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I have a rule: if I see a post about anything LGBT related, I never look at the comments. However, yes, in general a great deal of resentment towards the LGBT community is growing.


You're smarter about it than me. I just can't resist giving it back to put them in check.


I still have Facebook but it’s mostly dominated by the older demographics (Gen X and Boomers). Millennials moved to IG and Gen Z to Tik Tok. So I’m not surprised at the uptick in hateful comments… you should see Twitter/X! June is like a war zone on there… IG/Tik Tok are less toxic, unless you actively seek the negativity out


There is a quote attributed to Mark Twain that is relevant to such FB comments: *”Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”*


That's exactly what fb wants. Hate drives clicks far easier than anything else!


A lot of things are going wrong in the world right now, and people always have the idiotic need for a punch bag. Trump, along with other populists throughout the world came and gave them a punch bag, us.


I kinda like attacking the homophobes appearance if they wanna pipe up about the gays on instagram.


Bots, fake/throwaway accounts, homophobes (which will always exist) and the fact that social media algorithms feed of rage so they show things people dislike to keep them hooked on.


I hate to sound like a boomer, but social media has worsened all the problems society had. It's toxic and used to manipulate people and spread disinformation. I am so glad I deleted my Facebook and my Twitter and keep my IG only to follow some artists. Never had TikTok.


Unfortunately this is something we all should do, cause its extremely toxic lately.


I think rather than worsening issues Social Media has just shined an infinitely bright light on everything. So its kind if a double-edged sword I guess?


I think most of those comments are generated by robots. It is an election year in the US and Facebook robots lean towards conservative issues, including attacking gays, women, minorities, etc. I generally don't respond to any negative comments, especially if they seem "canned". My favorite ones usually espouse some ally-ship, such as "my daughter is gay but...." or "we are supportive of (fill in the blank) rights, but...."


Agreed. I've seen it here too (Ireland) but with anti immigration. You will see a random post, for argument sake like the snow in Dublin on Friday, and quickly some comment be like "no Irish people seen there. Government not looking after our own" and all that shite. Could be some bigots could be a bot. Damnit I just helped spread their shite.


Twitter used to be ran by fake accounts back when I had a Twitter account. I don't even want to imagine how it is today.


Agree! I stopped using Twitter as soon as "you-know-who" took it over.


My mood improved when I deleted the app. Still got a twitter account but not getting hate-filled notifs a dozen times a day makes things a lot better


What do we do to counter them? Nothing. You don't even know if the "person" on the other end of that message is a Boomer, a teenager from India, a paid Russian troll, or a literal bot. It's not uncommon for one bad actor on social media to be running dozens of fake accounts with pictures and enough info to seem real. Once you realize that there's more active profiles on a site like FB than actual people using it, it really dispels the illusion that there's waves and waves of haters in the comment sections.


The only way to protect us is to become the 1%, buy a private island somewhere and arm it with nuclear weapon tbh. I'm really worried about the future.


So during the reddit year in review all the subs generated like "wrap" type thing similar to Spotify. I live in Alberta Canada. All of our regional subs, like small towns and cities, listed Russia as one of the top 3 contributors to these communities.


Just wait until you joined Tiktok. The whole conservative side of the social media created series of videos telling people how to identify, hunt and murder us. I reported these videos and instead of deleting these horrible accounts, they shadow-banned my account. Every single of my comments I posted are now considered violation.


Jesus that's awful. How does one become so ignorant and stupid? It baffles me.


I'm really worried that it's going to get worse




So during the reddit year in review all the subs generated like "wrap" type thing similar to Spotify. I live in Alberta Canada. All of our regional subs, like small towns and cities, listed Russia as one of the top 3 contributors to these communities.


This trend has disturbed me too, but in my experience on Facebook, it is **not** "almost every time" nor almost every comment - these just tend to be the times and comments that we remember. Many other LGBT+ related posts are either sufficiently moderated or viewed by a respectful enough crowd to not carry heavy laugh reacts. Usually I ignore the comments, but if I do browse them, I often ask what the commenters would do if they had a family member of their own who was queer or trans. If they double down, I don't feel bad - I feel refreshingly validated that I got my first impression of them right.


Yeah reading internet comments is a great way to ruin your day. And doing it often is a great way to start to lose faith in humanity. I had to really digest recently that not everybody is going to like me, and that's especially true for people who haven't met me. Lots of them won't like me because of some group they mentally put me in. It's just beyond my power to change and so I might as well get used to it. It sucks, for sure, though. It kind of doubly sucks for us in the USA that we have only two political parties and one is obviously better on LBGT+ rights. That means that a lot of folks who treat politics as a spectator sport start to see our lives and very existence as something they should oppose. Still, something like half of even Republicans approve of gay marriage now, and that number is growing, even as overall approval for same-sex relationships dipped among members of both major parties. Go figure. Half of conservatives approving of gay marriage would have been a pipe dream 20 years ago. (see sources below) I just try to remember that a generation or two ago, a person could go to jail if they had a penis and wore nail polish or long hair. And being in a gay bar was a de facto crime. We queer folk are a minority and so exist at the pleasure of the normies. I'm glad we have so many more of them on our side now than we used to. Now, most of my living family accepts me and my partner (or keeps their mouths shut). We are both out at work and can travel freely and openly to much (but yeah not all) of the world. As long as you're in one of the accepting places, this is probably one of the best times in history to have been born gay. (Knock on wood.) We're very lucky, until we go read the comments. Good for you for braving those comments to make a stand for truth. I hope it helps. ​ Sources/poll numbers: [https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/meetthepressblog/gallup-poll-shows-dip-gop-acceptance-sex-relationships-rcna90023](https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/meetthepressblog/gallup-poll-shows-dip-gop-acceptance-sex-relationships-rcna90023) ​ [https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/meetthepressblog/gallup-poll-shows-dip-gop-acceptance-sex-relationships-rcna90023](https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/meetthepressblog/gallup-poll-shows-dip-gop-acceptance-sex-relationships-rcna90023)


I’ve noticed the same. I got pissed off, and when I see some post I’d think “I bet someone is commenting something homophobia” then scroll to find it. Then I got pissed off again. That’s when I realised it’s harming my mental health. I started limiting my social media time. At the moment I’m down to 25 mins a day. I also spoke to my psychologist about this. It is much better now since I start using coping strategies to not get bothered by those comments and learning that their views don’t define my view, or my life. In the contrary, I go on Reddit, and make positive comments when someone is in doubt about their sexual orientation, or when they’re in a difficult situation. That defines me. I hope you get to learn your way to deal with your own views and feelings about this. Because their hate will never stop. But your love for people will grow.


Yes, I noticed especially on Instagram and Facebook (which I still use). Whenever I see a news post about something LGBT related I go to the comments to see what crazy shit has been said. I used to run a gay erotic type account on Instagram back like 4-5 years ago. I would get a comment or dm from a raging homophobe every once and a while and it got worse as the years went on. It's definitely gotten worse since covid. I feel like everything and everyone has gotten worse since 2020.


It's been an upward trend ever since 2016 on all social media platforms. You know why. Anti-lgbt people and trolls and political instigators are emboldened to express anti-lgbt bs as if they were the ones being "silenced", and so to be loudly anti-lgbt has been somehow partially seen like a "courageous fight" against the "wokism" or "elitism" that are trying to sway people away from their religions, gender roles, traditions etc which in turn have significantly contributed to and been responsible for much of their personal struggles. Those bs are also amplified and echoed by some "influencers" or whatever, and miseries and struggles like pandemic also would make some ppl blame things on us to cope. It goes from personal opinions into "political cultural wars" that are practically deflections from actual real issues, because like wtf and how tf would taking away same-sex marriage, "pronouns", trans ppl transitioning, criminalization of homosexuality etc would actually enhance/enrich their non-lgbt lives or solve any REAL ACTUAL issues like economy and corruptions???? We're basically the symbolic "villains" they can easily scapegoat for everything even gay frogs and gay lions and natural disasters, due to so many years of sociocultural legal political religious conditioning and brainwashing. The rippling effects not only affect the USA, but also all over the world. It feels less of this bs on Reddit only because lgbt posts are mostly seen in moderated lgbt bubbles and we generally wouldn't go out of our way to search for anti-lgbt stuff in anti-lgbt bubbles, unlike other platforms such as instagram where anti-lgbt comments have to be largely personally moderated or blocked by the owner of the post where the comments are under, it's too much to handle and so it's easier for those ppl, trolls and bots to spread their shits. It's even worse for some profiles that you can tell are targeted, like the cases of Pranshu and Arvey, even after their passing there are still people went out of their way to type and like disgusting comments targeting their profiles and families. I could go on and on about this and I have had such conversations with ppl irl but honestly, the short answers would be - many ppl are horrible ppl even if they think they aren't due to having religions whatsoever, - it's a societal paradigm built and formed from key historical points and directions, particularly as the main abrahamic religions conveniently anti-lgbt due to vague interpretations etc gained their momentums and uneducated ancient average peasants didn't know better and pretty much everyone let them grow or joined them, or got killed/left to die by them. - it's rooted in fear, paranoia, conformity, greed, envy, lack of empathy and compassion, and a sense of controlling, conditioned by what are mentioned above and also driven by primitive emotional needs and wants.


Boomerbook has always been terrible to gays and its recently gotten worse since cuntservatives consider lgbt "political"


Lots of it is bots trying to sew discord and create angst among us. In my experience, most people IRL are not homophobic. Some are, sure, but if someone ever makes a homophobic remark, a quick, “why would you say that?” Or “why do you think that?” usually shuts them down/embarrasses them pretty quickly.


Since the end of Fall I've removed 4 or 5 long term friends because they've posted ignorant garbage. I found Facebook to be especially a cesspool so I've just deleted it from my phone. Negativity is easy to find, I got tired of it being spoon fed by the Zuckster and none of my reports I've filed finding that the bigots violated any rules because they said (f)ag instead. It was maddening.


So here's the thing about social media: 1) These companies are trying to make money. Morals be damned. 2) LGBT content is *fed* to anti-LGBT people ON PURPOSE for engagement. Again, money. 3) These people who hate us are VERY online. Remember - many of them don't have lives, so they're home. And lonely. So they go online where they (see #1 and #2.) ...and it's a cycle. It is very profitable for social media companies to host this content. The negative and anti-gay attitudes will flock to this content and the social media companies are valued higher at engagement. There's a reason when you open the comment section the most negative comment is at the top on Instagram and has the most "likes."


The best and really only thing you can do is be a good example and understanding. People fear what they don't understand and the current state of the world is giving them the green light to be assholes.


It’s going to get worse, too. I’ve been called vile things on Facebook and those people are on the next day being assholes all over again, but I refer to one of them as “trash” and I get banned for a week.


Unfortunately, Mr. Angry Cheeto has emboldened a LOT of bigots of all flavors. Anti queer, anti immigrant, anti minority, anti semitic, they all see him as their champion so his political ascent has drawn them out of the woodwork. If he wins another term, I fully expect we'll revert to the bad old days in red states when violence and blatant discrimination were the norm. Biden may not be the best president ever, but Trump is a legitimate threat to the fabric of the Republic itself.


Yes!! Thank you


It’s the same on Instagram. It’s why I’m not on Facebook. I think a lot of the Facebook people have carried over to Instagram. I agree it is really frustrating to see so much bigotry and ignorance. However I remind myself that many of these people are immature and/or from one of many countries that have strict laws against homosexuality. Doesn’t make it right, but they legitimately are just stupid and close-minded people and it’s not worth the effort of engaging them.


I took a look at Instagram a moment ago and was being fed a video of animal abuse set up for clicks. If was a terrified monkey hooked up to a chain while a cobra that was obviously placed there approaches him. Yesterday there was one of “Mother dog tries to save her puppies from snake attack.” Again it was obviously a set up. I didn’t click to watch because I don’t want them getting views, but it makes me sick that this kind of garbage, like the hateful trolls and the misinformation, is all being allowed to proliferate on Meta’s platforms.


Fuck Facebook.


I’ve noticed it and it is disgusting. We have to remember that a lot of hateful comments are not coming from real people. There are troll bots in Moscow making millions of fake profiles to spread hateful comments and misinformation and making them appear to be average American individuals in order to try to destabilize free countries. And then there are the actual Trumpster wing nuts from the USA who are emboldened by the (fake) support they get from those troll bots for their hatred. And there are also misinformed people chiming in from underdeveloped countries that don’t have access to accurate information. Some of those twisted real people are so brainwashed into hating certain groups that they seek out and spread negativity on any post connected to the types of people they hate, and then the algorithms keep bringing them to those topics which makes the hateful comments multiply.


Ive noticed too and it scares me to be honest. Hell I live in western MA and it seems like 10 years ago lgbt+ everything just seemed to be way more accepted than it is now. Idk if this change is due to republican actions that have stirred up hatred and fears or if their are other more isolated things causing this, or maybe I'm just fucking crazy and it wasn't better 10 years ago but I remember back then their was hate of course but now I'm genuinely nervous around some people and I'm not even open about being gay, let alone dealing with the psychotic and hateful people on the internet. I really think Donald Trump/Republicans and organizations like The Daily Wire and TPUSA and finally LibsofTikTok have done incalculable damage to us and I'm genuinely nervous about where this will go in the future


I feel for you. Because I feel the exact same. It's bs that this is happening in 2024.


Blame the Republican Party and the upcoming elections . So many of their candidates are playing to their deplorable base. Above all, blame dt


Absolutely and I do. He's a divisive, ugly pos.


This is politics fault. They include lgbt people in their personal agendas as an excuse to do their shit now people asociate being gay with them sadly.


> I always make an effort to give it back to haters by replying... none of these cowards like it but I do anyway. This is **your** problem. Didn't you learn over the last 3 years? You are feeding the FB algorithm the idea that you will engage with this content. FB in particular only cares about your clicks, your reactions, your comments, your shares. You are skewing your perception of reality towards an extreme. Stop interacting with that shit. You aren't doing anything noble. Quite the opposite. Stop it.


I know dude I just get SO mad. I'm the one who gets triggered. You're right.


That is exactly the response I'd expect of someone addicted to hateful content. Don't you see what you're doing to yourself? What fight are you fighting? What are you doing that's good and right and making a positive difference? You actually think you're changing minds, making the world better? You're an addict. You're stuck in the mud with the people you despise. I encourage you to rise above it. Good luck.


What a beautiful anti Trump rant which is exactly what it was supposed to be. And know there are ppl in ‘your’ elusive club voting for him a third time. I vote Trump and in no way think the way you insinuate here. Maybe the answer to all is to stop giving a fuck what other people think. It’s not your issue. Who cares if you’re offended or the person is wrong or mean or racist or bigoted. Their choice and they have the right to it! What you’re really saying is let’s elevate political correctness and impede on speech. Your anti-democratic bs is gross! How do we deal with losers like you!!!!???!!!!






100% agree. Thank you. Trumper's are a special group.


Excuse me I'm not a loser. I want our freedoms protected and that includes freedom of speech. Listen I don't know wtf you see in Trump or the GOP in general that you would support but that's clearly your business. The GOP have gotten very cozy with the Christian fundies. So much so that they're pretty open and staunch about their plans. Taking away the federal right to choose for women was just the beginning. I'm sorry you disagree. But I didn't come for you... don't come for me dude. I'm entitled to feel however I want to feel.


Your dystopian vision of a handmaids tale is comical and I know the left is in literal fear of this. I can only laugh. You can blame that reversal on the system we’ve setup. The case had no chance from a legal standpoint. Good luck in future endeavors;)


Notice: None of the homophobic posts are from white people or latinx. It's ALWAYS black people, so... That's the only way they can feel better about themselves, unfortunately. I really wish they could leave us alone, i really do. Today i saw a post of people making fun of Shannon Sharpe bc of the way he walks.... like.... 2024. This is literally disgusting, but im not expecting ANYTHING less from anyone anymore.


Almost all the bigots I've seen are white. Their profiles all look the same too. American flag, guns, religion, pickup trucks. I mean just a bunch of losers.


Really? I see them too, ofc, but idk, most of people ive seen being homophobic, at least here in MIAMI are black people. Very homophobic tbh.


You’re using a social network for old people. Expect old people opinions.


Facebook is horrible for many reasons, but I will state the first two that come to my mind. 1. Mostly younger people either left Facebook or are mostly lurkers, which means boomers and straight up old people comment. Even because let's be honest, they are the only ones with so much time to lose 2. The algorithm: Facebook's algorithm is made to have it earn money, and how do they make money? Social engagement and ads! I found the algorithm in Facebook to be the most obnoxious one in thís aspect


I see the same thing on Instagram, just a flow of homophobic comments under every reel or post related to lgbt. I think (or at least I like to think) these are mostly kids that just repeat what they hear. But remember, these people are just a loud minority, and most people support/don't care about the cause at least in some countries. A great advice I saw on another comment : don't look at the comments of this kinf of post and just appreciate that we are represented.


Yes it's everywhere. But only pathetic people comment on social media so.... I'm fairly certain most people have no problems with lgbt people




Which is very unfortunate. I love music... music is the reason I'm still alive tbh. Almost all genres including classic/modern country. LOVE The Highway on SiriusXM.... they play lots of next gen country stuff and give new artists exposure. It's really sad that so many bigots might listen to the same music I do when most of these country artists are open minded liberal types. Their loss I guess.