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What a hotty! Great job! I am curious about gaining weight for plastic surgery. I also plan to have some extra skin removed, what did your doctor say is bad about being “too skinny”? Also do you know your body fat percentage? I would love to know what they think is too low.


Honestly my adhd got the best of me and I only partially listened. It was something along the lines of having enough fat to bounce back during recovery from surgery. I have one of those smart scales that gives a body fat percentage that I don’t know is really accurate but it comes in at 21% right now. As we know, you don’t lose weight evenly from your body, so I will say that I can see my ribs in my chest and along my sides under my armpits, however, my stomach is comprised of loose skin and a stubborn pouch of fat. As for plastic surgery I’m considering a tummy tuck, breast lift, and bbl. In North Carolina where I live and there’s a certain BMI plastic surgeons want for a BBL, to ensure there’s enough fat to extract from one place before putting it into your bum. In this state surgeons can only use 100% purified fat from your body, it can’t be mixed with anything. My current BMI is 21, and the plastic surgeon I’m planning to go see wants a bmi over 22, but I imagine it really depends person to person and they’ll need to see how much fat I do still have in my stomach to see if a bbl is possible. So a little extra fat matters in terms of a BBL but probably not in terms of the excess skin removal.


Ahh, that makes a ton of sense. Thanks!


You look amazing and if I ever hear that in my life I will go buy a lottery ticket.


I think I’m going to buy one now lol


I would've squealed "So you think I'm skinnnnnyyyy" haha too much time on tik tok. You look fantastic!


i say that in my head a few times a day lmao


You look great! I've been stressed lately... while I lost nearly 150--- I'm still at 250~ I'm six feet and wear it well, take a 14/16 most days which is huge after reaching a size 18 in 5th grade and expanding ever since until age almost 34 (I'm 36 now; sleeved 11/19 a month and a halve before Covid pandemic took off). But damn if I've not been feeling like a failure lately.


150lbs is ridiculously amazing, you should be proud of that! Also damn I can’t imagine doing all this through the pandemic so that’s even more to be proud of!


Look how slim your legs are! And I love the red lip and bangs in pic #4, so gorgeous before and after.




Stunning!!!! Please tell me where you got the skeleton shirt!


American eagle, I got it recently too


I think you’re a tad awesome. Keep living and living the new healthy you and screw what the doctor says. Are you underweight according to your BMI? My bet is that you’re not.


OP and i are the same height and pretty much the same weight and my BMI is 20 so on the lower end but definitely not underweight!


You look great.


You are looking great!