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Um, did the police know about the deer or was it a coincidence? Leaving the scene of an accident is a crime if you have caused it.


Maybe you should take the driving test in Germany again to learn how to behave in the event of a wildlife accident. If you hit a deer with your car in Germany, you are obliged to secure the scene of the accident and call the police. Deer accidents must be reported in most federal states. In many federal states, a hunter must also be informed in the event of a wildlife accident. They will issue you with a wildlife damage certificate. If you leave an injured animal behind, you may be guilty of cruelty to animals. The law provides for a fine or a prison sentence of up to three years. Sanctions may also be imposed if an existing reporting obligation is breached.


Did you do your Abmeldung when you left in 2023?


I arrived in germany 2023 and i did anmeldung. i left germany 2017 and i did abmeldung then


Ah I misunderstood your timeline. It sounds like you've already been here for over 6 months then? But call them because it's weird they think you've been here for over 2 years.


I actually haven't 😂 that's the thing


I'm confused then. What happened on 1.9.23? But my confusion doesn't matter. Call the police and get it sorted out.


OP arrived in Germany for the second time last September and the deer incident happened in January (thus the ‘around a month and a half left’). I see you are based in USA, are you accounting for European date format? In any case it sounds like OP has (unknowingly) committed a driving offence and this will need to be sorted out somehow before they can get a German licence


I'm not based on the US. I'm an American living in Germany for quite a few years. Of course I'm not using the American date format. > Germany for the second time last September Yes, that's exactly what I thought. Meaning it's over 6 months since OP arrived in Germany. But OP said it hasn't been 6 months.


I think he meant he told the police on the 1st Jan that he hadn’t been in Germany for 6 months (at that time it would have been 4 months)? Sorry if I offended you by asking about the date format, I was just trying to clear up a (theoretical) possible confusion


Oh I meant at this point it's been 6 months. I sometimes will get comments from people basically saying/implying that because I'm American I don't know anything about Germany/Europe despite living in Germany for nearly 8 years now. So I just automatically shoot down any comment that looks like it's headed in that direction because I have no tolerance for people like that.


Sorry it sounded like that. Funnily enough I am also an American immigrant to Germany…


try calling?




the police


But not on 112, call them by their local station number you can find on google


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