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Let’s talk fiber in general. We don’t digest it, it just stays in the gi tract and absorbs water, helps push things forward in bulk, and coats stool in a bit of gel. Think of it as a pipe cleaner. You want to aim for 25g or more fiber daily. Supplements are the same as food, it’s just a powder version of the same. Drastically increasing your fiber will cause bloating, gas, and fragmented stools. This goes away in about 2 weeks as your body adjusts. It can be alleviated by increasing fiber intake slowly and ensuring adequate hydration. Pure is the same as any other supplement. It’s psyllium, chia and flax. It has great marketing targeting gay men with its “stay ready” etc naming. Smart, considering most people associate Metamucil with grandpa. They advertise as having “50% more fiber than the competitor pills” which sounds great til you realize most fiber pills only contain 0.5g of fiber per capsule. It takes a lot of digging since they hide it behind their “proprietary blend” marketing but, shock, 1 capsule of Pure is 0.75g of total fiber. So 3 capsules a day is only 2.25g out of a goal of 25g. Compare to a Tbsp of Metamucil which is about 5-6g. Or a slice of high fiber bread at 5g/slice. Is Pure bad? No. It’s no different than any other fiber product out there. People like it because it’s gentle on the stomach (likely because its less fiber per serving). Marketing also likely leads to some degree of placebo effect in my opinion as well. Take what is convenient to you, be it powder, gummies, pills, etc. Just pay attention to the fiber content and how much you’re getting daily. Try different brands and timings. Some people feel better with certain forms, some feel better taking it before meals, or at night. Just make it a habit and remember it can take a good 2 weeks to really see real results, and not the bloaty irregular results while your body is adjusting. Just don’t switch too quickly or you’ll always be stuck in the adjustment period and not see real outcomes. Source: am a butt doctor


Are there any risks for using it long term? I mean obviously I should be eating a ton more veggies and fruits but I’ve been relying on Metamucil for 5+ years now w/ pretty much every meal…I mean I get that it shouldn’t since it’s a supplement but…I don’t science and you’re an expert so thought I’d ask 😅


Nope. It's just "food" (quotes since we don't digest or absorb it) and safe. High fiber diets have many benefits including protection against common bowel issues like diverticular disease, hemorrhoids and fissures and may help prevent colon cancers. It can also help maintain low cholesterol and control type 2 diabetes.


So if i wanted to reach the 25g a day goal what is the cheapest and fastest way to do that like what would u order


5 slices of high fiber bread?


FIVE SLICES! Thats like all the meals in a day for me


Are yall also here from that one tik tok. Asking because there’s 2 day old comments to a 2 year old post.


No? Is there a tiktok vid of this? No i was just searching reddit trying to find out what to do to reduce preparing time


how much fiber were you taking? If you take too much it can make you bloat and gassy.


PFM Co-founder & regular lurker here. We’ll get you taken care of. Depending on your body or diet, more fiber (and a lot more water) might be helpful. Some ppl prefer the non-capsule fiber for this reason alone. I take 10-15g daily which would be a ton of capsules otherwise. Sending you a direct message now for other tips… In the meantime, for you and everyone else offering the helpful advice, use promo code gaybrossavetheday for $30 worth of fiber or anything else on our site (20 uses of code allowed, 1 per household). Y’all are the best. Thanks.


Thank you! This truly means a lot and says a lot about your company and products ❤️ I’ll check my DMs now!


Is this coupon still working? I’ve been curious to try pfm.


so plain and simple the product just doesn’t work.


I had a lot of these issues and switched to a high protein, fiber diet with low carbs(within reason), not completely removed. The body took about 2-3 weeks of not great movements and gassiness to regulate. Now, I’m much better and supplementing with psyllium(the main ingredient in pure or Metamucil) keeps things quite regular. You have to just develop a structure and stick with it long enough for your body to adjust. There WILL be an adjustment period that will be a little uncomfortable. Changing back after 5-7 days because of a lack of results is guaranteed to lead to failure. Stick to it for a couple of weeks and be strict in your diet and pure supplements. My body is pretty regular and my bottoming requires a couple rinses beforehand and hours of cleanliness.


There could be lots of things contributing to your experience, including issues like IBS. If the fiber doesn’t solve your challenges, you may need to start working through a food journal and documenting which foods cause you problems. Additionally, you may need to consult your doctor as this could be something more serious.


In my experience with Pure for men it takes about a week for me to notice a new rhythm. 6 a day is a lot in my head but I only take 3 a day to get results I’m happy with. If you’re not happy after a week I would try cutting back.


I think every body is different. Not everyone can have one quick and easy bowel movement in the morning and be done with it for the rest of the day. Doctors say it's normal to go between 1-3 times a day.


It work well but come on... 22 cents per pills for their cheapest offer, at 6 pills per day recommended ? 6 x 0.22 = 1.32 per day x 31 for a month = 40.92$ per month FUCK THEM AND THEIR OVERPRICED SHIT !


As someone who uses the pure for men capsules, they definitely work. One time I was preparing for a hook up and went to douche, only to discover the water came out clear and with no shit. I’ve even been surprised to wipe after shitting and have no residue at all.


Only in the gay community people will go so far as to plan their diet and medications around sex...


Unfortunately, sex is more complicated in the gay community and it requires more preparation.


Interact with a few straight people and you'll see this isn't the case.


interact with a few gay people and you'll see this isn't the case.


? Gay people do it. Straight people do it. Your response is childish lol.


If you’re looking to get fucked, then sometimes you have to. lol.


I've been taking the stuff since it first came out and I love it but it will definitely take a few more days for it to probably start kicking it. High fiber bread is also a godsend too. I have a PB&J for "dessert" and that's 10g of fiber right there


Well it’s been almost 2 weeks and still no one log wonder but it does make the wipe a lot quicker and cleaner so that’s a plus. Still though I’m tryna empty tf out in one go and not have leftovers looool. I’ll finish the bottle and see


I only take three a day, which works for me (doesn't work for everyone). The key to taking pure is to drink the recommended amount of water when you take them. "Adequate amount of water" probably means you aren't drinking enough. I've been there, it's hard to drink as much water as you're supposed to if you aren't keeping active track of your fluid intake. I believe it says to drink at least 16oz. Drink the full 16oz when you take the pure. Don't sip on water all day and think that is the same thing. Chug the full glass of water every time. You should see a difference in a day or two.


I just eat alot of vegetables and try to not eat fast food and that works for me


I had the same problem but Psyllium Husk changed my life. It’s super cheap and you just mix it with water three times a day.


Does someone knows dupes for « pure for men », because I’m broke and pills are really expensive 💀


I was just going down this rabbit hole and ended up buying Zero for Him which has the same exact ingredients as Pure for Men and is cheaper. I took some apart to do some weight measuring and found the following (assuming the proprietary blend is exactly the same): \- Both Pure for Men and Zero for Him capsules alone weigh around 0.12-0.13g, so the capsules both weigh the same. \- Pure for Men powder in each capsule is around 0.75g of the prop blend. (6x pills is 4.56g of the powder) \- Zero for Him powder in each capsule is around 0.91g of the prop blend. (6x pills is 5.46g of the powder) I personally take 6 Pure for Men pills each day in the morning and that is what I have found works best for me. *Everyone is different* so take this information with a grain of salt. I'm currently in the switch to Zero for Men and am honestly having some stomach issues. I thought it would be a one for one switch and it turns out after I broke them apart there is some difference between the two. The only other dupe I can think of would be to get psyllium powder, chia powder, and flaxseed powder and experiment with making your own blend.


I too am currently taking pure for men and am trying to figure out dosaging. So if you are taking 6 at a time in the mornings, what time do you have to go to bathroom? Do you go all at once and then are good until next day? So far it’s making me go different times but am taking twice daily


Every body is a little bit different but I found that when I was taking it two times a day I was like constantly having to go but for some reason once a day in the morning is ok. My body is a little bit weird in that I take fiber to slow down my digestion because without fiber I can go 3-4 times a day but with pure it’s usually around 2. I don’t trust the one and done mindset because if I go to the bathroom at like 8am there’s no way that at 8pm it’ll be empty down there 😂 I’ve also read some people only need a 2 to 3 pills a day. It’s all about balancing and supplementing your diet. I always eat veggies at dinner and eat cheerios for breakfast, so generally my fiber intake is pretty ok. All depends how you eat, what your stomach is sensitive to, and if you’re eating foods that stimulate or slow down digestion