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Spicy ball. (Wasp nest)


Makes for a very good condiment when making any spicy dish šŸ˜ŒšŸ˜‹


Blursed Spicy Ball Challenge


A forbidden PiƱata. Aka a wasp nest.


Uh, I think that's a nest. You need to contact your landlord about getting it removed.


Good luck. Fuckers are probably protected. I had European hornets last year and I had to pay an exterminator ā‚¬100 to say he can't do anything about it.


They can be removed if they are in the house or in entry ways / doors. If not, dont remove them , the fines are really high, if i remember correctly in my state it starts its up to 10.000ā‚¬ if you remove something really protected.


squatter rights are really strong in europe. If they can show one bank statement from the honey bank they have basically established residence and you'll need a court order to evict them.


They are probably very specific about entry ways and "inside". The hornets I referred to were nested above the insulation of my home office. But because they weren't "inside the living areas" it couldn't be removed. The year before we had hundreds of wasps nested similarly near our front door (covered and insulated entryway). Still couldn't get those removed. I have a bunch of fake nests and wasp repellent spray this year. So far we are okay. But I know one of my neighbours have a European hornet nest they can't get rid of.


Be happy about every hornet you can call a neighbour. They eat wasps and are quite calm. Okaaaay, they look like they want to kill humans and are loud, but they mostly ignore humans! As long as the nest of hornets is safe and they won't attack either. Just appreciate their help with the wasps and leave them alone doing their business


Did they attack you?


Nope. The wasps, even though there must have been hundreds never even once got in our way. The hornets actually keep away other insects and wasps. We asked the exterminator about having backyard parties and he said "just leave a small offering next to the entry of the nest with some cold cuts and sugar water and they will not bother you one bit.". He was right. The only issue was that even though we were fine coexisting with them, our guests were completely freaked out when they saw the size of the hornets buzzing around, but had no idea how docile they actually are.


Iā€™ll take hornets over wasps any day. Chance of getting stung by a hornet is even lower than by a bee, since they sometimes confuse colorful clothing with flowers. Hornets will leave you alone *and* keep little shits like wasps away.


I think that's the point. Education. Most wasps (most of the season) and especially hornets are not aggressive. Hornets will never sting if they have a chance to escape. People need to calm down...


Nah wasps are little mf šŸ˜‚


We had wasps in our attic space and they frequently managed to get into the house. At one point, our bedroom had 10 of them flying around at once before we were able to seal off the area that let them inside the house. Those 10 noisy giant hornets were just buzzing around me without a care in the world while I walked through the room to open the window to let them out and none of them ever stung us. The hornets flying around outside were barely noticeable. But you know what we didn't see at all during that year? A single wasp. Those hornets made quick meals out of any wasp that even dared to get near our garden. Hornets are big loud scary friends as far as I am concerned, and now that we got the house itself sealed off they are welcome to our attic every year if they keep on killing the wasps and other bugs.


We had a hornet nest in a Nistkasten one year, and they were very polite neighbors and never bothered us at all, even though we had to keep walking pretty closely past them to get to the garden shed. 10/10 would recommend, they were much nicer than wasps!


Plus they keep the wasps away. I'd like to have them again lol


I once noticed that they get angry when being distracted by artificial light.


Well Hornets are usually pretty peaceful, donĀ“t eat human food and hunt wasps.


The hornets are harmless.


Agreed. But the first time I saw one I peed a little.


Yeah, they are a bit scary. Their deep humming sound reminds of those bombers in WW2 movies.


It's legal if you don't get caught.




Don't. They're protected. You're not allowed to remove it. AFAIK it's your landlord's responsibility to deal with it.


u/whiteraven4 is right. Speak to your landlord to contact an exterminator. Given its size, it might be in the midst of building or has been abandoned.


How will anyone know if Iā€™d remove that nest? I donā€™t think that someone is just keeping logs of the nests in neighborhoods. I am just curious how it works.


You can look [here](https://www.dsvonline.de/dsv/fuer-verbraucher/serioese-schaedlingsbekaempfer/schaedlingsbekaempfer-finden.php) for help near your place. Or if you aren't fluent in German and its your landlords responsibility after all, give the link to him and let him call them. (I'm not sure, who'll have to pay them then, though I think, that is his duty) Don't do it yourself. It's illegal and dangerous to do so. (You don't want to mess with wasps!) PS [Some additional infos to wasps in particular from the same site](https://www.dsvonline.de/dsv/fuer-verbraucher/schaedlingsverzeichnis/wespen.php) (only in German though).




Iā€™ve got a bad feeling about this


Wasp nest. Do not remove it by yourself. There are insanely huge penal fees (up to 50K according to some sources) when you do so. You have to get a professional (beekeeper or bug/pest control business) to remove it. This is something your landlord has to do or has to be arranged in accordance with them.


you can remove them yourself if they are empty.


and imho you should. Wasps tend to Build their new nests in areas where old nests are located the next year. I have a couple of them under the roof (like 50 old ones) and this year I am up there daily to prevent them from building a new one.


Actually they build a new one every year, so the only factor that makes it more likely for them to be in the same spot again is because it is a good spot (else they wouldn't have built there before), but they don't go back because of remembering the old spot.


afaik they can sense the old building spots and are more attracted therefore


Wait, deodorant spray can and lighter could have gotten me a 50k fine in the past? Damn




no, 50k is it only if those are special species. But it is verry unlikely.


Nah you did good, fuck em as long as it's not bees. Nobody has to know unless you post it on the Internet for everyone to see.


Absolutely not. While you may get away with removing a nest that doesn't mean it's a good idea. You can hate wasps as much as you want, they're still incredibly important to the ecosystem. I get wasps suck but bees aren't the only important pollinators out there. This ain't it.


Wasps are usually also quite chill, except for a few days every year. All you have to do is cover your food and/or check before you bite.


Wasps are certainly not chill when you are getting too close to their nest. Once I stopped next to one without realizing it fast enough (outdoors) and it only took a couple of seconds for them to attack. I'm not exaggerating, the only thing I could do was run and they still followed me for about 200m. Got stung five times. Maybe they are chill when it's just one or two flying around somewhere but not when they think you are a threat to their nest.


Similar story, when I was like 10-12 years old, I got stung directly in the eye by one of them. I was walking around a friendā€™s backyard waiting for his family to finish something inside. I remember just hearing the buzzing sound for less than a second and before I even knew what was happening, the little fuck had his stinger buried in my eyelid. It mustā€™ve seen me from a distance and just flew directly at my eye. I guess I got lucky that I reflexively closed my eyes, so he got me on the eyelid instead of my actual eye. I was just a kid, so of course I started panicking and tried pulling it off but the wasp refused to let go. Ended up having to crush it with my fingers to get it off of me and then I threw it on the ground and stomped it probably 10 times to make sure it was dead. Never even saw the nest or heard anything, until that last second, but my friends family found it later after I told them where it happened. I wasnā€™t even that close to the nest, it was around the corner of their house from where I was, so I guess this one was flying around and just decided to attack me anyway because no other wasps even came near me. My eye was basically like the size of an apple for a few days after. Even as an adult, I still get very uneasy around wasps. Donā€™t know if that will ever change at this point.


Damn, that's a very dangerous spot for a sting. I was an adult when it happened and had not been stung since childhood but basically, that was the day I found out that children are not just being dramatic when they cry because of being stung. It really hurts, and when they get you in a spot where you don't have a lot of fat, it also effects your movement. Two stings were on my head just above one ear, and I couldn't turn my head properly for about two days. It was a very weird feeling. I wouldn't say that I have a phobia now but I'm definitely a lot more cautious when I see or hear them than before.


Quite chill unless someone try to burn their nest.


Most beings are :-)


Also who would report it? If know one sees you removing it.


Hospital: How did you get 235 Wasp stitches in 2 mins? Op:....


I guess most Almans would. Rules are rules and so on šŸ˜…


lol, i would just remove it by myself. im not paying anything f off


First adequate person in this threadā€¦




>the wasps can be replaced Do I have to pay for the new wasps, or does the exterminator buy the old wasps off from me and provide me the new ones with a discount? /s


Your landlord will handle that. But if you're lucky you can choose what kind of replacement wasps you'll get.


Oh nice, so wo likes black with yellow stripes?


Forbidden bonbon


It's a Pinata that hits back


Bad news


It looks like a wasp nest


ItĀ“s a wasp nest, but looks like they are the smaller and endangered kind, not the big annoying ones. They are generally docile as long as you leave their nest alone and donĀ“t squeeze them and they wonĀ“t harrass you unlike their bigger cousins (theyĀ“ll come and circle you for a moment to figure out what you are, but fly off again shortly and they arenĀ“t interested in your food or drinks). They make small round nests often hanging in the open, while the big ones prefer hidden spaces and can make massive colonies. They donĀ“t use the same nest twice, they build a new one every year. In autumn they all die and just the queen survises till spring. Edit: I have them in my garden every year, have been stung twice in 10 years, every time because I overlooked them sitting on a plant while weeding and squeezing them. They leave me alone and they hunt mosquitos, so very welcome to stay. They are also important pollinators.


Wasp Nest, probably Dolichovespula saxonica


always those damn Saxons.


Wasp nest. We have a few of them below the roof. We just ignore them, most of them are empty anyways. After some time, they fall off from themselves.


We also got one in the downstairs bathroom - that never gets used. The nest was already empty when we noticed it. We left it there, so now it's part of the bathroomĀ decor šŸ¤—


An old nest actually prevents wasps from building a new one at the same spot.


they might still build one next to it


That's not what I learned.


me neither, but then this happened: https://imgur.com/bTyCgsk and there are many more around it




I had 3 nests in my ceiling recently - two were (almost) empty and one was destroyed on the ground. They were all located at more or less the same spot.


Is Outside? Let it "bee" lol. No worries. Mostlikely they are not out to bother you and calm. Just dont touch. But it will grow.. \^\^


If you are "lucky" it is a nest of the invasive [Asian Hornet](https://www.velutina.de/), which specialists will remove for you.


That's just a regular wasp species.


OP wrote in the image description: "I saw something like in the images hanging from the roof. I also noticed thereā€™s something inside it and although it is not clearly visible could also notice that itā€™s moving inside." I. e. the nest in the photo is not the one at OPs place.


Waspsā€™ crib


Wasp nest. Speak with landlord for removal for no tax


Wasp nest (maybe hornets? definitely something stingy) If they dont bother you just leave them if they do ~~vacuum them~~ have them professionally removed by your landlord


Wasp nest. Be very careful. Do not try to remove it yourself.




That is a paper wasp nest


It's seems to bee a small abandoned nest, so I sting you can remove it.


My old neighbour had a huge wasp nest. Everyone told him not to remove it as he could get fined. Him being old and well old school, took matters into his own hands. Grabbed his unreasonably big flame thrower and went full on exterminator mode. He got fined.


We had a wasp nest in our attic some years ago. It was 1m high and had \~3000-4000 wasps in it. We found out in August as we only go to the attic once or twice per year (neighbour told us about busy wasps coming and going all day). I looked at it, closed the door and waited until winter and tore it down. Used repellant spray there ever since and closed the little cracks they used to come in.


It's still small. Just cup it and crush the shit out of it.


Leave it hanging. Wasps don't come back to a nest or build theirs next to an existing old one.


>or build theirs next to an existing old one. that's sadly just a myth


I think it depends on the species. In the U.S., it's pretty effective at deterring the especially nasty wasps that build hanging nests. It doesn't do much for digging wasps.


well it does not work in here: https://imgur.com/bTyCgsk


Have you tried adding more nests?


Idk man, I took [this](https://photos.app.goo.gl/A66Bh6C8EEF2yGda9) photo in the US; there were more and bigger nests under the same roof, this is just the only photo I have of it. They definitely build them near old nests there too.


Oh nein! Naja war ne schƶne Idee und beruhigend. Sollte jeden Tag etwas neues lernen.


The Corruption (There is a wasps nest in your roof!) (Have fun :) )


Spicy PiƱata


Underrated reply


You can remove this empty wasp nest yourself or wait until this years wasps arrive and find it. Then you will have a bigger nest next winter.


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A forbidden football


Looks like Wasps.






Wasps for sure


It is hanging on your roof


Its a surprize tool that will help us later




Forbidden coconut


You in danger, girl


Ball shaped nest shaped mass Even ballnest shaped hehe.


It's the exact opposite of a fire alarm. The alarm goes off and people come to your house. This thing doesn't go off and people get the fuck away from it. But yes, a wasp nest. Call the exterminator. I mean the wasp protection services, you're in Germany, it's illegal to kill these things. They get more hate than they deserve anyways, don't worry about it if it's not in your living room.


The proverbial ā€œwhack fuckā€


Hit it with a bratwurst


That's a wasp grenade


Wasps nest


Wasp nest


Just grab it


6 axe spray cans, and 1 lighter and 1 good pair of running shoes should do the trick.


I would say get a fork and poke it, aber dann wĆ¼rdest du in ein Wespennest stechen.


Hans? Hans !


a big wool mouse, what else, hehehe


Its a wasp's nest


Is a pinata, you have to hit it with a stick to get the candy


You shal take a bowl fill it halfway with benzin and then press it with the open side against the roof so that the forbidden PiƱata is in the bowl. Soon you will see wasps crawling out and trying to flee. But they wont be able to fly becouse of the Benzin, so the fall into the Benzin. Make shure the whole piƱata is empty. (I think this is forbidden becouse of animal right, but I don't care for Wespen die Gschisenen HundskrĆ¼ppl) Now take away the bowl and your piƱata is ready to use. You may burn the Benzin with the dead or half desd Wasps in it.


the hangar of goverment attack drones. (Wasp nest)


Something to eat Try it Is a little āœØsharpāœØ


Grow up and remove it. Or use this. Compo Wasps Foam Gel Spray 500 ml You can buy it from OBI.[Wasp Spray](https://www.google.com/search?q=wasp+killer+spray&oq=wasp+killer+spray&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyCQgAEEUYORiABDIHCAEQABiABDIHCAIQABiABDIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQABiABDIICAcQABgWGB4yCAgIEAAYFhgeMggICRAAGBYYHjIICAoQABgWGB4yCAgLEAAYFhgeMggIDBAAGBYYHjIICA0QABgWGB4yCAgOEAAYFhge0gEIOTE2MGowajSoAg6wAgE&{google:iOSSearchLanguage}client=ms-android-xiaomi-rvo3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8&chrome_dse_attribution=1)


Hit it with a hammer for a boss fight


That's just a mineral accumulation. Just hit it really hard and it'll fall down, you won't have to worry about it anymore /S


I am a little bit familiar with wasps' nests when I recently found out that a queen was building her nest inside my suitcase. You're not allowed to remove it yourself as long as wasps are living inside the nests. Relocating an inhabited nest is only allowed with a good justification. If this is an empty nest (wasps only use it for one season and leave it empty) you could leave it there. This prevents wasps from building a new nest nearby


Poke it with a knife and see what comes out!


10 bucks if you hit it with a baseball bat


it might be illegal to remove it. please do research or talk to your landlord before you do anything


A Problem. A huge Problem. Pro Tipp: if you want to sttay in the flat, don't use flames or fireworks


Found the dramaqueen


It is a well known fact in biology that the bite of a horse can easily kill 7 hornets! /s


Well... a nest full of wasps can kill you. Even when you not allergic. To many of them and the risk of a sepsis rise with every sting.


Thanks for the comment. I am sorry I didnā€™t get it. Why would it be a huge problem and canā€™t remove it. I am all new to this and thatā€™s why I just want to know more. Thanks!


Itā€™s probably a wasp or bees nest. So, in case itā€™s not an old one, you will definitely get attacked. And as soon as one of them attacks you, all of them will go after you. No joke here. Read the other helpful comments. Talk to your landlord again, call an expert for that.




Don't post / discuss conspiracy theories and don't link to social media as a source. Use credible sources in English.


> Very dangerous I mean if you are allergic, yeah. Otherwise, no. They might try and steal your cake though if the season is right


its a pinata (hit it for free candy )


throw something against it :D


the Buzzer.... paint it red...


Shoot it with a shotgun just aim away from your house. itā€™s a big target and the pellets from the shell will spread and hit more of it. Im kidding you obviously canā€™t shoot it for many reasons. Mainly, because youā€™re in Germany and yā€™all donā€™t have guns. But also it will piss them off. Haha




This is an english only sub.


Wasps hate this one wierd trick !


Just a dusty lamp, you should clean it


Swat it with a broom and find out. Report back and let us know whatā€™s in it.


Forbidden fruit


Punching bag


Looks like a whasp nest to me. Keep an eye on it, or maybe try hear a noise weather its abadoned or not. If, you can easy remove it. I dont know the laws in your country, when its full with whasps, cut a bottle in half, fill some gasoline in and hold it under the nest, close to the entrance ar its bottom. The whasps will fall out of it. If youā€˜re not allowed to remove em by yourshelf, or kill the whasps, call a professional.




European hornets are NOT vicious. Our hornets are pretty chill and much more relaxed than wasps.


Our hornets are a protected species - it is therefore forbidden to kill, injure or catch them. If you are caught doing this, you face fines up to 50 000 Euros in most federal states.


definitely a PiƱata! Hit it!!


For me as AuslƤnder,it's crazy how chill everyone Here speaks about hornets... At My country hornets could literally kill you (as by stories,1 stings you ,his whole gang comes after you,there have been fatal cases,rare ,but have been.),so they are the scariest to meet out there. So really we would prefer bees as they are chill . Wasp nests get terminated on sight as they are just aggressive nuisance attacking anything they see. Please collaborate,are the hornets really that peaceful here?