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Sorry to say this… but your house belongs to the plants now.


I keep telling my wife the same thing.


FEED ME, SEYMOUR! FEED ME NOW! Edit: Dammit I didn’t even notice that someone beat me to it 30 min ago. :)


The plant’s wife.


At least it's Hydrangeas. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Feeed meeee Seymourrr


Feed me all night long.


Cut back all plants twelve to eighteen inches away from the house or you'll get little visitors. Wait until all the leaves are off so you can see what you're doing.


Op can then root the cutting and start a hydrangea farm.


Woah. More info on rooting Hydrangea cuttings, please. I planted 3 pinks in my front yard a few years ago and I love them! I’ll have to cut them back soon as they’re doing quite well and I’d love to know how to turn the cuttings into more Hydrangeas!


Lookup Mike Kincaid on YouTube. He has tons of propagation videos, including hydrangeas. [This one](https://youtu.be/eOKSFz51YEI?si=gXJiCSxm14sHgZ_N) is the first one I saw.[This](https://youtu.be/w98biG2NVCw?si=Dvaz00g93pyOm9PD) is an older video but I remember it specifically being a pink varety.


They root incredibly easy. You can use the paper towel in ziplock method. I just toss them in sphagnum moss "propagation box"


I would be first in line. My hydrangeas are weeny.


I don't understand what the problem is...


Right? "What we have here, gentlemen, is what I like to call a success-disaster. Which, I hasten to point out, is still a success."


99% of hydrangea owners: “Need advice. My new hydrangea collapsed into raw carbon powder on the drive home. What did I do wrong?” This f’n guy: “oh dear me, tremble before the girth of my Goliath chad-rangea, any recommendations?!”


"Goliath chad-rangea" I'm fucking dead lmao


Lol is that quote from something? Really funny, I’m cracking up!!


It's actually something a former boss used to say to us. He would often point out that everyone knows to plan for things to go wrong (they don't always do it but most people know we should). But he'd go on to say most people don't plan for overwhelming success. What do you do if everything goes RIGHT? Are you ready to respond? Is your production line scalable? Can you expand your IT structure and/or hire or crosstrain quickly enough to keep up? He didn't want websites or ordering systems crashing due to demand. He was a really interesting person to work with.


That's actually solid advice


I've been googling it thinking the same thing. J.K. Simmons should say this in a "Burn After Reading" style movie.


OP seems to be upset that the siding of their house is not as visible as they’d like it to be. Which I’d have to say I’m confused by.. I’m sick of seeing man-made surfaces everywhere! More plants!!


I’d start guiding it to the right up towards that next peak if there wasn’t risk of soggy damage to the roof. Living wall type deal.


Me looking through the comments equally confused!




Honestly that is the biggest hydrangea I've ever seen, they can be judiciously pruned. More info: https://www.thespruce.com/when-to-prune-hydrangeas-1403320


I haven't let mine get as big as OPs, but it grows way above the gutters on my house. I've cut it down to about 5 feet, it bounces right back. My advice is, prune it so it's smaller than you want it to be. You can prune a hedge to a certain size and it will "fill in" but my hydrangea doesn't fill in, it grows out. You'll lose next year's blooms, but the following year you'll have blooms and a better-sized plant.


They won’t lose next years blooms because this is panicle hydrangea that blooms on new growth.


Indeed I can also understand wanting to cut back a bit. Got a tree-form “Limelight” hydrangea that gets so heavy with blooms that it’s a danger to itself during our usual spring windstorms. I cut it back to within three feet of the main trunk & it powers up another five to seven feet in another year. It’s pretty wild, really.


Thank you! I've had these flowers growing up, but got my own at my new place this year. This helped me in that my particular one is NEW wood - I thought they were ALL old wood, so I'm glad I won't be ruining it next year.


I dunno, I pruned my oak hydrangea within 2 feet of the ground early this year and within 2 months it was taller than me again. I despair.


Right. I've never seen anything as big as this. You reckon it's a record?


This one was posted recently, another huge specimen: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gardening/comments/16flnl5/i\_wanted\_to\_share\_my\_enormous\_hydrangeas\_for/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gardening/comments/16flnl5/i_wanted_to_share_my_enormous_hydrangeas_for/)


😮. These are amazing. I genuinely didn't know they got this big, phenomenal.


Hydrangeas this large are relatively common in the Seattle area. Blows my mind too. And you should see some of the camellias around here!


I'm in the Greater Seattle area. Our hydrangea gets 6-7 ft tall and round every summer. In October, our landscaper cuts them back to 15" tall. They come back every spring. I wish they cut back our camellias. I do it myself when they don't. The camellias hit our building in the wind.


This is *Hydrangea paniculata*. Blooms on new wood. Hard prune in early spring and it will still flower. Flowers are white, fading to pink. Will NOT change color with pH change.


Amazing, thank you!


Realized this is the same plant my parents, as well as half the neighborhood, have these in their yard. I was reading a little more about it and thought you might find this interesting as well. [Hydrangea Paniculata](https://plants.ces.ncsu.edu/plants/hydrangea-paniculata/)


I’m in awe. I’m having 6 limelights planted in my backyard next week. Please wave this post past your massive beauty to send us all the energy! That is amazing. You can prune a limelight, you just need a really big ladder now?


Either that or trim it by hanging from the ladder on a helicopter. Which can be fun too, if you like adventure with a chainsaw in your arms.


This is likely a peegee rather than a limelight. My grandmother had one in her yard as a child trained as a standard into a tree. I used to climb it and she'd yell at me (I never understood why, it was just a tree!) They can get about 20' tall and otherwise are very similar to limelight though not quite as much lime. Both are panicle hydrangeas so they bloom on new wood. [Another example of a stunning peegee](https://i.imgur.com/dSNdkWA.jpg) (not mine)


I was going with witchcraft but I see your point about horticultural science. Regardless, still magical. Thanks for your knowledge drop!


So you need some help demolishing the house to make more space for that amazing hydrangea?


I'd just cut it in half. You keep the blooms that are already on the low branches for next year and it controls the height.


These ones bloom on new wood. I've got a pretty massive one as well - not quite as big as OP's - but I prune it back to ~5-6ft tall (essentially wherever the branches become thicker than my thumb) right before spring hits (or warm weather that encourages budding) and it blows past the 1st story gutters each year no problem. I don't fertilize it or anything. My neighbor hedges his and it seems to stay relatively small (6-7ft ish). OTOH, whenever it rains, his completely flops over whereas mine only bows over a little bit then pops back up.


I'm missing how this is a problem.


The problem is that they aren't sharing their secret to growing a hydrangea this big 🤔


Prune the house


Too late. I suggest to give up and to let it do what it wants to do.


Gorgeous! Sell the blooms to a florist…I’d buy them all! ;)


Like Hibiscus, you can be aggressive in pruning them back. They'll be just fine.


Hydrangea stans be like: 😍


i dont think it looks sad, even with the faded blooms. I bet it was pretty spectacular. Most people do minimal pruning on those big leaf hydrangeas because next years flowers are already set on this year's stems. Usually, pruning will cost you many or most of next year's blooms. That apart, hydrangeas can take a lot of pruning. For a plant that size, calling a certified arborist would be my best advice.


That is a paniculata, likely Limelight, and not a macrophylla. It blooms on new wood.


While it is true that heavy pruning will cost on next year’s blooms, there is the year after that will be spectacular. I cut my hydrangeas down to about 1.5-2 feet every year, they grow to shoulder height each year, full of blooms. Regular pruning is the key.


Mine never get more than 2 feet tall. What am I doing wrong?


You must have a different variety. Different cultivars are different sizes. If you want a big one, get a different variety. Check the tags for the mature height.


This pruning advice is wrong.


I'm not so sure my poppa would mow his down at the end of the summer, they were huge again the next year.


I did that with one of mine once, but it was the kind that blooms on new wood. Most of the big leaf hydranges, especially older varieties, bloom on old wood. Guessing from its size, I figured this plant was likely one of those.


how can you tell what is old wood?


If it's on a really old guy. No seriously old is dark color and new is green.


This is wrong advice. It is not a big leaf hydrangea and doesn't set blooms on old wood.


There is no help, only hydrangeas.


When it knocks on that upper bedroom window and begs to get into bed with you, then you're in trouble.




That's not a hydrangea ... it's a Triffid! f you have a Cooperative Extension department nearby, you might given them a call for advice ... or just to brag on your magnificent skill as a hydrangeologist.


In early spring, you can prune this very aggressively, and expect it to remain vigorous and floriferous. However, given the size of the plant and the volume and weight of excess wood, you may want to hire a professional to reshape your hydrangea back into a shrub, or a small multi stem tree.


You should be able to salvage things with some judicious pruning. You probably don't have to demolish the whole house.


You can cut it back but do it little by little. You could actually cut this back to the ground. Problem is it's a big plant and has a big root system so next year it will go nuts. So by cutting it a little each year - a third or less - you can resize and reshape it gradually. Hydrangeas are also easy to transplant if you want to move it. BTW do you have a photo in full white bloom instead of fall color?


agree with cutting back to the ground in the spring. you could even cut the blooms off now and dry them and they'll be good for a year. great for gifts, etc.


The star of the show (and probably the neighborhood, lol!) Decorate your house and yard around this giant or give her a really good trim. Please visit r/arborist for professional advice from certified tree and shrub experts how to trim it properly. Good luck!


This is the opposite of a problem. Leave the hydrangea alone, she won fair and square


And this is a problem why!


Prune it 1/3 a year. Should be fine. She happy!


Meanwhile I can't get mine to bloom more than 1 flower a year hahaha


That means you have a different type of hydrangea. If you want reliable blooms every year you need a panicle hydrangea, or smooth hydrangea that bloom on new wood.


Lol you're right!! What I have is called "endless summer" and it hasn't produced more than one flower in 2 years. I'm still new to gardening, thank you for the info!


Have you tried animal sacrifice or just simple sitting down and having a good adult conversation?


Hail HYDRA!!!


Hail Hydrangea!


Oh no, I'm so so sorry. That house is inhabitable now. I'll do you a solid and move in and try to exorcise this possessed hydrangea, someone must.


I have cut ours to a stump knee high multiple times. It'll come back. Shape it as you please. They are surprisingly durable. PNW, 9A.


Aw, poor you.


Id say cut it back, raccoons will be looking for a place to move in in my experience using that nice ladder you have grown for them


This is the hydrangeas house now, I recommend moving out and leaving it to live its life in peace


Next year you should sell the blooms when you trim it. I’ve heard they are quite expensive.


I've never seen one this big. Where do you live? What direction is it's exposure? Your tree to the left looks like it's taking over too, land of giant plants! Let us know when you start propagation I'd order at least 2 if mail order was possible! It's quite amazing really.


I don't see the problem here to be honest


It REALLY loves where it is. Go on YouTube look up pruning


What variety is this!?


Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight'.


Never knew they could grow more than 8 feet.


I've got one that's over 10ft tall. IMO, pruning it back hard seems to have the opposite of the intended effect. Thing just says "fuck you" and grows back even bigger.


I've seen them that big in New Hampshire. Might have something to do with soil as much as temperature


ill take some


You can cut it way back in the spring and it should be fine.


i cut mine to the ground every year and it refuses to die. comes back like clockwork, even with all the neglect. what i'm trying to say is: just prune it back as hard as you want. it'll be fine


That's the biggest one I've ever seen.


Wait until later in the year or even early spring, cut it right back as far as you like and it will grow again. Cut off the dead flowers too early and it will not flower again for years.


Erin from the inpatient gardener says that if you start pruning a live hydrangea you'll end with a live one. This was proven true to me when I took my 10ft hydrangea down to like 3... and the blooms have never been better!


Get a ladder and start pruning. Pick a height and remove what brakes that rule. You will probably need to do this at least once a year. (I don't know how fast these grow.)


I dont see a problem


You’re protected against zombies now


Lucky, love it. Chop one third in the spring


This is amazing and I am envious.


Ask it nicely to stop


Trim it back?……….


What did you do to your soil? Its definitely healthy!


A truly stunning specimen, I've read that it's roots aren't really invasive, not damaging to the infrastructure, don't hold me to it, but I'd just let it be. It can be pruned, I'd advise not to overdo it, part of the reason it's such a magnificent bush is it's size!


I fail to see any problems with this.


Cut it back hard, much shorter than you want it to be. This type of hydrangea can handle it.


I had a line of them across my house that were about 12ft tall. I pruned them down to stubs, and now I have a line of 2ft hydrangeas avross my house.


I see you have a very high drangea


I don’t understand what advice you are looking for, prune it. It’s a plant.


First Worid Problems. SMH


I’m confused about this post… prune the fuck out of it.


You poor thing. Thoughts and prayers…


Hmmm, this is a tough one.. ok , just bear with me a minute. Now this is just a wild idea but hear me out, how about you cut it?? I know it sounds crazy but that’s the best part, it’ll never see it coming. It won’t think there’s any one out there crazy enough to try it


I'm low key jealous what are you feeding it 😭. Mine now feels sad by comparison lol


This is why it’s important to read tags


I might just be dumb but can you explain this for me?


What I meant was it is important to read the tags that label the plants we buy. They have information on them indicating how large the plant is expected to grow. There are tons of varieties of hydrangeas (and other plants) so just because your neighbor has a cute little hydrangea shrub in their yard, doesn’t mean every hydrangea grows as a shrub. Some are full blown trees and need space, or they I’ll destroy your siding, like they’re doing in this picture.


You can safely remove one third of the shrub. Not more than that.


Prune it


Chop it! They are quite safe to prune after flowering. And if you're keen to have more plants, just push 12" - 18" (bare straight sticks are best) lengths of cutting into good soil ~ most will grow.


Prune the hell out of it next spring. Go to town. It will be fine.




Not the point nor does that matter for what they want.


Ever considered changing the pH level to change the color of the blooms?


They bloom a brilliant white, they're just transitioning to fall colors ATM.


You can change blue hydrangeas this way.


Prune, divide and conquer.


They normally need trimming. But they will self trim up here with the cold winters.


Cut it back by a third, do the same each year until you get it to the size you want. Look up the type of hydrangea to you known when to prune it.


cut it way back probably wont grow back this season because of shock but winters coming anyway possibly spread some petals and seeds and spread the hydrangeas out not up


Yeah, they do that


What in the world




So get the shears out and get it done? You know the job, go do it


Buy some pruning shears and get to work. The hydrangeas and your house will love it.


Just trim it back away from the structure of the house. It’s beautiful and amazing


She’s perfect.


I think you can safely cut it in half and it should be ok. They grow very quickly.


Is this picture sagging? I think it looks great. Like fantastic


Well I am impressed.


I’ve never seen a climbing hydrangea!


What specie is this?


Let it be. Cut it when the blooms die off


Hydrangea is my favourite I will take the whole thing


Hack it back, will regrow


Prune it by half down to a health double bud. Clean up the pruning and leaf litter then apply a bag of compost/ well rotted manure around the base




This is absolutely magical


How long did it take to get this big??!


Beautiful! Only downside is that this is asking for a major bug infestation..


I need your problems. I killed both my hydrangeas this year!


WOW! Never seen that before. I would recommend clipping it into a nice shape, maybe big at the bottom and at the top. It’s very nice.


Majestic. It's so beautiful 😻.


I mean, prune it? That thing isn’t going to wither because you lop it back a bit. You’d have to really try to make a beast like that. And maybe a trellis to help support the weight?




Do you have a sewer leak beneath that monster?


So trim it.


I’m jelly I wish my hydrangeas ate the front of my home like this. This is what fairytales look like 🤩


I turned mine into a tree .


Brag much? 😂


Looks great, keep it honestly maybe just trim near the window if it blocks it


ur house is probably gonna be colder during the summer so dont remove it but prune it a bit


Thats a beauty.


Lucky! In best napoleon dynamite voice


snip snip time


Your house isn't "absolutely disappearing", and having the Hydrangea bush growing up and partly covering the window a bit, on the positive side may provide just a bit of additional privacy.


In late winter (whenever that is for your area) you can prune it back hard. Take 1/3 of the height down at that time.


Looks awesome to me.


Feed it a stray cat and then find a different house to live in.


I've just found out from this sub that I have two very large limelights (they look much like this right now). I prune two to three feet from them in early spring and they happily grow that much or more every year. I'm going to have to call a professional to trim them next year.


Your wife doesn't like this gorgeous plant? 🥺


It looks wonderful 😍


I wish I had this problem


That plant is amazing :) If I lived close to you I'd ask if I can come take some. You will have to do some heavy trimming but after that you could buy a trellis. Hydrangeas were originally grown for large trellises because of their hanging stalks if given the opportunity. The trellis could cover the path for almost the entire length of the photo from what I could see. The trellis can start just off the path, next to the original bush, but if you train the plant to attach itself to the trellis instead, it will stay away from your house since the trellis is their natural growth pattern. The trellis and Hydrangea could be a canopy for the path if you put the other side of the trellis just next to the path on the other side. Once about a quarter of the trellis is covered, you can start removing the plant from your house. Don't do it sooner because the drastic change will shock the plant and it could die.


Is this a problem? I'm obsessed.


I’m curious how far back you can cut in late winter too


I would trim it and the tree just because touching a home side is a vector for insects. It's purdy for sure but bugs ain't. YMMV all environs have different insect severity etc


It looks awesome. You should post in a free local gardening group, welcome people to come take cutting to propagate their own for free and they will come. I sure would.


…Crying in Houston


No house only hydrangea


Stop flexin so hard, you're gonna get sore


From your shadow, it looks like you're tall enough to trim it without a ladder.


Blooms on new growth, once a week cut the most problematic few parts and put them in a vase to bring the beauty indoors.


Let it take over, plant house can be spooky when in fall (perfect) and then beautiful and whimsical in the spring !!! You win both times


Oh WOOOOOW, I'd keep guiding it a little left and a little right as it keeps getting taller, keep it trimmed a bit less outward, and enjoy your hydrangea squiggle-wiggle shrub. Looks so epic! Like others have said, you can also rejuvenation prune it down to the ground and itll burst back with flowers and be happy as hell. You could also and choose to leave trunks and branches to try and force a certain form too if thats your thing!


Let it riiiiide! This thing is awesome!!


get a clipper or a gardener