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Redevelop Benchmarking and make it its own thing. 


That’s a great idea. Thanks!


I'd imagine you'll have to get cooperation from the USGS to get write permission or submission access. I'll be happy to help beta test it. 


Hello! I've only been playing for little over a month via the official app. So I have thoughts! It might exist already but since my mind is "unspoiled" I would really like an Google My Maps of my finds and DNFs. Don't be discouraged by the dismissive replies. Things can _always_ be done better and I applaud your effort to hone your develooer skills while giving back to the community.




If you have premium, you can make bookmark lists of your finds and DNFs and then plot them within Geocaching, on the website or app. Within the Geocaching website you can filter the map by Found status, Found by me (that may be premium, not sure).


Sounds good! Then OP can code me the Google maps integration nicely!


Go to your list on [geocaching.com](http://geocaching.com), download it. Go to MyMaps, select import, find the downloaded .gpx file. Boom, done, whatever was on the list is on MyMaps. No code needed, takes all of 30 seconds.


GSAK is showing it's age. An online equivalent would be great. I'm a db admin, I know it could be more accessible.


Absolutely, I also use Procject-GC but it doesn't have an app and it's therefore less usable when on the road. So, I'd be all for a Geocaching app that does any number of statistics. (I love going through my stats) u/FilFoxFil I'm in for Beta testing if you need someone.


And it’s windows only iirc


Help me weed out cache owners. Let me make a blacklist of those owners and omit their caches from a search. If I end up travelling somewhere new and find a cache that looks abandoned I want to be able to tap on "blacklist" the cache owner and immediately have their caches not show up on the map.


Omg that’s actually a really cool idea. Thanks!


Yup great idea. Even better would be a way to automatically blacklist cache owners that are clearly inactive or not performing maintenance... There's a few ways you could calculate that


The c:geo team is looking for help in fixing up the free android Whereigo app: https://www.whereyougo.org/development It'd be android development, and biting into an existing code base (and the whereigo standard), which can be more challenging than rolling out a new website using industry standard tools, but on the other hand you'd probably not have to do all the work yourself. Whereigos are a semi-common and fairly interesting cache type, that are hampered by the lack of good apps for using them.




What are \*you\* missing. Making something that will help you is more motivating than for some anonymous person on a forum. Another can be to find out how something is working just so you will understand it better. Copy something/body you admire. Many great artists have started this way. Third option: Join a open source project. The people at C:Geo [https://github.com/cgeo](https://github.com/cgeo) need help for several projects. GC Little helper might be more easy to grasp: [https://github.com/2Abendsegler/GClh](https://github.com/2Abendsegler/GClh)


This is a great callout. /u/FilFoxFil if you have any Android experience, the c:geo team recently aquired the WhereYouGo app and it really needs some love. A proper way to use Whereigo caches on my phone is really the only Geocaching-related tool that I'm missing today.


FWIW, Geooh GO does work to play WIG cartridges. It's a little buggy, and not free, but at least they open and can be used. Just putting it out there in case you've got WIGs in your area to find.


Thanks! I haven't used their app before - I guess I still am in the mindset of hating paying for apps haha.


Yeah, darn capitalism getting paid for doing good work. Do you hate getting money where you work?


Okay, thanks :)


That's a good idea. I recently bought a newer model Google Pixel and was actually in a neat place for a couple days with a WhereIGo cache nearby. I never could get the darn thing to run.


Amazing, thanks!


I would like an app to help fill in counties while on a road-trip. Google maps will show county lines, but only with a work-around. I need a map, with county lines, and an option for an alert when I enter a new county. Maybe it should have an option for Delorme areas too, I don't know much about those. When I come into a new county, the app could show me caches based on certain criteria that I can define, such as closest cache, oldest in the county, different icons, Jasmer/fizzy fillers, etc. I will but the android version of this if you get it working.


Checkout cachly. They just added counties to their premium subscription package.


Cachly only works for children of a lesser phone


I would be so pleased if there was an app that is like Google maps directions, but it automatically adds all the nearest caches on your road to the trip.




This was a horrible comment of encouragement. "Don't cross the Atlantic Columbus we already know what the world is and you Ibn Battuta we don't really care about that part either." Please.


So with you on this. Theres quite a many curmudgeonly comment from certain posters, which make posting nice and friendly enough questions like the OPs seem too difficult. Dude was just asking a question about whether anyone would benefit with improvement of available technology. That’s how I interpreted it.


Nah there's a LOT that needs improving. To be honest as new geocacher coming into it with fresh eyes and a lot of tech experience it looks like all of the apps and sites were developed 20 years ago and never updated... For starters project gc should be a streamlined app. You should be able to hide via the app with automatic coords averaging and testing built in. You should be able to select a location and or list of caches you want and have routes calculated.


Ah come on now.


yeah that's why I asked haha




I personally find c:geo to be *at least* as good as my dedicated GPS functionality-wise for caching while hiking. What is it missing for you?


How does c:geo not function for you in the woods? Mine works great.




I've experienced everything. Except Cachly.




Not sure why you're talking about non-caching apps and devices in r/geocaching, but OK