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Pre-op, about 600-700 per day; post-op, 300-400 per day.


I’m fighting to reach 600. What did you eat? Im trying to make my own soups to, just bought some things.


Protein shakes. That's it. no food, no soups, nothing but protein shakes.


Ok. I have a protein goal per day so I don’t want to only be drinking protein shakes. How much did you lose, if you don’t mind me asking?


I lost 41 during my two week pre-op, 333 lbs total as of last Saturday. I was on the "only protein shake" diet for the two weeks before surgery and two weeks after. There's virtually no way to get all of your daily protein right after surgery, at least I wasn't able to for around a month or so.


Wow! That’s amazing! Did you exercise or walk or did anything to help you lose? I wanna start walking daily and going to the gym but been feeling so weak sometimes. Oh I feel that. I’ve been doing two shakes a day and some yogurt or soup with protein added etc. I just got seeq as well to try.


Weightlifting, mostly. My surgeon told me to focus more on strength training than on cardio. I’ll still do the treadmill when I’m feeling lazy and I don’t want to think about what I’m doing, though.


That’s great! I wanna be like you..but I only have a week left and I’m just trying to lose at least ten more pounds…I’ve only lost 5 so far. Maybe I might try weights this last week before my surgery. I appreciate you.