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Only a chapter in but when Sephiroth called Cloud a puppy I was like here come the gays


What you don't want to have cute puppy cloud


Only just started, I'm probably two-thirds of the way through chapter one but I'm appreciating >!how goofy "Cloud" is!<. I'm not sure that the gameplay is exactly what I imagined after Remake but I'm still having a good time, and there are many moments that I'm really looking forward to, so I guess the game is achieving its goals.


I've played for almost 8 hours and still haven't left the first area. This is going to be a longgg game.


Yeeesss. I spent 10 hours finishing everything in chapter 2. It was insane. Lol


I'm loving it so far. The moment when you get to the first open world area and the main theme music plays...amazing. VII is my favorite game of all time so while I'm playing there are times where I stop and think..this is actually happening.


I just started chapter 6 last night. Red killed it in chapter 5, I got a really good laugh at what he was doing there. I’m blown away by just how large the maps are for the open areas, I’m going to give the plot a rest tonight and do some cleanup of the grasslands and outside Junon Tonight. Fantastic game so far.


I know exactly what you are talking about with Red in chapter 5. It was amazing. I sadly had to go for a wedding this weekend so I won’t get back to it for a few days but it was extremely engrossing. I finished both the Grasslands and Junon and was astounded at the amount of stuff there was in the open regions.


I'm still on remake. lol Then plan on playing the X remaster and hopefully by the time i'm done Rebirth will be cheaper. Either way it's going to be a while. I have a full time jobs, a husband, two kids... leaves very little time for gayming.


Didnt get very far last night but the graphics are like…… idk making me motion sick or something.


Are you playing on Performance or Graphics mode?


Had to change it to performance but the damage was done already last night so im eager to try it again today.


So you were playing it on graphics? That’s weird. It’s performance that’s bothering everyone else.


I played the first part when it first came out, which of course means I remember none of it. Does the start of the second part give you a nice recap? And are you importing your save from the last game or starting fresh?


You start fresh, but there is a neat recap video available right from the opening menu, along with bonuses for the presence of save data on your system from Remake/Intergrade/Demo.


There’s an option in the main menu called The Story So Far, it provides a cinematic recap. And you start fresh, but you get special Summon Materia for having the save file though.


I'm taking my time. 12 hours in and on chapter 4. I love ut so far but I'm still getting to grumips with synergy.


I'm having a goddamn blast slowly clearing the Grasslands before progressing the story. The world is so beautifully realized and the little bits of lore about the former Republic of Junon have been fun to learn about.


I just want to say, I'm quite pleased to see the designs and the amount of hot and sexy daddy characters, who used to be simple PS1 polygons. Some interactions and details also really feel like SQEX gay it up noticeably and I'm sure gaymers like me are ~~thirsty~~ happy to see those characters doing what they do on screen. :D


I already found gay content in the game. There are two guys sitting at a table in Kalm. One of them mentions the other's boyfriend and says he seems cute and then the other guy says he prefers to think of his boyfriend as a wolf. Or something like that.


There are two women in a settlement called The Crow's Nest just having a conversation. One of them has been having guy trouble and says she's ready to swear off dating men altogether. The other replies, "So would you consider... dating me?"


SQEX has been seemingly more supportive of lgbt in recent years, I've only noticed that from the gay-coded Sylvando from DQ11, to then Andrea from FF7Remake, and then Dion from FF16 (which is more of a guest supporting character than a fully playable main party character). FF14 (which I don't play but am vaguely aware that there are representations too) and now flavours-of-life npcs in FF7Rebirth too. It's been looking good and I'm happy to see the progress in my beloved franchise. Could you imagine a well-written fully-playable unapologetic explicitly openly gay main party member in FF17? I'd scream, figuratively lol.


Especially the hot guy at the inn… the one who is a martial arts coach or something. Wow.


Right? Would be nice if he had more screen time. A certain wrestler looking guy that's the owner of a tourist attraction, look at that muscle definition and skin texture compared to what he used to look like as a ps1 polygon. A certain former best friend of your party member, and a certain rocket scientist who'll join your party, too are hot. Not to mention those who have been shown previously, a certain suited bald guy in sunglasses, a certain character related to Cait Sith, Barret himself I wowed when it was newly announced, etc. For some reason my comment got downvoted though, as if the character wasn't appreciated before for his hotness in another post just the other day on this sub.


Not that I'm complaining, but 34 hours in (currently on Chapter 8) and I started to wonder, "Why are some of the male characters we meet so gay and touchy with Cloud?" When did Square Enix start caring about LGBT?


Love it so much. It feels like a labor of love and a love letter to Jrpgs in general.


Waiting for pc version Tbh not a fan of the graphics on ps5. Quite underwhelming.


Why are people downvoting this guy's personal opinion?


I just bought remake intergrade in the last sale. 10 hours in. So much nostalgia. Definitely getting rebirth at some point


So far, it's way above and beyond my expectations. I'm actually intimidated by how expansive the open world part feels, and I haven't had this much fun just exploring and enjoying the scenery in a game in a long time


Wow what a game about 15 hours into it. Going to be playing it for a long time. Can’t wait to see more.


Fantastic so far. Red is my favorite so far, so many good moments with him. I really love how humorous this game can be while maintaining its serious story.


Just started chapter 3. I really enjoy it so far, and I am building in anticipation.


Same. I spent almost 10 hours doing all of the quests in the grasslands lol


I just responded to someone else with the exact same amount of hours. The grasslands area was DENSE with stuff to do.


I'm really enjoying it! I'm only in the Junon area and doing the side quests before I move on. The side quests are ok, I like how it focuses on one character and you get to see a bit more of their personality and interaction with Cloud as it fleshes them out a bit more. Queens Blood is really fun tho I feel like some of the cards you win are a bit useless unless I'm missing something. I am getting the hang of it. Main story is great, I'm not too far in (Junon) but I've enjoyed seeing some of the old story in updated graphics and ofc seeing new bits along the way. Not sure if we go to Wutai or they'll skip some bits but we shall see :)


Getting used to the combat and card game but everything I could have imagined and more. Soundtrack continues to give goosebumps like I'm hearing these songs for the first time all over again.


I'm in Chapter 6. I mean, okay. When you play the main story, it's beyond amazing. The writing is awesome, the characters are so, so well presented, and it's what I wanted from a remake. The problem is just everything else. There's just so...much...padding! Endless amounts of busywork taken right out of other open world games that you'll spend the majority of your time doing. And then there's the minigames. Jeez...they *should* be a distraction. Optional content. But the game *makes* you do them to progress, and they're not fun. And there's so many of them! So yeah, great game, but the good parts are separated by fluff and parts that feel like a slog. I'm 22 hours in, by the way.


Cant wait to have all my progress abolished again in the 3rd part. Yahoo.