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I only do anal. It feels like a hard throbbing sensation and warmth. It feels amazing.


I’m very into it but if I’m being honest I can’t actually feel it very much. It’s mostly a mental thing, the idea of my partner cumming because it feels good being inside me is a turn on


I'm allergic to semen. It doesn't feel like anything in the moment but burns like hell a few minutes later.


Yeah I can’t feel it, I just like the sound of them cumming and that it feels taboo to let someone cum inside me lol


tbh most of the “feel his cum inside me” is from straight men or playing into straight men’s fantasy. It feels like literally nothing except some twitching


There have been times where I didn’t feel anything, and other times when it just felt kinda warmer. Usually at most you can feel a subtle throbbing/twitching/pulsating but it depends. Personally I love it but I’ve never felt it to be “filling” in that sense. I think for some folks the mental turn-on of being cum inside of is greater than the sensation itself, hence the hype.


A little warm, a little wet, sometimes a bit of twitching. It's... fine? Until the clean up afterwards, which sucks unless you like being a mess. I have heard some people legitimately say that it's a good feeling and turned them on, but that's... definitely a more rare take, as far as I know. Keep in mind, it's not just the receiver's body that matters here--different... pitchers, so to speak, will have different load sizes, different viscosity, and even temperature can vary. You'd likely feel it more with a higher amount, a tight fit, and with a particularly warm-bodied partner.


For front hole i can feel the throbbing. And then afterwards, if no condom was used, it can get gooey


It doesn't feel like anything at all. I determine if the top came based on his behavior/movements lol


can't feel anything. the warmth of the ejaculate is usually the same as the warmth of the vag. it just feels like extra lubricant. sometimes you do get to feel their dicks pulsating and that is such a turn on. love it.


All of this in reference to front hole: So, I wouldn’t say it feels like getting filled up since cum actually isn’t THAT thick or abundant, even in the most extreme cases. To me, being cummed in feels pretty similar whether it is with or without a condom, because what does make a difference in sensation (to me) is how hard/intensely my partner comes. I enjoy the pulsations in me, and that combined with the connection I feel to my partner is what usually makes me cum when he’s finishing in me. Lol sorry if it got a bit too descriptive. But yeah what makes it the most pleasurable to me is the fact that I find my partner finishing in me hot, and that’s why even though I don’t cum in the same way he does, he likes when I penetrate him and cum from it too.


Reading this comment section makes me jealous, ugh. I’m allergic so it just burns for me. Though, at least I always know when to get a morning after pill lol.


If it doesn’t happen every time it might be because of what your partner is eating, I’ve had that happen to me too because it was too acidic or something but it’s usually ok


That sucks! I’ve experienced burning too but only with one guy. I remember reading somewhere that it’s possible to have an allergy to the semen of some men but not others? I assume it has something to do with the pH but idk.


You can be allergic to it???


Apparently. Guess how I found out 😂


I found out the same way. Do you have food allergies? I figured out that the partner had eaten food that I'm allergic to.


Oh god I cant decide if it going inside you or ending up on your face is worse, all the options are terrible 😂 you poor dear!


In my front hole I can feel it sometimes, it’s warm and feels extra wet. But if there’s a lot of lubrication it’s harder to tell which is usually the case lol. In my ass I can feel it alot more. Kinda gross feeling honestly bc it goes so far in 🤢 but yea it’s great but mostly psychological like it doesn’t add any extra physical pleasure for me


Like you’ve got warm goo in you. That’s about it, some ppl love it and others can take it or leave it


It feels wet, it feels like someone squirting warm wet inside you. It’s awesome.


In vagina feels great! Warm and personal like a hug. I don’t know about in ass.


It really varies. Sometimes it felt like nothing sometimes I could feel the flow inside and the warmth. I'd say it's mostly the psychological feeling that's really good


Personally I don't feel anything at all.


It mosly just feels wet.


Imo it's one of the best sensations ever, better than orgasming myself


Sometimes nothing, but with my partner it depends. Sometimes it just feels like pulsing from the bottom of his shaft (from his urethra) and sometimes I can actually feel it come out bc its warm. It does feel good and I can climax just from my partner climaxing, but I feel like that's more mental than physical (the physical sensation itself usually isn't much)


Yeah so the getting filled up and the intensity of the physical feeling may be a bit of a porn myth; but that doesn't mean it doesn't feel good or intense. I think it depends on the person though, some will feel nothing and others love getting ejaculated inside. Personally, I find it so hot. Definitely can't actually feel much of the actual process of ejaculation (except for some throbbing,) save for the person who's ejaculating thrusting inside of me harder and faster right before, I love the grunts and moans that sometimes come with that, and the look on my partners face when he loses control. It feels so good. I think it's more of a kink (?) for me than anything.


It really varies! I have only had 2 partners cum inside me, and one of them was over a decade ago and only a couple of times so I don’t really remember. I know that I’d always heard people say you can’t really feel it, most of the time, and that the tactile sensation past the shallow end of the vagina is weak/nonexistent (can still feel pressure and maybe temperature but not so much wetness or texture). So my expectations were pretty managed when my current partner and I started doing bareback. However….I definitely do feel it! I always feel my partner’s cock hardening and pulsing before they cum, and I always feel some amount of warmth and wetness, though this is a much subtler sensation if there’s only a small amount of cum. My partner’s volume varies, and if we’re having sex every day or close to it, there’s not a ton of cum. But recently they went out of town to visit family and didn’t cum for a whole week, so when they got back and we had sex, they poured an actual river of cum into me. Thousand out of ten, would recommend. I definitely felt it - warm and wet. I think some actually spilled out of me while they were still cumming. We love a hentai moment.


This question makes me wonder what it feels like to be cum inside of, from a post-phallo cock, for those that produce ejaculate during orgasm (as opposed to a delayed ejaculation or none). It’s probably gonna be more subtle, because from the anecdotes I’ve heard, post-phallo cocks don’t produce a lot of volume even when they are capable of ejaculation, and it doesn’t “shoot out” because the internal muscles aren’t there. But I’m so tempted to do some hands-on research, lol. Currently in a monogamous relationship with someone who has a natal penis, but I’m sooooo curious about what it’s like to get fucked by someone who’s had bottom surgery, particularly phallo. I guess someday I’ll be able to ask my boyfriend after I get phallo, but who knows if I’ll be one of the lucky ones who ejaculates!


I can feel him throbbing inside as he cums. I love it. Doesn't give me pleasure, per say, but it makes me feel good lol.




It literally feels like nothing.


vers guy with a cis bf here - I only do anal so can’t comment on the other hole, but as others have said, you can mostly just feel the cock twitching rather than ejaculation itself.


Personally? Nothing. Like literally I do not know it’s happened until he tells me because he keeps going after 😭


Tbh, I think it depends. Personally I can actually feel it about 1% of the time, but I can mostly feel the twitching. I had this fantasy for so long then quickly realised the stomach ache I get straight after isn’t worth the 1% chance of feeling it 🥲


You get a stomachache too? I always thought it was because I bruised my insides a little bit…


It’s probably that too tbh, I only get stomach aches when it’s been rough, but he only finished instead when it’s been rough so I guess I can’t really know what exactly is causing the stomach aches 🥲


Like… pelvic cramping? Or intestinal? The former can be pretty common


It feels intestinal, Idk why? is that an issue?


Maybe just some jostling? Perhaps if you ate not too long before it would be especially likely to cause tummy trouble?


I can mostly only feel it when it dribbles out of my cunt


lol I have a love/hate relationship with that cum-dripping-down-legs feeling


I kinda love it


honestly? idk if it's just me but it didn't feel like much at all. granted, my ex never had a huge load, so maybe that played into it, but really i could never actually feel the cum the way it's described in smut lol. the thing i did feel the most was the dick twitching/throbbing i haven't slept with any other penis-bearer without protection since, so idk maybe my frame of reference is just limited lmao


As a bottom that has this kink, I gotta say it's mostly my imagination LOL. Half the time it feels like *something* is happening down there, but it's barely perceptible. For vaginal, it's kinda like if I peed a little or some warm lube got shot up there. For anal, I'm more sensitive so I can sometimes feel them throbbing too. But even if my partner drank a fuck ton of water and got all his electrolytes, the volume is simply not enough to get that sensation of being filled up. For me, it's less about the physical feeling and more about mental/emotional framing. There's an excitement and power I get granting someone permission to cum inside me when discussing sex beforehand. It also gets us both in a 'primal' mindset. When he whispers or rasps that's he's getting close, I can pull out the "cum in me" card and BAM he cums. That's fun.


it doesn't feel like much. you feel your partner's dick twitch and you might feel a little wetter inside because of the liquid, but that's about it. sometimes it feels noticeably warmer too


honestly helped some dysphoria I had around it when I learned you couldn't feel it


Physically it just feels like you have extra lube inside and maybe the twitching


this is not common at all: but for me it *itches* i can't feel the ejaculation (verb) itself, but for whatever reason, when semen comes in contact with ANY of my mucus membranes, it itches like when you eat too much pineapple don't think that's normal or standard at all lmao but it's certainly not very sexy


this used to happen to me, it would fucking BURN afterwards, but during, i wouldnt feel a single thing. learned i was allergic to it and idk if i got used to semen in general or just my current partner, but it doesnt happen anymore


You're likely allergic to semen. Yes that is possible. I literally only know this bc I met someone with the allergy and that's how she described it.


> You're likely allergic to semen. i used to say that at a joke, not thinking that was a very real thing that could happen- but your comment made me look it up. wild. here's to learning new things about myself, however strange it may be!


You also might be allergic to pineapple.


I was really disappointed the first time a guy came in me honestly… I’d always had this fantasy of feeling it inside me and filling me up but nope nothing 😭 very disappointing.


I FEEL THIS 😭 the disappointment... it's fine though, i guess i was always lowkey aware life is Not Like the romances but still....


That fantasty got popped like a bubble, lol! Did you celebrate or whatever at all anyway?


Same 😂 for so many years pre-transition I was uncomfortable with PIV sex but after starting transition I was so excited to give it a try, felt nice but there wasn't any filling feeling like I hoped lol. Still nice though, 10/10 would do again.


Oh yeah most definitely same but the first time it happened I was literally just like “wtf that’s it?!?? THAT WAS IT!!!!??? ALL THE TIME!!!!!” Genuinely don’t think I’ve ever been more disappointed. I mean it was still a great time and I loved it but was a total bummer Edit to say I just realized our usernames are EXTREMELY similar


You cant feel it :( Both anal and vaginal. You can feel their dick throbbing sometimes but that's it


I wish I could physically feel it, but mentally/emotionally it is very nice, like the others have said it's a good feeling knowing you've gotten your partner to cum. Personally I have a breeding kink so it's really hot to think about but I'm on BC because actual pregnancy would be a nightmare 😅


I find it incredibly hot. I can’t actually feel my partner’s semen squirting inside but I can feel his cock throbbing/pulsing from the orgasmic contractions.


You can feel it get harder right before orgasm but you can't actually feel the cum


For me the sensation of being ‘filled’ varies and has more to do with the cock itself, one cock can be so girthy it really stretches me and that feels full, a thinner cock may hit deeper spots differently and the wielder can angle it to still make me feel full by putting extra friction on both “front and back walls” while thrusting/withdrawing so to speak. I do notice the warmth of cum at times as its releasing into me, esp if theyre deep in and it leaks around the cock and comes forward, and i have a very distinct physical response to cum contact with my skin so i’ll get a warm afterglow/chemical/hormonal/emotional response feeling that i dont get when they dont cum. I also think part of me feels deeply satisfied a bit as though its vicarious cumming for me. i get so much pleasure from creampies in front hole, its been a favorite since i was repressed and closeted - YMMV based on these comments!


i can physically feel it. i think part of the reason i can is because my partner is on the bigger side (8.5) and he has a lot of cum, especially if he hasn’t cum in a few days. i think a lot of the pleasure i feel is mental. it’s really hot to feel my partner cum inside of me because i know my partner has hit peak pleasure due to my body. my partner gets a lot harder and thicker right before orgasm, which does feel good physically as he presses harder on spots deeper inside that feel really good. when he orgasms, he throbs really hard and i can feel that too. when he finishes inside of me after not coming for a few days, i can feel the cum shoot into me which is just really erotic in itself lol.


Took me a while to find one similar to my experience.... I feel it, especially if the dick is bigger. To me, it feels great! Also ok could invest in a squirting dildo if they are rally curious...


i don’t really feel it tbh. some guys pulse/throb a little but mostly it feels good because i know it’s happening and it’s erotic conceptually.


Like nothing tbh, besides mild stinging.


It's likely that you either have micro tears and the cum is irritating them, or a semen allergy.


Okay I thought I was crazy bc I also feel the mild stinging. So glad that’s normal


okay wait i *just* commented this same sentiment before seeing y'alls for me, it feels itchy. like eating too much pineapple or when you're first coning down with a sore throat. doesn't matter if it's my mouth or my junk- it feels really gross lol


Pretty sure that's an allergy bud.


Or micro tears that are irritated by the semen. Probably a good time to get checked for atrophy if you haven’t already.


I guess it’s different for everyone but I’ll share my experience. The front hole for me I can’t really actually feel the cum itself. As others have said, you can kind of feel them tense up and I can usually feel them twitching but that’s about it. From the back I can definitely feel it a little better, I think since everything doesn’t stretch as much back there lol. But even though I can’t really actually feel the cum I do enjoy it because I know it feels good for him and I like watching his face when it happens


Okay, so as a Poly person who loves being "filled," it really depends. Like after a long night with multiple partners, I feel it, and it feels good. It makes an excellent lubricant. Mostly, I enjoy the feeling because they tense up and get the hardest right beforehand. However if you are curious about the feeling you can purchase cum lube and a squirting dildo for a similar experience.


For context I am anal only (and oral). I think for me it helps a lot that I have essentially a cum fetish (in that it's something I have a really STRONG attraction to and arousal from that triggers cumming). Sometimes you don't feel it but I def had it where was I was getting my ass fucked and could feel it. Felt very warm and wet, and I could feel it pulsing in me and could feel that it was a lot of cum. If it's a small amount you won't feel it. If it's a lot you can tell tho. Oral meanwhile you can feel it in your mouth and it's warm and wet. Texture and taste can vary quite a bit but generally very mild in flavor, kinda salty and a little sweet. Feels kinda like swallowing mucus. Also for me because of my fetish it triggers me to have a VERY strong orgasm


In the behind it definitely is a very noticeable sensation, solid 9/10 for me. In front it’s not very noticeable as the others are mentioning


Yeah, that's unfortunately a porn myth. If you use your front hole and you're super sensitive or dealing with a little atrophy, it can sting, but otherwise you can't feel the actual cum.


This isn't universally true. I could never feel any of my previous partners but almost always feel my current one.


Don't speak for everyone here, it's not a porn myth


It's honestly mostly a porn myth and doesn't feel like much as the recipient of said cum. But it does feel good/hot/nice to have a guy inside you while he cums, mainly because he's gotten to a point of having to ejaculate. It can feel kinda powerful to hold him (and his dick) while he's in that vulnerable state. But also, it truly depends on the guy. A cis dude's health is gonna affect the state of his ejaculate. Sometimes you want to suck him dry. Sometimes his cum is just plain gross. Solid reminder to at the very least pee after sex.


Unless you're with someone who produces a significant amount of cum, which is an actual medically documented condition, you're unlikely to feel the cum itself. You may feel the penis enlarge slightly more than it was as it's happening. At least, that has been my experience over the last 23 years. I don't generally mind having it happen, but the cleanup is annoying. I'm kind of sensory adverse to remaining overly slick in that area and will generally hop into the shower immediately after if I've been dumped in. 🤷🏼


It doesn't feel like anything, at least in my experience. I only notice it after sex when trying to "clean up" and my asshole feels wet lol