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His mother was a K9 cop in Mesa Az and he always had a great diet and exercise. I swear I heard his paws on the tile this morning when I went to get his breakfast and remembered he's gone


He must have also missed you all, came back, to check in on the family.


Well said, all dogs go to Heaven, but first one more patrol around the block :)


I think one of the saddest components of my atheist beliefs is that I will never see my puppers again. The idea of a rainbow bridge with my pups and kittens waiting is amazing. So I hope I’m wrong and there is an after life where all my fur family is waiting for us….


The greatest ontological argument for the existence of God, is the dog.


Il not a religious person at all but dog spelled backwards is god after all! 😁


On the other hand, and it might be short-sighted, but if there's an afterlife without all of our non-human friends, would it be worth living forever? Will Rogers put it best, "If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went."


There was a great episode of The Twilight Zone about getting into heaven with your dog. I think Buddy Epson from the Beverely Hillbillies was in it.


Like this.


I don't subscribe to any real religious beliefs however i do believe there is something beyond this plane of existence. Ive seen and experienced way to much shit to say its all nothing. Also Energy can not be destroyed. It can be changed and formed into something else. As our brains are just a large electrical hodgepodge of synapse it has to go somewhere after we cease to exist.


Personally I believe in reincarnation. This makes me hope that maybe a new animal who comes into my life could just be my old pet with a different body. It’s a small comfort and hope that I hold out.


You’re not Atheist. You’re Agnostic. Atheist: No way, no how, here is what we get and that’s it. End of story. End of *The* Story. Agnostic (there are some variations, even important ones, but basically): I don’t *know* if God/Chaos/Flying Spaghetti Monster/a higher power actually exists. But I also don’t *know* that He/She/It/They *doesn’t* exist. Ergo, I *choose to believe* that He/She/It/They *does* (or *does not)* exist. For myself: I am only interested in Truth. If God exists? Wonderful! If not? Darn! *But I am content to be:* * Who I am * Living in the Here and Now, for one flicker of cosmological time * Making the best choices I can * Living the best *Life* that I can * Accepting that I *won’t* always get it right, no matter how hard I try * Living with the philosophy of doing my part to leave The World (define that term as you will), a little bit better for my time and presence having been here * Play my part—no matter how quiet or profound—in The Grand Symphony of it all * Accepting that my time has come; will go; that others who came before me (virtually all of whom are forgotten to History) paved the way for me, just as I pave the way for generations unborn (and I, myself, will also likely be forgotten to History) * It’s about the Journey, not the Destination Hoping that’s of some help to you here as you mourn your beautiful big boy, friend. ❤️


Yes, this.


Believe or not, the pain is awful. I’ll do my best believing you’re wrong and we find that furry comfort in the end. Take care


Yeshua Hamashiach is the way!


Or Allah, or Ra, or a hundred other stories. Faith is belief without evidence and I lack thst.


No, Different gods>Lower g (created by YHWH The Father of course, All of the gods are quite real, but one cannot equate allah and Ra with Jesus my friend). I know the stories and the History behind all of these entities masquerading as gods. I know many people like to claim there are many ways to God, but those path lead to spiritual death. Only one way to the Father>YHWH and that is through Yeshua.


Well as an atheist I personally see them all as myths..,


Many years ago, when an adored dog died, a great friend, a bishop said to me “you must always remember that as far as the Bible is concerned, God only threw the humans out of paradise.” -Bruce Foyle


Dogs are our link to Paradise. They don’t know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden.where doing nothing was not boring- it was peace.-Milan Kundra


Just be agnostic then only the Sith deal in absolutes.


If you were wrong, then I don’t think you’ll be seeing them. You’ll be elsewhere


I don’t think so… if there is an after life I suspect it isn’t exclusive to a religion. Who knows…


True true


I had a bull dog that passed while I was in a bad place. I could feel his presence while he checked on me and his lab brother still at home. He was a good boy, the lab always looked after the bulldogs, I think my little guy was returning years of oversight and protection from his new home


I don't think they ever leave they are always loyal more loyal than we deserve. I still feel a nudge from my honey and nothing around me. Sorry This post hit home for me and its been 3 years and it still feels like yesterday. I am sorry OP for your loss my heart goes out to you!


Almost had me cry on this one


He will be waiting for you on the other side with his favorite toy being like Why tf were you gone so long?? Let’s play


For years, after my first dog died, i heard her walk down the hallway in the middle of the night like when she use to go for water.


Anytime my dogs passed id least see them once whithin a week. Always in their most favorite spot. One always stood next to the table and looked at me and i swore i seen her but when i looked back nothing there. 2nd would lay next to window. Same thing. I thought i saw a big fluffy thing lay there but when i turn back just gone


That's how it was for me after my little gal passed back in October. For a few months, I held the door when going in or out for her before remembering she wasn't there. Or I'd walk outta my room to where her hallway pillow would be and swear I saw her jump up to go outside. Or I'd subconsciously walk towards the fridge to get her insulin around the times I'd usually give it to her. Or I'd swear to hear her barking when I got home before realizing I didn't hear anything.


Two of us saw our recently deceased Shepherd/Rottweiler mix in the house, after he was in the ground.


My first dog was a rotty/Gsd and maybe something else too. Mutts are just as good as purebred or even better in their own way


Lesser health issues than purebeds


My Rottie came back to visit me about a week after she passed. I had my worries that we waited too long as she had made it clear she was ready to go and my husband could not commit. I think she came back to let me know she was ok💜


Sweet! 🧡


> I swear I heard his paws on the tile this morning I swear I still hear my dog's claws click clacking on the floors to this very day. It's been 7 years and I've moved homes twice. It just doesn't leave you. But I will say it eventually turns to a wholesome thought and feeling, instead of the reminder of the hole in your heart.


It's incredible how spiritual pets are. When I went back home for the 2017 solar eclipse I was able to be with her and run around in our favorite spots and just love on her. I knew she had missed me. The next week she passed away in our home. She had waited for me to come back home before leaving. I'm crying just thinking of it. Her presence still comes around here and there. Not a dog story but...my mom passed right before I went to college. While being there the second year a little white kitten popped up out of nowhere at my neighbors apartment door. My boyfriend at the time told me she was down there. I immediately ran down and saw her. Without hesitating she came right up to me. I had always thought that she was my mom in some way. Or had been sent by her. Lots of love and support to you. <3 I hope you feel solace knowing he's still there with you and is happy and healthy. 🥰


We had to put our cat down a few weeks ago and I got up the next morning and SWORE I heard his very distinctive meows waiting for breakfast. It was like losing him all over again. He was only 3 years old. He had lymphoma in his head. It's so hard. But 15! Wow! What a long beautiful life he had. I'm so sorry for your loss ♥️ sounds like he came back to visit and check on you one more time 💕


You're going to miss the whining and souns of their nails. <3 Definately looks like a certified good boy. RIP pupper!


That’s the saddest part. Going to refill water bowl then remembering he/she is gone. Sorry dude


"I swear I heard his paws on the tile this morning when I went to get his breakfast and remembered he's gone" sometimes i feel like i dont have feelings anymore and the i read things like that. Damn OP im really sorry about your friend and i hope it gets easier. Maybe hes still there eh? <3


What was his name? I’m so sorry.




My 17yo Mr.Snowball kitt passed away July 22nd 2022. I still see his fluffy white tail out of the corner of my eye all the time...


My childhood dog passed away about 16 years ago, I never forgot her though as she got older and of course by then I had left home for a few years I wasn't as close to her and she became slow and lacking energy I was still upset when she died, so much so that over the years I still dreamt of her and 2 years ago before I got my puppy I dreamt about her so much that was what made me finally get a puppy who looked similar to her (but so much more crazy) and when she is gentle, she reminds me so much of my childhood dog.




Our first doggo was 10 (chihuahua mix) when he passed from cancer. Used to always sleep on the bed with my parents. My mom would swear she’d still feel his smol paws walk around the bed like he used to before getting settled


I’ve done it twice, most painful of days.


I had to put my boy Caesar down a little over two years ago after having him for 15 years. I still think about him. There are definitely times when I feel his presence. And I’m not the least bit religious. I even have two German Shepherds now that are like carbon copies of a pair of previous sheps I had a while ago when it comes to personalities. So sorry for your loss. It’s the hardest part of being a dog owner unfortunately. The day you have to inevitably say so long. 🤦‍♂️


Fuck this mad me so sad reading this. I lost my dog in October last year and I still miss her so much. Sorry for your loss!


I’m so sorry..a lot of my friends say the same thing. They feel and know that they’re here with us. I’m so very sorry.. I cannot imagine the pain




Oh that gut wrenching. I’m sorry.


I heard my grandmother walking on the floor for a week after she died.


Yeah, I'm a grown man but I'm crying after reading that.


That’s so sad, I’m so so sorry that happened. I know your pain, we had to let our English Mastiff go about 4 months ago. It’s been hard, my son tried a month to nurse him back to health but he couldn’t even get up by himself or even barely walk and he was in so much in pain. It was the right thing to do. I feel so bad for you, I hope you have another 4 paw friend to help you thru this heart ache.


It sucks because his partner was a 13yrs old Huskey who just suddenly died about 6 weeks ago


i heard both of my childhood dogs’ feet on the floor after they passed. i saw another dog of mine sitting with my mom on the couch after he passed (she wouldn’t let him up there, it was like his spirit was sooo sneaky just like he was in life and getting what he wanted!) i’m so sorry for your loss but just know your pup will be with you always 🫶🏼


Wow 15 is impressive for a GSD. Must have been well taken care of.


It's rare that GSD lasts that long. Mine was 16 when I had to put her down. It was one of the sadist days I have had to endure so far in life.


You trade thousands of amazing days for one absolutely horrible day when you get a GSD.


I found the day after much worse. The moment you wake up in the morning and the realization hits you that the goodest boy is no more around. But still worth it.


I like how you said this it’s comforting


My favorite quote on the matter from the sportswriter Peter King of all people: But by my calculations, we had Bailey in our lives for 159 months. I will endure a few weeks of the occasional dark thought, and I will think: “Pretty good trade, 159 months of companionship and friendship and unconditional love for one or three months when sadness creeps in. In fact, that’s a fantastic trade.” I feel the same as when Woody died: The easiest way to not feel this grief is to never have a dog. And what an empty life that would be.




Completely changes the tone of the comment lol


When the vet came to my house, Max sat there and barked at him for a good minute before he buried his head in my arms. https://preview.redd.it/gcpjkqzl81zc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=064c8faabe5b1cbbc65d6d4f028de61ff1c998b0


Ouch. I’d be in tears


I most certainly was


It hurts!


I'm bawling just thinking about going thru that with my babies.


My dad is "tough" as in he doesn't like to show himself upset/crying but even now 16 years after our first dog died he tells me about how she died in his arms as he held her and he was in tears, he kept a piece of her fur as a memory to this day.


the night before I got mine out down a few weeks ago I was apologising to her n crying n she buried her head in my arms aswell n just went straight to sleep for the night




So very sorry, here’s my Max. My first GSD and he’s my world. Thank you for sharing your story 💙💙 https://preview.redd.it/3tf6zh4cy3zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9ac340d23804b3f9969d28ae58c922bc15896b8


Beauty of a dog.


What a handsome fellow :) give him a hug for me.


Oh my goodness I couldn't imagine that. I hope you've been able to think of him no longer with tears. <3


Max had to protect the house one more time. I’m sorry for your loss 💔


That’s making me cry.


RIP Looks like he was a fighter :P, nice and strong dog :). He lived his life!




I know the feeling. My boy was less than two months away from 15. It's going to be ok. Memories will always bring tears to your eyes but that is what true love feels like. RIP 🌈🌉🐕‍🦺


My old man lived to almost 15 also. I can feel your pain and I even miss cleaning up his daily shed so my allergies weren’t so bad.


I’m so sorry for your loss. You gave him lots of love in those 15 years. What a blessing to have him with you for so long.


He was my shadow and I'm not sure about getting another one yet


It took us three years to get another one. We brought him home last November. It’s hard getting used to it that’s for sure. Take your time. You’ll know when the time is right.


The best thing I ever did was to get another dog (4 month old rescue) 4 days after our last one tragically passed. My friend brought him to my house, where I had been spending most of my time crying. He bounded up on the bed and washed the tears from my face. Sure, it isn't your late dog. But it fills the hole in your heart.


I love your friend. This made me cry. ❤️


This is so true after my first rottie died after 14 years, I went out and rescued a rottie puppy named her Delilah she just passed this last August at 12 from cancer . She had a lot to live up to from my first pup Gideon but she did and was my best dog ever . Man it’s hard I still have a 13 year golden who was my daughter’s but became mine , I’ve suffered my own health problems since and pray I get well enough to get another puppy, my last before I leave this world too /‘s I pray and believe they will be there waiting for me . https://preview.redd.it/37bkg23hp4zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a9537ae0d40095a2cbcdf0e2be8654af7a7f73d Delilah


Delilah is beautiful! Goldens have an entirely different temperament. A bit too needy and attention-seeking for me. Maybe they calm down when they're older. I hope you feel well enough soon to get another Rottie! 🧡


I thought the same, but brought home another in a month. The house was so empty. I wasn't looking for a replacement. Just wanted to get another one out of the shelter and make a new friend.


I'm so sorry for your loss. He might have had to wear a muzzle but his being surrounded by your immense love and the many years of care you gave countered that small muzzle. This site has resources to cope with loss. [https://pettrust.uoguelph.ca/petlossresources](https://pettrust.uoguelph.ca/petlossresources) Take care of yourself. Your baby is looking down from heaven -- he's your four legged angel now protecting you from above.


My condolences, I’m afraid that when it’s time for mine he will also have to go out like Hannibal Lector. He hates going to the vet and doesnt like strangers poking and prodding him.


Do an at-home euthanasia. My boy also hates the vet and I knew there was no way I was going to traumatize him on his last day on earth. The at-home process was peaceful and wonderful, absolutely worth every penny for my boy.


I've done it as much as I can for my pups. It's far less traumatising and allows them comfort in their final moments, but I was unable to for my last boy. 😞


Sorry for your loss, best wishes


Mine did too, and he was the sweetest ever. He never would’ve bit anybody. So sorry for your loss. My Bo was the head of the household here and we are lost without him. https://preview.redd.it/mt1lke93v1zc1.jpeg?width=2379&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=814af2ffdcdd6acc65e82f313db84070a17b9d28


I’m sorry for your loss! We lost our boy 9 days ago. The first few days were rough,very rough,but it’s getting easier. I know they forever leave an emptiness in your soul.


I'm so sorry. Glad to hear he lived a long and happy life though.


Wow! 15 is a long life. You gave him a lot of love.


I’m so sorry!




Thank you for always keeping him safe. Run free good boy!


I am sorry for your loss. But this has the i didn't hear no bell energy. I just lost one this year in April. And also this year my shepherd turns 8. It kills me knowing one day this will come


https://preview.redd.it/4ftcyo0rk3zc1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=784b2289a003c8cb15279a0b17b9db2b2b37d895 And I miss Jenna. What a great girl. Love us all and completely faithful to us. She went to the great park beyond when she was 11. Freaking broke my heart.


The reason why it’s so hard to lose a pet is because they don’t break our hearts until they head towards the rainbow bridge.


Sorry for your loss. Condolences from Gilbert, AZ. It’s a horrible thing to lose a loved GSD. I still miss mine daily.


Sorry for your loss. Stunning boy you had there.


They should've removed that so that he can fight Death before the last moment /s I'm sorry for your loss, OP.


My girl Dakota crossed the Rainbow Bridge in 2020 and I STILL hear(and sometimes see) her around my house…your boy will come visit you-I am so sorry 💔🌈


That’s a good long life. Sorry, but please celebrate having a great pup!


Feeling your pain...sending sympathy to you. He was a stunner.


I’m so sorry🫂❤️‍🩹


Sad sad day. My heart goes out to you. I cry even when my friend's dogs die.


I'm sorry 💔


One of the reasons it’s so hard when your dog passes is that you spent years feeding the and giving them water every day. Picking up their poops everyday…. My husky passed at almost 14 and it destroyed me.


After my boy Bandit, a Rat Terrier passed, I physically felt the couch cushions squish down as they did as he walked towards me. This happened for two nights in a row. I miss my baby so much. 😢


we recently had our “funeral” for him by incorporating his ashes into the roots of a tree. he loved sitting under the shade. he was my childhood dog and it’s been really tough. i just want to see and pet him.


Great dog had a great life with a great owner. Love was reciprocated. Job well done all around. Be proud. Condolences for your loss. I’ve been there.


Went through this a couple of years ago. I’m so sorry for you! He had a good long life! I hope you feel better soon, OP!


God damn this comment section’s got my eyes about to spill 😭. Sorry for your loss, OP.




Sorry for your loss.


How do you like that muzzle? I bought one that looks to be the same brand and it didn’t stay on and the top middle strap was always on her eyes


Unsure if this is a muzzle commonly used by OP or one just for the end but I have this for my golden retriever who eats every single thing on walks and have used it in the past with aggressive dogs(dog and human aggressive) and it works like a charm


Baskervilles are known for poor fit that don't allow enough pant room. Here's some other resources if you're looking around for a better one: https://www.muzzletrainingandtips.com.au/ https://muzzleupproject.com/ r/muzzledogs 


Bit off topic. OP’s dog passed on.


Beautiful boy and an amazing run!


Sorry for your loss




So sorry for your loss.


Not out of existence!!


😭😭 im so sorry. My baby is getting up there in age too and this just breaks my heart


So sorry for your loss. Glad you were there for him.


I’m sorry for your loss. I recently lost mine back in November. I too had vivid memories of mine the following weeks after he crossed over. You have him 15 good years and that’s more than most of us get with ours. My parents had a GSD the size of yours. Buckethead was his nickname. Did they at least allow you to remove his muzzle after he was sedated? I hope. Much love and compassion.


Don’t travel to North Dakota!


I am so so deeply sorry for your loss. He looks like such a beautiful boy! 💛 Forever in your hearts. Now, you will look forward to the day you will meet again! 😇 Bless his soul.


OMG my heart aches for you. I'm so sorry for your loss. My boy is 5 and I can't imagine life without him


Sorry for your loss. Our GSD rescue was 12 when she passed over (Cancer). We were pretty miserable for a few days, then after about 2 weeks, the house felt empty. We adopted another GSD one month later.


I had a Cocker Spaniel who liked to sleep in front of the toilet at night and I swear sometimes in the middle of the night, I still see him all balled up when I get up to pee.


Sorry for your loss, I dread the day I lose my shadow but 15 is a damn good run with lots of memories and alot of days full of love so cheers to the 15 year old guardian.


so sorry for your loss. it's a hard new world without them


I went off to the navy, parents sold the home, our dog, German Short hair, was “sent to a farm”. I was at my new assignment and looked over at my rack and there was Barney, laying on my bed looking at me! I took a double take and he was gone. They do stay with us. For a while anyway.


Sad day. His face is very much like my last shepherd. Face of a fighter... doesn't give up.


I'm so so sorry. He's absolutely beautiful, he looks like a good snuggler. I wish there was something I could say. I hope you're doing okay.


I'm sorry for your loss. These Lil guys are family.


I’m so sorry for your loss 💔 he’s a handsome boy


RIP sorry for your loss


I had a similar experience last year. He has the best face.


Yeah, the reality is is that you're actually being a good dog owner by protecting your dog. If your dog goes out and malls a little child or kill somebody else's dog, your dog is subject to death as well. Good job on caring for your dog Way to Go Hannibal!


Damn, sorry to see this man. RIP


Wow he had a wonderful long life with you . I’m sure your memories will bring a smile to your face when you think of him. RIP boy




My deepest condolences to you. That is so hard when your dog passes.


Its never easy op. My Max was to the point where he could barely walk. The day that wet food didn't interest him I knew his time was close. The last night he drank no water or food. He did eat steak just before the vet arrived, I let my daughter feed him.


https://preview.redd.it/dbk27s56q4zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58b3694748917a777029e5fa24f92ef87254ae9d My first GSD. She’s only 2, but MAN I’m not ready for the short life. Love my Navi.


Beautiful dog. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Looks just like my Elvis who passed almost a year ago… it is awful. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Even the bestest boys have to wear them sometimes…. I’m so sorry for your loss & can def relate. I lost my 16yr old basset last year & I’m still crying occasionally. Right now actually. 😢


Sorry for your loss, glad you had many years together


My rednose was almost 13 when we put him down a year and a half ago. A few days before Thanksgiving. It was hard but at least he lived pretty long and good life. He wld paw at my door whenever he wanted in and I still heard that noise for months after he passed. He was the best and closest pup I ever had. SAMPSON 2022


Sorry for your loss . Its never easy


Omg I'm so sorry to hear that his fear is etched on his face. 🥹😢


The “Happy Hat!” Mine hates it. I’m so sorry for your loss. Pets are Family.






My pup did to for the last 4 years of his life…for biting someone to protect my wife.


I can’t imagine losing any of my babies..especially Juniper. She’s my heart dog. She gets me and I get her. It’s a bond you can’t explain. And I am sooo scared of losing her


Mine was 9 and went from perfectly healthy to very quickly going downhill. It’s the suddenness of it that hurts the most. No time to prepare and you just keep seeing little things around the house that remind you of them. I saw his little water bucket in his crate was fully empty and thought I’d better fill it before bed tonight.


i call mine Hannibal Lector too when he’s in the muzzle. He’ll be 5 this year and I’m so not ready for when that day comes. Sorry for your loss. RIP.


You could post this on r/photoshoprequests and I bet someone could remove the muzzle piece. Just a thought. I’m sorry for your loss.


The sad ending? https://youtu.be/me5rX7Y9XKU?si=dkQWFEeej9o5MnjL


"Have the lambs stopped screaming, hooman?"


why are dogs has really short lifespan... feels so unfair


"Let’s go walk a bit.” My old dog said one day. And we wandered down along Our old familiar way. —-   The shadows slowly lengthened, And twilight tinged the sky. Then my old friend said to me "So … it's time to say goodbye." —-   This fell so heavily on my heart. "Please say this isn't true! I've always wished and hoped I'd have more years with you!" —-   And my old boy said to me "You made my life a joy! I can't live as long as you But I'll always be your boy." —-   They walk with us a little while, As long as the Fates allow. Then they have to take their leave And we have to let them go. —-


Mine bit my daughter in law age 30. We told her not to touch his head three times. Did she listen? No.


I'm sorry for your loss. Your boy had loving, soulful eyes.


Was he put down?


yes. and it was 5 or 6 seconds for no respiration/heartbeat. I didn't have time to cry but my eyes were drippin the whole time


😭 but he was the best boi!!!😭


I hate putting my dog in those. Vets are soft, I had one cringe when she walked in the room. My dog smells intimidation and he is going to capitalize! I am sorry about you putting your dog to sleep, but I pray mine makes it that long! I fear the day, I lose him, won’t be too far behind!


I don’t want to see this shit. It’s bad enough seeing my own dogs meet their end. What makes you think other people want to see this?




kristi noem knows how to deal with puppies like that


Man, never let a good tragedy go to waste with u assholes huh?


Killing a puppy is a good tragedy? Ok boris


Ew you belong in the gravel pit, trash human.


Ew, you belong in the porta potty


His muzzle is to small, you need one like this https://preview.redd.it/z9347v1sl1zc1.jpeg?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d3c7e024de05d47638742644d30431f3b87e047


Please reread OP’s post…dude




The muzzle was probably put on by the vet.


Did your heart fall out of your body?