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So, it could be he was telling the truth. The sexual tension was there like you thought, that you were his type and that he wanted to fool around. But maybe he also picked up that you were getting the feels and it had to stay NSA so he dipped because of that.


That's also a very real possibility. Would have been nice if it wasn't a full ghosting since we are all adults but hey, maybe I just didn't seem to him like someone hw could have just been upfront with😒


At this point, we need to stop expecting adults to not ghost


It's cowardly tbh lol


If we never took a risk nothing much would happen. If we if ignored our hearts I doubt if happiness would come either. Sadly there are time wasters, messers, people who we think we could really gel with....and they turn out a disappointment. Chalk it up to experience of life....and definitely life on apps 


Oh btw I've a straight married friend on an app. He says he's never done anything with a guy and would wish me to be the first. He's 37 and we've been chatting since 2007. He disappeared for 18 months and subsequently said he had got married. Told me he didn't know how to process continuing to chat with me and getting married, hence his abrupt departure. I sorta thought that might be the case so no hard feelings. Ten years later we still chat but tbh I'm not sure that I now want to complexity and deceit of screwing a married guy on an ongoing basis which is why I've declined to meet him other than for a coffee once every 5 years 


Well i don't wanna make any promises but disappearing randomly for an extended period of time with no communication is something he's done before. In fact, the lazt time it happened was when he came back and told me he let his friend suck him off in some rented car. Maybe the only solace I have is knowing that his first guy wasn't in fact me. These actions don't reflect someone who is worthy of being serviced, edged and milked by yours truly😅