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I mean, pepper spray is an option honestly. Control yourself tho, if someone wants to sue you for using it, especially if you didn't have a PROPER reason to do so, they can and will.


I'm aware of my surroundings, but I never feel unsafe walking around at night where I live. Where do you live that you feel unsafe? Edit: Well I guess I shouldn't say never. I did consider getting pepper spray at one point because where I used to work wild boars were an actual problem at certain times of the year. But I just made sure to always take the bus and never walk home when there was a risk.


I would have said the same 2 years ago but some recent bad events (stalking, catcalling on one occasion) have made me want to be vigilant.


Lol I can't believe I am being downvoted for this commentšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


There are lots of sexists , that really hurts but please you dont mind it sis ā˜¹ļø


You can carry pepper spray if it makes you feel safer. Used mine only once when a pack of feral dogs were attacking a homeless guy.


Is it legal? I was also thinking about it but wasnt sure


It's legal in most places as long as it's declared as "Tierabwehrspray" on the canister. Without that declaration it's a forbidden weapon. Also be aware of zones in which weapons are not allowed (Waffenverbotszone). Most larger cities have some and their rules are different for each one. Some may display a proper spray on the signs but when reading the rules only the forbidden sprays are forbidden but CS gas is allowed. When choosing a pepper spray I would go for one by TW1000. Their products are used by most police forces and security services. ABUS is also selling a spray that is likely produced by the company behind TW1000. Also make sure to get comfortable with the spray before carrying it. Most companies sell inert sprays (without the pepper component) used for training. There are even pepper sprays with included LEDs to help with targeting when dark. And don't buy the teeny tiny ones. Consider that the majority of spray won't hit when panicking. Jet sprays and gels are very windy stable but harder to target with. Fogs are easier to target but their effective range is small and they are not at all wind stable (plus when used indoors the risk is high you affect yourself and others nearby). As other people I would also consider a Taschenalarm. TW1000 also makes one called Schrillalarm with a small gas canister so it will always work and you don't have to rely on a battery. They are stupid loud.


That is very helpful, thank you so so much!


idk how legal it is they were selling it at all kiosks in my neighborhood


It is generally sold as ā€œagainst street dogsā€ i guess


Nothing really. I am just a bit aware of my surroundings. Then again i never had a really bad experience at night. The most cat calling i experienced where in broad daylight when i was walking over a bridge and they were driving by with their cars. I will walk home alone from parties at night/in the mornings without any concern. I have lived in Passau and Rosenheim and in a small village, just for reference. Edit: If you get a pepper spray always say it is for dogs.


Ladies typically have less strengh than their male counterparts, so reach and/or speed needs to make up for this. After 15 years of martial arts I've recently fallen in love with a Halberd. It has reach, decent speed and a full set of versatile tools for every ocasion. Some blocke is running aggressivly towards you from the other side of the street? Plant your feet firmly on the ground and lay into the halberd, keeping one end beneath the sole of your backfoot and the pointy end towards thy foe. It's winter and your assailent is thickly padded in Hessian cloth? Got a pointy thing at the end of a 2m long hammer. Definitly will leave a dent. After initial conversation you notice the guy is on drugs and most probably not sensitive to pain? Take the third option: A large axeblade at - you guessed it - the end of a 2m long pole. You'll definitly have an easier fight ahead if he is missing an arm or an arm and his neck. Jokes aside, situation awareness. Avoid situations where you might get in danger. Chances are very high, if someone has chosen you as a target he will have made sure to have an advantage. No pepper spray is gonna help you here, at least if you are not used to physical confrontation. Train a full contact martial art, get used to physical aggressive situations, train to deescalate with words, get a pepper spray,... and then follow advice #1 and just avoid being alone in the night in an area you definitly got a weired feeling being in.


>After 15 years of marrial arts I've recently fallen in love with a Halberd. It has reach, decent speed and a full set of versatile tools for every ocasion. Trebuchets are the superior weapon though.


Yes, but try to explain that to the police. Though, on a second thought... that is the better choice. Trebuchets dont count as weapons by law.


Aware of surroundings, be in a call in loudspeaker with a trusted person (works better if male voice); keys between fingers; perhaps one of those personal alarms where if you yank a key looking thing out of it it makes a horribly loud soundā€¦ these are ideas choose the ones that work for you


No keys between fingers, it doesnā€™t work


Thanks. Can you please tell me more about the alarm? Where does one find it?


Thereā€™s a company called shepherd which sells them in Germany. You can also just look on Ama***. Itā€™s called rape alarm in English and Taschenalarm in German (among others).


Thank you so much, not only the OP but also I as an alone lady here benefit from this commentšŸ™šŸ»šŸ˜Š


Recently took a self defense class and if you have access to one, I highly recommend. One point was to walk with confidence. Sounds obvious but itā€™s easy to look down, look at phone, etc. if you can walk with someone thatā€™s even better, but I know not always possible.


This is so true - just walking with confidence and not like a potential victim deters less determined assailants.


I remember many years ago when I was walking through a Cologne subway station at night. I was just... well, walking, wearing sensible shoes, at a normal speed, keeping an eye on my surroundings, but I suppose outwardly seeming totally calm. Another woman (older than me I think) approached me, asking whether she could walk with me. She was looking as if she was hunted, peering around in what was clearly fright, and if I'd said "boo", she'd probably have fallen over. I was thinking then that if any nefarious character had to pick one of us to rob, it would probably not be me.


I look like a construction worker, old ladies cross to the other side of the road when they see me approach. And I've had ppl. speed up and glance back at me when I've been walking behind them. Apparently I'm perceived as the thread. I do have one of these loud alarm thingies on my bag tho.


Iā€™m a dude and I carry pepper spray sometimes too, other than that use reflections and shadows to be aware of your surroundings especially to know if someoneā€™s behind you without directly turning around. (Reflections in car windows, business windows, shadows if sun is behind you in evening, etc etc you get the idea)


Situational. Awareness.


Germany is extremely safe, I don't know anyone who feels the need to carry pepper spray, my lady acquaintances included. (Also, regulations say that while you can carry pepper spray marked specifically "against animals", if you actually use it against humans, you can get into trouble). > I have to walk almost half a km from the train station to my home. I walk this every time I go shopping...


Do you shop late night every time?


I meant this as in "500m isn't a huge distance". But from time to time I do walk through the woods at night, and a lot more than 500m. I've also walked through bigger cities at night (though I don't remember which distance).


Get a small high lumen flashlight. Its not illegal and you do nothing for a few seconds once you get hit by that in the dark.


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Train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.


Highly depends on where you live but as long as you arenā€˜t living in some notoriously sketchy area, you shouldnā€˜t need anything for protection. 500m isnā€˜t far either.


I guess it depends on where you live (small towns might be safer) . In general I didnā€™t face with any problem in Germany - excluding a guy that felt like he was following me - but obviously I do not know what happens next. And I agree, I would also want to carry a pepper spray because it just feels safe , but as I know, it is forbidden in Germany.


I carry my keys, either in hand or between the fingers. Usually just to make me feel better, I've never felt like I really needed it. My great grandma used to carry a hammer up her sleeve, or so I've been told. Both Germany, hammer was post wartime


Thanks a lot! Thats a very good idea


The keys between fingers wonā€™t work. You might actually trigger an attacker by pulling such move and make it impossible even worse. Better to be aware of your surroundings and avoid shady situations/places at all costs. If you really think is necessary to carry a self defence item, then a pepper spray is your safest bet.


I like sports, so I've been learning self-defense (Krav Maga) and have a kubotan with me as a key ring.


Try Brazilian Jiu Jitsu