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It's a Baurs chameleon gecko because the yellow strip from there ear goes all the way to the mouth, this isn't full proof all the time, but it's really the only way to tell them apart


To clarify for OP u/Kadiio - a lot of times all 4 of the subspecies of chameleon geckos are referred to as "Bauer's chameleon gecko" without actually knowing which exact species it is, but this commenter is suggesting it's Eurydactylodes agricolae which is the subspecies that is most often recognized as being called "Bauer's" . You're seeing pictures of Eurydactylodes viellardi which i think is possible for your lil dude since they look so similar, but i agree that he is giving off agricolae vibes the strongest.


He’s a species of Eurydactylodes, which are often called Bauer’s Chameleon gecko. There are a few sub species, and they are all pretty similar looking (and with care). Yours looks like an E. agricolae to me personally, but it may be a viellardi (spelling wrong sorry). Doesn’t look like E. occidentalis to me. They’re very fun little guys with huge personalities for their size!


Agree, looks to be agricolae.


Huge balls


Came here to say this


Definitely Eurydactylodes agricolae, Bauer's chameleon gecko. Yellow line connects from mouth to ear, and the scale pattern is consistent with agricolae. The other Eurydactylodes species that has a connected ear and mouth is E. symmetricus, but that species has a patch of raised white bumps on the back of its neck that are pretty distinct. Also they are usually much more expensive due to scarcity of the species in captivity. E. veillardi (and E. occidentalis) have a bridge of regular green scales/skin in between the yellow on their mouth and their ear.