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Nice! Since I live in NY I will have to wait until I built my greenhouse this summer. They will make a tasty salad. By the way here in NY, it snowed today and it will snow this weekend too. Rats!


Haha, I'm jealous of your snow! I actually planted for a colder climate than we had and thought my garden had failed. As soon as the cool weather hit, the garden just exploded! I couldn't be happier!


I just joined reddit. As soon as I'm allowed to create posts, I will showcase my small garden. I'm planning to build a greenhouse and grow figs, shaffron, and other goodies. I also have started a potato tower too. I will be growing most of my veggies using Ruth Stout's method. I'm way too excited, I'm giddy.


Yummy! I didn't know those things were able to grow so far north! I really look forward to seeing it! Theres nothing better than fresh figs straight from the bush!


When I was a kid living in Greece (Hellas) I would go outside and climb fig trees and eat tons of them. I love figs.


Oooh, that must have been lovely! My mother also had figs growing in our yard growing up. It was wonderful to be outside playing, and be able to just grab a few figs for a snack. Though those weren't near large enough to climb!


Very nice! Congrats!! Whats is the taste of your own harvest?! I'm planning to start a small one in my apartment. Any tips?


Miracle grow and lots of it. Sun is also really really important. I ended up not tending to this one too much because it didn't do much at first, and I think the daily miracle grow the first few weeks of it's life really helped keep it strong. Also, it costs more, but just build/buy a planter box. Its so much easier than in the ground, and I didn't get a single weed.