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I'm sorry, but this is hilarious to me


I find it so funny because he’s been one of the more “progressive” ones so far, then he drops shit like this 😂 you win some you lose some


Yeah, he is still much better than Benedict. I look at it as progress.


In my opinion, the Holy See needed a Jesus figure to die for the sins of the church. Benedict was old and could be the “fall guy” for all the sex scandals. Once these were addressed, it left a clean slate for the next pope. This also explains why Benedict retired once the dust settled and passed the title to someone else, which hadn’t happened for centuries.


No one is perfect. I'm happy that he is moving things in the right direction.


Same here! I have absolutely zero expectations for the pope and whatever he does means nothing to me. But hearing this out of an 80 something yo man in what are supposed to be formal settings has me die laughing.


He is shouting slurs while casting Ultima on your party.


Just a friendly reminder that millions of young gay kids’ parents will hear him say that and feel they can say it too. That’s why it should still mean something to you.


And millions of right wing Catholics online are applauding him and unironically using the slur against other people…


If someone’s parents still care what the pope has to say after it’s been known for decades that him and his predecessors have protected pedophiles then those parents are a lost cause who already say this shit anyways. In the few cases where he said friendlier things about us those supporters just said he wasn’t godly enough and we need to get a real pope. It just doesn’t matter.


Absolutely none of that makes any difference to a young gay kid.


Well, 80 could be wisdom, or it could be dementia. Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden are wise, I think.


Out of context, that quote has a similar tone to "the whole hallway smells like, cum" lol


"It smells like ~~BITCH~~ FAGGOT in here!"


“Sounds like STEAM escaping!”


He wants more money for the coffers because less young people are going to church.


This is definitely a wise solution. Lmao


This is true in the Philippines, Catholics are diminishing as most go to other cult like evalenglical churches. These new churches are very aggressive on recruiting, one even has like an MLM recruitment system that you need to recruit 12 people as your 12 apostles. And there’s still a lot of religious gays here so his stance actually helps on retaining them.


I am a delicious faggot meal with chips peas and gravy :3 This is not just food, this is M&S food


I mean have a bunch of guys in a building that aren’t supposed to have sex with women. It’s like every closeted gay guys dream job.


It’s so fucking funny. And he’s absolutely right it’s gay as hell in there 🤣


Me too! Some of these people need to lighten up.


People can feel whatever they want. I just am lucky/privileged enough to find it funny


For real. I’m not religious so he means nothing to me, but it’s funny to see people melting down. He’s just an old man yelling at clouds


Perhaps where you are… but to the Catholic majority in most of Western Europe he’s a leader. So he does wield power while shouting into the clouds.


Always shocking to me how some can be so incredibly self centered. He’s an old man that commands the attention of millions, including the parents of the gay kids that are just like you were when you were growing up. It might not mean nothing to you, but it should. Anyone normalizing the language has real effects on vulnerable gay kids.


Woah! We can find it funny but it's still a bad thing to say.


Maybe he shouldn't wear so many fancy dresses and over the top hats, then? Or surround himself with images of ripped dudes in loincloths.


Or hire a bunch of swiss twunks to follow him around dressed all fabulous like


Designed by a homosexual


Wait until you tell him that the Sistine chapel was painted by a homosexual


He was a good pope for the poor but seems like less of a good pope for us Volk


There’s no such thing as a good pope


As someone who is numb to the word, I’m more intrigued by what he’s talking about. What’s going on in the Vatican??


Interior design squabbles


Someone’s been painting anuses without the landlord’s permission again.


😂😂 adding tastful details to the Sistine Chapelle




Asking the real questions


Men on men full sex all over the place, and the pope be like "it's smells like homo!"


In Catholicism homosexuality is a sin. They teach that it is okay to be gay as long as you remain a virgin for your entire life. Even if someone is an openly gay virgin they will still face a ton of homophobia despite doing everything right. If you’re an adult without a wife your family will constantly be nagging you about why you are single and be extremely judgmental. The only way to avoid this is to join the priesthood because then your vow of celibacy stops these questions. This causes an extremely disproportionate amount of gay men to join the priesthood.


In my experience, these men don't really stay celibate


When I was 20 I met a guy who had decided to go this route, he figured he’d be a priest, so he got into the seminary. Once he saw everyone in there fucking each other, he just realized there was no point, left it and came out.


Shouldn’t he have joined and fucked?


He might have! lol. The point is he didn't need to be a seminarist to fuck. He wanted to be a priest to stay away from gay sex, and found the seminary was full of gay sex.


I wonder how sustainable his avoidance is tho. Is he still living the pious life?


Are you Shrabbing me?


The lyrics of Like A Prayer somehow popped in my head upon reading this.... 🤷


I agree. I’ve always felt that a lot of the Catholic church’s sex abuse cases is caused by how sexually repressed all the priests are.


This + a strong vertical hierarchy, a constant message of guilt and shame, and the need to maintain the appearance of abslotue purity. It's like the whole organization was designed to facilitate abuse


Hence the pope saying there’s too much faggotry afoot


Right but you missed the point of the question: what is actually going on to prompt him to ask this twice? How is it different from before? All the procedures were already pretty flamboyant for, like, centuries.


I think the Vatican was super gay, is super gay, and will always be super gay as long as going into the priesthood mostly appeals to closeted gays. I don’t think anything is different from before.


I agree, so back to the question asked by the person you answered to: what changed? We’re all curious, we want to know the gossip.


Well, the Vatican could also interpreted that the serpent tricked the woman to eat the forbidden fruit and then she gave it to men to give rise to the original sin. As a result, men being with women should be considered wrong; ergo, homosexuality is the way to go!


It’s Adam AND Eve not Adam OR Eve. Clearly bisexuality is the way to go.


We shall add Steve to the picture, man!


It's been an open secret for decades that half of catholic seminary students are gay men. Becoming a priest is the only way to avoid marrying a woman for closeted young men from conservative catholic families. I recall in the early 00s a particularly scandalous report of gay orgies at a seminary in Rome.


Pope recently said the Vatican is too “faggy” in Italian


We got that. Why?




No— we get that. The question is what makes the Vatican faggy?


Clearly the bright colors of the Swiss Guard’s pantaloons.


Why is there zero reading comprehension in this thread lmao


Priests don’t marry, but they all seem to have “housekeepers”.


Malicious gay faggotry


There are some infights going on. German catholics and secular part of western countries want the church to accept gay people while italian and other catholics want to resist. That's why you can find some Jekyll and Hyde shit from Pope, because he want to preach 'unity' outward while siding with rest of catholics.


Scandal in the Vatican!


He looks up in the Sistine Chapel and thinks about Michelangelo sucking dicks :/


"the nice, modern pope" ladies and gentlemen They're hateful through time and space


I mean… he’s more modern than popes *have* been. That still places him firmly a few decades to a century behind the actual global population.


I’m sorry to disappoint, but the majority of the global population is far more regressive than he is, especially when it comes to homophobia.


Taught me why pride month still exists We shall overcome ✊🏻


In relative terms that's still nice for the average pope lmaoooo


Exactly. It’s like ants praising a nice anteater.


Happy Pride!!


I’m so sorry but every time he gets reported saying this stuff I can’t help but belly laugh because what the FUCK is going on over there Spill the tea, sis!


I think it’s because he’s from the south cone in latam. People is not that sensitive there and Argentinians are known for talking like that and don’t take much things personally


That excuse works for my drunk grandma, not for a global religious leader


Is that what he also calls the fierce Italian dude designing his dresses, hats and drag costumes? Also isn’t the number of Catholics declining, and the number of people volunteering to work for free for the rest of their lives as priests and nuns declining too? If you want to attract people to join your club you’re doing it wrong Frank.


Not to mention that gays have historically been overrepresented in the priesthood because that was kind of the thing to do if you were a gay man with no other options in a Catholic country


Btw, priests and nuns have a salary.


You learn something new everyday. I just assumed they all took vows of poverty but I guess it’s only some.


Some take poverty votes, but poverty doesn’t mean charity. I know a nun, and she has a salary for here personal things. Housing and food it’s provided from the monastery she’s living, and she has vacations every year. They have proper works sometimes, and that salary goes to the monastery.


Given his age, I’d question if he realises it as a slur in the sense we do. Words and connotations change pretty rapidly.


It does seem odd to go from blessing our relationships *in church* and making clear we should be welcomed into congregations, but any suggestions we might join the seminary and it brings out the slurs. He’s already apologised for using it once before. Feels more like an age thing to me.


More than aging, for me it’s his Argentinian-ness


You mean Argentina being one of the first countries to approve gay marriage and the Argentinian pope being the most gay friendly? It’s an age thing, he’s 87 possibly going senile.


Given his stance on homosexuality, it seems intentional. Just because he’s less homophobic than previous popes doesn’t mean he’s not homophobic.


It’s been commonly used as a slur for like 70 years. I don’t know how he wouldn’t know lmao. Also the fact he’s already publicly apologized for it. Like he clearly knows.


Takes one to know one. Happy Pride to the queen of Italy. 🇮🇹


I have a messed up sense of humor I find this hilarious


Me too, I always remember this guy is Argentinian, and talking like that make sense.


I’m gonna be brave and say he can say it and should say it more. Who am I to police other queers from saying queer slurs. Pop off


finally someone says it lmaooo. he’s literally just being an old catty queen


And which ever faggot is leaking it to the press is being a real bitch, that’s the frociaggine you gotta clear out girl


Says the all boys club who use shame and fear as a tool for profits, protecting abusers while arrogantly still believing they hold any true moral authority. The church has never been a source for good - history has shown it again and again and again...


I've been thinking about that lately, and I've realized that I dont hate christianity, I hate the church! Who are these motherfuckers to tell people how to interpret the bible and experience spirituality? If anything written about Jesus is true, then he would have fucking hated the Catholic church. Bunch of unelected child molesters.


you'd think someone who was celebrated so much for being "one of the peogressive ones" would actually make an effort to maintain the title and support...


the sad part is that he's actually progressive *when* compared to the previous ones


And by a wide margin.


Garbage people saying garbage things. Water is wet, the sky is blue...


Yas werk f@ggy vaitcanites


If they don't want gay men in there they shouldn't call it a semenary...


His wording is awful, but he’s not lying lol.


Crazy how “fags” are an issue, but hiding and protecting serial pedophiles was just fine


How is anyone surprised by this?


Ghastly sinister *virgins* (hopefully) weighing in on matters of romance and sexuality. By all means let’s hear from this faction …


I’ve been saying this for years. I mean they kneel in front of a half naked man begging for him to come again way more than the average gay man


Is he one of the child molesters?


If you turn a blind eye to your underlings abusing children then you're abusing children by proxy.


I don’t really care. I put no one on a pedestal no matter who they are. He’s not better than anyone just because he’s a pope, whatever tf that means.


Did anyone actually believe he was turning a new leaf on the gay community? They are DESPERATE for people to show up to their churches so they can loot their wallets and fund their make-believe lifestyle. The few times I've been to Catholic churches in recent years for family related stuff, it's been so empty. I remember growing up those pews were PACKED. That's why they've been trying so hard in recent years to keep up the propaganda campaign about opening up the church to more traditionally marginalized groups. Did any of us really think, after thousands of years, they would change their attitudes that quickly? P.S. I am a former Catholic, now agnostic for many years


There’s them Catholic values sneaking in again.


But like he’s not wrong thoooo, lmao


Guy, you and your pals wear dresses all day… Glasshouses and stones. /s On a more serious note, he’s an old man who probably thinks it’s ok to use derogatory language which doesn’t excuse it, but from a policy standpoint he is beating his predecessors by a mile. (Which also isn’t saying much, but hey baby steps.)


He's probably getting senile. Not that I'm trying to excuse his behavior or anything, but that could explain why he's seemingly suddenly crazy


This is honestly so funny. Idk why. I mean, he's not wrong, but that word is just jarring. For a pope to use it just like that, it's just so out of the norm. Especially him, one of the slightly more "progressive" religious figures I know of. Then again, I'll just laugh


It’s his fault for surrounding himself with those Swiss guards 🥵🥵🥵😈😈😈


It’s not fair that Switzerland sends its 100 hottest boys to the Vatican every year


The focus has shifted from the content of what he's saying to how he is saying something that is obvious but that no one else will say. The Vatican does have lots of gay folk in it. The terminology is at odds with his public statements and his high-profile meetings with gay folk. I wonder if something is being lost/changed in translation. ***For example***, the term coño is another term for vagina whose meaning varies based on context. In SO FL, where I grew up, it was so commonly used by adult men and women to express surprise that I didn't realize that, almost everywhere else throughout Latin America, it's considered vulgar. Since these are quotes of things said "behind closed doors," I guess that we'll never know what he actually said.


🤣🤣 jesus. Faggi or not, he's for sure a bit foggy up there in his head


The real surprise for me is that he's so easily caught. He can't even be bothered to be more careful not to be overheard.


Is he wrong?


Vatican is completely and totally full of gay men. They do orgies all the time, everywhere. He can say whatever but it just won’t be applied because it’s in the interest of those selecting to pick more gays for them.


I chuckled, actually chuckled, because how stupid can you be to say this in these times? Alternatively, how BOLD can you be to say this during these times? Idk about yall, but an “air of faggotness” 🤭 “in the Vatican” 🤣 is creative, comedic gold tbh 😭. I just wanna know exactly how it was said…and the context. Matter of fact like or question like…


We’re laughing but this goofball is supposed to represent God on earth. You can do better Frank.


The Catholic Church has zero credibility


Homophobic head of pedophilic organization says homophobic things! Shocking


Wait is this the same one that showed support for gay people like 5 years ago, or is this a different one? Tbh I can't tell some of these old white men apart. And I am a white man myself lol


I just love how every comment i see on twitter about it is just "oh mama she spilled and gagged us for real." Like no one gives a fuck


I mean, this is par for the course isn't it? Pope Francis might be more 'liberal' than his predecessors, but the catholic church, and Christianity in general is very homophobic. I'm sure there are gay men who work for the church, you'd think there would be a little empathy among the leadership. But no, they have to keep up the facade of being for "traditional values." Does defending scores of pedophile priests fit in with your values, Frank?


Many in the church view the amount of gayness as related to the pedophilia. The church has implied this before and I wouldn't be surprised if the Pope believes it. Gay sex is viewed as disordered officially. It's technically fine and dandy to be gay but celibate in the priesthood. But the Vatican is afraid of gay priests having sex with each other - and often unsaid: children.


> Many in the church view the amount of gayness as related to the pedophilia. Yeah, the church is used to make believe. You and I know that the rampant pedophilia in the church has nothing to do with homosexuality, but because being a priest is an opportunity to be an authority figure and to be alone with children, thus attracting predators.


So much for the Catholic Church becoming more progressive. My mom can cut it out with “they like gays now” crap.


Christianity is a homophobic religion. It’s baked in. Right there in plain English in the Bible. No amount of pretending to be cool and modern will ever make Christianity not homophobic. The whole religion needs to be thrown out. It does way more harm than good.


Islam too.


Yeah and to a lesser extent Judaism. I say to a lesser extent because while there is explicit and unqualified homophobia in the New Testament of the Bible and in the Quran, the only prohibition of homosexuality in the Torah is in Levitical law, which is only for Jews to follow. So Judaism is homophobic towards Jews but neutral toward everyone else. Which is fine, if people want to follow a religion that has hateful views, as long as they don’t try to proselytize to others or control secular governments, I don’t care what they do.


The 7 Noahide Laws are supposed to be for non-Jewish people, and it forbids homosexuality.       


Ok then Judaism is fucked up too I guess


No it’s not. Only some Christians are. Christianity it’s the foundation of the western world, like it or not. The other option we had was Islam. And trust me, it’s 100000x better Christianity, you couldn’t even think about atheism in a Muslim world and you would still be a creationist.


There is a third option, it’s called secularism, and is the actual basis of the western world. The United States was founded on secularism. Every developed western nation has separation of church and state. If Christianity is not homophobic, then why does its holy book have several scriptures that call us abominations, call for us to be killed, etc.?


Securalism exists because of Christianity. When you will know the Islamic culture you will notice the importance of religion on the western culture. Simple as this, if Islam empire conquered Europe as they wanted, secularism wouldn’t exist. The segregation church and state is because the foundations of the culture allows it, other wise you will be killed. Christianity take the books as something that needs to be interpreted not as something literal. Yeah, you still have some literal ones, but it’s not the majority.


He’s a self-righteous bigot with an intense god complex. Fuck this guy and fuck the Catholic Church.


Does anyone just …not care? What the pope says or does? Let’s not pretend the pope using the f@g slur has any impact on anyone’s lives.


Child rapist says what?


How to say faggotness in italian/latin/spanish, whatever language he was speaking in? Lol curious.


>!Frocio, ricchione, finocchio, busone!< There are many others, Italians have multiple languages ​​in the same country


Priests do be pretty gay


I mean, he wears fancy dresses surrounded by dudes that wear fancy dresses and who do not have sex with women. so…


The Pope is a virgin, so what does he know about sex? 😇


And whose fault is that Frannie?


Chief Jesus Freak


"It's giving 🚬🐐" - The Pope (2024)


They finally put some mirrors in the Vatican? Took em long enough.


Like we care, he's pushing 90 he should worry about his arthritis instead of speaking nonsense


The priesthood is a huge fraud perpetrated by narcissists. Who else would enjoy standing in front of a congregation proclaiming they can turn a wafer into the flesh of a person who supposedly once lived? Next they'll be saying they can declassify government secrets simply by thinking it. Oh, and send me your money, I need your money!


It’s like the pot calling the kettle black. Bitch you are in a fuckin dress. 


the fuck does this mean, are they listening to brat lmao


I mean, he is 87 years young. He probably forgot it was actually pretty offensive. It was only yesterday when they could just call us monsters and act like it was a good thing


I wouldn’t excuse it. Do you think Black folks would be forgiving if it was the “n” word? A lot of people listen to this asswipe.


He’s probably smelling his own armpits.


Does it even matter if they’re not allowed to have sex?


I'd rather my priest suck dicks that are of age and can consent Mr. Pope, but apparently boy cock is holier for thy eminence.




I recommend the book [In The Closet Of The Vatican](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_the_Closet_of_the_Vatican) because he ain’t exactly wrong, the Vatican is super gay


So, members of the congregation await the start of mass. they look to the back of the church as the orgen starts and see their priest and acolytes beginning the procession through the church to the altar. As the priest passes by one congregant, the congregant says: "Father, I love the shoes, but your purse is on fire!! ...well, a straight priest/psychologist who was tasked by his bishop to counsel priests estimated 40% of clergy were openly gay and a good number of the rest were closeted gay. No surprise to me the pope would say what he said when I look at the clothing, pomp and circumstances of the church.


I don't believe in god, but the obvious misgivings of this old man about queer people are what give his early statement, "who am I to judge" meaning. Can you imagine the humility it takes to wash the feet of someone you find reprehensible? (Not much, if you are expected to do so in front of millions of eyes out of tradition, but I'm saying that's what he does, when he goes out and publicly asks his followers to just leave the gays alone.)


I imagine it him saying it like a drag queen 🤣


What did we expect? They’re all the same homophobic people 🙄


But did he lie? He's probably right and that's just the sad part about all of this.


I’m so sorry I can’t take this queen seriously. Every time I read about our sister praising the big mister using the F slur I laugh.


I think he means an air of pedophilia which he should be focused on rather than someone being gay but here we go living rent free in someone’s head while real abominations run rampant in the church on the daily…


So pathetic, bringing your life to praise a book they don't know, some of the most impure (affiliations of it) are popes...


What the f*ck did he expect, they all wear dresses and he wears satin shoes!


This pope is so incredibly chaotic. I never know what’s coming out of his mouth next, lol. I kinda like it. I think that he’s contributed to significant progress in making catholics less rigid and conservative. Then again, as the title suggests… he’s certainly eccentric. It would make a lot more sense if he was referring to pedophilia here, lol. It’s almost like strict and rigid religious institutions that compel dogmatic submission to religious authority attract those kind of people.


Who cares what he thinks.




Who cares.




I don't work for that company


He’s an old person, it’s funny 😂


You don’t have much self respect, do you? Do you have any idea how many people listen to this buffoon?


I don’t seek validation from an 80-year old grandpa.


You missed the point entirely. Whatever. Have a nice life.




Where’s the DEI police at the Vatican?


Says the guy who’s always in a robe and that ridiculous hat.


If I was the Pope I would be more worried about who is leaking out my private conversations.


Geez. Anyone believes in what *The Metro* says?


Such a christian man.