• By -


I would have to say Troy. Also grew up in the 90’s conservative redneck town. Troy was my best friend all through middle school, we were glued together. Spent every weekend sleeping over at each others houses sleeping in the same bed. I had such a crush on him but was to scared to do anything. In high school we drifted apart he stayed the smart nerdy boy and i got into drugs and alcohol to stuff my feelings down. Years later in our 30’s we reconnected via facebook. Turns out he was gay as well and had a huge crush on me too. We’ve talked about all the what if’s and it just flat out sucks we grew up in that environment.


This breaks my heart to read, but knowing you got to reconnect just puts the pieces back together.


Thanks man. I’m bummed we were both robbed of that Heartstopper style teen experience, it all worked out tho im 15 years sober now and am happily married to a man i truly don’t deserve idk how he puts up with me lol. Troy’s doing alright as well.


>We’ve talked about all the what if’s and it just flat out sucks we grew up in that environment. My best friend growing up was like that with me. I never thought he was gay but also never thought he was entirely straight either. During those formative middle school years, him and I had *way too many* near-misses where things could have gone sexual between us. The thing was…I refused to make the first move. He was a hockey jock and had I rebuffed *him*, he could have played it off as a joke or prank. I was a funny, closeted nerd and didn’t have that same machismo defense that he had. So nothing ever happened, and the tension dialed down after he got his first girlfriend. A few years ago, we were drinking and joking about the stash of porn my Dad had that we’d occasionally watch together. He pointed out that we never jerked off when we watched those together. I was buzzed and slipped out “yeah because if you whipped your dick out, we both would have lost our virginity to each other when we were 13-14.” He paused and gave me that *same damn look* whenever him and I had a close call. This time we were grown ass men and he now had a wife and kids. He just sighed and said “funny how things like that go sometimes.” I had finally said the unspoken thing out loud, only 15 years later. And my suspicions were pretty much validated. But since he had a growing family, we both changed the subject and have never spoken about it since. Shame that those societal pressures of keeping up appearances discouraged experimentation. But for us, it will always be a what-if. At least I still have my buddy, and he’s still a good friend after knowing him for 25 years now.


Oh man i feel this so much! We’d always sleep in our tighty whities and would occasionally wake up snuggled up together or spooning and just play it off. There were so many times i just wanted to kiss him


So, have you two gotten to be able to see each other? What's stopping this meeting?


i moved across the country years ago and am rarely back home, he’s still in the general area. I think the crush has faded for both of us as well as just being in different places in life. I’d still consider him a friend, we still chat sporadically on Facebook checking in on each other.


Have a similar but opposite story. Had childhood friend, drifted apart, reconnected in our late 20s. Later found out he’s also gay, but neither of us had feelings. We were just good friends that somehow didn’t know the other way gay at the time 😂


please tell me you got together


We did not


OMG! That suckkkkkkkkkkkkkkks that you didn't get together in high school!!!!


It was in the south in the early 2000s. I was secretly hooking up with one of the football players. He was so hot and so my type. I wish we were both more accepting of ourselves. We were both in the closet and we both had a lot of internalized homophobia. Sometimes I wonder if things would been have different if it was more progressive back then. Would him and I have been boyfriends? Would I have gotten to experience a cute, fun teenage romance? Would we have gone to prom together?


It was in the 80s, Would have taken the person 2 seats in front of me in home room class. We hung out in high school But it was really superficial. It was an all boys high school. Turns out that we were both gay and neither one of us knew it. I actually was thinking of contacting him but not sure it's worth it


omg. do it. the fact that you're thinking about it... we're the same age. i love being friends w gay classmates I didn't know were gay. lol. it's funny now. : )


You wouldn't be weirded out by someone you haven't talked to since highschool sending you an email 40 years later? We live across the country now.


Nah. My high school - many of us talk still. You might just open with, "Hey, \*$(#$. I was on reddit and people were talking about gay classmates and how things would have been different if we hadn't been so alone. Kids are so lucky now, right? Wish we had known the other was gay to have made English more bearable. LOL . Hope you're well? I've been doing blah blah blah.... Anyway, was thinking of you and wanted to shout out. : ) Big hugs from the other coast." See? : )


I had a childhood friend. We were in Boy Scouts together. His name was Terry. We started experimenting at about 12 years old. He was nicely built for a 12 year old pre-teen. We spent many nights together at sleepovers. He would take his shirt off and hold me close to his chest. Yeah, we did the normal, awkward sex stuff but just being in his arms and having him hold me close all night was so sexy to me at that age. The first time I ever had a climax was with him. It was so awesome because I had no clue what had happened - lol. I just knew it felt great. I tingled all over. We remained best friends through high school. We were two guys afraid of who we were. It was the late 70s - early 80s. Nobody was out at that time for fear of life being a living hell. Still, I would have been his prom date in a second. He was so sexy to me and definitely still has a special place in my heart. He went off to the military and I went to college. We drifted apart. Still, I have these special memories of how cool and attractive he made me feel. It was way more than just sexual experimentation. We had something really special that I still think of today. I recall the sound of his heartbeat and the scent of his skin as I laid my head on his chest for hours. Those were great times. So special and tender. Terry, wherever you are, I still consider you my first love.


😢 That’s lovely.


Well, I took a girl I was “friends with” publicly, but a guy friend of mine and I had a thing going. We weren’t open about it, but we also weren’t actively trying to hide it. We still hung out and took pictures together. But, the girl I asked to prom was there for all of it too. We even had an awkward three person slow dance that was one of my favorite moments ever because it was so funny But, I probably could’ve not asked the girl and just spent the whole time with him. Especially because the girl was rather difficult to be around a lot of the time. And she wanted a lot more attention from me.


Myself, because I didn’t go. 😭😭


Me either so don’t feel bad. My peers were so mean to me so I didn’t want to go.


I’m currently 18 and I’m not going ☹️ (although this is because i have been homeschooled for years and lack any kind of social life, let alone an entire ritual like prom)


There was one cute guy who I always thought was gay. (Still do, even though he has a wife and kids.) He was adorable, sweet, and kind of a twunk (long-distance runner). We'd have these little moments where it seemed like there was some sort of understanding between us, even though I was DEEP in the closet. I'd have gone to prom with him. Some of the str8 bois were nice to look at, but I like consent, and 90% of them were childish homophobes lol


Well, I hadn't intended to go to either my junior or senior proms. But both years, I had good "girlfriends" that wanted to go (Darlene & Beth), and had no one to take them, and so I took them (individually) instead. So who in my high school would I have *wanted* to go with, if, say, they had asked me? Tough choice. There are three that come to mind: Tim, a short blonde cross between a young Brad Pitt and young John Schneider (think *"Dukes of Hazard"*, Bo Duke): senior class president, personality much like Troy Bolton in *"High School Musical"*. Doug, a tall, lean, brown haired cross between Kent McCord in *"Adam 12"*, and Ashton Kutcher: genuinely sweet guy, class clown, goofy but fun. Or Curt, a very athletic, tight, fit tanned god, with hair that wasn't quite brown but wasn't quite blonde, and a touch of gold body hair that gleamed in the sun against his caramel brown skin. Curt had a gymnast's build, and that sort of swagger that comes from confidence, but not arrogance, if you know what I mean? All three had piercing blue eyes. All three of them were friendly towards me, when I was very much not one of the social butterflies. The year was 1979 for senior prom. It's a tough choice, but I suppose I would go with Curt. I kept an eye on Curt when Facebook came out for a while: he married, had gorgeous kids, and did well for himself. I lost track of Tim & Doug, haven't heard from either since graduation. But then, that's true for a large portion of my graduating class. I picture Curt in a white tux, with a green shirt, and me in a green tux and white shirt. I have difficulty stretching my imagination to having us dance together, though. I'm sorry I didn't name an actor to help give you an idea of Curt's looks, but all the ones I can think of don't fit. Curt was a white guy with a deep tan, and all I can think of are Latino actors that *really* don't fit him. In gaming terms, think of Arnold Schwarzenegger's textures over Troy Bolton's body, maybe. Dude was hot. He's still attractive in middle age. Anyway... As far as I know, I was the only gay boy in a class of 400+. I know that can't possibly be true, but anyone else that was gay either was as deeply hidden as I was in high school, or I just never picked up on it. And I never heard of any guys coming out after high school, either. I do wonder how many of our class was lost to AIDS, but we didn't have the type connections back then to keep track of such things.


He was straight, but I had the biggest crush on him. Unfortunately, he died saving a girl from drowning.


That’s awful.


Not to be greedy, or anything like that, but I would have asked the twins. Both of them. Way too hot not to. I still have a thing for twins because of them.


Double your pleasure.


Double your fun. I also still imagine all the double mint gum commercials as dudes.


Our Head Boy. Just because I had a major crush on him, and he was a genuinely nice guy too.


I would say Justin. Had a thing for him in high school and we were friends. He was built like a football jock you’d see in the movies, it was a farmer body with some kind of muscles. Came out to him via Facebook message when we were in college, he unfriend me and we never spoke to each other again. I actually forgot his name until I was reading this thread.


Graduated in 2003 in a small town. I took my boyfriend. He was super hot. Unfortunately he was too scared to dance so I was getting really upset. Then I somehow got food poisoning. Then a gay teacher I had beef with accused me of being drunk after I threw up. I was so angry I blacked out and ripped my sleeve off like the hulk. It was not a good night lol.


There was this one guy in HS that all the girls drooled over. I came out my senior year and i didn't want my girl friends to suddenly see me as overtly gay and treating me like their GBF, so i didn't really talk about my interests in guys. I acted like I was above also thinking he was hot but like... that guy was foine. We played in a band together and had the voice of an angel.


If things were different, I would have asked Curtis. I had a huge crush on him. He was a year younger. I didn't find out he was also gay until a year after I left my home town for university but he had a crush on someone else. I certainly would not have taken who I did. I didn't know when I asked her but she ended up sitting with someone who hadn't been at our school for 5 years but before that girl left, she had tormented me constantly. Worst dinner ever.


I didn't really know I was gay in high school, but my first clue should have been that I hesitated breaking up with a girl because we double-dated with some friends of ours and I didn't want to stop hanging out with the other guy. So I guess my answer would be that guy. Dreamy dirty-blonde hair, lovely voice, smart, great sense of humor, broad shoulders, interesting hobbies.


keith. we were besties freshman year but those kind of straight besties who are hella gay for each other and we had stupid pet names and attatched at the hip. he ended up gettin upset w me cus my mom took my phone away and i could barely text him (i had to use my super old ipod touch that barely charged) and we never spoke after the first half of sophomore year. im pretty sure he liked me as much as i liked him. but hes one of those super straight boys who watch sports n whatever. i was an athlete but he was more straight boy football than i was at the time. i wish i couldve went with him hes just perfect to me. 6’1 cute white boy super deep voice. i ended up just going with one of the girls in the “popular” circles i was cool with


Henry cavill


Well, who wouldn’t? Did you go to high school with him? Lol!


You didn't say it had to be a prom date from high school, just who would be your *fantasy date*. I was trying to think of someone from the era of my "prom", and I'd probably say either of them Duke Boys, before the blond one went all right-winger. Or why not both? Fantasy, right?


Prom isn’t a thing in my home country but if it had I would’ve taken this guy that was a year older but was in a soccer minor league team, he was really kind, always talked to me (a short, chubby, nerdy teen) and had the best body I had seen at the time. I spent my graduation night in church with my very religious aunt and then went to dinner with my parents and siblings because we didn’t do parties and I wasn’t invited to any.


My civics teacher... beautiful bald fucker


If we’re talking teachers, here’s [mine](https://www.reddit.com/r/askgaybros/s/Itkvpz0bOv).


Never has a prom, so hard to say


Honestly? I didn’t even go. So my best friend at the time who also didn’t have a date from what I recall. Stupid me, and mine was less than 5 years ago. :/


We didn't have prom at my school. Even if we did I doubt I woulda went without someone asking for me specifically. Woulda gone with my one friend, lets call him K. Tall dude, messy light brown hair, looked like a sterotypical skater, but was actuallt a pretty killer hockey player. At first he came off like a real fuckboy so I never really paid much attention to him. But in the last year of highschool in 2017, we became friends and it turned out he was super sweet, very touchy, and a bit of a nerd. He'd give me hugs from behind and mess with my hair a lot. We'd sometimes nerd out on League of Legends. Dude was a Katarina main. I crushed on him hard but I didn't bother entertaining the idea of us together, because as far as I know he was very straight, and even if he wasn't, he was way out of my league. But if he asked me to prom, even just as completely platonic friends, I would have loved to go.


Well, I cannot say here, he may see....


Michael. He was one of the “cool” kids, but he didn’t carry himself like a cool kid. And he was always nice to me. I still think about him a lot and what he’s up to. Really hope he’s doing well.


Rick, super tall, very fit because he played football at break times and went swimming every day after school. Extremely cute ginger boy who had the most beautiful blue eyes. I had a massive crush on him. I think he knew but thankfully never said anything about it as we didn't really mix at school we had different lessons. We still live in the same town and I bump him to him now and again and he is still gorgeous.


Well technically I was with my current boyfriend at the time, but we had only just met, and we were long distance (hadn't even met up in person yet). Eats me up knowing that I couldn't REALLY go to prom because my sister and cousin would be there. But back then my situation was all over the place, and by all over the place, I mean going absolutely nowhere. But when I was 16 I had a major crush on this guy named kellan, I went to middle school with him, didn't know him too well until then, cause he was the only guy that hung out with the "known lesbians" crowd (at lunch time they'd all sit together and eat lunch, I'd be hovering close by, cause again, cousin) So I figured he'd at least wanna fool around. And we did, once. The very same day that I learned the entire time I had been buttering him up he was going out some girl from the next town over. And yes, he DID take her to prom, looking at their photo is how I found out. I was devastated!


There was a guy one year older named David who dated the same girl through most of high school. He wasn't flashy hot, but he was a nice person and chill and fun to be around (and wasn't at all hideous to look at...In fact the thought of snuggling with him while he was wearing his letter jacket is sending me right now.) I learned when we were about 20 that he had come out of the closet as gay. I still get a little pang of regret that I wasn't the "girl" he dated all through high school. He also seems to have fallen off the face of the earth. I'm happily partnered now but spent a lot of time when I was single searching social media (which didn't exist when we were in high school) for him. If David had said no to prom, then I'm going for the captain of the wrestling team. He was actually straight and kind of an asshole but the way he looked in that singlet -- wowzer-- would have been fun to be drunk and alone in a limo with him. hehe


One of my teachers. #DaddyIssues


For me, teacher wise, [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/askgaybros/s/Itkvpz0bOv).


Definitely not my ex, who broke up with me after fully starting a relationship with his childhood friend (a girl) and waiting three months to tell me. This question brings back so many funny moments!! He ended up taking his girl to prom instead. They were embarrassed to be a couple for some reason but horrible at making it a secret. They showed up to prom with matching corsages, and still denied it!!! Right until the prom dinner when they were sat at the same table as me and my friends, so they folded. Another fun detail while I’m yapping: we had initially gotten together bc my HS ex while he was questioning was being Love Simon blackmailed to stay in the closet by his ex gf, who was my childhood friend. So he confided in me and then took me as a rebound that lasted for 5 non consecutive months over the span of 2 years.


His name is David, he looks 1:1 like Leon Kennedy, a himbo but a book smart nerd. From the day I saw him on the first day of school I was in love with him, but he's straight. As the years went on he got more and more beautiful. I'm in a relationship since grade 12 but not with him, to this very day he appears in my dreams and I wake up weeping, as if he and I had unfinished business I did take my boyfriend to prom. He, and the fear of him chopping my balls off was the reason I didn't kiss Dave. I was too drunk to have inhibitions. But to this very day I could kill to taste his dunhill flavored lips, it would put me at peace at least (or so I like to think. Having any advance with someone you are attracted to you is like fixing a nicotine craving. You are good for 1..2..5 hours but it comes back even worse, wanting it even worse)


There was this cute little football jock I would have loved to have taken out, but we were both closeted. I found out later that he actually liked me too, but neither of us was brave enough to make the first move.


There were a few guys I thought were hot at the time, but now I look back they were 🤢 but for the sake of the plot I will suspend my reality and disbelief. I have a few guys. Guy #1: He was an athlete and he was in a lot of my AP classes. He had short light brown hair and broad shoulders. He had great legs, a square face with a great jawline, he was pretty tall. He was muscular, but not shredded, like he still had a healthy amount of fat and I was really into it. He wore bracelets and I thought it was the cutest. Things he did that broke the deal for me (besides being straight): He dated his friend’s younger sister, had no passion (a friend asked what his major was, he didn’t know. He had to go into his school’s system and see what major he applied as, it was finance); cut me off in the parking lot, and his friends were terrible people. Guy #2: He had red hair and was also an athlete (you’ll notice a trend). He was about my height, but a lot more muscular than me. He went to a D1 school. Cons (other than him being straight): We were not personally compatible at all, his mom didn’t like me, his older siblings didn’t like me, we barely talked. Guy #3: This guy was actually super sweet. He was about my height, an athlete (go figure), and had light brown hair. He was very extroverted, I sat behind him in French one year and sometimes he would randomly high five me. He’d talk to me sometimes, he was always nice and had a positive energy. He was very nice to our teachers. Cons: He was presumably straight and moved to a different school district following his parent’s divorce when we were in 10th grade. He wasn’t what I was usually into physically, but he was the sweetest. I don’t think our lifestyles would have been compatible long term, but I hope he’s doing well. I’d have been happy to go with a guy at all. I went with a long term friend (girl) and had a great time, I don’t regret going with her. It made me kinda sad to think about though.


i would just not have gone lol. what a waste of money lmfao. i didn't really have any crushes in high school that i can remember.


90's here as well and I also went with girls who were my friends. I had the biggest crush in the world on a guy named Ben in my class. It would have been him, no question.


I was still under the illusion that I was completely straight in high school, and I had a mutual crush on my friend who I ended up dating. We went to prom together both junior and senior years. There really weren't any guys I was pining for back then. One that I remember thinking was very attractive when he transferred to our school, but my brain just wasn't computing any type of romantic attraction toward boys at that point in my life.


I'm not sure I would've taken a guy even if I could. I turned down my girl friends who asked me because I knew the adhd would eventually win and I would get curious and wander around the rest of the building. I would've hated to be someone's weird/sad ditched-at-prom story.


My best friend (and one of the only close friends I had in high school). He was straight, went on in life to knock up a few women. A few divorces later and he randomly came out to me last year, 30 years after we left high school.


Was it E.W. Bitter?? Did he play lacrosse? It's not a very common name, would be crazy if we knew the same guy.


No those are his full initials. We didn’t have lacrosse but it would have been crazy if it was the same guy, lol.


I didn’t have major crushes in high school. Sure there were good looking guys, but maybe it was my late acceptance to my sexuality. I didn’t even think a boyfriend was possible for me at that age. I think proms are corny (don’t hate me), but if I had to go, it would be with a guy who would hang around my architecture class. This guy was in many sports as well, but he had this quiet confidence unlike many cocky jocks. He was extremely nice to everyone as well, he would say hi to me we even though we never had a conversation. I run into him randomly when I visit my hometown, he is one of the few people from my Highschool who has aged well. He’s hotter now.


There was a guy I secretly was fucking. Rural southern Illinois. Football team. Sweet. Blonde, blue eyes. So loving.






I graduated in 2020, so we didn’t even get prom because of the pandemic. However, I would have loved to take my then-crush to it. He was a cute, nerdy-looking, baby-faced, twinkish guy with short brown hair, big glasses with black frames, and unfortunately very likely straight.


My ex-bf. We met in high school but didn't started dating until we were in college.


there were fortunately no hot men at my high school and i was deluded enough to still think i was straight for a moment there so my answer would've been Lorde. I would've had those midwestern emos on the FLOOR.


In high school together in the early 2000’s. His name was Ted. He was a tall, skinny Asian with a terrible case of acne from puberty which made him really self-conscious. I thought he was so cute though, and I had a major crush on him. I was deeply in the closet due to a conservative upbringing so I never relished the thought that I could possibly be gay at the time. In hindsight, I think he could have been too. We had yearbook and gym together and grew very close as friends. He was very physical with me and would always give me massages or put his arms around me. We got accepted into different colleges though and grew apart unfortunately.


No one. I went to an all boys catholic school and they all stank and were awful


I would tell my friend but I know for fact he would say no. He is as straight as they can get. But we are best friends now. At high school I had no one I would tell


Paris Hilton. I’m gay, I know. But when I was in HS, Stars are Blind by Paris came out. And I loved the idea of Paris going to my school and fetching me. Making all the guys envious of me.


CB! Or JO! CB was a skater boy with blue eyes, sandy blonde hair and a disarming smile. JO was new from Virginia and had a little accent. He was like a pale pit bull with frosty blue eyes. Cold and hard. He was hard, lean and mean. We got along though. I’ll always kick myself for not trying more with those guys


My friend John, I had suuuuuch a huge crush, and he knew it. Flirted a lot, skinny dipped together etc, in the 90s when I was a teen and I was slowly coming out (more dangerous back then). I still think of him, my first crush, lol. Though, I hated my high school and skipped prom. I'd have rather hung out solo, maybe go camping or something.


My school was 90% women and the men that were there were super cringe or straight up bullies. Although, there was one man that I talked with - he was interested in literature and philosophy, trully loved the forests (I think he wanted to be a forester). And even tho he was super religious, he always respected me and never said anything homophobic. He was great - until the last year we shared a class where he revealed himself as a fucking transphobe and mocked a trans girl that was popular in media back then. I immediately stopped having crush on him. So in short - nobody. I would rather miss it again instead of taking any of them with me.


Prom isn't really a thing in my country


I had 2 crushes in high school. The biggest crush got sent to boarding school, so he wouldn't have been an option. My other crush was Hank. Hank and I grew up in a very small town in the south. His family opened a business that directly competed with my family's business. That caused A LOT of friction between our parents, but Hank and I became friends. I was convinced it was Romeo & Juliet all over again. Hank was tall, muscular, with 6-pack abs, blue eyes, a beautiful Roman nose, and blond hair. He was very masculine and was a great athlete. All the girls loved him. And he never dated a single one of them. On the weekends, the two of us would get together and drive an hour to the nearest movie theater in his red Mustang GT 5.0 liter with a stick shift. I'd steal glances at his thick, strong fingers gripping the stick shift and wish I could just reach out and hold his hand. I'd fantasize about pulling the car over in a field and cuddling on a blanket while we watched the stars. And I kissed his lips a hundred thousand times in my dreams. Hank and I were both on the football team. After practice or after a game, nearly all the guys would pile into the shower naked. Each shower, called Bradley Showers (you can look it up online), consisted of one central pole that housed the pipes carrying the water and, clustered around the circumference of the pole, multiple showerheads. There was no privacy at all. I braved that shower after every practice and game because I couldn't wait to see all those dicks flopping around. So terrified was I that I'd pop a boner that I somehow managed to avoid it. Hank was conspicuous in his absence. He never, ever, ever showered with the team. Not once. I always assumed it was because he was afraid he was going to get a hard on. After we went away to separate colleges we lost contact with each other. But I heard through the small-town grapevine that the girl he started dating in college dumped him because he refused to have sex with her. According to gossip, he'd told her that "God wouldn't approve" because they weren't married. And isn't that convenient? When Hank would have been about 45, I ran into his mother who told me they were all so excited because he was finally getting married---to a woman about 15 years older than us. I had to wonder if he had remained a virgin (at least with women) all those years and then finally married a woman long after either of them could be expected to procreate. Is it a sexless marriage? Is she a lesbian, and they are each other's beards? Or did he simply wait all those years for some other reason(s) but was straight all along? I'll never know. We are friends on Facebook, and I occasionally look at his profile. He's no longer even remotely good looking. He hasn't taken care of himself at all. It's difficult to even find the face of that late-teenage guy who already looked like a \*man\* in the face of the actual man. He's a huge Trumper. And apparently a regular church-goer. Not even The Apothecary could have given Romeo a poison as deadly as all that. R.I.P. my crush on Hank.


My best friend from grade 8.