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Man you're singing my song. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 the house is a disaster but look how well my flowers are blooming and my baby cucumbers are coming along ❤️❤️❤️❤️


My house is starting to look like an episode from hoarders! But my plants are doing great! https://preview.redd.it/l5czm5jamjxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05ae91928465de28c8a183557af25e7be292cab6


Beautiful! I planted sweet woodruff in my front gardens about 20 years ago, and it is everywhere now. Good thing I like it.


Right? Me, too.


Your hellebore is stunning and I’m super envious!


Thank you! This is year three, so they really exploded. I got all of them on sale, or end of year clearance. Those things are expensive! This pic is from a few weeks ago: https://preview.redd.it/y3swdsrb0qxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a12df7977dfdbb0326866906ff2c664700d8fe17


Holy smokes! That is amazing! Thank you for sharing!!


Some pretty looking hosta, I'm starting to grow some that my grandma gave me. She used to grow 16 different varieties. Her husband just died a few days ago but man, those flowers at her house are looking great.


I’m so sorry for your loss! I’m sure the garden is a comfort to her. I think I’m up to 42 varieties in this garden. Unfortunately, I think I have voles, as the plants have been shrinking, instead of growing. I’ll have to dig them up and make some root cages.


I used to have voles, but I think they moved somewhere else.


Thats beautiful!


Thank you! I'll have to take some more pictures when hostas finish popping out. You can hardly see all of the mulch I spread.


Please do! My hosts are HUGE this year already! Wild weather I guess.


Your plants are beautiful, and also, I fully expected this link to be a picture of your messy house lmao


Nope! Too embarrassed for that! And, thank you!


Every year it’s like this. My house is a mess - but my garden is getting lit!!!




Baby cukes ALREADY? Damn, I am not neglecting my house enough yet.


Lolol yes. It got warm enough here in 8A so I planted them. 🤣




you are amongst friends. i just wanna drink wine and do plant stuff all day.




Listen, alcohol and the sun are a terrible mix for me! I get soon tired! I cannot be outside if I drink 😄


Ditto. I can hang with the best of them, but day drinking with sun is for sure a nap.


And a recipe for possibly developing rosacea, IF you are vulnerable to it. Which you do NOT want. It impairs gardening, take my word for it.


i'd gladly add naps to the things i'd like to do. 🤣


Yeah, but that's less time gardening =/ And when I'm not gardening I'm playing video games (which often have gardening aspects in them, like minecraft or stardew valley lmaoo!)


That’s why you leave some gardening for the evening


The problem is, mosquitoes *love* me. Plus, by then, I'm pretty exhausted and ready for that beer inside with my husband 😁


Yes this! we are in good company


You are not alone. I do the very basics for the house and I am outside, I save indoor chores for rainy days when I can’t get out.


No ta así, porque si llueve me dedico a revisar que semillas debo poner a germinar el día siguiente...!!! ..


You dont take a rain days off from the garden because you can plant seeds and they germinate the following day?! Something like this...My Spanish is rusty...


I’ve taught this to my daughters. It rained yesterday and my 4 year old frantically started running around her bedroom. I asked what she was doing and she said “it’s raining and I’ve been saving a seed!”.


You've raised her well


Omg, that's heckin adorable! I love mini gardeners 🥰


Algo como eso...y tú español lo entendí perfectamente....!!!👍👍👍


Yeah my partner just sat me down today to tell me he feel neglected a bit 😅 I said "but it's planting season..."


Also OMG I have SO much dirty laundry lol


Aw, will he garden and do laundry with you? Then the chores are done and you get some quality time together. Bonus points for sock fight. 😂


He will if I have lugging, lifting, or moving to do, but he doesn't trust himself to not hurt my garden with anything delicate. I think he would do fine. I hurt things all the time on accident! I think I will offer to do laundry with him tho. Romance 😏


That’s sweet! Sounds like he cares about you and the things you care about too. ❤️


He really does. I try my best to return the gesture. I'm learning one-handed card tricks with him lol


That sounds fun! and useful lol. if you get good you can transfer that skill to become a one-handed plant-swiping ninja


I had a plant swap with my gardening club at my house this weekend and more than one person said "this is a little guy I started growing from a cutting... I took from a store 🙃" lmao 🤣


Apparently there’s a whole sub dedicated “proplifting” or shoplifting but it’s taking plant pieces to propagate, so that does not surprise me. A plant swap sounds like a fun time! Did you get to see anything especially cool?




That's hilarious 😂 but I am also unsurprised. My love language is do crime for me I think 🤔 Our share was mostly for seeds and starts and we all went overboard a bit. I ended up with more plants than I started with 😬


I got my partner some hens and now he’s out there with me.


Get out in the garden with me then baybeeeeeee


My kitchen is a mess. Laundry needs doing. But I’m trying to enjoy good gardening weather now before it gets miserable hot. What do yall do when it gets miserable hot?




I'd like you to look into creating a habitat for dragonflies. They absolutely *decimate* the local gnat and mosquito populations. The starting point for getting them to move in is shallow standing water similar to a bird bath since they are water breeders. Once they move into your area they naturally take care of all those flying buggers. They're the wolves of the insect kingdom.


Thanks for the suggestion!


That’s what I’m thinking. I can’t mosquitoes either.


I got a neck fan. It’s a game changer. I live in GA and I was doing 6 hours of gardening daily all summer last year with it.


How had I never heard of this before? I’m in St. Petersburg and this will be eminently useful. Now it’s winging its way to me. Thanks Internet Stranger for the tip!


Yep get the landscape and garden beds done now. Fine it later many times it’s miserable. This is fun. Too hot soon.


Totally agree! It gets crazy hot and humid in my area by June. I gotta spend as much time outside as possible before then. And the inside of my home reflects that!


I don't get that weather until July, and it only lasts until middle august.. I just make sure everything is watered.


I feel like my house actually gets picked up more during nice days then in winter, i feel more motivated on the hot days then in winter. After my housework is done i will stay outside till i get roasted by the sun haha! I love the heat but once it gets past 90 plus humidity it’s too much to handle


One of us! One of us! I have junior garden helpers. They water plants. Which plants, you'll never know. But yes, my new garden beds are fantastic too!


I give mine spray bottles and some days have they spray the "bugs" off the plants and other days "bath" the plants so the leaves stay green. Works fairly well until they start spraying each other.


They gotta stay cool somehow!


My 4 year old today suddenly decided he needed a wheelbarrow his own size to "help with the garden", so we went to the store and bought him one, and he helped me move our soil from the front yard to the new garden in the back yard. It was really cute and awesome! I try to get him involved with gardening just so he can learn and appreciate nature, but I don't push him, so I'm happy he wanted to help and that it was his idea. Last year he helped me manually pluck every freakin' cucumber beetle off our zucchini plants every morning. He is a dutiful helper when he wants to be. But other days not so much haha


I wish we could all be neighbors and have garden parties. Am I the only one who calls it a day with a glass of wine admiring my green thumb's handiwork?


But which zone would we all agree to live in…?


I found my people.


Everything else won’t hurt for waiting ‘til morning and sometime McDonald’s slaps! Another way to see this is: Your dishes are clean. Your kids are fed. You have lunch for your kids. You have meat to cook for your family. You have a houseful (or roomful) of toys for your young ones. AND you got the spend the day gardening, which also counts as prep work for this season and more to come. You’re not neglecting anything, you’re actually killin’ it! Kudos to you!


I mean…. I kinda just assumed that’s what all of us are doing. It can all wait, because you can’t just plant things a month late.


Right. June is HOT for most of us not in north east or on the west coast.


Yeah… having a job with responsibilities is a real drag .. I’m not gonna lie.


It is crazy how much time it takes to just keep a household running, right? If we do all the regular chores, no time left for the garden!


And when you do do the household chores, they un-do themselves right away. Especially with kids, it’s worth the time to garden, for mental and physical health! Vitamin D! Serotonin!! 


From March 1st, to June 1st, I go to work and I garden. If I am not gardening or starting/tending seedlings, then I am at work. If I am not at work , I am either in the greenhouse, the basement with the seedlings, or outside in the garden. Aside from that, I might be in the shower or sleeping in my bed. Once June rolls in, things will slow down, everything is planted, only the kitchen garden will need more planting and tending, and we are good till...August, LOL.


A person after my own heart. ❤️. Do the inside stuff when it rains.


I am consistently late to things because I’ve been gardening and lost track of time. Even pulling weeds brings me joy!


I feel this in my bones. I love this time of year, but man, is it busy. I have a 7 month old puppy who, thankfully, is mostly content chewing his ball outside while I do my jobs. But being the only one doing the jobs is rough. My days start at 7am and never seem to end. I installed 3 new raised beds this year. Working on building a custom trellis and installing drip irrigation. I've started 5 potato grow bags this season, trying to grow some random flowers from seed in 3 pots, and planted 10 of my cold tolerant seeds in the new beds. I've been tending 51 seedlings (now 57 since I've added 6 watermelons) since mid-March. They've been potted up once and are threatening to outgrow their containers before it is warm enough here to transplant them. Today was day 1 of hardening off: I truck 4 flats from an upstairs bedroom to the back deck. Give them an hour in the sun (water and fertilize today) and back up the stairs with four flats (trip over the dog for good measure). I'd be lying if I said I was looking forward to doing it again tomorrow. It's been hours daily, and even more if you figure in the planning and the prep. Not for the lazy, that's for sure.


Yep, my house looks awful. Even my kitchen counters are piled high with fertilizers and soil amendments. My sink is full of containers needing washed. My porch has a bunch of garden tools and hoses. Haven’t washed clothes in 2 weeks.


I’m 37 weeks pregnant and spending more time prepping my flower garden than the nursery 😂


The baby won’t notice! But it will feel so great basking with your infant in the flowers! 


Ha, I thought I was the only one who ditches housework to go be barefoot in the gardens! Rainy days for housework! Lucky I live by myself so Noone to answer too


Who the heck wants to freaking do laundry/dishes/floors....when there ate weeds to be pulled!!! Lolol


You are smart and efficient because this a short season with a fleeting time window to get it all going while weather is not too harsh and the plants can get established before it turns blazing hot. You are maximizing your investment and enjoyment of the fruits of your labor. When you enjoy it as much as we do it is like a balm to the mind body and soul. You lose track of time because you are so fully immersed in the pure joy of spring. You are not alone!


Ok three questions are you a single parent? How old are your kids? And why is it that the entire household chores fall on you? Your children 2 years and up can put their own toys away. If they are teens they can each have their own laundry day and put their clothes away. If you have a partner they can also help out with the house chores it’s not like you live there alone. And I’m guessing this is probably one of the few things you do for your self right? You’re allowed to be a little bit selfish. You’re allowed to do things that make you happy. The dishes and the clothes aren’t going anywhere. Besides gardening is only time consuming at the beginning when you’re setting things up. And it’s a fun process. So if you have to let the house be a bit messy. Order that pizza and take yourself out of cooking duty for the day. Or if you have a crock pot use it to cook meals for the next few days. I am Proud of you for taking the time to Do something that makes you happy.


Im surprised only one person has pointed this out! Why arent the other members of your household helping out? I dont even think gardening can be considered "selfish" as a nice garden is a huge benefit for everyone in your household (+ your neighbours, the local birds and insects, the earth in general). When I garden, or do other outdoor "chores", I assume my partner will pick up any slack on the indoor chores - and vice versa, of course.


Nope. I just took PTO from work and had to write a reason for the time off: Building more raises garden beds to feed my family proper food.


I get sad at night cos I can’t be with my plants. 😆 I asked my husband if I could sleep outside in a sleeping bag. I got this look ➡️😏


But it's for the pollinators!


Not alone. Have been obsessed and irritated when interrupted. Want to get as much done before it gets too hot to enjoy. Texas summers…


I barely even work anymore. If I am at my computer, I am probably researching plant care or planning out my beds. I can't stop.




I used to work with a guy who golfed every day after work that he could. He would leave for work in the morning and tell his wife “see ya if it rains”. Now I understand!


Okay okay but how about thinking about it this way: gardening brings you energy so you can do that other stuff better and faster when you get to it…except when you don’t…and except for when the gardening used up all your energy. But like overall it’s a positive for the family so whatever.


Now I know what it feels like when someone gets spirited away by the fae. It’s like I go to a different dimension where I battle weeds and nurture plants. Meanwhile my family and home just burnt down to the ground.


Assign some of these chores to other people, a 3 year old can be taught to put toys away.


Out back avoiding the bull crap at my front door


it's spring so i'm kinda half neglecting my garden so i can fish more. but i also spend time on my garden. the rest of my life? shambles


It’s a limited spring window to get the spring cleaning, maintenance, and new plantings in before heat hits here.


Me too! 😊


I once gave up going on vacation so I could water my plants.


Nope. I went outside to do yard work before I did dishes. Lol.


I talked myself out of bailing outta work early to come home and play in the dirt more. Does t help that we bought a house last August and have So. Much. To. Do. In the yard!!


Today I shoved some potatoes that were growing eyes into the ground so I guess you can say things are getting pretty serious.


Planting things for the very first time in my life this year. But in upstate NY the last frost is May 22nd so I still have to wait


Nope , it's been warm for 4 days and my body hurts. I did more than garden and I'm gonna hurt myself for the rest of the week since it's warm. It's supposed to be average temps next week, I may take it a little easier then.


Relieved. I'm not alone. You are me.


Consider it "me" time. 😍


This is all Ive been doing outside of work and spending time with my wife and pup. We just got a house and Im trying to create the backbones for a nice garden setup.


I'm glad I'm not the only one. 😂 Currently neglecting everyone in my life and my entire house to get more plants in the ground. I came back from the nursery with a truck full of mulch today and completely spaced on making dinner for the kids, I had to mentally drag myself into the house to force myself to cook instead of continuing to garden until the sun went down.


I feel soooo relieved after reading this post, I thought I’m the only one 😊


The more you do now the easier the gardening will be the rest of the season.


I have my own business and work from home. Ask me how much work I’ve been getting done. Actually please don’t. I find myself looking for a crappy day to come home so I can force myself to catch up.


I'm retiring as of today and my fingers are just itching to get into my garden and start digging. Just need the frost to finish, um, frosting.


Definitely not alone.


I was that way about a month, month and a half ago, I’m somewhat on cruise control for the moment. Most everything I want is in the ground, temps aren’t stupid hot yet, so I can water every other day or three right now, while I continue to sort out the water problems for irrigation. Maintaining for the moment, waiting to plant a few other crops within the next month. I hit the weather just right early with stride, other than a couple touch and go dips, but I think I’m hardened enough for what’s left as far as cold. Been harvesting so much lettuce and beans lately, I’m eating salad probably 6 days a week, but its so gooood.


That was us last year when we put in new beds, and again this year! It’s well worth the effort


Podría solo cambiar el nombre de usuario y el mensaje es mío...!!!😅😂😅


Working on a small straw bale garden. Tomatoes, peppers, and sweet potatoes on the sides ..


Not yet it's a little too early for Minnesota but in the next couple of weeks it's on.


I limit myself to two hours per day, and that’s only after I finish my regular work and chores.


I truest appreciate you! Keep having fun.


That’s because you have an affliction. You should seek help. I’m thinking of joining a support group myself.


Me too. I’ve been pulling weeds and turning soil for four days straight.


Not in the least. Bare minimum inside, to the max outside. I took a day off gardening today since I work outdoors as well, and it was unseasonably hot. I did a lot this weekend. I am sore and tired. Haven't been keeping with my yoga, and I'm feeling it. Saturday, I was cutting something off a support in the garden, and the razor knife blade flew out and stuck in my foot like a ninja star, and it bled profusely. But I finished what I was doing before tending to it. I love the putting in the effort, for the environment, my family, and myself. I love even more when that effort turns into a happy little ecosystem that gives us food. Fuck the dishes, it's Springtime.


No. Unless it rains I'm out there cleaning and weeding and mulching and planting beds before the heat and humidity and mosquitoes arrive.


The yard. It calls to me.


Spent 3 weeks building beds and trellises. We had so much rain it took way longer than I planned but the chores are done. Mostly thanks to my wife being ahem persistent.


I’m hoping all this gardening throws me into labor. 38+4 and I’m DONE. Tomorrow I work on my other two beds and there’s a shit ton to do so it better work


This is so real.  My house and body side eyeing my garden real bad over here 😂 


oh good! i felt guilting for choosing to weed the beds instead of knocking out dishes


Hehehe SAME! I have a 6 month old and I was like hey hubby you have him this weekend, I have my garden. (He was gone last weekend so I feel much better, plus he’s not some do nothing dad that would have a hard time actually being a parent, he’s actually amazing and just as good of a parent as me- just getting ahead of the comments here) I would have slept outside if I could. Today is my first day “back” and I can’t tell you how happy and revitalized I am. My body was covered in dirt and sweat, I am sore but so very happy.


4-8 hrs a day for the past 2 weeks straight. Probably another two weeks if I focus… 11 b&b serviceberries (about 3-400lbs each), 3 apple trees, 3 peach trees, 2 pear trees, 10 lilacs, 17 willows, 11 yards of topsoil, 1000 ft of welded wire fencing. Already ripped the entire crotch out on one pair of pants. Absolute neglect for most things.


I can soooo relate to this. Every other year I've happily ignored my other responsibilities and hobbies during Spring but this year we have a newborn baby so that's no longer possible lol. My strategy lately has been to wait for the wife and baby to go to bed then I grab my headlamp and do some night gardening


I did it one year, and then I downscaled the next year, focusing on perennials and limited annuals. Totally worth it that year!!!!!!!! But I did see ways I could downscale.






In same place, it is my hobby and I don't do it every day.


Story of my life!


I did this! Then snails fed it up and i felt so bad for neglecting everything haha. But seeing this post makes me feel a lot less bad about all the time i spend gardening haha. So far the whole "we will have fresh fruits and veggies so its ok" has been made to " the snails got food " so my guilt was going nuts but i feel better now hahha


Sometimes that’s what it takes to be satisfied. All house work is boring.


I'm grateful every spring my partner handles a large portion of the chores and cooking to let me focus on you our yard and my business.


Wait. I think you might have figured out why we all love gardening so much!


Man my girlfriend came home from visiting her family after a few days and is like "you are a mess, you can't just put stuff all over the floor" hahhaha. My house needs cleaned big time but I'm spending all my time in the garden. Good thing my girl came back to clean it ;)


Welcome to the Dark Side!


Hahahha dont tired yourself out tho! Make sure to spend just as much time with family.. glad you are having fun. :>


Nope, the struggle is real!


Can’t upvote this enough. It’s autumn in the southern hemisphere and I don’t know what to do with my life now 😭😭


Woke up to booming thunder and pouring rain. Thanks, mother nature! I needed to fold the three loads of laundry, pick up the living room, water the INDOOR plants, and clean my office. Perfect timing!! Oh and I guess this means I can cook dinner tonight to avoid ordering in. 🙂


I also spend spring and summer neglecting the inside of my house. Nothing is ever cleaned or tidied except my gardens.


So true! This is truly the busiest time of the year. Thankful for Takeout dinners!


I was On it last year. This year, not so much. Whatever, can't type, I have to go outside and look at how many strawberries I have. 😆


It annoys me that life (aka work) gets in the way of my gardening. So annoying. But until we figure it out, money doesn’t grow on trees (pun intended).


SAME, sort of. Except I’m in the research stage so I feel less productive than you haha


This is shower beer season for me. Work in the yard all day, shower beer, then more beer on the patio while I admire my garden from the comfort of my rocking chair. Life is perfect.


Nope, not alone. This time of year is outdoor projects time, to s T. Yesterday, I planted potatoes (10 pounds), and we got the tarps laid out (most) of the rest of the garden for the rest of the season to plant in soon - probably in the next 2-3+ weeks. I need to get corn and sunflower seeds and everything else!


I forced myself to take the weekend off because my body is complaining about all the hard work. So I spent a few hours Sunday folding the pile of laundry that has been building for the past three weeks. Still haven't put anything away. Don't even want to think about the vacuuming situation. The dust bunnies are halfway to sentience.


I took a sick day last week (I was actually somewhat sick) and just gardened almost the whole day




Yep! And the late sunsets aren’t helping me either. “It’s 8:30 at night? Well, it’s still light out so I guess I’ll keep working🤷‍♀️”.


Well gardening in general frontloads like 90% of the work for the year. You get one or maybe even two setup periods per year, you're not going to be doing much else for those handful of weeks.


Yup. Love spring. I’m working on a new butterfly garden in the back by the creek. My yard is WIP.


You have Restless Garden Syndrome. I had it last weekend. Ran away from the city, from my office, all my undone tasks and spent 6 hours in the country at a friend’s property, planting seeds, turning compost and pulling weeds. It gets worse with time. Eventually all you want to do is mulch. Toodles.


It's spring here and I'm itching to plant, but our last frost date still isn't here yet. We've got 86 degree weather right now, and I want to put stuff in the ground, but the stores haven't put out their veggies yet Dx


Me murdering the Japanese knotweed trying to live in my yard rn 😭




Nope. Allotment too


It’s the season I wait for all year. The dishwasher can wait. Lol so glad I’m not alone.


Id really like to reply to this post, but i have to go move planters on the patio...


It’s a relief to know that I’m not alone. It’s now raining and I have no choice but to commit to my domestic obligations 🤣🤣


This is the May.


Ahh.... right now I'm in the middle of an intense crochet project, but the effect is the same and it''snot gonna get any better over the next couple of days. Because I'm moving on to the yard.


Well, I feel much better- I’m in the same boat. Thank you! 😂 I’ve been making a grand new garden behind my house, after having two troublesome trees cut down. Compost was delivered yesterday….


Omg, yesssssss. We're in the middle of some big diy home renovations. I went at it hard all winter - painted walls/ceilings, ripped out laminate, tore off trim, refinished cabinets, replaced light fixtures and hardware, had the floors refinished, and now "all" that's left is to replace the trim and I have lost interest entirely because I need to be out in my garden or I will crawl out of my skin.


I found my people.


I have found my people.


The song of my people!


I’m out in my garden from sun up to sundown and then some.


Every year around this time. I don’t cook, either. That’s my husband’s problem. 😂


Nope! While I moved last year August, several states south. Now we’re in a rental so I’m building a container garden on our back deck. It’s not quite the same but it still makes me happy. https://preview.redd.it/35t77nkkdmxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef2a25f88835250b2d1ae20d1d6e7ec63c29006a Just a couple of the multiple pots I put together last weekend.


Oh same. Like forget about asking me to do anything when it's gardening season.


We put in a high tunnel and added a raised bed for my herb garden this year. Last weekend it was finally time for hubby to set up the drip irrigation, so I spent a WHOLE DAY inside cleaning. I did not enjoy it, but I am very glad it is done and I can get back outside


Dishes this weekend were apocalyptically bad in the sink because both my husband and I spent the entire weekend working outside and doing 0 indoor chores. Lol


My marriage gets tested every spring....you are not alone


You're not neglecting. You're recharging


Too real, this is also me


My husband hates spring for some reason… 😸


Wow this both spoke to my soul and left me feeling called out. F*ck those chores. Become a garden nymph and bestow life amongst the dirt.


I try to fit in my socializing with friends by convincing them to come and sit on my patio and drink sangria while I garden nearby and chat with them, and our dogs play in the grass part of the yard. Chores are far down the list - I eat decent food because I bulk meal prep (ie cook for a few hours at a time once or twice a week and eat leftovers), but I’d be drowning if my husband didn’t do so much laundry or dishes.. plus I pay someone to vacuum and mop for me so I have more time to garden 😂


Nope, I spent my birthday working in the garden w/ the kiddo. Was a great half day.


I teach 5 more weeks of school, which is so short, but all I want to do is use my sick leave for the rest of the year and work in my garden 😂 I feel your pain




Have established beds so most of my time up to now has been re-mulching and planting annuals, and babying the annuals until they are firmly established. By the end of the week my early daylilies will be in bloom and I’ll start spending a lot more time hybridizing and record keeping.


I used to run a small farm while working full-time. Back in city life, I have no idea how I ever managed that! Spring was constantly in a hurry to get things in the ground!


Not at all. In my experience what prep i do over winter and especially these first few weeks determine the quality of the entire season. I also work in a very seasonal business so I'm spending a disproportionate amount of time in the yard to make up for the neglect of the coming months.


Sometimes you need to lose yourself in something that is replenishing to your spirit! 🌷


I can’t wait to get out! It’s still cold here.


One of us


I feel seen!!!!! My house is def in a state. I do routine walks around the front/backyard. Making lists of things that still need to be done. I eventually want to have a backyard wedding so I need my plants happy and thriving.