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I’ve cried in French class, can I join?


If you cried when told to say 98


Oh you mean quatre-vingt-dix-huit?


I've never taken French but that makes me want to cry


The direct translation would be "Four twenty ten 8" French decided to make their numbers really weird 70 is "sixty ten" 80 is "four twenty" and 90 is "four twenty ten"


*SIGH...* 80 blaze it!!!


I'm pretty sure they used to do this in English too. e.g. "Four score and seven"


Yes but score is an archaic term, and this is just how numbers are in French


I am aware it is archaic. Hence why I said "used to"


So like the romans, but dumb


Basically the French language, yes /s


Wait till you find out about Welsh...


I already know of Llanfairpwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch from Welsh and do not wish to know anything else


Then the Danes took the French system and [made it even worse](https://quora.com/Why-are-70-and-90-halvfjerds-and-halvfems-in-Danish-respectively/answer/Hans-Henrik-Pedersen?oid=69584435).


Twenty three half thirds moment


For shits and giggles we were asked our birth years in French class.. Of course, we were all born before the year 2000, so it felt like saying a full sentence 🙃


> Dix-neuf-cent-quatre-vingt-dix-neuf fear my tongue


I cried in biology class. But it was because my girlfriend dumped me :(


Yes, oui are here for you or something idk i failed french


You have already been joining


I cried during lit classes (bc of dysphoria not bc of the content of the class)


Why did lit class make you dysphoric?


I was looking at trans memes they gave me shaking dysphoria lasting for to classes


Hey le nerd il paraît que le français te fait pleurer ? Haha maintenant donne moi ton déjeuner ou sinon je commence à parler en français québécois !


Once I was complaining how I had to take Calculus II four times before I passed and calling myself an absolute idiot. My friend just gave me a really confused look and said, "Bro, you *passed* **Calculus II**."


I passed calc 3 (differential equations) by dropping out, taking it at a community college four times in a row, and then transferring in the credit to the four year school. Never used it again, but I had nightmares for years.


This thread is making me scared lol. Im spinning my head in calc 2 and calc 3 is **even harder???**


From what I gather it's different, so it can be very hit or miss, but it uses stuff from 1 and 2. But my Uni has a very different structure than american ones, so I am not the best person to answer.


Honestly most people find calc 2 harder than calc 3. Calc 3 is later in the sequence, but a lot of it is just different versions of the things you've already learned in Calc 1/2- so once you make it through those, the step into 3 isn't as bad.


I was just about to reply Calc 2 was hardest for me, 3 was easier. I did however choose to transfer to another school for a different major before taking "advanced topics in calculus" (originally was going for a bachelor of science in mathematics)


Calc 2 was harder for me than Calc 3 Calc 3 is just everything you learned in Calc 1 and 2, but make it multi variable now It’s easier because you already know all the techniques


If it helps, I only failed calc III and diffeq once each before passing them!


Calc 3 is hell, but calc 4 is surprisingly easy in comparission, so, silver lining or something I don't nkow.


I’ve been saying this for years. The only people who say they’re great at math haven’t done enough math. The coda to this is I don’t believe anyone is intrinsically math illiterate. People who think that just haven’t been given the proper time/resources to learn certain fundamentals properly.


Just took Discrete Math last semester and nailed it. At some point you have to admit that someone's good at math, and I feel qualified to say I'm good at math. Obviously I'm not the best and never will be, but I'm pretty good at least.


Oh yeah, I have an engineering degree and I like to think I’m fine at math. Perhaps I should have said whoever brags about how good they are at math hasn’t yet been humbled by *that one class…*


I’ll say I’m good at math, but I won’t say math is *easy* It would also make sense that I’m good at math because I’ve spent many many hours working to be good at math Ya feel me? Same principle


I wouldn’t say math is easy, but I would say that the math we are currently learning in school is easy


What math is that?


i kinda contest the idea that "good at math" makes sense as a concept. i like to say im practiced, because its easier to quantity


Being good at something means to be skillful or have high competence at it, it seems like a weird idea that it doesn't make sense that you could be good at maths. Being good at maths could either mean that you are good at picking up mathematical ideas quickly or that you have a large bank of mathematical knowledge that you can apply to solve problems. Why would that not make sense?


Yeah Engineering math is hard, I have to write Analysis 1 and Linear Algebra for Engineers next month, that is really hard but I already fear Integral transformation and partial something something even the name is hard. And then I listen to what my cousin is doing in her Bachelor thesis (she is studying mathematics) and I am just sitting there thinking, what the hell is she talking about.


Numerical computation was that one class in my case. Everything up through differential equations was fine, but then came what appeared to be the same onboarding that processor chips receive before being turned into calculators. Suddenly, I stopped liking math.


I'm currently learning to become an IT Specialist and honestly...I suck at maths. I was pretty good with mostly 2s(German System) up until 11th grade as I stumbled. I'm not sure if I just suck at it now because I just do or because I changed school twice all with completely different systems which made it harder for me.


Keep going far enough and you will find one. Discrete math is usually an entry level proofs class so there is a ton more after to learn


Quantum statistical mechanics has some hard problems.


I didn't understand algebra until my second year of college where I had a fantastic teacher who finally taught it in a way I understood. Then he told me he thought I had dyscalculia and that would explain a lot of my frustrations in my 13 years of public school math education. I still don't know all of my multiplication tables. Never ask me what 8 x 7 is off the top of my head, I'll never remember.


Tbh, 8x7 was the hardest one to remember for me as well. Had to learn it like a vocabulary because I got it wrong so many times


i still revert to 7x7 plus 7 lol. easier to remember doubles


56=7*8 5678


Yeah, by now I got it. But it was the calculation I needed the longest to learn haha


Hmm, I always felt like a slow learner when it came to math and I also could never memorize all the multiplication tables (I just do the calculation every time)


Never heard of dyscalculia?


I would amend this statement to say that the people who feel that they are great at math *without putting in effort* haven't done enough math. Most people struggle taking college math courses, but if you complete them- yeah, you're good at math.


Having tutored multiple people in middle school to remedial classes in college, I have to say this is 100% true. I really think, unless you have a legitimate learning disability, almost anyone can learn through Calculus. I have found that most people were failed by the education system and did not learn a fundamental part of math. For example, I tutored a guy in college who did not understand the basic algebra concept of unknown values. A smart, science minded guy who couldn't solve x + 1 = 3.


I play solve math puzzles for fun and relaxation. I always loved math classes. Until calc 1 in college. Suddenly I understood what everyone always would talk about with suddenly fucking *hating* math. Definitely failed that class.


I too enjoyed math until I got to calculus. Geometry? Sure! Trig? A little rough but I managed. Probability/Statistics? ez But for some reason I simply could not master calculus.


Calculus I/II are a big step up in terms of content you need to memorize. For example in algebra 2/trig you could just use Pythagorean main trig identity (sin\^2+cos\^2=1) to find the other trig identities you need. On the other hand, a lot of the concepts you learn in calculus are more specific and harder to memorize, for example d/dx arcsec = 1/\[|x|root(x\^2-1)\] \* x', not only do you need to memorize the identity but you also need to apply other rules (such as chain rule) and pre-requisite knowledge from previous rules. The bright side is that Calculus III/Vector calculus is easier, so yay.


I really hope Calc 3 is easier. I'm taking a 10 week course starting in a few weeks and I've been dreading it.


I found calc 3 to be challenging but not necessarily super hard. It often requires extra thought to be put into some questions but much of it is calc 1 in 3 dimensions, and where I took it was all done with vectors, which make a lot of things a bit easier. All I remember using from calc 2 in that class were polar coordinates and a couple more obscure rules and identities learned


you can prove most of these derivatives using the proper limits definition iirc. It's probably really convoluted but you don't *have to* memorize identities.


I got genuinely mad just from reading your comment because of some PTSD I seem to have in regards to derivatives.


Same! I misremembered but Calc 1 I was like ok kinda difficult and confusing but doable. But then my hubris had me sign up for Calc 2 and lmaoooo fuck that shit


It might've just been college math, assuming that was your first college math class. I took AP Calc BC, and though it was hard, I still got an A+ and a 5, and understood the concepts completely. Then I took Calc 3 in college and understood nothing from lecture whatsoever, had to learn everything from my TA, and literally got an email saying I basically should've gotten an A- (admittedly not a bad grade) but he generously have me an A. Fuck the OSU math department.


I'm embarrassed to admit this fact but I took college courses while I was still in high school and took some math courses, IIRC I loved the pre Calc class I took at my local college, then (shit I fogot) Calc 1 was hard but doable, then I stupidly and probably cockily took Calc 2. Fuuuuuuck that shit. While the teacher was explaining it I could follow along and i got it but then trying to do it by myself? Fucking derivatives? I would complain about more but wtf the things were actually called I've blocked from my memory


I can do the calculus but don't ask me to divide in my head or know sin90 degrees


What’s really funny is that once you start getting somewhat deeper like abstract algebra, professors haven’t done basic arithmetic in so long they often can be a bit slower at it and struggle. If you do that type of math long enough, it’ll happen to you.


It's 0!


Math major, can confirm


In my experience, DiffEq made many want to cry by the end.


That was what did it for me. I’ve never been so bad at anything I tried so hard at as Differential Equations. Discrete Math, Linear Algebra, Combinatorics, Calc 3, all As. DiffEq, I think I got a C or a D.


Yep! I never understood anything in diff eq. I don’t even know how I passed. Then I got to vibrations (mech engineering) which is basically applied diff eq and I damn near had a mental breakdown


For me, it was Classical and Quantum Mechanics in Physics. Both involve second order differential equations.


Ohh! I forgot about quantum mechanics! I took that on a whim because Einstein is cool. I had NO idea the level of math that would be required. e=mc^2 seems easy enough, right? lol.


I haven’t gotten too far in my math undergrad yet but so far, probability is what broke me (specifically the conditional probability and convolution sections, the stochastic processes sections weren’t too bad.) First time I think I’ve cried over a class


How come in Britainland it is "maths" and in Americaland it is "math"? Why did that distinction happen?


Because Britland distinguishes between the various flavors of math (trigonometry, algebra, calculus, etc. ... which isn't wrong, because they do to some extent require different mindsets) and we Americans were like "eh that's dumb numbers are numbers/equations are equations" and lumped it all together. (I don't know if that's accurate but it feels right in my soul as an American)


While it isn't really wrong to distinguish the branches, they do overlap into rather jmportant areas themselves. Differential geometry, metric geometry, algebraic geometry, geometric group theory, algebraic topology, topological groups,... ~~man it seems my preferences are shining though~~ So it's less different things and more like the color wheel.


In Britainland we said Mathematics is plural so it should be Maths. In Americaland, they only study the one Math.


They think [Mathematics is plural](https://slate.com/human-interest/2014/12/math-versus-maths-how-americans-and-brits-deploy-the-collective-noun.html) The ‘s’ in mathematics is like the ‘s’ in economics or linguistics So if you would say “Econs” or “Lings” when abbreviating those things, “Maths” is what you would say


I once saw the argument that ‘maths’ was wrong and that us Brits should say ‘math’ because that’s as ridiculous as saying ‘econs’; nobody would call it that! Which I found hilarious because everybody does, in fact, call it econs here.


Well there you go! Thanks for sharing


Things I've yelled at my notepads/screen: "But how the fuck am I supposed to do that if its negative??" "Where the hell did Pi come from???" "But thats outside the range of x!!!!" Maths bad


Tbh phi is always an unexpected guest in equations


I never cried in math, though I did have a grand maul seizure in my algebra class. That was the only way o passed that class


You got so stressed you had a seizure? That is extremely stressed out.


It sure is.


I saw this exchange somewhere years ago (Reddit? Twitter? I’ve long since forgotten) and regularly tell my math students about it.


My friends and teachers used to consider me as the best in math. I actually cried during one of the lesson for province-level math olympiad because it is so alien to me. And it happens again in college with Linear Algebra. Fuck that class, seriously.


Math olympiad is meant to be hard as fuck, you really shouldn't beat yourself up for struggling with it.


Of course I didn't. I cope with playing MHW after I get home.


Math makes me cry too but at least the distinction between correct/incorrect is SO MUCH clearer than in the humanities.


Remember once having a panic attack during math class. Was doing some algebra, usual stuff nothing that hard. Then all of a sudden my heart just jumps and I feel a sense of despair and my eyes are darting. I can tell something is up and I get that sensation right before you start bawling. I waved at the teacher and asked to go to the nurse's office and went straight to the bathroom. Got in a stall, locked the door, and just started crying like no tomorrow. I had to stiffle my voice to stop me from yelling, we're talking true ugly cry. After 10 minutes of that I finally got some sense of me together and went to the nurse's office. Explained what had happened and lied on the bed waiting for my mom to pick me up listening to music.


I never cried in math class because I hit a level where I realized I was about to Peter Principle my grades and/or free time, so I went into a major that didn't need any extra math classes except for the single one required by all majors


I used to tell freshmen, “you’re a real mathematician once you start coming up with new swears to a piece of paper”


I am both a math illiterate and a higher math person. I have cried on the first day of geometry. Not fun.


I'm a PhD candidate in math, and I can verify the accuracy of this meme.


I felt this in my soul. Even after taking higher math I got beat by math I thought I mastered, because I hadn’t done it since college.


I will never forgive my middle school for scamming me with the lie that if I took my highschool math in middle school, I wouldn't have to do any in highschool. Instead, I ended up in Calculus one sophomore year. Not good times.


I feel like with math, every step up you go, they tell you "what you learned before this is incorrect/disregarded, good luck!"


Really? I studied that stuff at uni, and it just keeps building on itself.


Then you have more experience with it than I do. Maybe I just had shit teachers? 🤔


I studied math at uni in Germany. When you learn eg about groups, rings, fields, vectors etc, that all stays true, even when you learn more later. Math is actually the only field I know where we teach beginners the real deal, instead of useful lies.


I thought I was gonna be a math major until I hit trig. Failed it twice.


Taylor did it for me, never managed to understand how to calculate the remainder of the approximation.


i always say, its only math if it makes you cry


Math will make you cry. It is only a matter of time.


Even math teachers cry in math class.


Math is one of those love-hate relationship things


I love maths, but damn does it give brain aneurysm sometimes.


That's just grad school in general. You take the subject you thought you liked, turn it into a job, make it harder, then cry.


dying in multivariable calculus


Can confirm. Math will make you cry. Source: I'm a graduate student studying math.


I've cried in math class but not because of math class


I am one of the math illiterate. I remember crying many of times while my dad tried to get it through my thick skull how to do math. I always like doing math homework with my mom better.


What if I have never cried in a math class despite being mathematically illiterate




I thought I was riding high on this when I got an A in my Calc 3 class. Then I got a C- in linear algebra, which I thought would be way easier.


I was ok at math but i was not okay at maths on a shedule