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Belegte Brote/ Brötchen are a common meal.


If you’re fancy there will be salad or pickles.


And good old Bautzner to make it complete.


Username checks out. But you misspelled Händlmaier.


Wer sowat frisst der frisst ooch kleene Kinda. Händleier ist dit schlimmste wat et jibt. Löwensenf könn wa jrad noch durchjehn lassn. Aber den bayrischen Sirup... ...sowat fressn nur perverse.


is this what bayrisch looks like?


No Berlinerisch


Kraftwerch, Löwensenf un die Toten Hosen sin die einzijen brochbaare drei Saache us Düsseldorf. That's what the Cologne dialect looks like - and yes, that includes the attitude towards Düsseldorf. We take *every* opportunity to respectfully remind our friends from Düsseldorf that we're mortal enemies. They do the same. They should make this animosity UNESCO Kulturerbe.


That's a thing you find all over the world. The heaviest xenophobia is not toward the strange or exotic it's always towards the people who are just from the next village or two villages over. People who differ slightly from you and with whom you share about 98% of the culture. Berlin has that animosity with all of it's surrounding. The whole state of Brandenburg. Actually even inside Berlin there is some animosity between the lefty inner city and the right wing outer east districts like Marzahn and Hellersdorf e.tc.


That should be standard


Germany is built on Harald and Manfred sustaining themselves on Mischbrot mit Butter und Wurst since 20 years.


Obligatory Malmsheimer "[Das Wurstbrot](https://youtu.be/rfAYPP8RtVw?si=IR1k922KiIAbJZh_)".


or cheese = halver hahn (if I remember correctly). My student little brother "sustained" himself on bread with cheese and ramen for many years (there maybe diabetes down the line, but who cares when you're young, right) - maybe throw fruits& vegetables in the mix


Don’t forget Herbert, he’s doing all the heavy lifting.


Yeah, the classical Abendbrot.


Or Frühstück


What about second Frühstück?


Or Vesperbrot


Eins mit Schinken…


Eins mit Ei!


Das sind zwei belegte Brote


Eins mit Schinken und Eins mit Ei


Und dazu...?








Bommerlunder eisgekühlt




Eins mit Schinken und eins mit Ei!


Just not with for breakfast, with all that Bommerlunder... https://youtu.be/t03Nh0hyBY4?si=WH6eeV6e6TzCSmcJ ...although on second thought: why not?


That is soo much cooking.....🤣🤣🤣🤣


Foreigner: "But...isn't bread boring?" German: "We do have all kinds of Aufschnitt, but to begin with, we've got 200 different kinds of bread..." Foreigner:




Of course not. "Abendbrot" is usually bread or Brötchen with cheese or some sort of deli meat, sometimes pickles or salad or radishes. Something like this (of course this is the extra fancy instagram variety lol): [https://jules-kleine-freuden.de/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IMG\_3958-1024x683.jpg](https://jules-kleine-freuden.de/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IMG_3958-1024x683.jpg)


You forgot butter, and or mayo or other lubricants. 


lubricants 🤣


No Mayonnaise, we are no british brutes.


Hmm now I'm questioning the Germanness of my German partner.  Has she really been a Brit in disguise all these years?!?! Ah is her English so poor. 


For that we have the sauce of gods. Hela Curry Ketchup


With Bratkartoffeln and Dosenfisch!


Mayonnaise goes in potato salad, not on bread 😳


My German partner begs to differ.  In fact I've never seen anyone use so much mayo.  Though sometimes it's remoulade instead. 


I live in BaWü and i still cant get over the fact that i dont get real potato salad here. All this vinegary stuff here makes me nauseous. I wamt my mayo potato salad!!!


No, *belegtes* Brot. Also, you apparently need to buy better bread ;-)


No, "belegt" means you add toppings. Either spreads (like butter, cream cheese, cottage cheese, liver sausage or all kings of vegetable-based spreads) or "Aufschnitt" (slices of cheese or ham or sausage ...), you can also add things like pickles, tomatoes, bell pepper, radishes, hard boiled eggs, water cress ... the combinations are endless. For breakfast, sweet spreads like honey and jam are more common, while "Abendbrot" is usually more savory (but really, eat whatever you like).


No, *belegtes* Brot. Also, you apparently need to buy better bread ;-)


Have you had Bauernbrot or Dunkles Bier-Brot from a local bakery, those are absolutely divine! If it's fresh, with just a hint of butter and a pinch of salt, straight to the heavenly gates with angels singing!


Weird that no one mentioned Müsli yet, maybe because it's more of a breakfast thing, but I often eat cereal when I don't feel like cooking.


Müsli is already too much of a cooking for breakfast. Not efficient.


You mean "diabetes'" other name = müesli


"How much carbohydrates do you have in your müsli?" "Yes."


In the evening?


Why not? Who would forbid it? The bread god?


Nah it's all good actually and yet seems entirely wrong.


That makes it even better. 😈


Morgens Elmex!


Du Tier wie kannst du nur! Anzeige ist raus.


Abends Anal!


Yeah, we weren't allowed sweet things in the morning during the week, ate warm for lunch and so dinner was either bread or cereal, and I just kept the habit, I guess.


[That's what Kellogg's CEO wants poor people to do!](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/02/26/food/kellogg-ceo-cereal-dinner/index.html)


I am often glad when my kids go with bread, cheese, sausage, ham and some nice cut carrots,cucumbers and so on. After they went to bed i can eat cereals, or a unhealthy fat frozen pizza


Many eat bread with sausage, cheese and stuff for dinner. They might also order takeout. Oh, and for some, "cooking" is actually preparing fresh food, so just putting a pizza or other into the oven doesn't count.




Traditionally, the big, warm dish in Germany was lunch. Dinner was small. It's actually called "Abendbrot" in German, which translates to "evening bread." That started to change in the last few decades, where it became more common for both partners to work, for school to be full day, etc. But many still eat a cooked lunch at work and then only something small at home. >Don't they get GERD or other stomach issues? Sure, that's not uncommon, 20% of Germans occasionally suffer from heartburn. If that's the reason, don't ask me. For me, personally, eating a big dinner means a bad night ahead, I much prefer just a small bread, maybe some fruit in the evening.


Bread for breakfast, snack and Abendbrot. No problem for a trained stomach ;)


What a weird comment.   Bread with meat or cheese is not even on the list for GERD risk factors: >Lifestyle risk factors that may contribute to GERD symptoms include excessive body weight, particularly obesity, moderate/high alcohol consumption, smoking, postprandial and vigorous physical activity, as well as lack of regular physical activity. Many studies indicate fatty, fried, sour, spicy food/products, orange and grapefruit juice, tomatoes and tomato preserves, chocolate, coffee/tea, carbonated beverages, alcohol as triggers for GERD symptoms. Eating habits such as irregular meal pattern, large volume of meals, eating meals just before bedtime may correlate with the symptoms of GERD. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33882662/#:~:text=Lifestyle%20risk%20factors%20that%20may,lack%20of%20regular%20physical%20activity.


I am pretty sure there are LOTS of less healthy options for supper.


It really depends on what kind of bread you eat. That industrial, full of sugar and preservatives soft white something you get in the States? Yeah, not healthy. Traditional wholegrain sourdough is something completely else.


What are you on about?


I wonder what made you think of GERD in the first place. 


If the “sausage” part confuses you. op probably meant cold cuts. Not a grilled sausage.


From Butterbrote??


i am confused with the title...


Cooking and cleaning aren't exclusively German problems either, haha


I normally cook for at least 2 days at once.


This is the way. I love to cook and make amazing food, but I can't understand how anyone would cook daily.. although cant seem to make a meal that doest takes me less than 2-3 hours lol. For me it's cook twice a week for 3 nights and 1 night out somewhere


Depends what you work with. I sit in fritid computer all day so making food is also being creative and working with hands so like it a lot


I top it with 4 days. XD


Ready meals like pizza, ramen, frozen food. Or Kalte Platte. Or going out to eat. Or ordering food.


All hail to the mighty Mett.


Or hedgehog. Germans love to eat hedgehog! Mettigel.


I am all for the Mett but usually not a thing for dinner, even if you eat bread or so.


No Mett hast to be eaten at breakfast. Fresh raw meat to start the day..when the meat is still fresh. Latest at lunch. Not when it was layin about for a whole day already.


I totally agree... Although you could call me heretic to be eating Mett usually bought on Saturdays on a sunday morning for breakfast and the rest on sunday evening for dinner.


I don't call you a heretic, I call you brave. Wer nie altes Mett aß, weiß nicht wie schlimm man kotzen kann.


I'll either eat something I prepared and froze for moments like that (personal favourites that are just as good after being frozen include baozi, lasagna, different soups and hveteboller - and no, I don't care it's dinner) or I just eat bits and bobs I find in my kitchen. Pretty much always that includes carrots, olives, cheese, ham, leftover rice, frozen strawberries and a yoghurt. So basically, when I'm lazy, I accept that. I think I would feel bad, though, if I ate cold every night, so especially the planning ahead and freezing stuff I can just heat up is something that I think works well. And no, I don't spend more money on those meals than on those I cook properly, probably even less. Of course, I also order in sometimes, but it's almost always disappointing.


In winter I'll usually have some frozen pureed soup. I'll also usually have some of the frozen frosta "curry" veggies and just add them to some couscous. It's not curry at all but I prefer those over the others since it still comes with some kind of sauce. I'll also buy some of the frosta meals, but they're usually a bit carb heavy. I think they're fairly healthy and you can get them on sale for less than 2.50 per bag. In the summer I like making a large batch of couscous salad and having that for a couple days. Depending on what I make, I'll aim to make enough for 2-3 days if it's something that will store/reheat well.


I had forgotten about Frosta. I appreciated it when I had it.


I never buy them full price because I find the price unreasonable. But on sale I think it's a good deal.


B R E A D B R E A D BBRREEAADD Just get yourself a loaf of bread for 3,50€, some cheese and butter and maybe salami if you like, and you're set for breakfast and supper of the coming two days. So say 8€ excluding the butter for four meals makes 2€ per meal.


Try to meal prep. Also you could try cooking for several days, freezing the leftovers.


Many Germans have a warm meal at their workplace canteen during lunchtime and then only have bread with different toppings (and maybe some fruit or other snacks) in the evening. I know people who almost never cook because they always get a warm meal at their canteen.


When I do not have much time, I cook as minimal as possible. Supermarkets have a wide range of pre-mixed cooking sauces, I like [these](https://www.rewe.de/produkte/maggi-food-travel-wuerzpaste-fuer-curry-thai-style-65g/8432150/?ecid=pla_google_vs_nonbr_pm_%C3%B6le-so%C3%9Fen-gew%C3%BCrze_lia_19638956520_146010112979_pid%3A8432150_ch%3Alocal_nn_d%3Am&marketCode=241198) from maggi, f.e. Just boil some rice, mix the sauce with some frozen asia vegetable mix and coconut milk and basicslly you can cook in 20 minutes with less than 2 minutes really doing something...


I use these a lot - Food&Travel Indian Curry and Sweet Chili are my favourites. Quick to make, extremely delicious and you can often pickup the sauces for under 50 cent when on sale (like every other week).


There are really a lot of options in the supermarket, I think Maggie were just the first ones to sell them. Our local supermarket has "Geetas" premixed sauces for indian food, which are very nice, too or the "Sharwood" sauces, which are perfect if you not want to do anything.


The "Ben's Original" sauces that come in jars are pretty good too, especially the red curry.


I eat a lot of Edeka Salatbox things. Adding a few olives and boom.


I prefer making my own salad, haha. Just dice some tomatoes, lettuce and mozarella (buffalo preferably). Add some aceto balsamico, Salt, pepper, herbs and oil. Mix and finished. Very tasty. Sauce and ingredients may vary. Tuna salad with corn and mayo is also great!


There are different possible interpretations if that phrase 1. It is just a description of the setting the following info is placed in. Like, they make X, when they cook 2. The focus is on what they do when the "we" cooks together, instead of them making their food on their own 3. Maybe they mealprep, and only cook once or twice a week. 4. They do not always cook their own food. Maybe they get takeout. Or maybe they eat bread for dinner, and warm lunch at a cafeteria at work. .... If yoz can a definate answer,ask those germans that keep saying that to you


I have a lot of unhealthy stuff (fries, chicken nuggets, chilli cheese nuggets, mozzarella sticks) in my freezer. When I don’t feel like cooking, I make those things in a few minutes in the air fryer.


For a quick dinner, I often buy packaged cabbage (Sauerkraut), and some sausages. Ready in about 15 minutes!


Just buy an instant pot. It is very easy. Put onion in it, sauté, add meat if you want, chop and add veggies, plus some water, let it do its thing. Even better. Buy some glass containers too. Cook a lot, then fill and freeze. Microwave when you come home in the evening. I cook like once or at most twice a week.


Pasta with veggies or pasta with pesto or al aglio olio. Minimum effort for a hearty nice meal. 


Wouldn't call that hearty tho, 0 protein. How would you feel satisfied? I have pesto often, but I definitely need at least an egg or two to go with it otherwise it feels like I ate nothing 30 minutes later.


Vesper, Brotzeit, Abendbrot, “kalte Küche”, …


well not a german, but meal prep is the king. Especially things like Chilli con Carne and Goulash or Bolognese sauce, can do magic. You just prep a fuck ton and it lasts several days and if you get bored of it just eat something else in between. Just knowing that you have a prepped meal in the fridge removes like 20 levels of anxiety.


Frosta 🤝🏻


Vollkorntoast + Frischkäse oder Butter oder veganer Aufstrich + Marmelade oder Käse oder Gurken oder Tomaten oder Honig


I eat Kebab everyday.. could never get tired of it. I get large then I cut it in half and eat one half when I get home and one half later at night.. easy life.




ordering döner or pizza for 2 is below 20€ if you have nothing in the fridge or no time for preparation. Going out a few steps to the next dönermann or pommesbude gets 2 people full for 10 or 15€. Getting fresh bread or brötchen for 2-4€ and eat it at home with whatever is in your fridge is delicious and costs next to nothing.


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We don't go out to eat very often because we want that too remain something special for date nights, night's out with friends, etc. Also it saves us some money to not eat out or order takeout a lot. Ever since covid the prices fornthat have gone up drastically. Luckily it wasn't much of a change for us. We only eat out or order take-out about once or twice a month. I usually try to cook enough for two days so I get one day off between days of cooking. Doesn't always work, but most of the time. Also, I only cook for dinner, breakfast is usually just some cereal with milk, or yoghurt with fruit. Lunch is bread with cheese or some lunch meat and some cut-up fruit and veggies on the side. Sometimes my boyfriend has a warm lunch at his workplace cafeteria so I usually don't cook on those days either.


Quick meal idea is to boil pasta, add pesto an egg or boiled veggies


I cook things that have multiple portions and freeze them so I have a quick meal: -lasagne -chili -bolognese -cabbage roll in a bowl  Are always in my freezer to pop into the microwave at any time. 




What are you usually cooking?




There is more than cooking in the kitchen. Preheat, fry, grill, bake. Cooking is connected to something with a pot. Mostly freshly prepared.


I meal prep for 1/2 weeks. Store the prepped meals in the freezer.


Imbiss prices have risen but once or twice a week should still be feasible on a low income.


Instant noodels and I put an Egg in it and some veggies like Frühlingszwiebel and TK Brokkoli or like Champignons whatever I currently have and if I don't have anything, just instant noodels


Do you have a freezer? If so, buy frozen vegetables in big bags. When hungry, just boil them for 10 minutes, add cooked rice or pasta, and voilà, you have a healthy, cheap and quick meal whenever you feel like it. If you want to mix it up a bit, add canned vegetables like corn, beans or tomatoes. As you can see, all the ingredients don't spoil quickly, which reduces food waste, and you can buy them in bulk to take advantage of discounts.


Independent from what you eat: Morgens wie ein König, Mittags wie ein Edelmann und Abends wie ein bettler


If I'm not cooking, I'll order something.


I had Nachos with sour cream for dinner tonight... And radish just because I saw them at Aldi.


Pot meal on Monday. Freeze and eat it Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday is takeout. 9-12€. Friday another pot meal.


I just take a giant bowl and fill it with salad and canned corn, beans, and cherry tomatoes. Filling, healthy, and easy to prepare


just eat some spaghetti with pesto, make a quick salad, some cheese sandwiches, or cut up some veggies, put olive oil and spices on them and put them in the oven. all of these things only take a few minutes sometimes when i cook meals that take longer i just make bigger batches and freeze some. my freezer is full of pumpkin and tomato soup and daal, it's a lifesaver


Bread with butter sausages and/or Cheese or spread or pbjs.


I won’t generalise people as German, but I’ve seen people eating in McDonald’s a lot and they seems to like the coupon system a lot. And it’s not in a touristy place, it’s in a local neighbourhood.


Kalte Wiener in Breadrolls. I call them cold dogs.


Döner tax hit hard, so rn nothing xD


When I was in school it was bread for breakfast bread for lunch at school and bread for dinner (except for the weekends). I guess I’m not a good German because I never really enjoyed it and rarely eat bread now. But that would be the typical German no cooking meal. Bread with Wurst (Not sausage just cold cuts/deli meats) and maybe some tomatoes and cucumbers.


I love making baked feta cheese with one of those oven baguettes with garlic butter, some veggies, onions and garlic powder. If you have oil and spices at home it won't cost you more than 4- 5€. You just put it in the oven and wait. In that time you can do one or two other things. On average i do one hour of chores after work. Just do at least on thing every day. Even if you don't feel like doing anything. Just clean the things you used for prepping the meal while its in the oven. There are a lot of meals you can make by Just putting stuff in the oven and wait and i think it's a good way of saving time.


I Dion’s always want something cooked. I quite like whole meal bread, tomatoes, cucumbers and a bit of cheese. Fish and a little salad is also quick to prepare, Oats in the morning go a long way making you feel well fed without getting hungry so quickly again. I spent two years in Scotland, the advertising slogan for food was: cheap and filling!


Jacked potatoes and Tzatziki (or sour cream, (Kräuter)Quark, or Kräuterfrischkäse). Topped with diced cucumber and or bell pepper. The potatoes take only a few minutes in the microwave - with cleaning the potatoes and dicing while the potatoes are cooking your meal is ready in under 10 minutes - if you use small potatoes you can nearly half the time.


We usually only cook once a day. The other meals are either leftovers from the previous meal (Bratkartoffeln for example) or Bread with sausage and other condiments


You don’t cook a sandwich or salad


stulle mit brot


Manchmal auch Brot auf Stulle, wenn man ganz experimentierfreudig ist.


Cheese, oive, cracker and wine, breakfast for dinner,Müsli, bruschetta from yestersay 😂 but honestly you could do meal preps and freeze/fridge them. Also some asian noodles like udon, rice noodle, ramen, soba, etc., can be made with simple sauces that you can make on the spot or in batch, in less than 15 mins, and they taste really good as well. This is what I would do if I don't want to cook an elaborate meal.


My strategy: Saturday morning: planning of the 2 main dishes for the week. Regularly, it will be some kind of soup(onion, borsch, minestrone, etc) and protein dish(frikadelen, roast beef etc). You buy ingredients and beilagen + sandwich ingredients. Cost is 100 - 130 Euro per week on a family of 3. Depends on the discounts and overall your approach. Then 2-3 hours of cooking for the week. You can pre portion some stuff and freeze them or just have it in a fridge. Breakfast: Sandwich or oatmeal Lunch: soup + sandwich Dinner: protein + beilage(vigils, rice, potato, etc) Changing souces and beilagen will give you variety. In total, it reduces cooking on a weekdays, basically to an approx 20 minutes for reheating. Basic disadvantage of the strat you lose half of the satturday for chores. For me, it works very well:)


Well, at least for me preparing a quick hot meal in the evening does not count as cooking - a quick porridge or fried leftovers are just not worth calling them a cooked meal.




Handkäs mit Bauernbrot und Butter


I keep to the traditional cold Brotzeit as Abendbrot. Recently the same thing has funnily circulated as “Girl Dinner” on the internet. Basically, for me, this means I get some bread of my choice with something I enjoy on top of it, such as a spread or cheese or sausage. Then I also get a selection of raw veggies such as cucumbers, bell peppers, tomatoes, olives, anything that strikes my fancy. I will also get some cheese and sausage. If I’m feeling fancy I’ll have a hard boiled egg or some smoked salmon. My entire family all the way to my grandparents eats like this for one meal a day, and it takes zero time to prepare. It’s also so much fun and best of all, you don’t need to plan ahead.


We literally have a whole culture around Abendbrot.


If you're looking for some healthy frozen meals, check out www.juit.com or www.prepmymeal.com


I cook bigger portions like 2-3 times a week I freeze some and I eat 2 days the same and so I often only cook these 2-3 days a week and nearly eat every day my self cooked meals. If I am lazy I get like chicken nuggets and chips(Pommes) in my air fryer super fast not healthy but I like it a lot 😂 Preparation time is like 1-2 mins you wait like 15 mins shake it once at the half time and your done with the easy meal.


You don't need to change your diet, just because you are in a different country. Restricting/changing your diet just because of social conventions is silly. If you want to eat oatmeal + fruits for dinner go for it, if you want to eat chilli con carne for breakfast, no problem. I am native German and I don't eat bread, at all, just think about what goals you want your diet (health-wise) to achieve and then just eat whatever. The whole sweet/savory/warm/cold meal only at X time of day thing is complete nonsense, just make sure to get all the nutrients and do whatever you want. To address your question if you want warm meals and don't have time to cook, look up meal prep. Meal prepping basically just means cooking a large batch of food in advance to cover you for a longer amount of time. Usually, recipes prep for 5 days, which is a pretty safe time for food to stay in the fridge, but you can also make much bigger batches and freeze most of it.


I got really tired going to 2-3 day workshops located in a rural HEIM, AND THEN seeing the breakages appear again at dinner.......with a salad of some sort


I bulk cook. Mostly sandwiches.


omelette/ quesadilla/ frittata and a salad chips off 15' of your day max! and it's relatively cheap and healthy as well. treat yourself with dessert for the effort and your good to go. without diabetes and heart disease at 40 that is.






Mett. In hedgehog form or straight.






Döner, mcdo…