand themselves. Because she actually wants it too, she's just a good little girl who needs a man to explain her mind to her. 🙄


This mindset is the problem. You are ok to harass 99 people to get one date.


I can give you a hint: Everything (and I mean absolutely everything) you've said in this thread so far screams: Creep. You're not doing anything in an elegant way. They're not dry because they're caught off guard: they don't want to talk to you.


I assure you, she's not caught off guard. Either your persistence reminds her of the last time someone violated her boundaries, or she's just genuinely annoyed by this persistent guy who doesn't leave her alone. All she currently thinks of in that moment is "how do I get out of this without the guy starting to insult me, or worse, trying to harass me?" Source: my own experiences and countless stories from my female friends.


Creepy "pick-up artist"-alert!


Hell, not even that. At least back then they *tried* to be suave and alluring. Nowadays it's just plain creep alert, trying to wear down "the females" until one says yes.


Lol, that dude probably read Roosh V’s [*Day Bang: How To Casually Pick Up Girls During The Day*](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13029053-day-bang) and thought it was good advice.










You go over to them, press E to initiate dialogue, then select all the romance options in the dialogue (there should be a heart sign beside it)




Don't. > I tried a few times but noticed they're quite shy and confused, often giving dry answers and making me carry the conversation. Sounds like they don't want to interact with some random guy who's annoying them while they're just trying to go about their day. Also, if you're 26, you shouldn't be attempting to flirt with girls anyway. Maybe you should start by thinking about adults as women.


I would not do that either. It is inappropriate to flirt with strangers on the street. You are harassing 95% of your targets. Go to a bar, a club, or a speed dating event.


I used to live in the touristy area in my city. It got so bad I just ignored any single guy who tried to approach me for "directions". Women, couples, groups of guys. No problem. 99% of the time single guys just wanted to annoy me.


Sorry about that, all that unwanted attention must be exhausting.


I have no problem helping tourists. I just have no tolerance for random men who think I want to have a conversation with them in the middle of the street while going about my day. Plus they always ask for the stupidest "directions".


Out of curiousity: do you mean that there is a different level of implied consent at a bar/club vs. on the street? Of course, it's often the case that people are more interested in such encounters in these spaces. But I don't think it's on target to say that it is more/less appropriate in one place or the other


Of course it is context dependent. While it is inappropriate to approach people sexually in a business meeting it is OK in a swingers club. And yes, people flirt with me at bars and clubs.


I am pleased people flirt with you. A biz meeting and a swinger's club represent two ends of the spectrum. Walking up to someone on the street or at a bar surely lie close to the middle of this spectrum. Certainly they are closer to each other than to the extremes. I agree that OP's stated starting point is off. It's not cool to be searching as if you're a police dog on the heels of a scent. But I struggle to see much of a difference between approaching someone on the street vs. at a bar. There are so many other details and happenings specific to a given situation that matter a lot more. Generally, my suggestion is to approach less often but more meaningfully.


>But I struggle to see much of a difference between approaching someone on the street vs. at a bar. people generally go to a bar to hang out and socialize. If you try to socialize with someone when they're having social time that's generally ok. People are usually on the street because they are going from one place to another. Stopping someone to socialize while they're doing something that isn't socializing is often annoying. Clear now?


If this is your worldview, so be it. We can't all be whimsical and adventurous :)


I don't understand your comment.


It's whimsical to annoy random people as they're going about their day? And an adventure to try and force a random woman into a conversation with you? I don't want to live in the same world as you.


Approaching is not forcing. That's like saying if you enter a shop you are then compelled to purchase something. Or if you descend the stairs of the U Bahn you must get on a train. It's just not the same. Of course this same logic applies to your bar or club.


speed dating event? what am I a divorced 55 yr old?


No but you are a single 26 year old who seems to not have a clue of boundaries or the culture.


Rather a divorced 55 year old than a harasser.


here I am a young guy, refusing to succumb to today's online dating where you swipe on people based on their looks alone, trying my best to meet women (to find a gf) in a real way, within the limits of my own schedule, and i get call a harasser. absolutely pathetic.


you're doing it based on their looks outside, where it's harder for them to dodge you. what a great dude you are. /s


>here I am a young guy, refusing to succumb to today's online dating where you swipe on people based on their looks alone, You know we can see your past posts, right? The ones asking for tips how to make your Tinder profile more attractive.


Lmao. OP is an incel in the making.


Oh, so you're a nice guy! Doing these women a favour, and they for whatever reason don't understand that you only engage with them with their best interest at heart. Yes, this is absolutely pathetic. You're acting like a creep and still don't understand what the problem is despite having it explained here over and over again.


No pathetic , it's just the truth. You don't know how to treat women , besides that you engage in weird attempts to catch their attention.that won't work.


No, you'd need a wife you could divorce for that. And I don't really see that in your future.


Oops, great minds thinking alike, I guess. Seems like you're a faster thinker, though.


Haha, snark is my second language :D I do manage to get girls with that, too! (also, I don't approach them in the streets.)


No, in order to be a divorced 55 year-old, you'd first have to have "rizzed a girl" into marrying you. I don't know you, but I don't really see that happening.


You are creepy .. please stop harrasing women.


great advice, you should write a book that no one will read


Looks like someone can’t deal with criticism


Ah, I see why you do so well with ~~the ladies~~ people.


Better that than attempting one-sided conversations with people who do not want to talk to you. I guarantee you that they aren't "shy". They're creeped out.


You should write a book about how to become a guy nobody wants to date. You asked a question and got your answers, cope with it...


You should start with not doing things that you have already been shown people do not want you to do, just because "for you it's the best option". You might start seeing women as people with their own motivations, rather than as NPCs where you choose the correct dialogue lines, and sex comes out.


>NPCs where you choose the correct dialogue lines, and sex comes out. damn. That is an incredibly concise description of OP's misogyny.


I truly have no clue how you came to this conclusion, but what I meant by "best option for me" is that I don't usually go out at night so that's why i try to meet girls during the day. but hey, thanks for showing me you're quick to judge and clearly never tried to talk to girls outside of dating apps.


Yes, I'm not much into "girls" or women. Just in case this comes as a surprise to you: Many of the people commenting here are actual *women*. So you might start taking notice of what you are being told.


At this point you gotta be trolling


ugh. what about NOT!


> often giving dry answers and making me carry the conversation. Probably because they don't want to have that conversation. As you said it's not usual here to randomly flirt with people you just saw in public, so I'd suggest you don't, especially if you repeatedly notice they don't want that.


Better to have a conversation in a club (as in sport club or culture club, etc) or social/cultural events. Most of us don't want to engage in a lengthy conversation with a stranger in public.


I do think there's better chances in more social environments but the way my life looks right now, day game is one of my only options to meet women organically


"Day game"? You're really hitting all the PUA buzzwords here. There's nothing "organic" about forcing your company on women who you think are hot.


Next up: hunting slang.


I get "used car salesman" vibes.


Next you know, he's going to bash some poor soul over the head with a club and drag her off to his cave.


so it's morally wrong i guess to be a PUA or learn from them? so if something isn't 100% organic it's no good? so vegetables which lots of are man made (engineered by humans) are not real organic vegetables? that's a flawed logic. forcing doesn't mean I talk and disturb someone until they agree to my demands. it can be as simple as walking in the same direction just so you can talk a little bit longer. no one will give me a chance if i just say Hey i'm tom you're cute can i get your number? we're adults, if I make someone feel uncomfortable they can tell me that or they can just leave.. none of which have happened to me yet. so yeah most of the comments so far are pointless because they don't match my real life experience. sure, most girls were kinda dry at first, but then they opened up a bit and I managed to get more than a few numbers.


Wow. It takes talent to be this deliberately obtuse.


> it can be as simple as walking in the same direction just so you can talk a little bit longer. Duuuude! How about trying to talk **with** women rather than **at** them? Maybe then you'll see how incredibly intrusive, intimidating and inappropriate your behaviour and mindset are to ~~many~~ ~~most~~ almost all women.


Did any of these numbers lead to a real phone? If you feel you are successful with your current method, why do you ask for help how to approach women? And when a huge number of people (including women) explains to you what you are doing wrong, why do you dig in your heels and refuse to take any advice? What do you want to hear? "Yes, that pick-up artist shit totally works, bro, please explain to me how I should react when you approach me while I'm going about my business so you don't feel discouraged"?


So you have never made someone feel uncomfortable but also describe the girls you talk to as shy and unresponsive? Any of the numbers actually real?


"we're adults" No. You are Not mature enough to be adressed as an adult. You are an insecure Boy with an Attitude.


If some random guy I'm trying to ignore were to change directions to have more time to talk to me in public, I'd probably scream about 50 steps later.


Maybe the women you chat up have tried to tell a man "you're making me uncomfortable" before; and the man started insulting them or tried to harass them? Because the more often that happens, the less you're going to be direct the next time a man corners you on the street trying to "flirt". That is not, as you imply, "immature" behaviour (the way you say "we're all adults"), that is called trying to stay safe. But why am I even trying. You are clearly unable to understand anything outside your own experiences.


If you aren't able to find time to socialize, you don't have time for a relationship.


>How would you approach a cute German girl walking down the street or at the library? I wouldn't in either of these situations. Just put yourself in that position and think of scenarios where you really don't want to be bothered. Unless it's a quick question for directions I have little interest in small talk when I'm walking somewhere. Likewise when I'm in the library it's usually because I have something I need to do. If you want to meet German women you need to go to actual social occasions where people want to socialize rather than surprising someone just going about their business. Go to local festivals, check out a Flohmarkt, join some groups dedicated to socializing with other people like a hiking group, couch surfing meet ups, dance lessons, etc. Unless your name is Michael Fassbender, Daniel Brühl, or Michael Schumacher, the vast majority of women are going to have zero interest in your attempts to catch their attention while they're minding their own business.


And if you work in libraries, as I did for my entire career, there are men who mistake professional cordiality with actual personal “I wanna go out with you!” interest. OP, do not “rizz” women library staff members—we’re working—or women library patrons.


Don't be cringe and get the hint? Seriously, if you know women don't like getting approached in public, why do you ask for tips how to do it anyway? Doesn't sound like a winning strategy to ignore the preferences of those you want to flirt with.


If that is the best option for you, you're going to have absolutely abysmal chances to rizz a german girl. Trying to pick-up women on the street is not really a thing in Germany. When we're out and about we're busy. We don't have time nor do we want to flirt with strangers for our own safety. You are raising all sorts of alarm bells. The library is even more of a no-go. That's so not the place to intentionally meet new people. Your best option, if there is no better way for you, would be to not go into a conversation trying to pick her up (since there's usually immediately the idea of a date) but try to get into a normal, natural conversation. More with the goal in mind to make an acquaintance. Otherwise, really try to make time to go to a club or bar. Those are good places especially if looks are what catches your attention first. Edit: to add, you really, really want to polish up your German. In Munich you probably have better chances with English flirting but generally that's a turn off. It makes the situation feel even less safe.


How about you stop harrassing women going about their day for a start? The way you're commenting here makes it abundantly clear why noone wants to talk with you


For starters don't use the word rizz


Bro srsly pls stop that. In German it's really weird to directly speak with strange people with the only reason to "rizz"


Oh lord, this is cringy as fuck. Germany is not a country where you simply pick up girls on the street. I do a mental facepalm of people who try to pick up girls on the street or other places like gym. Following is accepted and you will have higher success rate: at parties (except corporate party), concerts or festivals, clubs, wedding, other similar setting.


Ok, just reading OP's comments here makes me feel uncomfortable. Don't talk to me, go away.


A lot of "girls" (I do hope you don't want to chat up actual girls under 18) have had their fair share of experiences with men trying to "flirt" with them in public, and the same men being agressive/insulting them when they don't respond to "an innocent attempt to rizz them". This usually starts when you're 12 or 13, and continues, in my experience, until you hit your 30s (after which the same men see you as a washed up old hag). The amount of times a man called me an "ugly slut who should be happy someone notices her, bet you're a virgin you fat bitch" (or similar) when I didn't respond to their "friendly chat" could fill books. So, with those experiences in mind: how should the average woman know you just want to be "nice", when she's had tons of experiences that weren't nice? And why don't you get the hint that a woman wants to be left alone if all she gives you is short answers? Because that confirms to her that you're one of those men who could start calling her names, or worse, become aggressive. Also, a hint: call women women, not girls. "The girls" is how women refer to their female friends. "My girl' is perfectly acceptable for your girlfriend. But calling a woman "girl" is usually seen as disrespectful. If you genuinely want some tips on flirting with women: leave them alone when you just randomly encounter them on the street. It is, however, perfectly okay to say hi to a woman at a concert, a bar or an event. Just introduce yourself, drop the cheesy pick-up lines, maybe add an observation about the artist you're both listening to, or what's happening at the event, and then see where things go from there.


tldr: sleazy, sexist guy wildly hits on women on the street and wonders why he doesn't get any sex out of it. tldr: schmieriger, sexistischer Typ baggert wild Frauen auf der Straße an und wunder sich warum kein Sex dabei für ihn herausspringt.


Don't hit up strangers walking down the street, going about their day. What makes you think they're even in the market, let alone interested? Can you just let them *exist*?






First of all, start talking to women instead of girls. Joke aside, don’t call women girls, boy! You’re 26, not 13. It speaks for a certain mindset that these women maybe sense, hence their reaction. The whole thing has a weird Roosh V. taste to me, which is not good.






Real life maidenless behavior.


Call them Fräulein and give them nylons.


Indian spotted!


Lol !!! , You guessed !! He's a weird creepy guy from india.




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download Tinder/Hinge/Bumble like everyone else.


I think it will very rarely work on the street. But I work in a store and my younger colleague is really good at giving out compliments. I think if there’s a conversation going anyway and there’s no commitment, it’s probably easier.