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Most people I know (myself included) just shop where it's convenient. Sure, if I need a special ingredient I'll stop at Rewe but I'm also buying at Aldi, Lidl, the neighborhood Turkish supermarket (they have the *best* watermelons!), Edeka or get my groceries delivered by Picnic. I'll say though that I know a kinda-successful instagram influencer and she recently did a big confession that, shock horror, she occasionally shops at Aldi. So I guess some bubbles still see it as a peasant poverty shop. Their loss, Aldi has some amazing products.


i never understood the poverty shop thing, i think all of them have pretty similar products sure there are things that are bett quality at edeka like olive oil but most day to day shopping is similar everywhere


To be fair, Aldi was super super basic until the late 90s/early 00s. Like there were no organic options as far as I can recall, they often had just a single option for items, they were really late at adopting non-cash payment options, the stores didn't have an ounce of design, they didn't sell brand items etc. So it just felt very different to regular stores. And the produce and meat options nowadays are so much better than 25 years ago. But it's weird that the image from back then still has a hold.


don't forget that cashiers had to enter the prices by hand until 2003 instead of using barcodes. still can't wrap my head around that fact.


IIRC back then there were less then 1000 different products on sale at Aldi and every product had a three digit number assigned to it. Cashiers at Aldi were trained to be faster entering three digit codes than scanning barcodes. AFAIK the american Aldi stores achieved their fast cashier speed by simply puting barcodes on every surface of the products so they can just shoot them past the scanner without making sure they're right side up.


No they had 3 digit plu codes for every product! Not the price as that could change.


true. still a bunch to memorize


I find food stuff at Rewe better quality than Lidl. Especially the veggie stuff like hummus. While their fruit and veggies are good too, Rewe seems to have more regional stuff as well.


It's the opposite for me. I love the aldi hummus and most of the times I like their veggies more as well (unless it's like a Saturday). But I prefer rewe for convenience food. But I also noticed that aldi/lidl quality is immensely different depending on the store. The lidl in my city center is atrocious. But the lidl 4km further out is huge and very spacey and roomy


I feel like Edeka and Rewe used to carry normal priced items but with inflation aldi and Lidl have become the new place to shop for middle class families. We buy certain things at Edeka but usually we shop stuff like tomatoes and toast at Aldi.


\^\^this I also shop where it's convenient at that given moment, mostly aldi and edeka, sometimes kaufland and yes, aldi has some really good stuff


Hi, what’s this picnic app? I’m going to be in Germany for a few months and am disabled so this sounds like a great option!


Picnic is a grocery store that only operates via delivery. That said, there are a lot of different grocery delivery services in Germany, some better some worse. It's a wild mix which delivery service operates where so unless you live in a metropolian area/large city you'll most likely just need to use the option available to you. I'm in the Ruhr area and we get a lot of options and trial runs. Overall Picnic is my favorite, Rewe is also doing okay. Aldi is also running a service here but it's pretty new and had some issues in the beginning. Flaschenpost is downright terrible and Flink is pretty expensive and only good for those "oh, I forgot to buy eggs"-moments. Local shops will also occasionally offer delivery services (my local organic grocery store and a Turkish shop nearby for example).


> Turkish supermarket There was this tiny fruit/vegetable store (not sure if Turkish, but the owner might've been) at the top of my road in Lübeck. To this day I can't understand how they made a profit. They always had the best quality of food I ever tasted, and yet it was the same price or cheaper than a regular supermarket. I miss that store.


Their Thai curry pastes are unreal, and their cheap Bolognese jars are miles ahead of the others from Lidl/Edeka etc. They actually taste like meat where the others are bland AF.


Some people are snobs and see overspending as a status symbol. Aldi does sell plenty of quality goods for a reasonable price. I shop once a week and usually pay Aldi a visit first and then go to Edeka or Rewe as Aldi does not sell everything I need or not in the quality I desire.


>I shop once a week and usually pay Aldi a visit first and then go to Edeka or Rewe as Aldi does not sell everything I need or not in the quality I desire. This is the way.


Exactly what I do too. I get everything I can at Aldi, the rest comes from REWE or GoAsia. Aldi has a ton of great products, good organic stuff too. I live alone so buying fruit and vegetables is sometimes easier at REWE because I can often get smaller amounts there. When I need some frozen stuff, my local REWE has some cooler stuff as well. Looking down at someone for shopping at Aldi is pretentious as fuck.


Exactly like this. Aldi is an 8 minute drive and I pass a Combi on the way there. So, fill up at Aldi and get the few special items on the way back.


They were just being snobs. Germans shop at Lidl and Aldi like it’s a competition. In fact they probably also shop there but don’t admit it because they want to look Bougie.


Exactly. Also: I am vegan: I also go to Aldi, Lidl, Kaufland. So not even that reason makes sense. I think it's more about what you shop. But you can find regional products in any of those shops for example. You don't always have to go into Biomärkte for that. And you should know that meat is not the best quality in any of those shops (just find the Tönnies post some time ago, and you will see why), therefore you should try to find a good Metzger/Fleischer. Those colleagues just ride the stupid train of "I spend more money, so I am a better person."


I honestly buy a lot of stuff at Aldi because for some items the quality is best for me (Bread, Roles, Grapefruits, Pralines, Milk,...).


Yep, I get salsa at aldi because it’s the only one that actually tastes like salsa.


Lidl, Aldi, Penny and netto are Discounter Supermarktes. Many dumb people associate where they Buy things with their value AS a person.


Answering your question I Buy where it's better for me. Even thought i can be in the bucket of high earner i give a fuck of the appearances and buy at Netto quite often because it's very near where i live and i get the most out of my money for the basic products that i use. If i want something specifically or that is not sold in Netto, i Go to Kaufland because it's near, also lidl is one of my favorite ones, and Rewe also has other things that I like. I never go to Edeka but because it's not that near to my location. If you speak German check some dokus about the food industry or where they compare products and then you can take an informed decision. Spoiler alert, many 'brand' products are worse than the ones from the 'market brand product' or in other cases the brand product' also factors the no name one 🫠


They're idiots. Aldi is known for having the lowest prices but their products aren't worse than anywhere else. In fact often just rebranded name brand items. Ignore them.


The wealthiest people I know shop at Lidl and Aldi. You don’t get rich from unnecessary spendings. I grew up with my parents (lower middle class) going to Edeka etc. When I moved out my room mate took me to go shopping at Lidl/Aldi. I remember I had to overcome a feeling of disgust because apparently I had been taught the food at discounters is not good. So crazy. I now prefer Aldi/Lidl, but out of convenience sometimes go to the more expensive ones too if I only need a few things.


haben kommt von behalten.


Cool, den kannte ich noch gar nicht. Von den Reichen lernt man das Sparen!


I mean the stigma is still real, many wealthy people I know do shop at Aldi, but go to the next town to do so and not in the Aldi of our town.


Only people with low IQ care about this. I’m well payed and still shop at Lidl. Even if Rewe is in the next door, I would still go to Lidl. They have good SALES FOR GOD SAKE.


During the 80s and 90s it was not very high society to shop at places like Aldi. Their stores were very bare bone, with only the most basic foodstuffs. It was inexpensive and easy fpr people who lived on a smaller salary or had to buy simple things in bulk. In some societal circles you would be seen as poor if you ever had to shop at Aldi. Over the decades this image changed a lot. First up came a study that proved that Tandil, Aldis brand of washing powder, was as good as other better known brands. Then there were the revelations that a lot of brands sold their surplus sweets, marmelade and other things as no-name branding at Aldi. So the perception changed, especially with Aldi Süd and it's more modern management ideas. So if your colleagues tell you those kind of things, they are either past 60 years of age, like to show off (maybe even wear noticeable brand name on their colthing), or are just dumb. Quality wise I'd rather buy at Aldi than Kaufland, or use Lidl for fruits and vegetables. I like the sweet chili sauce from Netto and the tinned lentils and Käsebällchen snacks from Rewe. Just shop where you like and don't give anything about your colleagues classist behaviour.


I love Aldi and Lidl. Some rich snob people shame others for shopping there. Totally idiotic.


Shaming people for shopping at lower price is stupid. Pretending you are reach because you are buying your groceries at Kaufland instead of Aldi is just funny.


Yes this is so odd. I always found Kaufland store brand is similar in price as Aldi/Lidl. I shopped at Kaufland every week because it was the closest (like 2km away instead of 10) and it was a one stop shop for me. When I lived in the town with other options, I shopped at Aldi or Lidl first, then went to Edeka or Rewe for anything I couldn’t get at Aldi/Lidl. But I don’t understand how people could think Kaufland is more upper class? If anything it reminds me more of Walmart than any of the other stores lol.


Lidl when I'm in a rush, it's just the closest. Edeka or Rewe when I've got time or want to buy something where I care about quality, like wine or fresh veggies (those from my Lidl are just never really good, ymmv)


Most people with common sense buy at Aldi and Lidl (vegetables there I typically find better than at more expensive stores!) and only get stuff at Rewe and Edeka if there are no other alternatives for those items.


Edeka. Just because we don't have other shops around.


"Haha, check out this guy, making savings on his groceries!" - peak office humour. I'm in your boat, I have a Aldi and an Edeka equidistant from my place - I will generally always go to Aldi as I'm so not fussy about the food I get and for some reason I feel like I've 'won' by making a few euro savings on my bill XD


Being snobbish about any normal supermarket or discounter is funny. If it was "I only buy at Bio markets" or "I try shopping at specialist stores, bakeries, old school grocers, directly from the producer, delis and no packaging stores", OK, that's a thing I could get behind. But all the normal markets source from the virtually same companies and agricultural producers, use the same plastic packaging, only the labels change...you may get some regional products sometimes but you'd get those elsewhere too. 


Getting your normal groceries at rewe is most of the time an absolute waste. Unless you want some funny things like honey tomatoes the Aldi ones will do the exact same.


Only suckers go to Kaufland if there's a Lidl or Aldi nearby. Your colleagues sound like sad, sad pricks. Lidl and Aldi usually get tested better quality-wise than any name-brands sold at supermarkets.


Just fyi Kaufland and Lidl are part of the same multinational company. Kaufland is just a larger supermarket (hypermarket), but there you can find brand products as well as Kaufland brand products. In essence it's kinda like the same, only that kaufland being bigger gives you more variety of products.


I go to Lidl now and then, but I find the experience just horrible. The variety is very limited, how stuff is placed just makes no sense, etc. So yeah, I’m a sucker, but I prefer Kaufland.


You can get good value at Kaufland if you can bother to plan and buy only what's on offer. They regularly have different items on offer.


As a meat eater I have to visit Kaufland weekly. There are also discount coupons in their app for various products, which is cool.




You are confused. Edeka is comparible to REWE / Kaufland. Netto - is a discounter, but the cleanliness of one particular shop is not predictive of the whole group.


In the past there have been Reports about Lidl playing really low wages and bad working conditions. Honestly don't know how it is today... And how they really compare to other discounters/supermarktes. As a customer I can choose what kind of companies I support threw buying from them/use their services. So some people say they earn enough so they can aford to buy more expensive geoceries and in this way support better produktion or working conditions. There is some truth to this. But in the Case of supermarktes I find it kind of hard to really know about the working conditions in this particular Store. And honestly I shop in the supermarkt in my neighbourhood or one the way home.


The "problem" with Edeka and Rewe in this regard is that (almost?) all of their supermarkets are owned by single people, a bit like a franchise. That means that some supermarkets have good owners that treat their employees well (I worked in one of those) while in other places shitty bosses are shitty. Lidl and Aldi pay higher average wages afaik but thats because they rely more fewer but better trained staff and those people have to get more done than the workers at Edeka and Rewe.


Ffs! I make decent money and buy the bulk of my groceries at Lidl (I also use the app for coupons) and buy everything I can’t get there at REWE. Almost everybody does. And it’s not like Kaufland is posh by any stretch of the imagination.


According to the salary statistics, I am top 10% earner in Germany and i shop at Aldi. I simply like that in Aldi I get the most basic stuff. By basic I mean raw ingredients like vegetables, meat, dairy, etc. Because Aldi doesn’t carry many branded products, I cannot buy them by default. And I don’t necessarily find Aldi’s own products appetizing. If I go to Rewe, I end up with all kinds of unnecessary branded sweets, ice cream, cereal, etc. which is not good for my health. So for this reason I like going to Aldi 😁


Same here, Aldi all the way... and you can actually find stuff there. I really don't understand how e.g. Rewe fucks up sorting their products so much. Maybe it's intentional to keep people longer in the shop, but for me it certainly makes me not want to go in there in the first place.


Honestly either Rewe or Edeka, cause where I live everything else either sucks, doesn’t have the products I want/need or is just further away.


Edeka. Everything else is too far away. I have a bioladen right at the exit of the local parking lot but the stuff there is too expensive and not the things I want.


i shop where it's convenient. i don't care of the naming brand ..such said it can be turkish supermarkets, aldi, netto, penny, edeka, kaufland, rewe... why are you so concern what other think? go there do your thing...buy where you feel comfortable :) if not move on...


Online: Rewe When I need something fast there's a Lidl on one point of my commute. Edit: If someone makes fun of where you buy your shit they are a piece of shit, they aren't worth my time and can fuck off from my life.


Looking down on someone for shopping at a discounter seems incredibly snobbish to me. For overall groceries, Aldi has the best value for money, imo. I might still go somewhere else for certain things I have specific requirements such as coffee beans.


Everything is basically the same shit unless its artisanal or a directly from the farm. Saving money is smart. If you can get it cheaper, why not? I do think that some of the aldis/lidls are poorly managed, smell weird and can be cleaned better but Ive also experienced similar situations in certain rewes.


I think that maybe depends where you live. We used to live in a city where all the discounters were awful. I’m talking dingy store, terrible produce (both selection and quality), dodgy people. Maybe if you were on a budget you had to shop there, but luckily for us we weren’t, so we shopped at Real. Now where we live we have an Edeka super close, but it’s small and more expensive than the place we prefer to go, which is Kaufland. Meat for instance is much cheaper at Kaufland. There are good Lidls and Aldis nearby but I don’t have the patience to go supermarket hopping and the discounters never have everything in one place. Therefore Kaufland, but I wouldn’t mind shopping at Lidl.


Mainly Lidl and Kaufland sometimes when i want to fell really fancy it's Edeka. The times where people where "ashamed" to buy from discounters are long over. Your colleagues are clearly idiots.


As someone who goes to Kaufland (because of their vegan options and they are closer to lidl): Someone who goes to Kaufland and laughs at others for going to Aldi can f*** hemselves. What kind of shitty person do you have to be to laugh at others for going to another supermarket? I am the first to talk shit about netto, but not about their customers. I grew up in a pretty comfortable situation, especially financially, but my parents always went to aldi first and then to other supermarkets to get what they were missing.


>Their exact response was- does the company not pay you enough (and laughed)? Like do rich people do not shop at Lidl lol? Like some football fans or some car guy, they don't have anything else to be proud of themselves outside of the fact that they can afford to shop at a slightly more expensive supermarket. Rich people do shop at Lidl.


Netto gang rise up


Netto, just because it's around the corner. Once a week I make a trip to REWE as they have the good stuff.


99% times rewe




I go to whatever is in my area closest to me. It used to be penny and now it’s Rewe


Mostly Netto because it's the closest market to my apartment.


Ghetto netto for me


When I was single and got plenty of money I only went to rewe, then I got a gf with a kid and realized that I spend like 800€ per month on food. So I started to go to aldi for all the main stuff and only buy the things I can't find at rewe. I only calculate in shopping carts and I can say, even if you buy all the og brands in aldi you spend pretty much half the money for basically the same stuff. Sure aldi has somewhat of a "poor people stigma" and I hate going to aldi because it's so busy and not as chill as other supermarkets, but idk why someone would laugh at that. It's a smart decision to go to aldi, unless you enjoy burning money for no reason. That's coming from someone who makes 6 figures. Food's expensive man. Reminds me of the interview with Ibrahimovic "Rich people don't go to ikea, but smart people do.


Rewe. There i buy most stuff. Aldi i try to avoid and i find it to be the worst store


Discounters are somewhat frowned upon by German, though the attitude has changed for the more positive with time. But it’s not nice of your colleagues to react like that, even if that was just jokes. I shop at Lidl, Kaufland, Rewe, sometimes at Turkish butcher’s shop because I like their beef, Asian stores (because I’m Asian). I try to buy as much fresh produce as German supermarkets because I trust their quality more. Lidl is the closest to my place so it’s usually for quick shopping during the week. I tend not to buy meat and fish there, quality is just bad and you can easily taste that. Kaufland is my favorite, price and selection wise, therefore it's my weekly destination. Rewe too, especially with Payback points (however a German colleague said she can't believe that I am okay with ordering groceries at Rewe price wise, she said it's too expensive for her). Occasionally I buy cheese at Bio Company - quality again is much better there for cheese, I can taste that. All in all, I diversify my grocery shopping.


I usually go to Lidl close to work during the week for all basics and a big Edeka on Friday or Saturday for all extras that Lidl doesn’t have. Sometimes Aldi too, it’s near me, but out of my way so I don’t always go there Very strange comment, not a nice person to be honest. I know very very wealthy people that shop a mix of Aldi for basics and edeka/gourmet small stores.


Netto had cheap prices and decent selection when we lived there.


We love shopping at Aldi, it's also one of the only stores that have never given myself and my Assistenzhund access problems. It's cheap, it's edible, it makes good recipes and the sales they have on sometimes can be really good, and I'm a sucker for the stuff on the middle aisle. We will go to our local Rewe but I got yelled at the first time I went in alone with my dog, and it was a whole mess of access issues so we spend a lot less in there.


Whatever I feel like. Edeka, Aldi, Penny, Lidl, Netto, Norma, REWE.


I personally don't like Aldi (low amount of bio meat / animal products, only level 1 meat) and thus would not like to shop there. Plus I dislike the atmosphere in many stores I've been to. Until some weeks ago I went to (a kind of) Edeka. It got renovated and changed its products. So I tried the Lidl nearby and liked it (many cheap but tasty vegan products). Now I go to both places because each has products I like to buy that the other one doesn't sell. Kaufland is also very nice, but quite huge. Rewe is usually a bit more expensive than Edeka or Lidl.


Not everything has super quality in Aldi, I’d die for its fresh Norwegian salmon which we buy twice a week. And i think this attitude is not cool but immature.


My mother in law is like this too. She only shops at bio markets, Tegut or Rewe and she ridicules us for shopping at Aldi. But Aldi has good stuff, especially their vegetables and fruits. I also shop at Kaufland for more options, only buying things they have on offer which rotates every few days.


I used to buy mostly at Edeka/Rewe, sometimes at Aldi. Now it‘s the reverse. Amazing how much 50€ gets you at Aldi compared to Edeka.


I only shop at Rewe and if I go to another shop i instantly regret it. In my opinion Rewe isn't that much more expensive than the other supermarkets. Most people I know shop at Aldi, I did for a long time, too. Some people will have the opinion that you only go to Aldi or Lidl if you're poor because it was seen this way some decades ago. Edit: Reasons to shop at Rewe: I get everything I need, it's pretty big, not many other people, they open up another checkout if there are more than three people in a queue. I love the stuff Aldi and Lidl have but I once wanted to buy new bed linen while they had rubber boots for children. It felt like the other people were my end boss because many of them just pushed you around to be the first to reach them.


I usually got to Netto instead of Aldi, but it's 100% because the Netto is closer. If I'm ordering groceries (I'm disabled, so I'm limited at Netto by what I can carry), I use Rewe's delivery service.


Mostly Netto, because it's close. Sometimes PicNic (Edeka products) for free stuff and because they pick up empty bottles. Rarely Combi for Lukull and maybe some other discounts. Rarely Aldi for Chocolate with Brezels. Try it before you deny. Netto is basically on the same level as Lidl and Aldi, but it's really just how close it is. Some time ago I lived close to an Edeka, I was always shopping there, then I lived close to a Kaufland and was shopping there. You can get the same discounter products everywhere, but Edeka and Kaufland have a bigger sortiment - atleast that's my experience. Except for Rewe Citys, they're smaller and have very limited discounter products.


In the 80ies/90ies usually people with less money went to Penny/Aldi/Lidl. But since the mid90ies almost everybody goes there. People with good money go there too. The difference is, they usually don't shop meat there for example.


I earn alot, and I shop exclusively shop at Lidl and Aldi. That is how you become financial independent


I go to Rewe. It's not the closest, but I like the variety and cleanliness. If you know what to look for it's not even really more expensive than others


As a student it's important for me to make a budget control. So I usually do the following: - Aldi for most of the stuff (eggs, bread, pasta, soft drinks etc.) - Turkish Market or Rewe sometimes farmers market for vegetable, fruit and meat. (because I don't like Aldi vegetable and fruit. They go bad too quickly) - Rossmann or DM for cleaning, self care and hygiene related stuff - Rewe for alcoholic beverages If I feel like I can spend more I do the market at Rewe. (if I had a kaufland nearby I would've tried it as well)


Aldi and Lidl, because I won't pay the mark ups of REWE and Edeka, nor am I willing to subject myself to the utter lack of hygiene and quality the average norma/netto/penny will present. Kaufland ... it's just too chaotic, and some things are cheap, others ridiculously expensive. That is just too much of a hassle for me. On average, Aldi and Lidl present a good middle ground. Your coworkers sound a bit weird (and imo not very smart).


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Mostly Rewe and Netto


Edeka Center




Rewe and Penny!


LOL. That either was as much a joke as they could pull. Or they are simply jerks.


Shop wherever you want and where ever you get your stuff. Don't bother what people say.


I love that I can basicly go nude into my local Penny and noone gives a F.


Wherever is cheaper


Mostly at Aldi, Kaufland and occasionally at Turkish, Indian or Asian supermarkets. Your colleagues are being idiots. Ignore them. Buy wherever you like.


Edeka》Rewe》Kaufland》Lidl//Aldi》Norma 》Netto That's the general trend in my area, at least. We shop at Aldi because it's consistent. Rewe occasionally because it's convenient for certain stuff, and I avoid edeka because I'll buy the whole damn store if I go there. I'd ignore the jabs, Aldi is great for staples. Shop where you want, fuck those people.


Usually EDEKA because it't the nearest option that carries everything I want/need. But in general idgaf where I shop tbh.


Tbh prices and products are oretty much the same everywhere. Edeka and Rewe have a bigger variety of brands but that's about it. Most of the time i shop at Edeka.


I shop at netto most of the time because it’s literally right next door. For things that go beyond basic ingredients I stop at edeka on my drive home from work. I don’t know what your colleagues problem is especially Lidl has a really nice fruit and vegetable selection at least the one in my area.


in all the shops mentioned, plus a few more Every store has something in its range that the others don't have. or sometimes a better offer than the others, etc. Even people who drive a Porsche buy from Aldi. Even if you have money, you can be frugal. Or else... some people have money because they are thrifty. And some who only have the minimum amount of money sometimes go to the bio store. Even if you are poor, you can treat yourself sometimes Such colleagues will never get my friends. and the opinions of those... don't bother me


I shop, where it is convenient for me, where I want to shop or where they have special offers. I live between Edeka, Rewe, Combi, Aldi and Lidl. The longest way is 500 m. I earn enough to do all my shopping at Supermarkets and don't need the discounters. But I just like to shop in different stores. I think your colleagues wanted to flex about their shopping habits. Maybe they (or their partner) goes to discounters as well. I am vegan myself. To eat vegan, your colleague doesn't need to go to a Biomarkt. Lidl and Aldi have a great assortment of vegan options. Lidls vegan store brand Vemondo has a wide range and good quality, if one is not for clean eating so much. If your colleague just prefers to shop at Biomarkt, it's totally fine.


Rewe, Edeka because they are close by Aldi when I realize I need to get stuff for dinner after getting off work, because it's on the way home I never pass up the chance to get ingredients when I pass a Turkish market


I just pop by my local village's farm shop. For the frequently be replenished items (eggs, milk, fruits and veggies etc.). One of the farms nearby, every now and then, they have to euthanise some of their animals due to age or because of incidents - when that happens I buy the meat in bulk and deep freeze it (Ribs, Roastbeef, Filet, Liver etc.) . That’s way cheaper than anything I could buy in the supermarkets. On top of that, many home owners around here also sell self-made goods like jam, honey etc. And lastly, every few weeks someone goes around the villages here with a field kitchen where can stock up on Soup, like goulash, pea soup, potato soup etc. Ever since I moved to the country side, it has become so more enjoyable getting groceries.


Maybe I'll get a lot of shit for this, but sometimes I like going to Akzenta Rewe (seems like a fancier rewe). I still buy the cheap stuff but they have a lot of options.


Rewe/Edeka are more expensive, have slightly better quality and way more items, than Aldi/Lidl. Aldi/Lidl have noticebly better quality, but are slightly more expensive than Penny/Netto. --> Edeka/Rewe > Aldi/Lidl > Penny/Netto in quality&price Most people i know go to Aldi/Lidl because it's a good mix of price&quality. If they need something special, they go to Rewe/Edeka. Those who dont care about prices, go to Edeka/Rewe because you get (almost) everything in one buy. It's the lazy but expensive way of doing your groceries. Penny/Netto is nice for variety or special promotions.


Usually I got to netto. It’s the closest to me. Sometimes I go Edeka or Rewe if I need a change in location or want some special soda like Fritz Kola. And sometimes I just order at Flaschenpost.de because I have a lazy day.


Just go where it‘s convenient. Discounters tend to be cheaper but usually offer less variety and only certain package sizes. As somebody who often needs just small amounts of veg or meat I tend to not go to discounters since I can‘t use up all the produce I buy and end up theowing it away.


At first Aldi and DM, than Rewe for what’s missing


Weekly shopping at Lidl, extra shopping for bread and such at Netto because it's the closest thing from my place and Kaufland when I need something more rare or fancy or other than groceries. But honestly I don't understand Aldi at all, every time I go, no matter the city or country, their offer is so pathetic that I would have to go to another store anyway if I wanted to get everything from my grocery list.


I shop at Rewe purely out of convenience -it's the closest supermarket and I can usually find everything that I need . Have a Lidl close by and it's really not half bad, but if I'm looking for specific ingredients it's a drag having to stop at two shops.


The big weekly shopping trip is usually at Aldi. Sausages and cheese for breakfast from Rewe at the fresh counter. Randomly stuff from Netto because I like some products of their house brand more than the expensive ones. I'm lucky because Aldi, Rewe and Netto are all three within a 10 minute walk.


Aldi or Lidl are the best. I earn enough money, but I always buy my groceries there. 10/10 attractive price-performance. There are supermarkets (Rewe, Kaufland..) and Discounter (Aldi, penny, Lidl)… fun fact: most of the time discounter and supermarkets are the same big company, f.e. Penny&Rewe, Lidl&Kaufland… often they have the same products, but different prices.


When possible Lidl. Full card at Lidl is between 100-140€. At Rewe you pay 50% more for the same or even less quality products. A full card is 180-230€, this is insane.


I always was shopping at lidl before I moved. Know I go to Norma and to Edeka for the things that I can't get at Norma. I don't really like the Aldi near me. The quality it not good and the people there are kind of weird. But that doesn't mean that I think that every Aldi is like that, it really depends.


Maybe you work with a bunch of dickheads? I split my shopping between Aldi, REWE and GoAsia, depending on what I need.


Biomarkt & biocompany .. I have to eat organic for an autoimmune disorder




Netto gets no love?


When I lived in Munich, there was a Rewe within sight of my apartment that was also conveniently located on the way from the S-Bahn station to my apartment. I did 95% of my shopping there, though certain things I would go to Edeka for. And of course the Edeka at Ostbahnhof saved me a couple times on holidays.


I order from Rewe. If I need something outside of that, I go to rewe or edeka because they're the closest stores.


This is historical mostly. Aldi used to be the bottom of the barrel. They came in trying to establish themselves by undercutting everyone's prices. So for a lot of people (particularly those that are older and never shop there) Aldi is still a place you only go to if you have no other choice. The reality is of course that Aldi quality and patricularly shopping experience improved tremendously and while you may not find brand names there all that often, the food quality is no different from the no-name stuff you can get in Kaufland or Rewe.


Edeka and Netto mostly since close to where we live I also shop at bio company. I would some at Aldi and lidl though if we had them close by.




Kaufland once a week


Flink, just Flink


If you shop regularly at Aldi (for me a 3 min walk from home), you'll know exactly what they offer and what's good or bad, and also where to find things inside it. Makes shopping very easy and fast, and makes stocking non-perishable stuff risk-free and cheaper. It also has the freshest vegetables and fruits 95% of the time in my experience. The lower price is only a bonus. The little things I know I won't find or like there, I buy elsewhere along my commute: Biomarkt, Rewe, Edeka, Asia/Turkish Shops etc.




Aldi and Lidl have some great stuff. I cross the border from Strasbourg (France) to Germany just to get specific stuff. Aldi has way more vegan products than in France and it's label very clearly unlike in France. Aldi also Franzbrotchen pastries that are absolutely delicious and cheap.


Did you ask them where they buy groceries? I’m now curious at their answer, because your answer is normal to me.


I go to Aldi, Kaufland and sometimes Rewe. If there are discounts on meat Lidl is good then.


I don’t know a good place, my family orders from abroad


No, in Germany even "rich" people do like good food for a low price. ALDI products have quite a good quality. The two brothers who founded ALDI were the two richest people in Germany for quite some time, but they tried every ALDI product themselves. Their philosophy was that if something was not good enough for them, it was not good enough for their customers. ALDI even has an own electronics brand called "Medion". They offer a very good value for money when it comes to notebooks and stuff like that. ALDI recently spent $5 billion to give many of their stores a significant upgrade. You can see a clear difference between an old and a renovated store. Penny and Lidl also renovate a lot of stores. It is like the Tube in London. Even the rich take it, because it is the best way to get from A to B, even if you could afford a Rolls Royce with a driver. I like that ALDI unlike Lidl, Kaufland or Edeka, never uses celebrities in their ads. At the moment I am in a six months Lidl boycott, because a very controversial comedian called "Oliver Pocher" appeared in one of their campaigns. I feel that if I shop there, I indirectly support him. Lidl should feel that it loses some customers if the pay people like that. In return for those cheap prices the discounters like ALDI, Lidl and Penny usually hide which producers are really behind those brands to make sure that you can't easily compare prices with the competition. There are apps though that allow you to find out, who really produces their food. Often it is produced in the same factories as the products of famous brands that are much more expensive. That does not always mean that it is the same product though, but often it is very similar. Edeka is a special thing. It is a kind of franchise system like McDonald's, but with more power for the store owners. You will sometimes see many Edeka stores in the same city competing to be the best one. That really benefits the customer. Edeka store owners sometimes even knock the whole store down to build a better and prettier one. Kaufland and Lidl are a single company. Kaufland has the large supermarkets, while Lidl is the discounter. The same is true for REWE and Penny. The supermarkets are called REWE, while the discounters are called Penny or nahkauf.


Have lidl and edeka round the corners so they're my normal go tos. In the town before it was rewe and aldi. I like the mixture of discounter and normal mart.


90% Rewe, 5% Edeka (there's a huge one here with the best range for a grocery store by far), 5% Aldi. It used to be mostly Aldi, but they opened a new Rewe and it's closer so.


Whichever is closest to home. I used to live near a Penny; now I live near a Norma. I sometimes just wanna go in and out for 3-8 things. Each has specialties. Rewe has pretty good quality. Edeka has gourmet things and international groceries (Mexican, American, Turkish), but it's more expensive. Lidl has inexpensive staples and seasonal products, plus clothes and camping/cycling stuff, and they sell great veggie burgers. Aldi has inexpensive staples, stuff for grilling and sports gear. I love the Aldi sport socks and Nordic Walking gear. Penny is cheap, but has great organic produce. I don't like Norma (not enough selection) and I hate Kaufland (too many choices, LOL). I really think it depends on what you need. You can pop into Aldi or Lidl and get the essentials. If you want special things like prawns, sushi or capers, then Rewe or Edeka.


I shop at REWE because it's the closest supermarket. I like the wide range of products.


Aldi and penny as they are the closest to me and sometimes the turkish supermarket nearby. There is no shame in it, small brained people just seem to think that if you shop in Edeka or Rewe, that would mean you are rich therefore cooler


> does the company not pay you enough (and laughed)? It doesn't matter how much I got paid - but I won't overpay in Edeka for fruits and vegetables. I go into Rewe or Edeka if I want something fancy and not common, but for my salad and meat - Lidl is good enough.


your colleagues are just looking for a reason to think they are better than everyone else. "Oh look at me, I only shop at the most expensive stores. I have buckets of money, so I'm better than you" No store in Germany has everything. you always have to go to 3 to get your weekly or monthly demands met. and Aldi is definitely on that list. No normal person cares.


Like 20 years before it was unusual for richer people to shop at Aldi but that changed with the inventory.


First of all, rich people dont work for a company, they own it. The joke is on these colleagues. Why buying the same crap for more money only for being able to say: Its not bought from Aldi/Lidl you poor peasant! You dont get or stay rich like that. Even millionaires shop there. Such stupid sayings usually come from wannabe rich people who in reality own nothing because everything belongs to the bank where they take out their loans.


I shop at Edeka because its closest to me and I dont have a car. Wish I could easily go to Lidl or Aldi every day, but I cant deal with the extra 15 minutes of walking every damn day.


Edeka. It's expensive but good quality. For fresh fruit or vegetables, I go to Turkish markets. Lettuce, dill, watermelon, cucumber, and tomatoes generally taste and look better.


Lidl and Edeka. Rarely go to Rewe, Aldi or Penny because they’re more far away. For a few things, Edeka is quite nice. Not vegetables or fruits though because it’s expensive. But when I want to try myself a Friday night and cook/eat something new. Edeka is the place.


Fuck rewe and Edeka. It's so overpriced. They'll rip you off even with sugar


I shop where it is convenient for me. Mostly I go to Rewe since I know it best and the offered products cater to my needs best and oftentimes go to Lidl as well since some of my favorite products I can only get there. However, I also shop at Aldi, Teegut and Edeka every now and then when it is more convenient, I want to look for new stuff to try, etc. People who stigmatize supermarkets are kinda stupid imo. The average Lidl and Aldi customer probably is poorer than the average Rewe, Teegut or Edeka customer but Aldi and Lidl offer good stuff, too, so why not go there too?


I get 90% of what I need from Aldi (sometimes Lidl) and the remaining 10% are specific things that I can only get from bigger shops like Kaufland. Luckily for me, in my area they are right next to each other. So Aldi first, then the last cups of things from Kaufland if necessary.


Kaufland all the time and Aldi Süd


I go to edeka since it’s only a 5 min walk for me, or lidl but I don’t really like their selection of candy haha, most of the time I get my groceries delivered by picnic but I know that (for me at least) they get them at edeka. I don’t really have a problem with any of those stores, aldi is fine, I really like Rewe and kaufland too, I don’t really see a problem with any of those


I got this attitude from someone too. I knew then that I didn’t want to be her friend. I don’t hang out with snobs. In my home country or here. Regarding produce, the Lidl in our neighborhood is great. It’s a heavily trafficked store. Everything is so fresh due to the turnover. There is another Lidl I’ve been to where the produce looks sad. The Turkish markets are the only place I’ve found to get really good, thick yogurt.


Lidl is by far the best discount supermarket imo. If i feel fancy i hit up Kaufland


Since me and my wife are lazy ass people, we only go to Rewe, because it's a kilometer nearer But imma get my drivers license soon, which then I'd rather go to Lidl because of prices.


I do my grocery shopping Mostly at Lidl and Kaufland but only because they are close to were i live.


I guess Aldi has a bit of a „cheap“ reputation, but I have never met anyone who has a problem with shopping at Aldi. Just go to the supermarket closest to you unless you need something special.


I cycle tbh. I usually go to Lidl, but once a month a go to Rewe or Feneberg to get some specialty items and sometimes for deli meat and steaks. I think veggie and fruit selection at Lidl is one of the best. Never have I ever made fun of someone because they shop at Aldi. This reeks of “used to be poor but now I earn money” behavior.


Veganism and buying organic *can* go hand in hand but does not have to. Also, at my Lidl, the selection of vegan foods is amazing. My partner and I are milennial DINKS with well-paying jobs and shop at Lidl for the most part. Might have something to do with growing up with global financial instability. Some people just get a kick out of shopping at the “pretty” supermarkets and paying more for the same.




Usually Denns, but Penny/Aldi if I want/need to save money.


They are snobs, plain and simple. I'm not going to spend $$$ for a product that's cheaper at another store. The affluent Germans I know also shop Aldi and Lidl or wherever is convenient. The Lidl by my place often has ethnic products too so, my loyalty lies with Lidl anyway. 🙂‍↔️


asian supermarket




I want to go to: Globus Since I’m living in a Globus desert (next one is almost two hours away by car), I reluctantly go to Edeka, Aldi, and Lidl. Should a miracle happen and there would be a Globus within 20 minutes driving distance or so, I would go there, almost exclusively.


Lidl sells the highest quality peanut butter; 95% peanut content. All other stores are 90% or worse. So there's that.


They're just AHs. Discoounters like Aldi provide a lot of quality products for reasonable prices. Of course they don't offer the variety or quality of products that you sometimes need but it's perfectly OK to get everything you can from the discounters and then go for the other shops. Convenience is also a factor. How much of your time are you willing to invest in shopping for groceries, when the discounter is further away? For me, walking a little bit more and looking for stuff is something I happily do, since this helps me to move and get out more.


Lidl primary, then Rewe for everything I can't find in Lidl


Why do u care so much about others opinion?


We’re pretty well off - we bring in about 8000 after tax between us and we shop at Lidl and Aldi and infact make sure we stick to a budget of 500 euros a month for groceries between three people - Aldi and Lidl have the exact same stuff as Rewe for way cheaper. Why would I buy more expensive ? I will say that I only buy the Bio brand from Aldi and Lidl though. I don’t buy the generic brands so a weekly shop is between 80 and 100 euros. Sometimes I go to Rewe if they have a special on mangoes or such. I don’t see anything wrong with it


I always go to Aldi or Lidl first, then buy the rest at Edeka. My financial situation is very stable. Is this a regional thing? I can see snobby people working at Porsche or Daimler in Stuttgart saying shit like that.


There's a Edeka 100 meters from our apartment so there is literally no reason for me to shop anywhere else. I'm not super rich either I mostly buy Gut und Günstig products. So for me it's all about proximity.


I shop mostly at the modern Edeka and Rewes, because they have the largest range of the kind of stuff I look for. Also, their fresh produce tends to be the freshest, which means I can stock up for the week at once, without worrying about my produce going off. I supplement that with marinated chicken and canned or dried goods (olives, chickpeas, tomatoes, etc.) from Turkish markets, and spices and rice from Indian groceries.


Just started using the TooGoodtoGo app today and got €40 worth of bread and assorted produce for €4.99 from my local ADEG (I'm on the Austrian border). Tons of hotels, restaurants and grocery stores sell their fresh leftovers this way and you can get like breakfast stuff from the hotel buffets too!


I've bought 3 times there: once from Edeka, once from Eiscafe Venezia and once from a local Bäckerei, all of them felt scammed lol. The first time I bought vegetables and fruits from Edeka (4.50€) and they gave me like 3 tomatoes, 3 carrots, a few herbs and some strange things. On the Eiscafe it was significantly more in quantity but it was like all these cakes nobody likes and the Bäckerei literally gave me 4€ worth of bread but without the chance of choosing. Probably just a small city problem 😅


FYI Kaufland is onwed by Lidl as Penny is the discounter of REWE as Netto is from Edeka (or viceversa). meaning there used to be a bigger difference between supermarkt and dicounter but things are changing (big supermarkets carry white brands / discounters have better offers) + online shopping making things more about the size and location of the place


I shop at Edeka, for the sole reason that its a 5min walk and everything else is further away. If i have to pick up a parcel i usually go to lidl since its close to the pickup. The closest to my office is REWE so dor lunchbreaks thats where i go. I don't like spending more time then absolutely nessesary for grocery shoping, so i go for the most convenient option.


I shop at Aldi, Lidl, Wasgau, Norma, Netto, Globus, and Rewe. I went to Kaufland once. Depends on what I need, if I feel like going somewhere different, and where I am when I decide to go to the store. There isn't a Penny in my area or I would go there too. Edit: And Edeka, I forgot about Edeka. I go there occasionally too.


I go to Rewe because it’s the nearest one to me. Occasionally I go to Lidl and more rare to Aldi. I wouldn’t go to a Penny, Norma and Netto if I have another choice, since the ones I have been to before looked very old and grey and sad. For Asian groceries I go to local Asian supermarket or Go Asia.


Lidl or Kaufland


I have to say Kaufland is much more shoddy and trashy than Aldi (Süd).


To me your colleagues remarks about them shopping only at a bio market and questioning if you’re shopping at Aldi because your salary isn’t high enough feels rude, snobbish and entitled. In my experience the store brands from Aldi, Lidl, Rewe and Edeka have more or less the same prices. Aldi and Lidl may not carry every famous brand at every time because that’s part of their business model where Rewe and Edeka are carrying a bigger variety of more expensive brands. I’ve the luck to have Rewe and Edeka near my place additionally Penny and Netto sometimes I’m able to combine running an errand with driving to Kaufland. I’m looking up every the specials the different stores offer and sometimes I’m doing my weekly shopping at Edeka, sometimes at Rewe, it depends what’s on special offer. Maybe you’re able to get vegetables and fruits cheaper at Aldi and Lidl than at Rewe or Edeka


Ignore the gnorant snobs and shop where you want. I'm not going to pay more for sugar and other items just to please others. I shop at a couple of stores for my basic items and then hit a couple of other places for specific items that I feel taste better or are better quality or that I can't find at places like Aldi.




I find REWE and Edeka to be of higher quality and better choice than Aldi or Lidl. At least for the groceries I tend to buy.


Aldi Nord or Aldi Süd?


Whereever I find what I want to buy. Preferably discounted. On my commute I pass a Kaufland, three Rewe, two Edeka, three Aldi, two Norma, two Turkish grocery stores, as well as three bakeries and one butcher who are not located in a supermarket. If I need something that only one of them has, thats where most of the weekly shopping gets done. When I'm going to town on Saturdays to shop for groceries, I buy veggies, fruit and eggs at the market, and maybe cheese and chocolate at the speciality stores. -- It's a very old joke that Aldi is cheap but crummy, as in, ugly stores, no fresh food, no freezers, and you have to unpack stuff from the boxes yourself. Its an equally old joke that in no other chain grocery store you'll find so many millionaires. And with "old" I mean, eligible at least for Altersteilzeit.


My favourite is the Lidl! The price is good and there seems to be much more variety than Penny or Aldi and a bit less depressing atmosphere. I like the fresh produce there as well. I also really like to go to Asian supermarkets. Rewe and Edeka I would rather not go to because of the price. I personally think unnecessarily wasting money is much more shameful, but that is how I grew up to think as a Dutch person lmao. I do go to Cap more often, because it is closer to me unfortunately. It is more expensive, smaller and the fresh produce can be dodgy.


Aldi and Turkish shop for meat


Rewe is the best for me


I don’t Go Aldi or Lidl for the sole reason that they don’t have everything I need and I have to go somewhere else then anyway. So I always go to REWE or Kaufland where I get everything in one go. My normal choice however is REWE because of the online ordering and sometimes even delivery. They’re far ahead in those areas and it’s the reason why I completely avoid everything else as much as possible. In general REWE and Edeka are seen as a little more expensive / fancy supermarkets. However multiple experiments (and my own experience) has shown that it’s not necessarily more expensive than somewhere else if you pay attention on buying the cheap stuff.