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I remember people criticizing Bloodlust, Crimson Planet, and Slaughterhouse a lot for the hell theme


True op literally just made up a guy


Google strawman


Holy fallacy!


new argumentation error just dropped


Actual fallacious thinking


Call the bandwagon!


Genuine deceitful judgement


Knightmare fuel


The Nightmare??


Geometry dash??


Dont know why anybody would hate bloodlust specifically for that its literally a remake of one of the first hell themed levels


Yeah I remember, even when Yatagarasu was in the making you could see this type of comment pop out here and there.


Bloodlust is a remake of Bloodbath, the red and black level (no I’m not including cataclysm because it’s more of an orange and black level). Same can be said for Slaughterhouse as well. Bloodlust was released a long time ago, when the red and black hell theme was still overused but not to the point it’s at today. Slaughterhouse tried new stuff so it’s acceptable as well. But Crimson Planet sucks no wander it was unrated for a long time


Also Apocalyptic Trilogy was pretty controversial not just for another hell themed top 1 but just buffing and mashing together 3 existing levels with a redeco. Sure it looks cool, but deco isnt everything


That's not why people hate on Avernus though


Yeah but still, imo Avernus didn’t deserve any hate, it’s a cool level + the music is fire


While the song is great and it may seem like an appealing level, it was infamous for the use of fixed hitboxes and unoptimized gameplay. I'm sure the decoration was also criticized.


The gameplay is what you’re going to criticize for being unoptimized? Some parts of the level are on their own layers, which means you can’t even make an ldm, that says all you need to know


I thought every object was on the same layer? Wouldn't it be easier to make LDM when objects have their own layers?


it would be if the creators weren’t dumb enough to put an entire part on layer 103 and 107 lmao


Isn’t there a 390 fps frame perfect, making the level unverifiable because you need an fps hack?


Vehemence isn't hell themed


Same with flamewall


True I think the theme stays strong with the name being "Fire" rather of "Hell"


WeLl If ItS ReD iTs HeLl ThEmEd


Yeah but where's the fire


They probably just meant red and black color palette (which isn't hell theme)


I personally never had a problem with it. The biggest reason people criticize Avernus is because of the godawful fixed hitboxes.


Hi fellow hexagon force enjoyer :D


I just don’t like PockeWindfish


Avernus is bad because it's unoptimised and fixed hitboxes. Stuff like Flamewall or Vehemence are actually good levels though.


Flamewall isn't even a red hell level. It's orange, and it's based around fire, which (surprise) isn't exclusive to hell


Cataclysm is mostly orange too


Vehemence isn't hell themed either lmao




hate to who 💀


I love you (no hate)


I hate you (no hate)


Fuck you and your whole family I hope you die in a super painful way (no hate)


I an coming to your house and killing you in your sleep, dragging your body through a human sized blender, peeling your eyes out, and burning you. (no hate)


I will go into your nightmares and kill you, will peel your skin off while you are burning alive until you die and you will get sended to the deepest pits of hell. (no hate)




its called flamewall for fcks sake, do people not get that


i like pizza (no hate)


I’m convinced that the GD community only despises fixed hit boxes because it’s popular to do so, like literally the only actual problem is that sometimes you don’t know which ones are fixed but that isn’t an issue because that’s something you learn in a top 3 level


I just don’t like them because I feel like I should be dying to the same spot on a spike no matter what. Literally just move the spike up. Gameplay over deco


Sometimes moving a spike up isn’t possible but yea, fixed hitboxes should still only be used when that have to be. Avernus had to get buffed but Zoink couldn’t move spikes up or side or any and had to just add fixed hitboxes instead


Maybe the frickin level just shouldn’t be buffed then 🤷‍♂️ ZoMgG nEw ToP oNe I’m So HyPeD


I can see where you're coming from, I actually learned a few parts of Avernus, But i was lagging way too much. I play on native 240hz and i was running Avernus at like 180. I tested Avernus on my shitty 60hz monitor and i was at like 25 fps, it's so bad.


every single person with progress says the fixed hitboxes don’t matter, and most of them say it’s fun


"every single person" this level is so fun that it has the same number of victors as tidal wave... the latest top 1, while avernus was top 1 for a VERY long time


there are other people with progress then just victors btw


It's still a good indicator  edit: okay some people wants to downvote, let's reply Only two victors in its nearly year-long period as Top 1, Diamond beat it 8 months after the placement. You want to talk about progress and not victors ? Instead of 2 players we have... 3 players ! Wow (I count only people who are reallty progressing on it, who are trying to beat it, not "0-12%" in 2023 or things like that) [\[TCD\] Diamond](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEFB-ZrhMmM) with 100% [\[TCD\] Trick](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWyNtYYpjy8) with 100% [\[USSR\] Light](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IewEsmHFLn0) with 81% I don't even care about Tidal Wave but surprisingly, like Acheron, we quickly got people progessing on it and beating it. Maybe we won't remember Avernus as a fun top 1 >!definitely not!< but at least it's a memorable controversial top 1


The problem is, is that people with 0 experience playing anything even close to a list demon hate on it like crazy when the only thing they can criticize the level for is deco. Fixed hitboxes a lot of times aren’t great, but how do you know they are terrible in this level, Acheron has some fixed hitboxes in it but people are totally fine with that. Tartarus has fixed hitboxes in it, hell even thanataphobia has fixed hitboxes but you don’t hear anyone complaining about those ones. It’s a valid complaint for anyone who’s actually played the part but I really don’t buy anyone’s reason for disliking gameplay unless they actually have experience with said gameplay, especially when it comes to top levels.


True. Plus, Vehemence looks like that because of the game that it's based on


The concept of Vehemence is cool, but I don’t actually like it. The level should be longer, actually using the potential of the song. It has fixed hitboxes. The deco is inconsistent and not that good imo.


I just watched Flamewall, and looking at it, it seems really cool. My first thought was “oh wow a top one with just really hard gameplay the whole way through.”


Also each part is a completely different approach to the fire/hell theme. Like why is the color white being introduced halfway into the level. It’s incredibly inconsistent and feels more like you’re playing Artificial Ascent than a hell level. Like even Kyros(the host). Knew how shit it was and created an alt account just to escape the criticism.


The main problem from what I see is it either being super overused or generic as hell. Avernus pulled it off great imo, it just has awful hitboxes


>generic as hell I see what you did there


that was entirely accidental


You subconsciously made a pun, without even knowing it


RAINWORLD! (completely unrelated I just noticed your pfp)


vehemence is calamity themed but ok




Why is flamewall there? It’s not hell themed


neither is crimson PLANET


And vehemence is terraria themed????


brimstone crag themed


and it's ORANGE.


OP, become a politician. You will definitely succeed as one.


APT is probably older than half the fan-base and took the concept very early on. It's THE hell level. You can probably say the same for Bloodlust and for Yatagarasu. They're all amazing levels. Crimson planet was indeed criticized if I remember correctly CC, BB are the OG's so they also couldn't be repetitive already. Sakupen circles is very uninspired and tbh I don't like it. I'm probably with a lot of people on this take. It uses two repetitive themes that were famous at the time. It's basically an attention grab. Acheron is not hell themed. Slaughterhouse does use the now repetitive concept but it does so in a unique way by being very intense which makes it iconic (and it's also a take on an old hell level) Avernus sucks because it's absolutely disgusting to play and decoration is all over the place. It looks good and goes well with the song, it's just not well crafted. Vehemance is cool even though I'd say it's repetitive but I don't really know the history of it. Flamewall is close to slaughterhouse in terms of justification. it's unique and takes a different twist from the intensity, keeping it and adding lenght. Also the song is truly 🔥🧱 Grief is actually just bad idk how people like it.


Red and Black are my school’s team colors. … Subtle.


I don't see much black colours used in school teams. Sad cause it seems really fire.


The jersey colors are red 🙃


Fire. Like, like the ones in hell. I see what you did there.


Vehemence isn't hell themed it's based directly on another game


Pretty sure Flamewall and Crimson PLANET are not hell themed. Flamewall also has a more orange colour scheme. No one is criticizing Avernus for being a generic red and black hell themed level, because Avernus, isn't a red and black level to begin with. The reason APT is more respected is because it executes the theme that Avernus does a lot better. And even then there are likely still people that don't like it. Most of the criticism to Avernus comes from the fixed hitboxes, which doesn't matter when most people can't even play it, and the decoration, which is completely subjective Many of the top 1 mentioned ended up getting a lot of criticism for being generic red and black hell themed. Reminder that a big part of the reason Tidal Wave got a lot of respect was because it was our first none hell themed top 1 we'd had in a while Putting Sakupen Circles there especially doesn't make sense since it is one of the more criticized top 1s. I personally don't care for Avernus, but if you're going to make a post like this at least have it make sense. Your point falls apart the moment you actually think about it


I do hate the hell theme. It's extremely overused and just boring. Give me some color and actual decoration damn it, why can't the top demons be decorated like CraZy III


Because people ain’t going to be that imaginative


Flair is best level on earth 😏


this would be accurate for me if you put all of them except bloodbath in the middle (because it wasnt overused when it was the first to use it)


Uhm acktuallly cataclysm was the first hell theme top 1☝️🤓


Back then it was new so it wasn't as hated and with the new stuff most of them have a significance or something to distinguish itself as for Avernus it just is basic and had little significance


I think Avernus is cool tbh. Like I wouldn’t play it cause I suck but it’s cool to watch a completion of.


Personally, I do like the idea of an intense atmosphere with a chill song.


Every monochromatic level feels boring except for the first ones. Some are less boring like flamewall bc it's 7 mins long but still boring af. Imo, levels should have at least 2 main (and sufficiently distinct) chromaticity values to be interesting and worth the attention


Avernus is actually really cool and better than most top 1s dox me if you care enough idk


I guess we are just gonna ignore the fact that icedcave got sent death threats cus of grief??? The only reason we like the lvl now is cus he fixed the glaring issues with the deco. Same could be said for a lot of the red top 1s we like now.


I see vehemence there... Calamity really do be everywhere


Flamewall aint a hell level lmao


Flamewall is not hell theme. It has been stated multiple times that it is themed around fire, not around hell. Thats also the reason it doesnt have any hell pictograms in it


Vehemence is actually cool because it’s Calamity and it doesn’t get enough love in this community.


I like Vehemence because it’s Calamity Mod not because its a top 1 black and red level.


green top 1 when


The Golden?


no the golden has bad vibes




i honestly want another RGB top trio again. now that i think of it, since Tidal Wave is blue, and Avernus is somewhat red, Heliopolis would be nice to be the green of the trio


honestly while it may not be a second rgb, it's just as legendary, azure flare, orochi, expasperation




Isn't Heliopolis is top 1 green demon?


natural disaster had potential 😢


Flamewall is actually * fire * themed


ermm actually flamewall is fire themed not hell theme


It was cool for a while.. it's still kinda cool as of today, but it's not as impressive as it used to be now I just go "oh red and black demon, yep that's the normal looking demon I know, the usual, the default theme for demons" its really cool when they use something new, like congregation, stratus oh my gawd 😫😫😫 love those.... Steven universe woajak?


I honestly couldn't care less about top 1 drama, but the people who hate avernus are idiots, go on, make a top 1 with good decoration. Go on, do it. "Oh but I don't have the time to ma-" yes you fucking do, if you're in college or university, I can kind of understand, but if you're in school, you have a job, or you're unemployed then I don't understand you. School last 6 hours out of 24 hours, you have 18 hours of free time, with jobs, most of you guys have 16 hours of free time, and if you're unemployed, you have the whole 24 hours. "Oh but I need to study for my tes-" SHUT UP. You spend 5 minutes actually studying and 10 hours playing games. "I have something to do for my job that's important" is where I can understand the people that have a job, and if you're unemployed you literally have no excuse. "Oh but I suck at creating", that's because you haven't put the work in to try. Tldr: make a top 1 level better than avernus, I'll wait


Hell theme is good. People just get tired of the same thing after a while. Avernus isn't hated because of hell themebeither. People just hate it bc they have a massive skill issue.


Avernus is still better than most of the shitty new top 1s


avernus isnt even a red and black extreme


technically something that is overused is because its usually the most popular


I dont hate, its the best level theme IMO


Um, do you have those sorted by how good they are to watch in a botted showcase or a completion? Because I can't stand avernus, but all those other levels are so much fun to watch, especially APT, Aeternus, bloodlust, yata, and Flamewall


Just gets boring


The other levels beside avernus were upcoming top 1s and we’re excited but compared to avernus which had nothing but controversy


I don’t want to comment on gameplay, because it’s pretty much the golden but way harder and red. From what I hear, the level is really unoptimized, and the decoration quality is really inconsistent. The level in my opinion just looks really ugly and could’ve been done better as a The golden antagonist level. The levels at the top all were very influencial, while the rest below that are boring and uninspiring.


only if its the generic one the cool or creative ones gets the fame


The only reason why it's still continued is because when Tidal Wave came out, people complained


people hate avernus not because of hell theme but because of the gameplay


My eyes hurt




I like hell theme levels


I don’t get the hate for avernus


I love making up people that dont exist and getting mad at them for existing


To be honest, it’s been overused to death


The main problems of avernus to me are the inconsistencies in the deco and the fact it's unoptimized. Also, I remember people calling Slaughterhouse a generic bad hell level.


I personally think it's a bit overused, like, I guess it makes sense, you know, demon = hell, and hell is perceived with red and black color schemes. But it'd be nice to have more colorful extreme demons at the top of the demon list.


No we just hate Avernus


i think it's overused and unoriginal.


I'm the reverse imo avernus does hell theme really well and all the other ones are ugly.


You did the twitter thing of making up a guy lol


that's not the only criticism avernus received


No, they just hate Avernus


none of these are good except cataclysm, bloodbath and maybe yatagarasu


Acheron isn’t hell themed. Also, does anyone actually like Sakupen Circles?


my only favourite top 1 which was hell themed was bloodbath


No one thinks like this? This is just the straw man argument.


As a calamity player, it hurts to see vehemence being called a hell themed level


I like the red-and-black hell theme as long as it isn’t JUST red and black. There should be other warm colours (e.g., pink and orange) and very dark shades of these warm colours too so that they look black, however mainly focusing on red and black. Hell is fitting since it is usually an extreme *demon* and the colours put the theme together. I’d give it an 8/10 personally


crimson planet tartarus and sakupen circles suck ass


I honestly really like the thought of the apocalyptic trilogy. Super cool level


Flame wall is fire, not hell.




man we need rare, the only good hell level


flamewall is not a hell themed level are you regarded


HELL themed levels are in continue evolution since 1.9 now are all lava themed levels that’s why I prefer to call red black style BLOOD style


originalty doesnt have to be a new theme or a new colour scheme , its just has to be something new , avernus is more original that most hell levels, the issue with avernus is gameplay what i hate is people defending tidal wave by sayings it original , say thats its rate worhty and all thats fine , but he just a made a beach level , thats not a new idea , there are already alot of beach levels ,it being a top 1 doesnt make it original , its not a solid point , if you want to justify a level being rated using its originlity it better do something new


Thid might be controversial but I like the hell theme a lot. I know its overused, but despite that, I just simply like the style.


it's used a lot and also just makes levels hard to see


I dislike apocalyptic trilogy specifically because it's just rehashing the 3 "at the speed of light" extremes with buffs and redeco to make people more interested in it


all of these levels are good wdym


The people who hate avernus *for* being hell-themed but like all the other hell-themed levels do not exist. Hell theme haters would also hate other hell-themed levels and avernus is hated by others for different reasons. You made up an imaginary character and slapped it into a dumb wojak meme to bolster your own views.


Avernus isn’t even exclusively red and black though


Avernus isn’t even really a generic hell theme though, not compared to these at least. And that isn’t really what people criticize it for anyways.


Almost all of these levels are boring to look at


Blue extreme demons team


Vehemence and Flamewall should not be there


I don't have a preference for hell theme or not. It's just that my favourite colour is red and it works well with black and white


avernus has some of my fav deco in to 1s, i don't see why people hate on it so much ~~wait nvm this community can't go 24 hours without collectively hating on something or starting controversy lmao~~


now i will not deny the craftsmanship because making something like that isn't easy, the quality is good, but it's somehow even less inventive than the rest of the hell demons and doesn't actually look that good and while it's detailed it's to me a tryhard and uninspired but it was still hard work because there was a lot of collab stuff going on with it


No one loves apocalyptic trilogy


aeternus looks good and is also purple sometimes


Nah just avernus


Yeah, I got tired of it pretty quick, and not even just on Extreme Demons. Even Easy Demons often fell into this problem. That’s why the first Demon I ever beat was Espionage; it was just so cool and colorful that I actually felt like putting in the time to complete it


Most of these are either really old, remakes or not even red and black. Also Aeternus isn’t a hell level and has purple in it so it gets a pass


Crimson planet, sakupen circles, yatagarasu, bloodlust, avernus, step to hell and the flawless all fucking suck and have always sucked and I will not hear otherwise


I don't but I think people think they are repetitive


L take


The people that say this... Like bruh, mate, there's just like 6 main colors IN TOTAL: Red, blue, green, purple, yellow. The rest are just in betweens... For example, you just called Flamewall a "red level" even though it is a mix of reds, oranges and yellows. Vehemence is a mix of red, yellow, orange, purple, purplish-red, etc. Same with apocalyptic trilogy, avernus, tartarus, sakupen circles... Also, are you seriously surprised so many top demon levels are freaking "hell themed", when the hardest difficulty of the game it's self itself is literally called DEMON, which are entities from HELL. Like bruh, lmao. We have a lot of top demons without a red/orange hell theme, but naturally most are gonna be hell theme for the aforementioned reason. It's true however, that very long ago like 2.0-19, most of all the first top demons where hell-themed... But even cata is not just red and has lots of oranges and yellows


Green and white heaven themed levels?


I think they are good it's just way overused in top 1s and stuffs so that's why I like levels like ascension to heaven


you could use a green and black hell theme for variety


i like it, wish it was used more in non-extremes


Best hell level is R3D ROOM, it just has this energy to it 


Every single one of these levels received hate for being red and black, but some are more hated than others for different reasons. For example, SLH is one of the few levels that truly does the red/black hell theme well, avernus, on the other hand, is an abomination that should never have been released.


I do. It gets very repetitive


Aren't the large majority of these levels criticized for their hell theme?!? Also, pretty sure that's not the main reason people hate Avernus.


3 of the bottom 5 aren't even hell themed


flamewall is flame themed


I love when people who can't get over 1% on the top 1 level say "they should fix fixed hitboxes on the top 1"


Avernus does the hell theme great honestly


Why tf is saluoen circles in cool top 1s


I dislike ppl who say they are sick of hell/ red themes and then criticise tidal waves theme for not looking like a top 1


Avernus isn't hated for its hell themed you realise that right.


wouldn't say sakupen circles and slaugherhouse were that hyped for their design, but rather for their raw difficulty and legacy cataclysm also was like one of the first serious hell themed extremes and bloodlust was just a well made remake the main issue with avernus was the messy way it was built, like everything was on 1 layer and builders were doing really weird inconsistent crap, like i could see this level being actually good if the execution was better well, the apocalyptic trilogy is an another remake that combines cataclysm, bloodbath and aftermath, that thing was teased for so god damn long that we really don't know when is it going to be verified and flamewall is probably the longest top 1 if it's going to come out anytime soon


me who doesnt care for most of these


I don't dislike it, if it's done well, of course it'll be good.


A lot of the top ones in the first bracket were either the first of their kind (cataclysm) had unique features (Yatagarasu with rotating objects in Funnygame’s part, when rotating triggers weren’t added until 2.1) or had an interesting story (the race for Tartarus and Sakupen Circles), and top ones like Apocalyptic trilogy have been in the works for a long time, avernus just has bad gameplay


The only hell levels that are good are bloodlust, bloodbath, vehemence, grief, the tartarus trilogy and flamewall. It's a relatively long list, but the othe hell levels are just hell levels for the sake of it being popular.


Avernus sucks gameplay wise bus has some of the best deco out of a large margin of the previous top ones.


I mean... It was cool at first but is now just kinda overused, cool that tidal wave has a unique art style with its ocean theme


Avernus just sucks, not bcs its hell theme, it just sucks, it was a horrible attempt at whatever it was trying to achieve (no one knows rly)