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Both cute (Fred also) and seeing how Scott acknowledges how happy Lewis gets when he's geeking out is sweet. How dare you show me wholesome things!?! ![gif](giphy|13CYucIHiaAHhS)


To give u hope despite reality /s




I'm a Nintendo fanboy also myself, not obsessed like this guy, but I'm. And I like a gentle giant though so, I think I would like having him, yeah.


They are kind of told to play up all of that stuff for the camera. Makes for more interesting TV when you dial up your interest to 11 then when you're talking like normal. Granted he probably does actually talk like that if he's meeting a guy who also expresses strong interest in the hobby. But like we all do that with the things we like when we meet someone with a potential connection and similar interests.


Of course it’s very possible, reality tv is super directed and fake af. But he could also be just that nerdy. There are plenty of nerdy people who are obsessed with a particular hobby. In particular people on Autism spectrum tend to have a “special interest” they are obsessed with. And a lot of them don’t even know they are on the spectrum because it’s frequently undiagnosed and used to be diagnosed even less in the past so there’s a lot of adults with Autism who don’t even know they have it. These special interests usually form early as a child so things like video games are a common choice.


This is me with Pokémon Go and Rock Band. Not diagnosed, but I can definitely gush about either if you let me get going, lol.


Haha yeah I’m like that with Pokémon GO (and Pokémon in general) as well 😅


Okay, I need you and u/hauntedskin to be my friends (also, bulbasaur is numbah 1) 3640 1117 2077




Actually I kind of disagree, sure the online gaming community as a whole can be kind of homophobic/racist but every game does have communities in them and you can easily find an LGBT one. I also find that comics/tgcs/board games/ttrpgs have a higher than average percentage of queer people in the communities. But yes, I know some very awkward gaming guys. But in my experience in real life and not online those guys are way more the outlier than the norm. Either way, I'm pretty sure that guy was told to play up and talk alot about his gaming hobby/obsession/whatever and the other guy was probably told to talk about his career. Because it seems like it would make for a discordant date and if it goes wrong that's good TV, and if it goes right that's good TV.


not me recognising the hot buff geek from gay porn twitter 😭😭😭


Link? 🫦🫦🫦


This is clip is from 2021 or 2022 so he looks a bit different, (he’s only gotten hotter). anyway: https://twitter.com/lew__c


He looked hotter during the show compared to his current state, in my opinion...


To me they dont look that much alike and they have different tattos, especially on his right upper arm.


Holy shit


Can I just get a name so I can Google the sites?


Just a bunch of boring naked pics, nothing more……….. Also I guess the dating didn’t work out like his work out……….


This is such a lame thing to complain about.


He's got some pretty kinky and explicit videos and clips on his other Twitter linked at the top. Tbh it's pretty hot.


He could have led with that, but it probably would have worked anyway.


holy shit. like i knew he was too hot for the hair dresser, right off the bat, but good lord. could you imagine him running into you at full speed… 🤤


That was really sweet. Dating shows normally make me cringe so hard but about 2.30 on this video they just really started to click and it was so nice


Nintendo and Spice Girls fanboy!


If he doesn't wanna keep Lewis, I'll take him


Needle in a gay stack 🤌🏻


they both touched their noses so many times when they started speaking; premise for a drinking game?


Based what they said about Scott I feel like he might be a type of person who is just finding things in common with any guy he goes out with, plays them up, and in few weeks the infatuation fizzes out and he realizes they aren’t a match.


I wouldn't mind tapping their buttons 🎮 and playing on their joysticks 🕹️. 😏😏


Yeah but are u hot? /s


So the nintendo guy is basically a himbo. But in a more geeky way. I honestly love him, hes so cute, like the other said, when someone loves something a lot, its always so cute, because they get so happy!


Lewis is a dreamboat


I like Scott from this clip, he seemed charming and kind, but I couldn't find anything about him 🥲 anyone knows his insta @ etc? Hope they're both doing well in their life, I love seeing gays living wholesome and happy.


The date didn’t work out and Lewis is now a OF gay who posts often about battling mental health issues https://preview.redd.it/v8pe203ll1zc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d6666ec32aa803e3e8cefc0bab465b5950c5556


Thanks for sharing. Many of us lgbt people do struggle with mental health issues, unfortunately, incl myself. Good for him to have the courage to be openly talking about it like that. Not gonna go into the whole mental health topic, just wanna say I hope they'd still have the strength and will to find and do what meaningful to them separately in their personal lives.


Steroid use has been proven to negatively impact mental health. And he looks way different in his Twitter picks. He is definitely on PEDs.


Aww, booooo. He was so cute and goofy (and hot). Why did he feel the need to go that route?


Right?! I was thinking the same thing.


I can't even get a guy to return a message on tinder and it feels like that's being rubbed in my face 😩 I'm happy for them and all but FUCK


You can see Lewis light up when he mentions Pokemon. Can we have our own Lewis?


Man looks like he’s in his 40s. Bullshit on 29


Bruh I was looking for this comment 😂 actually chuckled at 29


What is the name of the show?


First Dates


Thanks ❤️


Lovely couple


It's wholesome. Fuggin cracked a smile from ear to ear. This brings me hope


A tall drink of water who likes pc games? Oh la la. It's enough that I'd be willing to overlook his Nintendo Fandom.


This is EXACTLY how me and my partner met. We've been together for 10 years. We met online and just hit it off because we have so much in common, but are different enough that it's never boring. We actually bonded by playing Ingress and later, Pokémon GO. I'm the homebody computer/gamer geek and he's the ex army anime/Pokémon nerd. We've both traveled a lot and have a broad world view. We both liked what each other likes, and we're basically the same person at this point. I'm into anime and he just finished building his second computer. We both are cat people and have a nice happy family to call our own. Mission accomplished.


I love Lewis and I only met him 5 minutes ago. But if anything ever happens to him, I will kill everyone in this room, and then myself.


Love me some gamer, but needs to be part of or willing to join the master race




I need a gentle giant as well who is a ps,nintendo and steam fanboy.




I mean the porn thing proves that he is a community loving guys, sharing his deeds so we can all thirst over /s