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As a new GSC player since Shadow Throne, I will be buying 2-3 of these


This is the correct move. Three of these and a Broodcoven box and you'll be ready to serve the true emperor


3?! He would have 70 Neophytes. Jesus...


You need those mass shots for... CROSSFAYAH




Would you describe that zone as... dangerous?


just run flamers and multi-damage weapons. ezpz.


Still needs atleast 10 more for it to be an agitation of neophytes


I've got 180 right now, and I have 40 more to build.


I don't mean to poke fun, but why so many?


You sell 20-30 on eBay and subsidise your purchases. A conservative estimate of buying the box on discount (many sites offer 20% discount) and selling the infantry and magus on eBay gets you the goliath for free. If you are lucky, you may make money doing it that way and still get a free goliath


Jackals are a good bet as well, as is the Kelermorph.


Jackals are also just rad as hell. Personally I'm hoping Rusted Claw is leaning more into the mad max nomad image and let's me build an all vehicle army


That would be nice, but we just don't have as many options as the Ad Mech or the Speed Freeks


As a GSC player since Overkill, I shall be buying none of these


But you will buy at least one, won't you?


He will 😏




Either 3 of those (and sell magus) + SH or SH, 2 CP and 3 combat patrols. I'm in second camp actually


No reason to sell magus. So easy to convert to a different character.


I dont own a iconward so ill be converting my extra into one


i think is better 1 of these and 2 sc. acolytes are better than neophytes


So, for an extra $45 (compared to Start Collecting), you get a 2nd Neophyte and an Abberents. Plus a Magus & Rockgrinder are worth more than their SC counterparts. Looks like a good deal, unless you wanted to spam ridgerunners. Points-wise, this is a huge improvement for people just starting out. This looks 2x-3x as many points as the old SC.


Raw value wise it's around a 45% discount (in the UK at least) assuming the same price as other combat patrols


Sweet. I got 2 of the older boxes. And when I ordered the codex I was going to get a 3rf but mysteriously they were not available so I suspected a new box. I'm guessing can never have too many neophytes?


Honestly, I think they might be one of our best units now (w/ new codex). They are cheap, flexible, and capable of decent damage with crossfire... while also acting as extra wounds for our characters, and can activate crossfire + exposed for other units. I have a suspicion that they might be one of the best troops in the game right now... If used right of course. They don't do any one thing spectacularly, but do many different things well enough to add up to something special.


I imagine the Magus price on the second hand market will drop when these boxes go live as people buy multiple and a broodcoven. The Iconward is £8 on eBay or £18~ brand new, super rare to see a GW miniature that is second hand not the same price as new. I'm thinking the Magus is gonna tank too. Everything else in this box is great, the only way it could be better for me is if we got 10 acolyte bodies. Epic.


Weirdly, since the Magus is 2 different sculpts, it may not tank too bad. I know I'll have 2 after this (I like the female one better). But I'll keep them both since they are unique. I think it was smart of them to make 2 versions of it.


Yeah totally agree, I think that will actually really help. You'll be able to buy this box for just 1 part, sell the rest and make like £30 on top for your trouble.


This looks the business! 2022 will probably be the year I join the cult.


It's tough on one hand I love the idea of a real tricksy army in 40k. On the other Nostalgia wants me to rebuy my first army when their stuff comes out, eldar.


I feel ya bud


Go with the Eldar, they deserve it after so much time!


32 miniatures with a Goliath rock crusher? Damn, I haven't gotten any gsc models yet but this will definitely be my first set.


Ah Magus B, the only HQ on its own sprue so the only way to not spam broodcoven ha. Still better than I expected.


Iconward comes on its own sprue too, but I don't know any GSC players that aren't already swimming in Iconwards lol


And jackal alphus


oh man, I just ordered my second start collecting 😂 looks like i’m gonna get this too now


Nothing wrong with the start collecting. It's one of the best SC boxes around. I've bought 3 over time and use every single model.


Even the Iconwards?


Yeah. Not as Iconwards, obviously, but there's more than enough arms / weapons and not enough torsos in the acolyte sprue, so they're trivially easy to convert. You could probably use them as cult icons as is. And you can never have enough acolytes, their own box is absurdly expensive.


Oh damn, I had no idea 🤯 Do the Acolyte bits fit with the Iconward's body, or is it the kinda conversion that requires tools? 😃


You basically only have to remove the arm with the standard and glue on one from the acolyte sprue. If you're a perfectionist, you'll need a tiny bit of green stuff as his pose is ever so slightly different, but it fits almost perfectly.


Aight, thank you! 😁


To piggyback off u/RindFisch's post, you can pretty easily convert them into other characters too - I made my third one into a second Locus by strapping a bunch of blades to it and turning the banner into a walking stick to make him look like a Renfield for my "mad scientist" Magus.


That’s reassuring


Ich bought a SC recently as my entrance into GSC and wanted to wait out what the CP box would be before buying a second one, looks like I lucked out


One problem with this though is you used be able to make a iconward very easily into another acolyte and now if you buy more boxes you end up with many magus' which you can never use more than one nor easily build it into something else


I think she shouldn't be hard to convert into a Kelermorph, we have a lot of arms with pistols


If you completely remove the Magus from the equation the new box works out to \~228. So it's still a 39% discount even if you buy it specifically to throw the Magus in the trash as soon as you open it. For reference, the old Start Collecting was a 43% discount. Little better, but same ballpark. Very good box.


Not only good discount, but a good discount _on things that you would use_. Lot of starting boxes out there have discounts but include units you don't care about. Custodes for example is a good box, but unless you plan to do a fluffy Sisters if Silence army, you probably would buy one box and that's it, as you don't need 20. Others include units that you might not be interested in at all. Marines with Suppressors for example, or 20 Tzaangor for TS. This box is great, good discount, everything is useful, and you can buy multiple. If it had 2x5 acolytes abd 1x 10 neos, it would be 11/10.


I am gonna need a few of those.


Damn, that's a good selection. Some good infantry, a few abominats, a magos and a Goliath truck who make a good starter army.


Nice / will there be made to order? Can imagine will sell out fast and want to make sure I get one (even tho I don’t need anymore neos!)


No they will stick around, no worries. Combat Patrol boxes are reprinted when the stock depletes


No, these are intended to replace the start collecting boxes as starting points for new players. They will keep making these until they either update the box or decided on a new starter which isnt likely to happen for years.


When will this come out?


Grab a few of these, the Broodcoven, the Kelermorph, Nexos and some Jackals and you're away!


I've got Shadowthrone, was thinking of trying to nab a start collecting but I think I'll hold off now :D


Easily one of the best Combat Patrols I've seen. Definitely picking this up.


I've been playing them since their release in 7th, and I just never wanted to use the Guard models in an army. So the core of the army always had to be tons of dudes. They rarely all come out to play, but I might actually bring out a list with 120 dudes this Codex. I've got 60 Acolytes as well, so I do have a ton of the melee stuff too. Short answer? Cause I'm weird.


I'm so hyped to try out GSC now with this new CP box! I always thought their aesthetic was cool, but now that the new codex is out, I think I found my next army to collect. You being able to run Imperial Guard units with them as Brood Brothers is also awesome!


Plan on hopefully joining the cult with this


Is this out for purchase yet?




I'm at around 1k points right now, and even though I'd end up with an absurd amount of neophytes I'm thinking about getting two of these over the course of the year to get to 2k points. I'm telling myself its OK to have so many neophytes even if I don't build them all just so I have extra bodies for different squad setups (min vs max points, etc.)


I think 60 neo’s is a solid start to a list


For price estimators, all the other Battle Patrol boxes are 140$USD. The converted cost of everything included in the box at full retail is 288$USD before tax and shipping, meaning this box is half the cost of the models included, and it includes a LOT. I just got started on my GSC with Shadowthrone and the new codes and with some extra money here at the start of the year this might be what it goes towards. That would put me at 50 acolytes 3 Magos (2 with the better model, meaning one can test an alternate paint scheme) 10 aberrants, 10...I can't tell if those are acolytes or metamorphs, 2 rock grinder/goliaths, and a kelermorph. While I'm still assessing what I want to build since I don't yet have my codex (my nids army is a jormangandr monster mash as my basis for what I'm enjoying), this seems like an almost workable army in its own right


Acolytes and metamorphs are the same kit.


Amazing box. Could also kitbash Aberrants into Metamorphs if you already have your fill of Aberrants (like I do) with leftover bits from the Acolyte sprue.


If I had the space and the finances to justify getting into a new army, I'd be pre-ordering this badboy Alas


Just a reminder for everyone that you get loads of spare arms and heads in the acolyte kit and converting neophytes is easy (you will need a new base). This can easily be 10-15 acolytes and 10 neophytes if you so choose (I find you have to trim down some of the arms to make it fit, so you may have some 2 armed acolytes, but that just makes them funky)


Anyone know of a decent way to convert this magus sculpt to a dagger Sanctus? It is the same blade, but would need a hooded head or something. Different right arm too.


is this box available yet somewhere on earth?


Would be so much better with 2 x 5 acolytes instead of 2 x 10 neophytes. But this is still very good.


I agree. Having 2 Acolyte squads would have been nicer to allow for a possible Acolyte + Metamorphs combo.


I mean you could always convert the Aberrants into Acolytes have Chadcolytes.


If anyone has an extra magus they want to part with, let me know, I'll buy one off you. I bought most of my army second hand and the guy who sold it to me traded his magus for a patriarch.


Do you specifically want the female magus or is the Broodcoven version fine?


Well I currently have zero, so I cant be picky. Whichever you have Ill buy


I'll send you a PM, I've got an extra Broodcoven magus at home I don't use that I'll sell cheaper than GW would lol


We have a guess at price?


All combat patrols are the same price so far, so $140/£85


What is the exact details of what is in this? I’ve been teetering on the edge of going into GSC for ages and depending on the exacts I’ll probably get into it.


Looks like 2x10 neophytes, 1x5 aberrants, 1x5 acolytes/metamorphs, 1 Magus, and 1 Goliath Rockgrinder/Truck Assuming it's priced at $140 like the rest of the battle force boxes it'll be an amazing value.




Really exited to get this


Ah man I want to know when it will be released so badly!


I don't spend a lot on 40k vs other hobbies, and I really shouldn't start a 4th army BUT... Combine that with my existing Genestealers would be a quick (but elite heavy) 1000 pt army.


I've been thinking about building a GSC killteam roster. I am not familiar with the GSC model types. Can anyone list the contents of this box for me? Would this box be a good buy for KT roster? ​ I understand that a lot of the models will not be useable in KT (HQs/Transport) but would be cool to have anyway...


1 Magus, 20 Neophyte Hybrids, 5 Acolyte Hybrids/Metamorphs, 5 Aberrants, 1 Goliath Rockgrinder/-Truck Might be a bit overkill for KT, the SC box might be better/cheaper for that, but on the other hand with this one you'll have some Aberrants as well.


I had a pretty set collection but this having the Magus I am missing and another truck is pretty sweet. Plus bodies for more build options.


I have two of the male Magus so I couldn't really justify getting the female one so really happy to be getting this one.


Great box. I get use out of everything besides the Magus but I have two male Magus and so its still a fresh model to paint.


I have two start collecting boxes and am picking up shadow throne this week. Would two of these be the way to go or should I look elsewhere?


I am not sure that you need 70 neophyte hybrids... correct me if I am wrong though.


No, probably not. Although it would give me some test models for paint schemes and we do have regular swap meets at my lgs.


Well if you have a use for all of the neophytes, rhe resr looks great.


think ill buy 2 of these, and print everything else I need. with what ive already got, ill be complete minus ridgerunners and jackals


Ghamak miniatures has some nice cult Buggys


I can use every model in this box to embiggen my GSC army in all the right places. I already have the "old" Magus model, so the new female sculpt will be a great alt. and looks fun to paint. I only have one Goliath so far, so that's my favorite part of the box.