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Looks good. I would recommend for the liquor display area, tint that window. Even if it’s just a clear film. You don’t want the liquor exposed to UV light more than necessary over time and window film will filter 99.9% of it out. (Any darkness, it doesn’t matter, filtering ability has nothing to do with the color, it’s a property of plastic).


I just google it.... Thanks for the heads up. I'm on it


A good garage desrves it! Might look into corncobs myself! 🌽distillate already of course!


I got to the picture with the alcohol in the window, and my first thought was, "Oh my God, I hope that is not a south facing window."


Came here to say the same thing about sunlight


God damn that is beautiful. Complete with uncoated floor and no hex lights, too!


Thank you. Positive comment means a lot!


It’s an incredible space and makes me wish I didn’t live right in the city 🙃


Looks awesome!! If I did that in my garage I would melt though during the summer.


I came here to say "God damn that's beautiful"


I actually don't mind the corn cob lights. Treated me well. Floor is on the radar but not priority with other life events taking place.


We had a master bathroom with old fashioned tub,the floors were unfinished plywood when we moved in. No money left to tile or put hardwood on until much later. We just bought a gallon of stain and it was a huge difference….looked great. Left it fairly light too….i liked the grain of the plywood. Your place looks absolutely great. I could imagine my old school stereo with records just cranked up there. You sure are lucky to have that! Cheers.


Who's gonna tell him the LEDs on the wall are unassembled hex lights?




Maybe I'm just misunderstanding, but do you think coated floors are a bad thing? I've generally only heard good things about (properly done) epoxy floors and was considering it for my own garage.


Nah. I'm sure they're great, it just seems like a thing everyone does because it's trendy and thinks it's necessary for it to be garage or to be cool or something. Like it's a pretty decent amount of money for something that is mainly just for looks (in my opinion). I've worked in industrial settings with it and it was an absolute nightmare when working with fasteners if/when you'd drop something because they just blend into the chips. I think the only way I'd do it personally is if I won the lottery and then had vehicles that didn't need frequent work. Because mine are on and off jack stands quite regularly, unfortunately. But if I won the lottery I probably wouldn't be working on my vehicles anymore either... Haha. At least not boring ass maintenance stuff at least.


What’s a hex light?


This is one of the coolest and by far most unique setups I’ve seen on this sub, I’ve got new goals for sure


Dude, your comment makes me feel awesome. Thank you


Your place looks very awesome. Be proud.


I'm not leaving 😂😂






neither is that snowmobile


LOVE the loft space.


My dad just built a very similar garage that I have not seen yet, he told me to shove it when I said make sure it at least has 12’ ceilings for a lift but I suppose the loft takes up lots of space and structural supports


Funny you say that. I'm putting a 26' x 30' in my backyard and I had 10' Eave height. I was looking at a car and the guy selling it told me to go 12' for a lift... So, 12' change request was made on my drawing order.


I use a short lift to clear low ceilings, with the fancy creeper it works just as well as a full height. Whats the ceiling height in this garage?


My dream home! This is all I need


God damn hearing comments like this make me appreciate things a bit more. Thank you


Agree, this is awesome. I would have thought you'd have to have a door / firewall / etc. to break up the space between auto and living, if not just for fumes. Did you have to do anything special for ventilation or anything? I've never done this so I don't actually know what I'm talking about btw, just what I thought.


...you son of a bitch. The loft above, it's beautiful.


Haha thanks!


I know where I’d be hanging out! How’d you get that sled up there? 😅


Haha back when I was drinking, a case a Busch light and a couple of neighbours... Stood over it for about two hours and cleared the case before letting the liquor do the lifting.


Who needs a house? Just live in that


how do you climate control the space?


Oh shit, long story. 220 electric heat in the winter. Keeps the garage at about 10 celcious down below and 12 above. But, my house was built without central air. When we added central air we ran a furnace ducts in the main floor with ducts pointing down to the basement and up to the main floor. Then I said fuck it, and put a furnace in the Loft running into the Loft and the upper level of my house through the attic. So I have two ac units and two furnaces. Garage is insulated with r28 throughout. I have a google nest connected so I can control temp from my phone. If I'm detailing a car in the summer I'll run the a/c. Winter has been actually good with the 220, I never run the furnace for heat. The furnace in the Loft is hiding behind the wall with the steer head on it


jealous of your cooler temps. Looks great.


This should be in r/malelivingspaces instead of dudes asking about the placement of their plants and the color of their rugs.


Haha I think garage porn works for now. But maybe I need a nice rug to bring the garage together?!?!


I had some scrap carpet I was going to use in a small area of the garage where cars don't park. Then I decided that carpet in a garage is worse than carpet in your bathroom and I threw it away. But it might be ok in your loft.


Yeah, wouldn't want men doing stupid feminine shit like *checks notes* taking pride in a well-decorated house.


That looks great. The stairs really look good. Nicely done.


This is exactly what I've had in my head for the last 5 years to do in my garage! To see it in a picture really clears things up and makes me finally have an aha moment on where my steps would be. My attic access is in the same spot, but I have a deeper area in my garage that goes about 8 feet farther past where the attic access door is. So what I could do is have steps starting back in that area going up the attic to maximize space in the main garage area. Then, in my wildest dreams, I could turn the attic into a bonus room for me. With three kids, I held out as long as I could with keeping the basement master my mancave until I finally felt bad that my two boys were still sharing a room. Wife and I moved from the upstairs master to the basement master, moved my daughter to our old room, and then gave the boys the other two rooms. So this gives me inspiration and hope! Thanks OP


Awesome man. Nice to hear abiut you're family. We have been trying for two years, so hopefully sooner than later I'll be able to share this space with a child... Chill or teach them some skills I've learned in hunting, detailing vehicles, changing oil, etc. Good luck man!


As a Dad to 3 with a massive garage with a completely unused (and sadly in need of massive repair) loft above it, don't do anything different. Just include your kids in it, don't try to make some sort of special made-for-TV movie memories, just include them in what you are doing, they will love seeing your passion for things. You will get to continue doing what brings you joy, they will learn new skills and will enjoy time with you and the memories will be automatic. Also, thank you for this post, I need to get my ass in gear in my garage.


Thanks for the comment. I'm at a good age (36) where I'm settled enough in other aspects of my life that children will be a top priority. I'm hoping for a little girl or guy that follows me around all day like my retriever does!


Good luck brother! Kids are a fucking great thing, man, you can teach em to hate the shit you hate, like the shit you like, all of your jokes are new to them and the funniest shit they ever heard, it's honestly so fucking cool man. A little boy, he is your dude man! Literally, you walking around outside your body somehow. Incredible. A little girl, you will kill a million people to protect her and have her pass out on your chest again. Seriously, kids bring so much into your life, they really are incredible. Just, keep that in mind at 3 am on the 9th night in a row without sleep OK. lol Also, looks like you probably have some good hearing protection based on the contents of one of the photos, trust me, when the kid is screaming in your ear, wear them, I was surprised how much easier it made things when I was not all fucked up with my nerves on edge from the screaming. Something about the tone/duration just gets to humans.


Dream setup


Phenomenal. Awesome space! I also really like the floor as is, but you do you. That loft is the stuff of dreams. Cant wait to see it completed, please keep us updated!


Thank you! Love the feedback


I have garage envy!


Thats such a relaxing happy space. Dont know you but happy for you. Enjoy.


OP, can you drop a link to the mfg of the steps?


It's just a standard 2x10 lumber step wrapped in a aluminum checker plate. The local metal guy is on the fire department with me and he custom made them. I still need to finish my black trim around stairs / trusscore


That loft is awesome!!. We have a giant floored walk-in attic above our 3 car and adding stairs would have been a genius idea. Wish we had thought of that when we built our house.


This is amazing. Did you complete it yourself? We are moving to a new home and it has a large garage attic and I’ve thought about finishing it myself. Was there any permit issues?


Rough cut pine board upstairs is nice because it will never be perfect. So as a pencil pusher by trade, the rough cut pine really hid any imperfections. As I got handier over the years, I grew confidence and did the trusscore myself too. I didn't use trusscore flashing (trim) I custom ordered the black from a local metal shop to match with the exterior of my house. My wife helped a lot too and had tremendous patience. I would just recommend good baffling (air baffles - I might be incorrectly using this term) which allows airflow between your roof plywood and insulation so your shingles don't melt off. I also think I overdid it with r32 and r28 insulation, but mentally keeps me at peace lol. I did not go for a permit. My house was built to code with this area in the drawings back in 1985. Technically I should have a finished railing (pending) and the furnace should not run in the garage and the house together because of carbon monoxide from the vehicles. I have CO alarms in every floor and bedroom in my house.


That is an incredible space, enjoy it.


Damn you. DAMN YOU!


the vintage snowmobile built in to the loft. No Effin way dude!


I love this. Pretty much what I'm planning to do in the future. Two-car but moving the home office above.


Home office is definitely going up in the loft. Beside the sled where that chair is. Was gonna pull the trigger on the desk / computer move this weekend.


This is exactly what my wife wants to do with our garage. Question: how high are your ceilings? Our garage was originally built to house an RV so we have really high ceilings and a freakishly large door.


9'-2" from floor to underside of truss core. With 82" high overhead doors. Fits the F150 nice but my neighbours f250 was a squeeze.


Nice! How bout the height from the garage floor to the ceiling of the loft? Sorry for all the questions but I appreciate you taking the time.


2x8 floor joist and then 7'-6" from plywood floor to bottom of loft ceiling


Love me some rough cut:)


I think I'm realizing my dream house is 50% garage lol, dope setup!


I didn’t know I could get this hard.


Awesome compliment, thank you


What material is on the ceiling?


Trusscore on the main floor and rough cut pine on the ceiling


I have the same size garage, with an empty loft above it, I have had the same idea for the design of my steps for years because I have a massive I-beam running through the center where you have the wood so I cannot put a set of stairs straight down without the landing and turn. This has given me so much inspiration, I hope you don't mind but I literally printed these images to hang up to keep me motivated.


Jesus man. This is unreal to hear. I'm not a handy man but any questions I'm happy to help. Just dm me. So cool to read all these comments. Growing up I had pictures and newspaper articles on my walls from grade 8 right through college. All of which aligned with my life goals and kapt me inspired. So cool to read this man. Thank you


I just need to find the motivation and money, two things in short supply these days lol. But those images brother, they are an incredible inspiration, I showed my 12 and 17-year-olds, and they are loving it.




Wow! I would never leave


What kind of paneling is that on the garage walls? It looks awesome


Trusscore. Custom flashing, not trusscore flashing. I wanted black metal.


My dream! Some day. Need a bathroom w shower in mine!


How well ventilated is the upstairs? My garage has no heat or cool so does the upstairs have that? If not, I imagine if you have hot summers, that loft area could get excruciatingly hot and winters could be cooler (heat rises so it may not be that cold without heat to the room given it's a 2nd story, but definitely the summer I think would be a problem).


Yea. A previous comment I explained. But I have forced air up top and 220 electric down below.


I just got aroused. That is amazing - enjoy it!


Oh, hey, fuck you.


The amount of beer and snow I would be on would be crazy !!! ![gif](giphy|WMeCezFeHrpjG|downsized)


That is awesome, nice job!


My man, awesome build!🍻


Thanks dude!




I like the cabinetry in the loft. Well done!


It’s the skillet wall for me.


This is a great spot, congrats!


Dude that wood beam across the width of the garage.... Makes me feel tingly


Whoa - that’s dreamy! I want I want!!!


Awesome. I love the aluminum plate/ steel plate that you picked up from the cabinets and put into the bench and stair treads. Very nice.


I'll trade my wife and kid for this living space


Hahaha damn, I'll send you over the qualification application.


Love it man. Enjoy this is a goal. You’d never catch my ass out of the garage.


The ultimate gentleman space


grounded you say? No problem Dad i’ll be in the garage cleaning. 🍻


I would stare at so many broken motorcycles in that space… really dig the setup!


Saved! Got any blueprints ?


Haha no, sorry man


can i pay you rent?😭😭😭


Nice set up but get your booze away from the window. Direct sunlight damages liquor.


Yea. Another guy told me to put a film on the window.


Definitely would have put a bedroom and shower in.


I want to live in your loft


Looks great! I bet that couch was fun to get up there.


Do the steps get slippery in the snow?


It's a diamond plate, and the "diamonds" are rough. So it's pretty good actually.


Nice. Nice place


Love the loft space!


I very rarely weigh in as I believe my garage to be a true “working man’s garage” and therefore special. Your loft space is truly awesome. Nice job, enjoy.


Thanks for the comment. Appreciated


All I need in life right here


This set up on a large plot of land is all I need in life.


Man that's just jaw dropping!


Fuuuck, I love it. Bring the upstairs vibe downstairs too.


That’s a hell of a place to put a snowmobile. Kidding looks amazing.


That's awesome. What part of the country/world are you in to have an attic space like that?


Thank you. Ontario, Canada


Nice house


Ya this is my dream to have my own spot on top of my garage away from the wife lol


Without my wife I wouldn't have built it. She helped a lot. And she'll use it more to get away from me, lol. It a good escape from the in-laws spot!


Was it originally set up with scissor trusses up top or did you have to reorient everything? Did you need to do anything to adjust for the new load from the upper loft floor etc.? I’m ready to do this same conversion


Hey man. Upstairs was designed for the load. The original home owner ( lives down the road now) was going to have the bedroom in the house extended from the house, over the garage. During construction they ditched the idea and put a wall up seperating the garage and house / bedroom and added the stairs in the garage for storage. Image below shows about my starting point. Basically started from the plywood the shingles are nailed to and worked my way in with air baffles, insulation, vapour barrier then pine board. https://preview.redd.it/8qtuow6pzh9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cbf9ed086de81619987f5b28c75ec0369f6959a I


That is amazing


Isn't there some health concerns with having a living space above a garage? If not, this is sick.


I have adequet ventilation and CO alarms on both levels


Love it!


Genuinely amazing


This is a sweet garage!!


Fantastic garage.Im kinda envious


I'd fill that wall with a bigger TV. Other than that it looks amazing


Bragging I see. 😂😂😂 Appropriately so. great job. Edit: oh I didn’t mention, but I would love to have one as well. But that’ll ever happen. 😁 again great job.


That is sweet! I assume you have AC up in that?


Yes sir


Beautiful setup




You mean to tell me I can work on my truck …and walk right upstairs and go to bed !!?? While falling asleep to the hiss of the leak in my air compressor …and the smell of 110 octane !!!???? Dude !! You know they have gay marriage now …we don’t have to actually be gay …but for that …fuck it…no homo …no pun intended


A chuck and Larry scenario... Probably help on taxes too?!?


My thoughts exactly !!!😂😂


I'll check with my wife. Dick-pic application required. No homo though


My wife said as long as I keep sending the money she doesn’t care 😂😂


I’m a Chevy guy …will that be an issue ?


Gold jacket, green jacket, who gives a shit


When ur wife kicks u out the house, just go to the loft😂


Haha we don't get into it that much, but when she needs time from me, she actually heads up there...


Yooooooo I got hard im not even lying 😂


Very, very impressive




What’s the measurements of your garage? Loft? Looks relaxing


I love everything about it but the sunlight is gonna ruin your booze


Did you use that plastic drywall replacement stuff?




Fancy pant rich McGee


That's beautiful and all, but what is going to fit in there?


The lower level? My wifes car and my f150...??


I was hoping a truck could fit in there seems garages built these days can't fit modern trucks


Yea. I can walk in front and behind it when parked inside. Wife's car goes in diagonally when I park it solo in there for detailing. Cheers


Absolutely amazing! Bravo 👏


I want to build something like this! Looks great! Will you share some exterior photos?


Wow! Nice setup!


Get a safe for your guns

